blob: bf4e19ea9237ea99d4e4def8fe04b623b7373b77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:frontend_server/starter.dart';
const frontEndResponsePrefix = 'result ';
const fakeBoundaryKey = '42';
final debug = false;
/// Represents the output of a FrontendServer's 'compile' or 'recompile'.
class CompilerOutput {
required this.outputDillPath,
required this.errorCount,
this.sources = const [],
this.outputText = '',
/// Output for a 'reject' response.
factory CompilerOutput.rejectOutput() {
return CompilerOutput(
outputDillPath: '',
errorCount: 0,
final String outputDillPath;
final int errorCount;
final List<Uri> sources;
final String outputText;
enum FrontendServerState {
/// Controls and synchronizes the Frontend Server during hot reloaad tests.
/// The Frontend Server accepts the following instructions:
/// > compile <input.dart>
/// > recompile [<input.dart>] <boundary-key>
/// <dart file>
/// <dart file>
/// ...
/// <boundary-key>
/// > accept
/// > quit
/// 'compile' and 'recompile' instructions output the following on completion:
/// result <boundary-key>
/// <boundary-key>
/// [<error text or modified files prefixed by '-' or '+'>]
/// <boundary-key> [<output.dill>] <error-count>
class HotReloadFrontendServerController {
final List<String> frontendServerArgs;
/// Used to send commands to the Frontend Server.
final StreamController<List<int>> input;
/// Contains output messages from the Frontend Server.
final StreamController<List<int>> output;
/// Contains one event per completed Frontend Server 'compile' or 'recompile'
/// command.
final StreamController<CompilerOutput> compileCommandOutputChannel;
/// An iterator over `compileCommandOutputChannel`.
/// Should be awaited after every 'compile' or 'recompile' command.
final StreamIterator<CompilerOutput> synchronizer;
/// Whether or not this controller has already been started.
bool started = false;
/// Initialize to an invalid string prior to the first result.
String _boundaryKey = 'INVALID';
late Future<int> frontendServerExitCode;
/// Source file URIs reported by the Frontend Server.
List<Uri> sources = [];
List<String> accumulatedOutput = [];
int totalErrors = 0;
FrontendServerState _state = FrontendServerState.awaitingResult;
HotReloadFrontendServerController._(this.frontendServerArgs, this.input,
this.output, this.compileCommandOutputChannel, this.synchronizer);
factory HotReloadFrontendServerController(List<String> frontendServerArgs) {
var input = StreamController<List<int>>();
var output = StreamController<List<int>>();
var compileCommandOutputChannel = StreamController<CompilerOutput>();
var synchronizer = StreamIterator(;
return HotReloadFrontendServerController._(frontendServerArgs, input,
output, compileCommandOutputChannel, synchronizer);
/// Runs the Frontend Server in-memory in incremental mode.
/// Must be called once before interacting with the Frontend Server.
void start() {
if (started) {
print('Frontend Server has already been started.');
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String s) {
if (debug) print('Frontend Server Response: $s');
switch (_state) {
case FrontendServerState.awaitingReject:
if (!s.startsWith(frontEndResponsePrefix)) {
throw Exception('Unexpected Frontend Server response: $s');
_boundaryKey = s.substring(frontEndResponsePrefix.length);
_state = FrontendServerState.awaitingRejectKey;
case FrontendServerState.awaitingRejectKey:
if (s != _boundaryKey) {
throw Exception('Unexpected Frontend Server response for reject '
'(expected just a key): $s');
_state = FrontendServerState.finished;
case FrontendServerState.awaitingResult:
if (!s.startsWith(frontEndResponsePrefix)) {
throw Exception('Unexpected Frontend Server response: $s');
_boundaryKey = s.substring(frontEndResponsePrefix.length);
_state = FrontendServerState.awaitingKey;
case FrontendServerState.awaitingKey:
// Advance to the next state when we encounter a lone boundary key.
if (s == _boundaryKey) {
_state = FrontendServerState.collectingResultSources;
} else {
case FrontendServerState.collectingResultSources:
// Stop and record the result when we encounter a boundary key.
if (s.startsWith(_boundaryKey)) {
final compilationReportOutput = s.split(' ');
final outputDillPath = compilationReportOutput[1];
final errorCount = int.parse(compilationReportOutput[2]);
// The FrontendServer accumulates all errors seen so far, so we
// need to correct for errors from previous compilations.
final actualErrorCount = errorCount - totalErrors;
final compilerOutput = CompilerOutput(
outputDillPath: outputDillPath,
errorCount: actualErrorCount,
sources: sources,
outputText: accumulatedOutput.join('\n'),
totalErrors = errorCount;
_state = FrontendServerState.finished;
} else if (s.startsWith('+')) {
} else if (s.startsWith('-')) {
} else {
throw Exception("Unexpected Frontend Server response "
"(expected '+' or '-')'): $s");
case FrontendServerState.finished:
throw StateError('Frontend Server reached an unexpected state: $s');
frontendServerExitCode = starter(
output: IOSink(output.sink),
started = true;
/// Clears the controller's state between commands.
/// Note: this does not reset the Frontend Server's state.
void _clearState() {
_boundaryKey = 'INVALID';
Future<CompilerOutput> sendCompile(String dartSourcePath) async {
if (!started) throw Exception('Frontend Server has not been started yet.');
_state = FrontendServerState.awaitingResult;
final command = 'compile $dartSourcePath\n';
if (debug) print('Sending instruction to Frontend Server:\n$command');
await synchronizer.moveNext();
return synchronizer.current;
Future<void> sendCompileAndAccept(String dartSourcePath) async {
await sendCompile(dartSourcePath);
Future<CompilerOutput> sendRecompile(String entrypointPath,
{List<String> invalidatedFiles = const [],
String boundaryKey = fakeBoundaryKey}) async {
if (!started) throw Exception('Frontend Server has not been started yet.');
_state = FrontendServerState.awaitingResult;
final command = 'recompile $entrypointPath $boundaryKey\n'
if (debug) print('Sending instruction to Frontend Server:\n$command');
await synchronizer.moveNext();
return synchronizer.current;
Future<void> sendRecompileAndAccept(String entrypointPath,
{List<String> invalidatedFiles = const [],
String boundaryKey = fakeBoundaryKey}) async {
await sendRecompile(entrypointPath,
invalidatedFiles: invalidatedFiles, boundaryKey: boundaryKey);
void sendAccept() {
if (!started) throw Exception('Frontend Server has not been started yet.');
final command = 'accept\n';
if (debug) print('Sending instruction to Frontend Server:\n$command');
Future<void> sendReject() async {
if (!started) throw Exception('Frontend Server has not been started yet.');
_state = FrontendServerState.awaitingReject;
final command = 'reject\n';
if (debug) print('Sending instruction to Frontend Server:\n$command');
await synchronizer.moveNext();
void _sendQuit() {
if (!started) throw Exception('Frontend Server has not been started yet.');
final command = 'quit\n';
if (debug) print('Sending instruction to Frontend Server:\n$command');
/// Cleanly shuts down the Frontend Server.
Future<void> stop() async {
var exitCode = await frontendServerExitCode;
started = false;
if (exitCode != 0) {
print('Frontend Server exited with non-zero code: $exitCode');