blob: 5dc62475fe0279207e9abe9ce0e4af461417cf77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library messages;
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart' show TransformLogger;
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart' show Span;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart' show Level;
import 'compiler_options.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/** Map between error levels and their display color. */
final Map<Level, String> _ERROR_COLORS = (() {
var colorsMap = new Map<Level, String>();
colorsMap[Level.SEVERE] = RED_COLOR;
colorsMap[Level.INFO] = GREEN_COLOR;
return colorsMap;
/** A single message from the compiler. */
class Message {
final Level level;
final String message;
final Span span;
final bool useColors;
Message(this.level, this.message, {this.span, this.useColors: false});
String get kind => level == Level.SEVERE ? 'error' :
(level == Level.WARNING ? 'warning' : 'info');
String toString() {
var output = new StringBuffer();
bool colors = useColors && _ERROR_COLORS.containsKey(level);
var levelColor = _ERROR_COLORS[level];
if (colors) output.write(levelColor);
output..write(kind)..write(' ');
if (colors) output.write(NO_COLOR);
if (span == null) {
} else {
output.write(span.getLocationMessage(message, useColors: colors,
color: levelColor));
return output.toString();
String toJson() {
if (span == null) return toString();
return json.stringify([{
'method': kind,
'params': {
'file': span.sourceUrl,
'message': message,
'line': span.start.line + 1,
'charStart': span.start.offset,
'charEnd': span.end.offset,
* This class tracks and prints information, warnings, and errors emitted by the
* compiler.
class Messages implements TransformLogger {
final CompilerOptions options;
final bool shouldPrint;
final List<Message> messages = <Message>[];
Messages({CompilerOptions options, this.shouldPrint: true})
: options = options != null ? options : new CompilerOptions();
* Creates a new instance of [Messages] which doesn't write messages to
* the console.
Messages.silent(): this(shouldPrint: false);
* True if we have an error that prevents correct codegen.
* For example, if we failed to read an input file.
bool get hasErrors => messages.any((m) => m.level == Level.SEVERE);
// Convenience methods for testing
int get length => messages.length;
Message operator[](int index) => messages[index];
void clear() {
/** [message] is considered a static compile-time error by the Dart lang. */
void error(String message, [Span span]) {
var msg = new Message(Level.SEVERE, message, span: span,
useColors: options.useColors);
/** [message] is considered a type warning by the Dart lang. */
void warning(String message, [Span span]) {
if (options.warningsAsErrors) {
error(message, span);
} else {
var msg = new Message(Level.WARNING, message,
span: span, useColors: options.useColors);
/// the list of error messages. Empty list, if there are no error messages.
List<Message> get errors =>
messages.where((m) => m.level == Level.SEVERE).toList();
/// the list of warning messages. Empty list if there are no warning messages.
List<Message> get warnings =>
messages.where((m) => m.level == Level.WARNING).toList();
* [message] at [span] will tell the user about what the compiler
* is doing.
void info(String message, [Span span]) {
var msg = new Message(Level.INFO, message, span: span,
useColors: options.useColors);
if (options.verbose) printMessage(msg);
void printMessage(msg) {
if (shouldPrint) print(options.jsonFormat ? msg.toJson() : msg);