blob: 193e1391a3d4d33b68289ba66e9fff3069ca503f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Part of the template compilation that concerns with extracting information
* from the HTML parse tree.
library analyzer;
import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/dom_parsing.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart' hide SourceFile;
import 'custom_tag_name.dart';
import 'dart_parser.dart' show parseDartCode;
import 'files.dart';
import 'info.dart';
import 'messages.dart';
import 'summary.dart';
* Finds custom elements in this file and the list of referenced files with
* component declarations. This is the first pass of analysis on a file.
* Adds emitted error/warning messages to [messages], if [messages] is
* supplied.
FileInfo analyzeDefinitions(GlobalInfo global, UrlInfo inputUrl,
Document document, String packageRoot,
Messages messages, {bool isEntryPoint: false}) {
var result = new FileInfo(inputUrl, isEntryPoint);
var loader = new _ElementLoader(global, result, packageRoot, messages);
return result;
* Extract relevant information from all files found from the root document.
* Adds emitted error/warning messages to [messages], if [messages] is
* supplied.
void analyzeFile(SourceFile file, Map<String, FileInfo> info,
Iterator<int> uniqueIds, GlobalInfo global,
Messages messages, emulateScopedCss) {
var fileInfo = info[file.path];
var analyzer = new _Analyzer(fileInfo, uniqueIds, global, messages,
analyzer._normalize(fileInfo, info);
/** A visitor that walks the HTML to extract all the relevant information. */
class _Analyzer extends TreeVisitor {
final FileInfo _fileInfo;
LibraryInfo _currentInfo;
Iterator<int> _uniqueIds;
GlobalInfo _global;
Messages _messages;
int _generatedClassNumber = 0;
* Whether to keep indentation spaces. Break lines and indentation spaces
* within templates are preserved in HTML. When users specify the attribute
* 'indentation="remove"' on a template tag, we'll trim those indentation
* spaces that occur within that tag and its decendants. If any decendant
* specifies 'indentation="preserve"', then we'll switch back to the normal
* behavior.
bool _keepIndentationSpaces = true;
final bool _emulateScopedCss;
_Analyzer(this._fileInfo, this._uniqueIds, this._global, this._messages,
this._emulateScopedCss) {
_currentInfo = _fileInfo;
void visitElement(Element node) {
if (node.tagName == 'script') {
// We already extracted script tags in previous phase.
if (node.tagName == 'style') {
// We've already parsed the CSS.
// If this is a component remove the style node.
if (_currentInfo is ComponentInfo && _emulateScopedCss) node.remove();
var lastInfo = _currentInfo;
if (node.tagName == 'polymer-element') {
// If element is invalid _ElementLoader already reported an error, but
// we skip the body of the element here.
var name = node.attributes['name'];
if (name == null) return;
ComponentInfo component = _fileInfo.components[name];
if (component == null) return;
_currentInfo = component;
// Remove the <element> tag from the tree
node.attributes.forEach((name, value) {
if (name.startsWith('on')) {
_validateEventHandler(node, name, value);
} else if (name == 'pseudo' && _currentInfo is ComponentInfo) {
// Any component's custom pseudo-element(s) defined?
_processPseudoAttribute(node, value.split(' '));
var keepSpaces = _keepIndentationSpaces;
if (node.tagName == 'template' &&
node.attributes.containsKey('indentation')) {
var value = node.attributes['indentation'];
if (value != 'remove' && value != 'preserve') {
"Invalid value for 'indentation' ($value). By default we preserve "
"the indentation. Valid values are either 'remove' or 'preserve'.",
_keepIndentationSpaces = value != 'remove';
// Invoke super to visit children.
_keepIndentationSpaces = keepSpaces;
_currentInfo = lastInfo;
if (node.tagName == 'body' || node.parent == null) {
_fileInfo.body = node;
void _analyzeComponent(ComponentInfo component) {
var baseTag = component.extendsTag;
component.extendsComponent = baseTag == null ? null
: _fileInfo.components[baseTag];
if (component.extendsComponent == null && isCustomTag(baseTag)) {
'custom element with tag name ${component.extendsTag} not found.',
// Now that the component's code has been loaded, we can validate that the
// class exists.
void _bindCustomElement(Element node) {
// <fancy-button>
var component = _fileInfo.components[node.tagName];
if (component == null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): warn for unknown element tags?
