blob: dbd6816ab60a7119fc540b9173310465c07dfad6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/** Collects several code emitters for the template tool. */
library emitters;
import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/dom_parsing.dart' show TreeVisitor;
import 'package:html5lib/parser.dart' show parseFragment;
import 'package:source_maps/printer.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/refactor.dart';
import 'compiler_options.dart';
import 'css_emitters.dart' show emitStyleSheet, emitOriginalCss;
import 'html5_utils.dart';
import 'info.dart' show ComponentInfo, FileInfo, GlobalInfo;
import 'messages.dart';
import 'paths.dart' show PathMapper;
import 'utils.dart' show escapeDartString, path;
/** Generates the class corresponding to a single web component. */
NestedPrinter emitPolymerElement(ComponentInfo info, PathMapper pathMapper,
TextEditTransaction transaction, CompilerOptions options) {
if (info.classDeclaration == null) return null;
var codeInfo = info.userCode;
if (transaction == null) {
// TODO(sigmund): avoid emitting this file if we don't need to do any
// modifications (e.g. no @observable and not adding the libraryName).
transaction = new TextEditTransaction(codeInfo.code, codeInfo.sourceFile);
if (codeInfo.libraryName == null) {
// For deploy, we need to import the library associated with the component,
// so we need to ensure there is a library directive.
var libraryName = info.tagName.replaceAll(new RegExp('[-./]'), '_');
transaction.edit(0, 0, 'library $libraryName;');
return transaction.commit();
/** The code that will be used to bootstrap the application. */
NestedPrinter generateBootstrapCode(
FileInfo info, FileInfo userMainInfo, GlobalInfo global,
PathMapper pathMapper, CompilerOptions options) {
var printer = new NestedPrinter(0)
..addLine('library app_bootstrap;')
..addLine("import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';")
..addLine("import 'dart:mirrors' show currentMirrorSystem;");
int i = 0;
for (var c in global.components.values) {
if (c.hasConflict) continue;
printer.addLine("import '${pathMapper.importUrlFor(info, c)}' as i$i;");
if (userMainInfo.userCode != null) {
printer..addLine("import '${pathMapper.importUrlFor(info, userMainInfo)}' "
"as i$i;\n");
..addLine('void main() {')
..indent += 1
..indent += 2;
for (var c in global.components.values) {
if (c.hasConflict) continue;
printer.addLine("'${pathMapper.importUrlFor(info, c)}',");
if (userMainInfo.userCode != null) {
printer.addLine("'${pathMapper.importUrlFor(info, userMainInfo)}',");
return printer
..indent -= 1
"currentMirrorSystem().findLibrary(const Symbol('app_bootstrap'))")
..indent += 2
..indent -= 4
* Rewrites attributes that contain relative URL (excluding src urls in script
* and link tags which are already rewritten by other parts of the compiler).
class _AttributeUrlTransform extends TreeVisitor {
final String filePath;
final PathMapper pathMapper;
_AttributeUrlTransform(this.filePath, this.pathMapper);
visitElement(Element node) {
if (node.tagName == 'script') return;
if (node.tagName == 'link') return;
for (var key in node.attributes.keys) {
if (urlAttributes.contains(key)) {
node.attributes[key] =
pathMapper.transformUrl(filePath, node.attributes[key]);
final _shadowDomJS = new RegExp(r'shadowdom\..*\.js', caseSensitive: false);
final _bootJS = new RegExp(r'.*/polymer/boot.js', caseSensitive: false);
/** Trim down the html for the main html page. */
void transformMainHtml(Document document, FileInfo fileInfo,
PathMapper pathMapper, bool hasCss, bool rewriteUrls,
Messages messages, GlobalInfo global, String bootstrapOutName) {
var filePath = fileInfo.inputUrl.resolvedPath;
var dartLoaderTag = null;
bool shadowDomFound = false;
for (var tag in document.queryAll('script')) {
var src = tag.attributes['src'];
if (src != null) {
var last = src.split('/').last;
if (last == 'dart.js' || last == 'testing.js') {
dartLoaderTag = tag;
} else if (_shadowDomJS.hasMatch(last)) {
shadowDomFound = true;
if (tag.attributes['type'] == 'application/dart') {
} else if (src != null) {
if (_bootJS.hasMatch(src)) {
} else if (rewriteUrls) {
tag.attributes["src"] = pathMapper.transformUrl(filePath, src);
for (var tag in document.queryAll('link')) {
var href = tag.attributes['href'];
var rel = tag.attributes['rel'];
if (rel == 'component' || rel == 'components' || rel == 'import') {
} else if (href != null && rewriteUrls && !hasCss) {
// Only rewrite URL if rewrite on and we're not CSS polyfilling.
