| // Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /// An instance of [DependencyWalker] contains the core algorithms for |
| /// walking a dependency graph and evaluating nodes in a safe order. |
| abstract class DependencyWalker<NodeType extends Node<NodeType>> { |
| /// Called by [walk] to evaluate a single non-cyclical node, after |
| /// all that node's dependencies have been evaluated. |
| void evaluate(NodeType v); |
| |
| /// Called by [walk] to evaluate a strongly connected component |
| /// containing one or more nodes. All dependencies of the strongly |
| /// connected component have been evaluated. |
| void evaluateScc(List<NodeType> scc); |
| |
| /// Walk the dependency graph starting at [startingPoint], finding |
| /// strongly connected components and evaluating them in a safe order |
| /// by calling [evaluate] and [evaluateScc]. |
| /// |
| /// This is an implementation of Tarjan's strongly connected |
| /// components algorithm |
| /// (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm). |
| void walk(NodeType startingPoint) { |
| // TODO(paulberry): consider rewriting in a non-recursive way so |
| // that long dependency chains don't cause stack overflow. |
| |
| // TODO(paulberry): in the event that an exception occurs during |
| // the walk, restore the state of the [Node] data structures so |
| // that further evaluation will be safe. |
| |
| // The index which will be assigned to the next node that is |
| // freshly visited. |
| int index = 1; |
| |
| // Stack of nodes which have been seen so far and whose strongly |
| // connected component is still being determined. Nodes are only |
| // popped off the stack when they are evaluated, so sometimes the |
| // stack contains nodes that were visited after the current node. |
| List<NodeType> stack = <NodeType>[]; |
| |
| void strongConnect(NodeType node) { |
| bool hasTrivialCycle = false; |
| |
| // Assign the current node an index and add it to the stack. We |
| // haven't seen any of its dependencies yet, so set its lowLink |
| // to its index, indicating that so far it is the only node in |
| // its strongly connected component. |
| node._index = node._lowLink = index++; |
| stack.add(node); |
| |
| // Consider the node's dependencies one at a time. |
| for (NodeType dependency in Node.getDependencies(node)) { |
| // If the dependency has already been evaluated, it can't be |
| // part of this node's strongly connected component, so we can |
| // skip it. |
| if (dependency.isEvaluated) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (identical(node, dependency)) { |
| // If a node includes itself as a dependency, there is no need to |
| // explore the dependency further. |
| hasTrivialCycle = true; |
| } else if (dependency._index == 0) { |
| // The dependency hasn't been seen yet, so recurse on it. |
| strongConnect(dependency); |
| // If the dependency's lowLink refers to a node that was |
| // visited before the current node, that means that the |
| // current node, the dependency, and the node referred to by |
| // the dependency's lowLink are all part of the same |
| // strongly connected component, so we need to update the |
| // current node's lowLink accordingly. |
| if (dependency._lowLink < node._lowLink) { |
| node._lowLink = dependency._lowLink; |
| } |
| } else { |
| // The dependency has already been seen, so it is part of |
| // the current node's strongly connected component. If it |
| // was visited earlier than the current node's lowLink, then |
| // it is a new addition to the current node's strongly |
| // connected component, so we need to update the current |
| // node's lowLink accordingly. |
| if (dependency._index < node._lowLink) { |
| node._lowLink = dependency._index; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // If the current node's lowLink is the same as its index, then |
| // we have finished visiting a strongly connected component, so |
| // pop the stack and evaluate it before moving on. |
| if (node._lowLink == node._index) { |
| // The strongly connected component has only one node. If there is a |
| // cycle, it's a trivial one. |
| if (identical(stack.last, node)) { |
| stack.removeLast(); |
| if (hasTrivialCycle) { |
| evaluateScc(<NodeType>[node]); |
| } else { |
| evaluate(node); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // There are multiple nodes in the strongly connected |
| // component. |
| List<NodeType> scc = <NodeType>[]; |
| while (true) { |
| NodeType otherNode = stack.removeLast(); |
| scc.add(otherNode); |
| if (identical(otherNode, node)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| evaluateScc(scc); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Kick off the algorithm starting with the starting point. |
| strongConnect(startingPoint); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Instances of [Node] represent nodes in a dependency graph. The |
| /// type parameter, [NodeType], is the derived type (this affords some |
| /// extra type safety by making it difficult to accidentally construct |
| /// bridges between unrelated dependency graphs). |
| abstract class Node<NodeType> { |
| /// Index used by Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm. |
| /// Zero means the node has not been visited yet; a nonzero value |
| /// counts the order in which the node was visited. |
| int _index = 0; |
| |
| /// Low link used by Tarjan's strongly connected components |
| /// algorithm. This represents the smallest [_index] of all the nodes |
| /// in the strongly connected component to which this node belongs. |
| int _lowLink = 0; |
| |
| List<NodeType>? _dependencies; |
| |
| /// Indicates whether this node has been evaluated yet. |
| bool get isEvaluated; |
| |
| /// Compute the dependencies of this node. |
| List<NodeType> computeDependencies(); |
| |
| /// Gets the dependencies of the given node, computing them if necessary. |
| static List<NodeType> getDependencies<NodeType>(Node<NodeType> node) { |
| return node._dependencies ??= node.computeDependencies(); |
| } |
| } |