// <button is="fancy-button">
var componentName = node.attributes['is'];
if (componentName != null) {
component = _fileInfo.components[componentName];
} else if (isCustomTag(node.tagName)) {
componentName = node.tagName;
if (component == null && componentName != null &&
componentName != 'polymer-element') {
'custom element with tag name $componentName not found.',
if (component != null) {
if (!component.hasConflict) {
_currentInfo.usedComponents[component] = true;
var baseTag = component.baseExtendsTag;
var nodeTag = node.tagName;
var hasIsAttribute = node.attributes.containsKey('is');
if (baseTag != null && !hasIsAttribute) {
'custom element "${component.tagName}" extends from "$baseTag", but'
' this tag will not include the default properties of "$baseTag". '
'To fix this, either write this tag as <$baseTag '
'is="${component.tagName}"> or remove the "extends" attribute from '
'the custom element declaration.', node.sourceSpan);
} else if (hasIsAttribute) {
if (baseTag == null) {
'custom element "${component.tagName}" doesn\'t declare any type '
'extensions. To fix this, either rewrite this tag as '
'<${component.tagName}> or add \'extends="$nodeTag"\' to '
'the custom element declaration.', node.sourceSpan);
} else if (baseTag != nodeTag) {
'custom element "${component.tagName}" extends from "$baseTag". '
'Did you mean to write <$baseTag is="${component.tagName}">?',
void _processPseudoAttribute(Node node, List<String> values) {
List mangledValues = [];
for (var pseudoElement in values) {
if (_global.pseudoElements.containsKey(pseudoElement)) continue;
var newValue = "${pseudoElement}_${_uniqueIds.current}";
_global.pseudoElements[pseudoElement] = newValue;
// Mangled name of pseudo-element.
if (!pseudoElement.startsWith('x-')) {
// TODO(terry): The name must start with x- otherwise it's not a custom
// pseudo-element. May want to relax since components no
// longer need to start with x-. See isse #509 on
// pseudo-element prefix.
_messages.warning("Custom pseudo-element must be prefixed with 'x-'.",
// Update the pseudo attribute with the new mangled names.
node.attributes['pseudo'] = mangledValues.join(' ');
* Support for inline event handlers that take expressions.
* For example: `on-double-click=myHandler($event, todo)`.
void _validateEventHandler(Element node, String name, String value) {
if (!name.startsWith('on-')) {
// TODO(jmesserly): do we need an option to suppress this warning?
_messages.warning('Event handler $name will be interpreted as an inline '
'JavaScript event handler. Use the form '
'on-event-name="handlerName" if you want a Dart handler '
'that will automatically update the UI based on model changes.',
if (value.contains('.') || value.contains('(')) {
// TODO(sigmund): should we allow more if we use fancy-syntax?
_messages.warning('Invalid event handler body "$value". Declare a method '
'in your custom element "void handlerName(event, detail, target)" '
'and use the form on-event-name="handlerName".',
* Normalizes references in [info]. On the [analyzeDefinitions] phase, the
* analyzer extracted names of files and components. Here we link those names
* to actual info classes. In particular:
* * we initialize the [FileInfo.components] map in [info] by importing all
* [declaredComponents],
* * we scan all [info.componentLinks] and import their
* [info.declaredComponents], using [files] to map the href to the file
* info. Names in [info] will shadow names from imported files.
* * we fill [LibraryInfo.externalCode] on each component declared in
* [info].
void _normalize(FileInfo info, Map<String, FileInfo> files) {
_attachExtenalScript(info, files);
for (var component in info.declaredComponents) {
_addComponent(info, component);
_attachExtenalScript(component, files);
for (var link in info.componentLinks) {
var file = files[link.resolvedPath];
// We already issued an error for missing files.
if (file == null) continue;
file.declaredComponents.forEach((c) => _addComponent(info, c));
* Stores a direct reference in [info] to a dart source file that was loaded
* in a script tag with the 'src' attribute.
void _attachExtenalScript(LibraryInfo info, Map<String, FileInfo> files) {
var externalFile = info.externalFile;
if (externalFile != null) {
info.externalCode = files[externalFile.resolvedPath];
if (info.externalCode != null) info.externalCode.htmlFile = info;
/** Adds a component's tag name to the names in scope for [fileInfo]. */
void _addComponent(FileInfo fileInfo, ComponentSummary component) {
var existing = fileInfo.components[component.tagName];
if (existing != null) {
if (existing == component) {
// This is the same exact component as the existing one.
if (existing is ComponentInfo && component is! ComponentInfo) {
// Components declared in [fileInfo] shadow component names declared in
// imported files.
if (existing.hasConflict) {
// No need to report a second error for the same name.
existing.hasConflict = true;
if (component is ComponentInfo) {
_messages.error('duplicate custom element definition for '
'"${component.tagName}".', existing.sourceSpan);
_messages.error('duplicate custom element definition for '
'"${component.tagName}" (second location).', component.sourceSpan);
} else {
_messages.error('imported duplicate custom element definitions '
'for "${component.tagName}".', existing.sourceSpan);
_messages.error('imported duplicate custom element definitions '
'for "${component.tagName}" (second location).',
} else {
fileInfo.components[component.tagName] = component;
/** A visitor that finds `<link rel="import">` and `<element>` tags. */
class _ElementLoader extends TreeVisitor {
final GlobalInfo _global;
final FileInfo _fileInfo;
LibraryInfo _currentInfo;
String _packageRoot;
bool _inHead = false;
Messages _messages;
* Adds emitted warning/error messages to [_messages]. [_messages]
* must not be null.
