blob: b70f29bd5c75385a7f0d7347a4cab914578e3b67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/** The entry point to the compiler. Used to implement `bin/dwc.dart`. */
library dwc;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart' show Level;
import 'src/compiler.dart';
import 'src/file_system.dart';
import 'src/file_system/console.dart';
import 'src/files.dart';
import 'src/messages.dart';
import 'src/compiler_options.dart';
import 'src/utils.dart';
FileSystem _fileSystem;
void main() {
run(new Options().arguments).then((result) {
exit(result.success ? 0 : 1);
/** Contains the result of a compiler run. */
class CompilerResult {
final bool success;
/** Map of output path to source, if there is one */
final Map<String, String> outputs;
/** List of files read during compilation */
final List<String> inputs;
final List<String> messages;
String bootstrapFile;
CompilerResult([this.success = true,
this.messages = const [],
factory CompilerResult._(bool success,
List<String> messages, List<OutputFile> outputs, List<SourceFile> files) {
var file;
var outs = new Map<String, String>();
for (var out in outputs) {
if (path.basename(out.path).endsWith('_bootstrap.dart')) {
file = out.path;
outs[out.path] = out.source;
var inputs = => f.path).toList();
return new CompilerResult(success, outs, inputs, messages, file);
* Runs the web components compiler with the command-line options in [args].
* See [CompilerOptions] for the definition of valid arguments.
// TODO(jmesserly): fix this to return a proper exit code
// TODO(justinfagnani): return messages in the result
Future<CompilerResult> run(List<String> args, {bool printTime,
bool shouldPrint: true}) {
var options = CompilerOptions.parse(args);
if (options == null) return new Future.value(new CompilerResult());
if (printTime == null) printTime = options.verbose;
_fileSystem = new ConsoleFileSystem();
var messages = new Messages(options: options, shouldPrint: shouldPrint);
return asyncTime('Total time spent on ${options.inputFile}', () {
var compiler = new Compiler(_fileSystem, options, messages);
var res;
.then((_) {
var success = messages.messages.every((m) => m.level != Level.SEVERE);
var msgs = options.jsonFormat
? => m.toJson())
: => m.toString());
res = new CompilerResult._(success, msgs.toList(),
compiler.output, compiler.files);
.then((_) => _symlinkPubPackages(res, options, messages))
.then((_) => _emitFiles(compiler.output, options.clean))
.then((_) => res);
}, printTime: printTime, useColors: options.useColors);
Future _emitFiles(List<OutputFile> outputs, bool clean) {
outputs.forEach((f) => _writeFile(f.path, f.contents, clean));
return _fileSystem.flush();
void _writeFile(String filePath, String contents, bool clean) {
if (clean) {
File fileOut = new File(filePath);
if (fileOut.existsSync()) {
} else {
_fileSystem.writeString(filePath, contents);
void _createIfNeeded(String outdir) {
if (outdir.isEmpty) return;
var outDirectory = new Directory(outdir);
if (!outDirectory.existsSync()) {
* Creates a symlink to the pub packages directory in the output location. The
* returned future completes when the symlink was created (or immediately if it
* already exists).
Future _symlinkPubPackages(CompilerResult result, CompilerOptions options,
Messages messages) {
if (options.outputDir == null || result.bootstrapFile == null
|| options.packageRoot != null) {
// We don't need to copy the packages directory if the output was generated
// in-place where the input lives, if the compiler was called without an
// entry-point file, or if the compiler was called with a package-root
// option.
return new Future.value(null);
var linkDir = path.dirname(result.bootstrapFile);
var linkPath = path.join(linkDir, 'packages');
// A resolved symlink works like a directory
// TODO(sigmund): replace this with something smarter once we have good
// symlink support in dart:io
if (new Directory(linkPath).existsSync()) {
// Packages directory already exists.
return new Future.value(null);
// A broken symlink works like a file
var toFile = new File(linkPath);
if (toFile.existsSync()) {
var targetPath = path.join(path.dirname(options.inputFile), 'packages');
// [fullPathSync] will canonicalize the path, resolving any symlinks.
// TODO(sigmund): once it's possible in dart:io, we just want to use a full
// path, but not necessarily resolve symlinks.
var target = new File(targetPath).fullPathSync().toString();
return createSymlink(target, linkPath, messages: messages);
// TODO(jmesserly): this code was taken from Pub's io library.
// Added error handling and don't return the file result, to match the code
// we had previously. Also "target" and "link" only accept strings. And inlined
// the relevant parts of runProcess. Note that it uses "cmd" to get the path
// on Windows.
* Creates a new symlink that creates an alias of [target] at [link], both of
* which can be a [String], [File], or [Directory]. Returns a [Future] which
* completes to the symlink file (i.e. [link]).
Future createSymlink(String target, String link, {Messages messages: null}) {
messages = messages == null? new Messages.silent() : messages;
var command = 'ln';
var args = ['-s', target, link];
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
// Call mklink on Windows to create an NTFS junction point. Only works on
// Vista or later. (Junction points are available earlier, but the "mklink"
// command is not.) I'm using a junction point (/j) here instead of a soft
// link (/d) because the latter requires some privilege shenanigans that
// I'm not sure how to specify from the command line.
command = 'cmd';
args = ['/c', 'mklink', '/j', link, target];
return, args).then((result) {
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
var details = 'subprocess stdout:\n${result.stdout}\n'
'subprocess stderr:\n${result.stderr}';
'unable to create symlink\n target: $target\n link:$link\n$details',
return null;