blob: aea331fbbeb9134dd76e0618c447678d7e9d90a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
/// Indirection between a name and the corresponding [Element].
/// References are organized in a prefix tree.
/// Each reference knows its parent, children, and the [Element].
/// Library:
/// URI of library
/// Class:
/// Reference of the enclosing library
/// "@class"
/// Name of the class
/// Method:
/// Reference of the enclosing class
/// "@method"
/// Name of the method
/// There is only one reference object per [Element].
class Reference {
/// The parent of this reference, or `null` if the root.
final Reference? parent;
/// The simple name of the reference in its [parent].
final String name;
/// The corresponding [Element], or `null` if a named container.
Element? element;
/// Temporary index used during serialization and linking.
int? index;
Map<String, Reference>? _children;
Reference.root() : this._(null, '');
Iterable<Reference> get children {
return _children?.values ?? const [];
bool get isLibrary => parent?.isRoot == true;
bool get isPrefix => parent?.name == '@prefix';
bool get isRoot => parent == null;
bool get isSetter => parent?.name == '@setter';
/// Return the child with the given name, or `null` if does not exist.
Reference? operator [](String name) {
name = _rewriteDartUi(name);
return _children?[name];
/// Return the child with the given name, create if does not exist yet.
Reference getChild(String name) {
name = _rewriteDartUi(name);
var map = _children ??= <String, Reference>{};
return map[name] ??= Reference._(this, name);
Reference? removeChild(String name) {
name = _rewriteDartUi(name);
return _children?.remove(name);
String toString() => parent == null ? 'root' : '$parent::$name';
/// TODO(scheglov) Remove it, once when the actual issue is fixed.
static String _rewriteDartUi(String name) {
const srcPrefix = 'dart:ui/src/ui/';
if (name.startsWith(srcPrefix)) {
return 'dart:ui/${name.substring(srcPrefix.length)}';
return name;