blob: 98339cbe6585e2739ba7a2a7d2aded74af482578 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Annotations that describe the intended use of other annotations.
library meta_meta;
/// An annotation used on classes that are intended to be used as annotations
/// to indicate the kinds of declarations and directives for which the
/// annotation is appropriate.
/// The kinds are represented by the constants defined in [TargetKind].
/// Tools, such as the analyzer, can provide feedback if
/// * the annotation is associated with anything other than a class, where the
/// class must be usable as an annotation (that is, contain at least one
/// `const` constructor).
/// * the annotated annotation is associated with anything other than the kinds
/// of declarations listed as valid targets.
/// This type is not intended to be extended and will be marked as `final`
/// in a future release of `package:meta`.
class Target {
/// The kinds of declarations with which the annotated annotation can be
/// associated.
final Set<TargetKind> kinds;
/// Create a new instance of [Target] to be used as an annotation
/// on a class intended to be used as an annotation, with the
/// specified target [kinds] that it can be applied to.
const Target(this.kinds);
/// An enumeration of the kinds of targets to which an annotation can be
/// applied.
/// This type is not intended to be extended and will be marked as `final`
/// in a future release of `package:meta`.
class TargetKind {
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any class declaration.
static const classType = TargetKind._('classes', 'classType');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any constructor declaration, both
/// factory and generative constructors, whether it's in a class, enum, or
/// extension type. Extension type primary constructors are not supported,
/// because there is no way to annotate a primary constructor.
static const constructor = TargetKind._('constructors', 'constructor');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any directive in a library or
/// part file, whether it's a `library`, `import`, `export`, `part`, or
/// `part of` directive.
static const directive = TargetKind._('directives', 'directive');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any enum declaration.
static const enumType = TargetKind._('enums', 'enumType');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any enum value declaration.
static const enumValue = TargetKind._('enum values', 'enumValue');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any extension declaration.
static const extension = TargetKind._('extensions', 'extension');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any extension type declaration.
static const extensionType = TargetKind._('extension types', 'extensionType');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any field declaration, both
/// instance and static fields, whether it's in a class, enum, mixin, or
/// extension.
static const field = TargetKind._('fields', 'field');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any top-level function
/// declaration.
static const function = TargetKind._('top-level functions', 'function');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on the first directive in a library,
/// whether that's a `library`, `import`, `export` or `part` directive. This
/// doesn't include the `part of` directive in a part file.
static const library = TargetKind._('libraries', 'library');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any getter declaration, both
/// instance or static getters, whether it's in a class, enum, mixin,
/// extension, extension type, or at the top-level of a library.
static const getter = TargetKind._('getters', 'getter');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any method declaration, both
/// instance and static methods, whether it's in a class, enum, mixin,
/// extension, or extension type.
static const method = TargetKind._('methods', 'method');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any mixin declaration.
static const mixinType = TargetKind._('mixins', 'mixinType');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any optional formal parameter
/// declaration, whether it's in a constructor, function (named or anonymous),
/// function type, function-typed formal parameter, or method.
static const optionalParameter =
TargetKind._('optional parameters', 'optionalParameter');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any overridable instance member
/// declaration, whether it's in a class, enum, extension type, or mixin. This
/// includes instance fields, getters, setters, methods, and operators.
static const overridableMember =
TargetKind._('overridable members', 'overridableMember');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any formal parameter declaration,
/// whether it's in a constructor, function (named or anonymous), function
/// type, function-typed formal parameter, or method.
static const parameter = TargetKind._('parameters', 'parameter');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any setter declaration, both
/// instance or static setters, whether it's in a class, enum, mixin,
/// extension, extension type, or at the top-level of a library.
static const setter = TargetKind._('setters', 'setter');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any top-level variable
/// declaration.
static const topLevelVariable =
TargetKind._('top-level variables', 'topLevelVariable');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any declaration that introduces a
/// type. This includes classes, enums, mixins, and typedefs, but does not
/// include extensions because extensions don't introduce a type.
// TODO(srawlins): This should include extension types.
static const type =
TargetKind._('types (classes, enums, mixins, or typedefs)', 'type');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any typedef declaration.
static const typedefType = TargetKind._('typedefs', 'typedefType');
/// Indicates that an annotation is valid on any type parameter declaration,
/// whether it's on a class, enum, function type, function, mixin, extension,
/// extension type, or typedef.
static const typeParameter = TargetKind._('type parameters', 'typeParameter');
/// All current [TargetKind] values of targets to
/// which an annotation can be applied.
static const values = [
/// A user visible string used to describe this target kind.
final String displayString;
/// The name of the [TargetKind] value.
/// The name is a string containing the source identifier used
/// to declare the [TargetKind] value. For example,
/// the result of ``is the string "classType".
final String name;
// This class is not meant to be instantiated or extended; this constructor
// prevents instantiation and extension.
const TargetKind._(this.displayString,;
/// A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
int get index => values.indexOf(this);
String toString() => 'TargetKind.$name';