blob: 7b4f019d79ff4d9f04476b9064d6d74278fd007e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library source_file_provider;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import '../compiler.dart' as api show Diagnostic;
import '../compiler_new.dart' as api;
import '../compiler_new.dart';
import 'colors.dart' as colors;
import 'dart2js.dart' show AbortLeg;
import 'filenames.dart';
import 'io/source_file.dart';
import 'util/uri_extras.dart';
abstract class SourceFileProvider implements CompilerInput {
bool isWindows = (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows');
Uri cwd = currentDirectory;
Map<Uri, api.Input> utf8SourceFiles = <Uri, api.Input>{};
Map<Uri, api.Input> binarySourceFiles = <Uri, api.Input>{};
int dartCharactersRead = 0;
Future<api.Input<List<int>>> readBytesFromUri(
Uri resourceUri, api.InputKind inputKind) {
api.Input<List<int>> input;
switch (inputKind) {
case api.InputKind.UTF8:
input = utf8SourceFiles[resourceUri];
case api.InputKind.binary:
input = binarySourceFiles[resourceUri];
if (input != null) return new Future.value(input);
if (resourceUri.scheme == 'file') {
return _readFromFile(resourceUri, inputKind);
} else if (resourceUri.scheme == 'http' || resourceUri.scheme == 'https') {
return _readFromHttp(resourceUri, inputKind);
} else {
throw new ArgumentError("Unknown scheme in uri '$resourceUri'");
api.Input _readFromFileSync(Uri resourceUri, api.InputKind inputKind) {
assert(resourceUri.scheme == 'file');
List<int> source;
try {
source = readAll(resourceUri.toFilePath(),
zeroTerminated: inputKind == api.InputKind.UTF8);
} on FileSystemException catch (ex) {
String message = ex.osError?.message;
String detail = message != null ? ' ($message)' : '';
throw "Error reading '${relativizeUri(resourceUri)}' $detail";
dartCharactersRead += source.length;
api.Input input;
switch (inputKind) {
case api.InputKind.UTF8:
input = utf8SourceFiles[resourceUri] = new CachingUtf8BytesSourceFile(
resourceUri, relativizeUri(resourceUri), source);
case api.InputKind.binary:
input =
binarySourceFiles[resourceUri] = new Binary(resourceUri, source);
return input;
/// Read [resourceUri] directly as a UTF-8 file. If reading fails, `null` is
/// returned.
api.Input autoReadFromFile(Uri resourceUri) {
try {
return _readFromFileSync(resourceUri, InputKind.UTF8);
} catch (e) {
// Silence the error. The [resourceUri] was not requested by the user and
// was only needed to give better error messages.
return null;
Future<api.Input<List<int>>> _readFromFile(
Uri resourceUri, api.InputKind inputKind) {
api.Input<List<int>> input;
try {
input = _readFromFileSync(resourceUri, inputKind);
} catch (e) {
return new Future.error(e);
return new Future.value(input);
Future<api.Input<List<int>>> _readFromHttp(
Uri resourceUri, api.InputKind inputKind) {
assert(resourceUri.scheme == 'http');
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
return client
.then((HttpClientRequest request) => request.close())
.then((HttpClientResponse response) {
if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.OK) {
String msg = 'Failure getting $resourceUri: '
'${response.statusCode} ${response.reasonPhrase}';
throw msg;
return response.toList();
}).then((List<List<int>> splitContent) {
int totalLength = splitContent.fold(0, (int old, List list) {
return old + list.length;
Uint8List result = new Uint8List(totalLength);
int offset = 0;
for (List<int> contentPart in splitContent) {
result.setRange(offset, offset + contentPart.length, contentPart);
offset += contentPart.length;
dartCharactersRead += totalLength;
api.Input<List<int>> input;
switch (inputKind) {
case api.InputKind.UTF8:
input = utf8SourceFiles[resourceUri] = new CachingUtf8BytesSourceFile(
resourceUri, resourceUri.toString(), result);
case api.InputKind.binary:
input =
binarySourceFiles[resourceUri] = new Binary(resourceUri, result);
return input;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when no longer needed for the old compiler
// API.
Future /* <List<int> | String> */ call(Uri resourceUri) {
throw "unimplemented";
relativizeUri(Uri uri) => relativize(cwd, uri, isWindows);
SourceFile<List<int>> getUtf8SourceFile(Uri resourceUri) {
return utf8SourceFiles[resourceUri];
Iterable<Uri> getSourceUris() {
Set<Uri> uris = new Set<Uri>();
return uris;
List<int> readAll(String filename, {bool zeroTerminated: true}) {
RandomAccessFile file = (new File(filename)).openSync();
int length = file.lengthSync();
int bufferLength = length;
if (zeroTerminated) {
// +1 to have a 0 terminated list, see [Scanner].
var buffer = new Uint8List(bufferLength);
file.readIntoSync(buffer, 0, length);
return buffer;
class CompilerSourceFileProvider extends SourceFileProvider {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when no longer needed for the old compiler
// API.