_ElementLoader(this._global, this._fileInfo, this._packageRoot,
this._messages) {
_currentInfo = _fileInfo;
void visitElement(Element node) {
switch (node.tagName) {
case 'link': visitLinkElement(node); break;
case 'element':
_messages.warning('<element> elements are not supported, use'
' <polymer-element> instead', node.sourceSpan);
case 'polymer-element':
case 'script': visitScriptElement(node); break;
case 'head':
var savedInHead = _inHead;
_inHead = true;
_inHead = savedInHead;
default: super.visitElement(node); break;
* Process `link rel="import"` as specified in:
* <>
void visitLinkElement(Element node) {
var rel = node.attributes['rel'];
if (rel != 'component' && rel != 'components' &&
rel != 'import' && rel != 'stylesheet') return;
if (!_inHead) {
_messages.warning('link rel="$rel" only valid in '
'head.', node.sourceSpan);
if (rel == 'component' || rel == 'components') {
_messages.warning('import syntax is changing, use '
'rel="import" instead of rel="$rel".', node.sourceSpan);
var href = node.attributes['href'];
if (href == null || href == '') {
_messages.warning('link rel="$rel" missing href.',
bool isStyleSheet = rel == 'stylesheet';
var urlInfo = UrlInfo.resolve(href, _fileInfo.inputUrl, node.sourceSpan,
_packageRoot, _messages, ignoreAbsolute: isStyleSheet);
if (urlInfo == null) return;
if (isStyleSheet) {
} else {
void visitElementElement(Element node) {
// TODO(jmesserly): what do we do in this case? It seems like an <element>
// inside a Shadow DOM should be scoped to that <template> tag, and not
// visible from the outside.
if (_currentInfo is ComponentInfo) {
_messages.error('Nested component definitions are not yet supported.',
var tagName = node.attributes['name'];
var extendsTag = node.attributes['extends'];
if (tagName == null) {
_messages.error('Missing tag name of the component. Please include an '
'attribute like \'name="your-tag-name"\'.',
var component = new ComponentInfo(node, _fileInfo, tagName, extendsTag);
var lastInfo = _currentInfo;
_currentInfo = component;
_currentInfo = lastInfo;
/** Adds a component's tag name to the global list. */
void _addComponent(ComponentInfo component) {
var existing = _global.components[component.tagName];
if (existing != null) {
if (existing.hasConflict) {
// No need to report a second error for the same name.
existing.hasConflict = true;
_messages.error('duplicate custom element definition for '
'"${component.tagName}".', existing.sourceSpan);
_messages.error('duplicate custom element definition for '
'"${component.tagName}" (second location).', component.sourceSpan);
} else {
_global.components[component.tagName] = component;
void visitScriptElement(Element node) {
var scriptType = node.attributes['type'];
var src = node.attributes["src"];
if (scriptType == null) {
// Note: in html5 leaving off type= is fine, but it defaults to
// text/javascript. Because this might be a common error, we warn about it
// in two cases:
// * an inline script tag in a web component
// * a script src= if the src file ends in .dart (component or not)
// The hope is that neither of these cases should break existing valid
// code, but that they'll help component authors avoid having their Dart
// code accidentally interpreted as JavaScript by the browser.
if (src == null && _currentInfo is ComponentInfo) {
_messages.warning('script tag in component with no type will '
'be treated as JavaScript. Did you forget type="application/dart"?',
if (src != null && src.endsWith('.dart')) {
_messages.warning('script tag with .dart source file but no type will '
'be treated as JavaScript. Did you forget type="application/dart"?',
if (scriptType != 'application/dart') {
if (_currentInfo is ComponentInfo) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this warning should not be here, but our compiler
// does the wrong thing and it could cause surprising behavior, so let
// the user know! See issue #340 for more info.
// What we should be doing: leave JS component untouched by compiler.
_messages.warning('our custom element implementation does not support '
'JavaScript components yet. If this is affecting you please let us '
'know at',
if (src != null) {
if (!src.endsWith('.dart')) {
_messages.warning('"application/dart" scripts should '
'use the .dart file extension.',
if (node.innerHtml.trim() != '') {
_messages.error('script tag has "src" attribute and also has script '
'text.', node.sourceSpan);
if (_currentInfo.codeAttached) {
} else {
_currentInfo.externalFile = UrlInfo.resolve(src, _fileInfo.inputUrl,
node.sourceSpan, _packageRoot, _messages);
if (node.nodes.length == 0) return;
// I don't think the html5 parser will emit a tree with more than
// one child of <script>
assert(node.nodes.length == 1);
Text text = node.nodes[0];
if (_currentInfo.codeAttached) {
} else if (_currentInfo == _fileInfo && !_fileInfo.isEntryPoint) {
_messages.warning('top-level dart code is ignored on '
' HTML pages that define components, but are not the entry HTML '
'file.', node.sourceSpan);
} else {
_currentInfo.inlinedCode = parseDartCode(
_currentInfo.dartCodeUrl.resolvedPath, text.value,
if (_currentInfo.userCode.partOf != null) {
_messages.error('expected a library, not a part.',
void _tooManyScriptsError(Node node) {
var location = _currentInfo is ComponentInfo ?
'a custom element declaration' : 'the top-level HTML page';
_messages.error('there should be only one dart script tag in $location.',