blob: 5b9d6087eaa7348e53e81460977cd459a0919719 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.js_emitter.interceptor_stub_generator;
import 'package:js_runtime/synced/embedded_names.dart' as embeddedNames;
import '../common/elements.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart' show InterfaceType;
import '../js/js.dart' as jsAst;
import '../js/js.dart' show js;
import '../js_backend/namer.dart' show Namer;
import '../js_backend/custom_elements_analysis.dart'
show CustomElementsCodegenAnalysis;
import '../js_backend/native_data.dart';
import '../js_backend/interceptor_data.dart';
import '../js_model/js_world.dart' show JClosedWorld;
import '../native/enqueue.dart';
import '../universe/codegen_world_builder.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import 'js_emitter.dart' show Emitter;
class InterceptorStubGenerator {
final CommonElements _commonElements;
final Emitter _emitter;
final NativeCodegenEnqueuer _nativeCodegenEnqueuer;
final Namer _namer;
final CustomElementsCodegenAnalysis _customElementsCodegenAnalysis;
final CodegenWorld _codegenWorld;
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
NativeData get _nativeData => _closedWorld.nativeData;
InterceptorData get _interceptorData => _closedWorld.interceptorData;
jsAst.Expression generateGetInterceptorMethod(
SpecializedGetInterceptor interceptor) {
Set<ClassEntity> classes = interceptor.classes;
jsAst.Expression interceptorFor(ClassEntity cls) {
return _emitter.interceptorPrototypeAccess(cls);
/// Build a JavaScript AST node for doing a type check on
/// [cls]. [cls] must be a non-native interceptor class.
jsAst.Statement buildInterceptorCheck(ClassEntity cls) {
jsAst.Expression condition;
if (cls == _commonElements.jsBoolClass) {
condition = js('(typeof receiver) == "boolean"');
} else if (cls == _commonElements.jsIntClass ||
cls == _commonElements.jsNumNotIntClass ||
cls == _commonElements.jsNumberClass) {
throw 'internal error';
} else if (cls == _commonElements.jsArrayClass ||
cls == _commonElements.jsMutableArrayClass ||
cls == _commonElements.jsFixedArrayClass ||
cls == _commonElements.jsExtendableArrayClass) {
condition = js('Array.isArray(receiver)');
} else if (cls == _commonElements.jsStringClass) {
condition = js('(typeof receiver) == "string"');
} else if (cls == _commonElements.jsNullClass) {
condition = js('receiver == null');
} else if (cls == _commonElements.jsJavaScriptBigIntClass) {
condition = js('(typeof receiver) == "bigint"');
} else if (cls == _commonElements.jsJavaScriptFunctionClass) {
condition = js('(typeof receiver) == "function"');
} else if (cls == _commonElements.jsJavaScriptSymbolClass) {
condition = js('(typeof receiver) == "symbol"');
} else {
throw 'internal error';
return js.statement('if (#) return #', [condition, interceptorFor(cls)]);
bool hasArray = false;
bool hasBool = false;
bool hasNumNotInt = false;
bool hasInt = false;
bool hasNull = false;
bool hasNumber = false;
bool hasString = false;
bool hasNative = false;
bool anyNativeClasses = _nativeCodegenEnqueuer.hasInstantiatedNativeClasses;
bool hasJavaScriptFunction = false;
bool hasJavaScriptBigInt = false;
bool hasJavaScriptObject = false;
bool hasJavaScriptSymbol = false;
for (ClassEntity cls in classes) {
if (cls == _commonElements.jsArrayClass ||
cls == _commonElements.jsMutableArrayClass ||
cls == _commonElements.jsFixedArrayClass ||
cls == _commonElements.jsExtendableArrayClass)
hasArray = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsBoolClass)
hasBool = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsNumNotIntClass)
hasNumNotInt = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsIntClass)
hasInt = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsNullClass)
hasNull = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsNumberClass)
hasNumber = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsStringClass)
hasString = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsJavaScriptBigIntClass)
hasJavaScriptBigInt = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsJavaScriptFunctionClass)
hasJavaScriptFunction = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsJavaScriptSymbolClass)
hasJavaScriptSymbol = true;
else if (cls == _commonElements.jsJavaScriptObjectClass)
hasJavaScriptObject = true;
else {
// The set of classes includes classes mixed-in to interceptor classes
// and user extensions of native classes.