Future<List<int>> call(Uri resourceUri) =>
readFromUri(resourceUri).then((input) =>;
Future<api.Input<List<int>>> readFromUri(Uri uri,
{InputKind inputKind: InputKind.UTF8}) =>
readBytesFromUri(uri, inputKind);
class FormattingDiagnosticHandler implements CompilerDiagnostics {
final SourceFileProvider provider;
bool showWarnings = true;
bool showHints = true;
bool verbose = false;
bool isAborting = false;
bool enableColors = false;
bool throwOnError = false;
bool autoReadFileUri = false;
int throwOnErrorCount = 0;
api.Diagnostic lastKind = null;
int fatalCount = 0;
final int FATAL = api.Diagnostic.CRASH.ordinal | api.Diagnostic.ERROR.ordinal;
final int INFO =
api.Diagnostic.INFO.ordinal | api.Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO.ordinal;
FormattingDiagnosticHandler([SourceFileProvider provider])
: this.provider =
(provider == null) ? new CompilerSourceFileProvider() : provider;
void info(var message, [api.Diagnostic kind = api.Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO]) {
if (!verbose && kind == api.Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO) return;
if (enableColors) {
print('${"Info:")} $message');
} else {
print('Info: $message');
/// Adds [kind] specific prefix to [message].
String prefixMessage(String message, api.Diagnostic kind) {
switch (kind) {
case api.Diagnostic.ERROR:
return 'Error: $message';
case api.Diagnostic.WARNING:
return 'Warning: $message';
case api.Diagnostic.HINT:
return 'Hint: $message';
case api.Diagnostic.CRASH:
return 'Internal Error: $message';
case api.Diagnostic.INFO:
case api.Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO:
return 'Info: $message';
throw 'Unexpected diagnostic kind: $kind (${kind.ordinal})';
void report(var code, Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message,
api.Diagnostic kind) {
if (isAborting) return;
isAborting = (kind == api.Diagnostic.CRASH);
bool fatal = (kind.ordinal & FATAL) != 0;
bool isInfo = (kind.ordinal & INFO) != 0;
if (isInfo && uri == null && kind != api.Diagnostic.INFO) {
info(message, kind);
message = prefixMessage(message, kind);
// [lastKind] records the previous non-INFO kind we saw.
// This is used to suppress info about a warning when warnings are
// suppressed, and similar for hints.
if (kind != api.Diagnostic.INFO) {
lastKind = kind;
var color;
if (kind == api.Diagnostic.ERROR) {
color =;
} else if (kind == api.Diagnostic.WARNING) {
if (!showWarnings) return;
color = colors.magenta;
} else if (kind == api.Diagnostic.HINT) {
if (!showHints) return;
color = colors.cyan;
} else if (kind == api.Diagnostic.CRASH) {
color =;
} else if (kind == api.Diagnostic.INFO) {
if (lastKind == api.Diagnostic.WARNING && !showWarnings) return;
if (lastKind == api.Diagnostic.HINT && !showHints) return;
color =;
} else {
throw 'Unknown kind: $kind (${kind.ordinal})';
if (!enableColors) {
color = (String x) => x;
if (uri == null) {
} else {
api.Input file = provider.getUtf8SourceFile(uri);
if (file == null &&
autoReadFileUri &&
(uri.scheme == 'file' || !uri.isAbsolute) &&
uri.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
if (!uri.isAbsolute) {
uri = provider.cwd.resolveUri(uri);
// When reading from .dill files, the original source files haven't been
// loaded. Load the file if possible to provide a better error message.
file = provider.autoReadFromFile(uri);
if (file is SourceFile) {
print(file.getLocationMessage(color(message), begin, end,
colorize: color));
} else {
String position = end - begin > 0 ? '@$begin+${end - begin}' : '';
if (fatal && ++fatalCount >= throwOnErrorCount && throwOnError) {
isAborting = true;
throw new AbortLeg(message);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when no longer needed for the old compiler
// API.
void call(Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message, api.Diagnostic kind) {
return report(null, uri, begin, end, message, kind);
typedef void MessageCallback(String message);
class RandomAccessFileOutputProvider implements CompilerOutput {
final Uri out;
final Uri sourceMapOut;
final MessageCallback onInfo;
final MessageCallback onFailure;
int totalCharactersWritten = 0;
int totalCharactersWrittenPrimary = 0;
int totalCharactersWrittenJavaScript = 0;
List<String> allOutputFiles = <String>[];
RandomAccessFileOutputProvider(this.out, this.sourceMapOut,
{this.onInfo, this.onFailure});
Uri createUri(String name, String extension, OutputType type) {
Uri uri;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Unify handle of [name] and [extension] to prepare
// for using a single, possibly relative, [uri] as input.