tag.attributes['href'] = pathMapper.transformUrl(filePath, href);
if (rewriteUrls) {
// Transform any element's attribute which is a relative URL.
new _AttributeUrlTransform(filePath, pathMapper).visit(document);
if (hasCss) {
var newCss = pathMapper.mangle(path.basename(filePath), '.css', true);
var linkElem = new Element.html(
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$newCss">');
document.head.insertBefore(linkElem, null);
var styles = document.queryAll('style');
if (styles.length > 0) {
var allCss = new StringBuffer();
fileInfo.styleSheets.forEach((styleSheet) =>
allCss.write(emitStyleSheet(styleSheet, fileInfo)));
styles[0].nodes.add(new Text(allCss.toString()));
for (var i = styles.length - 1; i > 0 ; i--) {
// TODO(jmesserly): put this in the global CSS file?
document.head.nodes.insert(0, parseFragment(
'<style>template { display: none; }</style>'));
// Move all <element> declarations to the main HTML file
// TODO(sigmund): remove this once we have HTMLImports implemented.
for (var c in global.components.values) {
document.body.nodes.insert(0, new Text('\n'));
var fragment = c.element;
for (var tag in fragment.queryAll('script')) {
// TODO(sigmund): leave script tags around when we start using "boot.js"
if (tag.attributes['type'] == 'application/dart') {
document.body.nodes.insert(0, fragment);
if (!shadowDomFound) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we probably shouldn't add this automatically.
document.body.nodes.add(parseFragment('<script type="text/javascript" '
// JS interop code required for Polymer CSS shimming.
document.body.nodes.add(parseFragment('<script type="text/javascript" '
var bootstrapScript = parseFragment(
'<script type="application/dart" src="$bootstrapOutName"></script>');
if (dartLoaderTag == null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): turn this warning on.
//messages.warning('Missing script to load Dart. '
// 'Please add this line to your HTML file: $dartLoader',
// document.body.sourceSpan);
// TODO(sigmund): switch to 'boot.js'
document.body.nodes.add(parseFragment('<script type="text/javascript" '
} else if (dartLoaderTag.parent != document.body) {
} else {
document.body.insertBefore(bootstrapScript, dartLoaderTag);
// Insert the "auto-generated" comment after the doctype, otherwise IE will
// go into quirks mode.
int commentIndex = 0;
DocumentType doctype =
document.nodes.firstWhere((n) => n is DocumentType, orElse: () => null);
if (doctype != null) {
commentIndex = document.nodes.indexOf(doctype) + 1;
// TODO(jmesserly): the html5lib parser emits a warning for missing
// doctype, but it allows you to put it after comments. Presumably they do
// this because some comments won't force IE into quirks mode (sigh). See
// this link for more info:
// For simplicity we emit the warning always, like does.
if (doctype.tagName != 'html' || commentIndex != 1) {
messages.warning('file should start with <!DOCTYPE html> '
'to avoid the possibility of it being parsed in quirks mode in IE. '
'See', doctype.sourceSpan);
document.nodes.insert(commentIndex, parseFragment(
'\n<!-- This file was auto-generated from $filePath. -->\n'));