// The set of classes also includes the 'primitive' interceptor
// PlainJavaScriptObject even when it has not been resolved, since it is
// only resolved through the reference in getNativeInterceptor when
// getNativeInterceptor is marked as used. Guard against probing
// unresolved PlainJavaScriptObject by testing for anyNativeClasses.
if (anyNativeClasses) {
if (_nativeData.isNativeOrExtendsNative(cls)) hasNative = true;
if (hasNumNotInt) {
hasNumber = true;
if (hasInt) hasNumber = true;
if (classes.containsAll(_interceptorData.interceptedClasses)) {
// I.e. this is the general interceptor.
hasNative = anyNativeClasses;
List<jsAst.Statement> statements = [];
if (hasNumber) {
jsAst.Statement whenNumber;
if (hasInt) {
whenNumber = js.statement('''{
if (Math.floor(receiver) == receiver) return #;
return #;
}''', [
} else {
// If we don't have methods defined on the JSInt interceptor, use the
// JSNumber interceptor, unless we have a method defined only for
// non-integral values.
jsAst.Expression interceptorForNumber = interceptorFor(hasNumNotInt
? _commonElements.jsNumNotIntClass
: _commonElements.jsNumberClass);
whenNumber = js.statement('return #', interceptorForNumber);
.add(js.statement('if (typeof receiver == "number") #;', whenNumber));
if (hasString) {
if (hasNull) {
} else {
// Returning "undefined" or "null" here will provoke a JavaScript
// TypeError which is later identified as a null-error by
// [unwrapException] in js_helper.dart.
statements.add(js.statement('if (receiver == null) return receiver'));
if (hasBool) {
// TODO(ahe): It might be faster to check for Array before
// function and bool.
if (hasArray) {
// If a program `hasNative` then we will insert a check for
// `JavaScriptFunction` in the `hasNative` block of the interceptor logic.
// Otherwise, we have to insert a specific check for `JavaScriptFunction.
if (!hasNative) {
if (hasJavaScriptFunction) {
if (hasJavaScriptSymbol) {
if (hasJavaScriptBigInt) {
if (hasJavaScriptObject && !hasNative) {
if (typeof receiver == "object") {
if (receiver instanceof #) {
return receiver;
} else {
return #;
''', [
if (hasNative) {
if (typeof receiver != "object") {
if (typeof receiver == "function" ) return #;
if (typeof receiver == "symbol" ) return #;
if (typeof receiver == "bigint" ) return #;
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof #) return receiver;
return #(receiver);
}''', [
} else {
ClassEntity jsUnknown = _commonElements.jsUnknownJavaScriptObjectClass;
if (_codegenWorld.directlyInstantiatedClasses.contains(jsUnknown)) {
statements.add(js.statement('if (!(receiver instanceof #)) return #;', [
statements.add(js.statement('return receiver'));
return js('''function(receiver) { #; }''', jsAst.Block(statements));
jsAst.Call _generateIsJsIndexableCall(
jsAst.Expression use1, jsAst.Expression use2) {
String dispatchPropertyName = embeddedNames.DISPATCH_PROPERTY_NAME;
jsAst.Expression dispatchProperty =
// We pass the dispatch property record to the isJsIndexable
// helper rather than reading it inside the helper to increase the
// chance of making the dispatch record access monomorphic.
jsAst.PropertyAccess record = jsAst.PropertyAccess(use2, dispatchProperty);
List<jsAst.Expression> arguments = [use1, record];
FunctionEntity helper = _commonElements.isJsIndexable;
jsAst.Expression helperExpression = _emitter.staticFunctionAccess(helper);
return jsAst.Call(helperExpression, arguments);
// Returns a statement that takes care of performance critical
// common case for a one-shot interceptor, or null if there is no
// fast path.
jsAst.Statement? _fastPathForOneShotInterceptor(
Selector selector, Set<ClassEntity> classes) {
if (selector.isOperator) {
String name =;
if (name == '==') {
return js.statement('''{
if (receiver == null) return a0 == null;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return a0 != null && receiver === a0;
if (!classes.contains(_commonElements.jsIntClass) &&
!classes.contains(_commonElements.jsNumberClass) &&
!classes.contains(_commonElements.jsNumNotIntClass)) {
return null;
if (selector.argumentCount == 1) {
// The following operators do not map to a JavaScript operator.