switch (type) {
case OutputType.js:
if (name == '') {
uri = out;
} else {
uri = out.resolve('$name.$extension');
case OutputType.sourceMap:
if (name == '') {
uri = sourceMapOut;
} else {
uri = out.resolve('$name.$extension');
case OutputType.jsPart:
uri = out.resolve('$name.$extension');
if (name == '') {
name = out.pathSegments.last;
if (extension == '') {
uri = out.resolve(name);
} else {
uri = out.resolve('$name.$extension');
case OutputType.debug:
uri = out.resolve('$name.$extension');
onFailure('Unknown output type: $type');
return uri;
OutputSink createOutputSink(String name, String extension, OutputType type) {
Uri uri = createUri(name, extension, type);
bool isPrimaryOutput = uri == out;
if (uri.scheme != 'file') {
onFailure('Unhandled scheme ${uri.scheme} in $uri.');
RandomAccessFile output;
try {
output = new File(uri.toFilePath()).openSync(mode: FileMode.WRITE);
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
allOutputFiles.add(relativize(currentDirectory, uri, Platform.isWindows));
int charactersWritten = 0;
writeStringSync(String data) {
// Write the data in chunks of 8kb, otherwise we risk running OOM.
int chunkSize = 8 * 1024;
int offset = 0;
while (offset < data.length) {
data.substring(offset, math.min(offset + chunkSize, data.length)));
offset += chunkSize;
charactersWritten += data.length;
onDone() {
totalCharactersWritten += charactersWritten;
if (isPrimaryOutput) {
totalCharactersWrittenPrimary += charactersWritten;
if (type == OutputType.js || type == OutputType.jsPart) {
totalCharactersWrittenJavaScript += charactersWritten;
return new _OutputSinkWrapper(writeStringSync, onDone);
class _OutputSinkWrapper extends OutputSink {
var onAdd, onClose;
_OutputSinkWrapper(this.onAdd, this.onClose);
void add(String data) => onAdd(data);
void close() => onClose();
/// Adapter to integrate dart2js in bazel.
/// To handle bazel's special layout:
/// * We specify a .packages configuration file that expands packages to their
/// corresponding bazel location. This way there is no need to create a pub
/// cache prior to invoking dart2js.
/// * We provide an implicit mapping that can make all urls relative to the
/// bazel root.
/// To the compiler, URIs look like:
/// file:///bazel-root/a/b/c.dart
/// even though in the file system the file is located at:
/// file:///path/to/the/actual/bazel/root/a/b/c.dart
/// This mapping serves two purposes:
/// - It makes compiler results independent of the machine layout, which
/// enables us to share results across bazel runs and across machines.
/// - It hides the distinction between generated and source files. That way
/// we can use the standard package-resolution mechanism and ignore the
/// internals of how files are organized within bazel.
/// When invoking the compiler, bazel will use `package:` and
/// `file:///bazel-root/` URIs to specify entrypoints.
/// The mapping is specified using search paths relative to the current
/// directory. When this provider looks up a file, the bazel-root folder is
/// replaced by the first directory in the search path containing the file, if
/// any. For example, given the search path ".,bazel-bin/", and a URL
/// of the form `file:///bazel-root/a/b.dart`, this provider will check if the
/// file exists under "./a/b.dart", then check under "bazel-bin/a/b.dart". If
/// none of the paths matches, it will attempt to load the file from
/// `/bazel-root/a/b.dart` which will likely fail.
class BazelInputProvider extends SourceFileProvider {
final List<Uri> dirs;
BazelInputProvider(List<String> searchPaths)
: dirs =;
static _resolve(String path) => currentDirectory.resolve(path);
Future<api.Input> readFromUri(Uri uri,
{InputKind inputKind: InputKind.UTF8}) async {
var resolvedUri = uri;
var path = uri.path;
if (path.startsWith('/bazel-root')) {
path = path.substring('/bazel-root/'.length);
for (var dir in dirs) {
var file = dir.resolve(path);
if (await new File.fromUri(file).exists()) {
resolvedUri = file;
api.Input result = await readBytesFromUri(resolvedUri, inputKind);
switch (inputKind) {
case InputKind.UTF8:
utf8SourceFiles[uri] = utf8SourceFiles[resolvedUri];
case InputKind.binary:
binarySourceFiles[uri] = binarySourceFiles[resolvedUri];
return result;
api.Input autoReadFromFile(Uri resourceUri) {
var path = resourceUri.path;
if (path.startsWith('/bazel-root')) {
path = path.substring('/bazel-root/'.length);
for (var dir in dirs) {
var file = dir.resolve(path);
if (new File.fromUri(file).existsSync()) {
return super.autoReadFromFile(file);
return null;