if (name == '~/' || name == '<<' || name == '%' || name == '>>') {
return null;
jsAst.Expression result = js('receiver $name a0');
if (name == '&' || name == '|' || name == '^') {
result = js('# >>> 0', result);
return js.statement(
'if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")'
' return #;',
} else if (name == 'unary-') {
return js
.statement('if (typeof receiver == "number") return -receiver');
} else {
assert(name == '~');
return js.statement('''
if (typeof receiver == "number" && Math.floor(receiver) == receiver)
return (~receiver) >>> 0;
} else if (selector.isIndex || selector.isIndexSet) {
// For an index operation, this code generates:
// if (typeof a0 === "number") {
// if (Array.isArray(receiver) || typeof receiver == "string") {
// if (a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length) {
// return receiver[a0];
// }
// }
// }
// For an index set operation, this code generates:
// if (typeof a0 === "number") {
// if (Array.isArray(receiver) && !receiver.immutable$list) {
// if (a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length) {
// return receiver[a0] = a1;
// }
// }
// }
bool containsArray = classes.contains(_commonElements.jsArrayClass);
bool containsString = classes.contains(_commonElements.jsStringClass);
bool containsJsIndexable = _closedWorld
.isImplemented(_commonElements.jsIndexingBehaviorInterface) &&
classes.any((cls) {
return _closedWorld.classHierarchy
.isSubtypeOf(cls, _commonElements.jsIndexingBehaviorInterface);
// The index set operator requires a check on its set value in
// checked mode, so we don't optimize the interceptor if the
// _compiler has type assertions enabled.
if (selector.isIndexSet &&
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support annotations on the possible targets
// and used their parameter check policy here.
.isEmitted ||
!containsArray)) {
return null;
if (!containsArray && !containsString) {
return null;
jsAst.Expression arrayCheck = js('Array.isArray(receiver)');
// Lazy generation of the indexable check. If indexable behavior isn't
// used, the isJsIndexable function isn't part of the closed world.
jsAst.Expression genericIndexableCheck() =>
_generateIsJsIndexableCall(js('receiver'), js('receiver'));
jsAst.Expression orExp(jsAst.Expression? left, jsAst.Expression right) {
return left == null ? right : js('# || #', [left, right]);
if (selector.isIndex) {
jsAst.Expression? typeCheck;
if (containsArray) {
typeCheck = arrayCheck;
if (containsString) {
typeCheck = orExp(typeCheck, js('typeof receiver == "string"'));
if (containsJsIndexable) {
typeCheck = orExp(typeCheck, genericIndexableCheck());
return js.statement('''
if (typeof a0 === "number")
if (#)
if ((a0 >>> 0) === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
return receiver[a0];
''', typeCheck);
} else {
jsAst.Expression? typeCheck;
if (containsArray) {
typeCheck = arrayCheck;
if (containsJsIndexable) {
typeCheck = orExp(typeCheck, genericIndexableCheck());
return js.statement(r'''
if (typeof a0 === "number")
if (# && !receiver.immutable$list &&
(a0 >>> 0) === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
return receiver[a0] = a1;
''', typeCheck);
} else if (selector.isCall) {
if ( == 'abs' && selector.argumentCount == 0) {
return js.statement(r'''
if (typeof receiver === "number") return Math.abs(receiver);
} else if (selector.isGetter) {
if ( == 'sign') {
return js.statement(r'''
if (typeof receiver === "number")
return receiver > 0 ? 1 : receiver < 0 ? -1 : receiver;
return null;
jsAst.Expression generateOneShotInterceptor(OneShotInterceptor interceptor) {
Selector selector = interceptor.selector;
Set<ClassEntity> classes = interceptor.classes;
jsAst.Name getInterceptorName = _namer.nameForGetInterceptor(classes);
List<String> parameterNames = [];
if (selector.isSetter) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < selector.argumentCount; i++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= selector.typeArgumentCount; i++) {
jsAst.Name invocationName = _namer.invocationName(selector);
var globalObject = _namer.readGlobalObjectForInterceptors();
jsAst.Statement? optimizedPath =
_fastPathForOneShotInterceptor(selector, classes);
optimizedPath ??= js.statement(';');
return js('function(#) { #; return #.#(receiver).#(#) }', [
jsAst.ArrayInitializer? generateTypeToInterceptorMap() {
// TODO(sra): Perhaps inject a constant instead?
CustomElementsCodegenAnalysis analysis = _customElementsCodegenAnalysis;
if (!analysis.needsTable) return null;
List<jsAst.Expression> elements = [];
Iterable<ConstantValue> constants =
for (ConstantValue constant in constants) {
if (constant is TypeConstantValue &&
constant.representedType is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType type = constant.representedType as InterfaceType;
ClassEntity classElement = type.element;
if (!analysis.needsClass(classElement)) continue;
// Create JavaScript Object map for by-name lookup of generative
// constructors. For example, the class A has three generative
// constructors
// class A {
// A() {}
// {}
// {}
// }
// Which are described by the map
// {"": A.A$, "foo": A.A$foo, "bar": A.A$bar}
// We expect most of the time the map will be a singleton.
var properties = <jsAst.Property>[];
for (ConstructorEntity member in analysis.constructors(classElement)) {
js.string(!), _emitter.staticFunctionAccess(member)));
var map = jsAst.ObjectInitializer(properties);
return jsAst.ArrayInitializer(elements);