| // Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // TODO(terry): Need to be consistent with tokens either they're ASCII tokens |
| // e.g., ASTERISK or they're CSS e.g., PSEUDO, COMBINATOR_*. |
| class TokenKind { |
| // Common shared tokens used in TokenizerBase. |
| static const int UNUSED = 0; // Unused place holder... |
| static const int END_OF_FILE = 1; |
| static const int LPAREN = 2; // ( |
| static const int RPAREN = 3; // ) |
| static const int LBRACK = 4; // [ |
| static const int RBRACK = 5; // ] |
| static const int LBRACE = 6; // { |
| static const int RBRACE = 7; // } |
| static const int DOT = 8; // . |
| static const int SEMICOLON = 9; // ; |
| static const int SPACE = 10; // space character |
| static const int TAB = 11; // \t |
| static const int NEWLINE = 12; // \n |
| static const int RETURN = 13; // \r |
| static const int COMMA = 14; // , |
| |
| // Unique tokens. |
| static const int LESS_THAN = 15; // < |
| static const int GREATER_THAN = 16; // > |
| static const int SLASH = 17; // / |
| static const int DOLLAR = 18; // $ |
| static const int HASH = 19; // # |
| static const int MINUS = 20; // - |
| static const int EQUAL = 21; // = |
| static const int DOUBLE_QUOTE = 22; // " |
| static const int SINGLE_QUOTE = 23; // ' |
| static const int ASTERISK = 24; // * |
| |
| // WARNING: END_TOKENS must be 1 greater than the last token above (last |
| // character in our list). Also add to kindToString function and the |
| // constructor for TokenKind. |
| |
| static const int END_TOKENS = 25; // Marker for last token in list |
| |
| // Synthesized tokens: |
| |
| static const int END_NO_SCOPE_TAG = 50; // /> |
| static const int START_EXPRESSION = 51; // ${ |
| static const int START_COMMAND = 52; // ${# |
| static const int END_COMMAND = 53; // ${/ |
| static const int EACH_COMMAND = 53; // ${#each list} |
| static const int WITH_COMMAND = 54; // ${#with object} |
| static const int IF_COMMAND = 55; // ${#if (expression)} |
| static const int ELSE_COMMAND = 56; // ${#else} |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing integer tokens. */ |
| static const int INTEGER = 60; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing hex integer tokens. */ |
| // static const int HEX_INTEGER = 61; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing double tokens. */ |
| static const int DOUBLE = 62; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing whitespace tokens. */ |
| static const int WHITESPACE = 63; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing comment tokens. */ |
| static const int COMMENT = 64; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing error tokens. */ |
| static const int ERROR = 65; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing incomplete string tokens. */ |
| static const int INCOMPLETE_STRING = 66; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing incomplete comment tokens. */ |
| static const int INCOMPLETE_COMMENT = 67; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| // Synthesized Tokens (no character associated with TOKEN). |
| // TODO(terry): Possible common names used by both Dart and CSS tokenizers. |
| static const int ATTR_VALUE = 500; |
| static const int NUMBER = 502; |
| static const int HEX_NUMBER = 503; |
| static const int HTML_COMMENT = 504; // <!-- |
| static const int IDENTIFIER = 511; |
| static const int STRING = 512; |
| static const int STRING_PART = 513; |
| |
| static const int TEMPLATE_KEYWORD = 595; // template keyword |
| |
| // Elements |
| /* START_HTML_ELEMENT is first valid element tag name |
| * END_HTML_ELEMENT is the last valid element tag name |
| * |
| */ |
| static const int START_HTML_ELEMENT = 600; // First valid tag name. |
| static const int A_ELEMENT = 600; |
| static const int ABBR_ELEMENT = 601; |
| static const int ACRONYM_ELEMENT = 602; |
| static const int ADDRESS_ELEMENT = 603; |
| static const int APPLET_ELEMENT = 604; |
| static const int AREA_ELEMENT = 605; |
| static const int B_ELEMENT = 606; |
| static const int BASE_ELEMENT = 607; |
| static const int BASEFONT_ELEMENT = 608; |
| static const int BDO_ELEMENT = 609; |
| static const int BIG_ELEMENT = 610; |
| static const int BLOCKQUOTE_ELEMENT = 611; |
| static const int BODY_ELEMENT = 612; |
| static const int BR_ELEMENT = 613; |
| static const int BUTTON_ELEMENT = 614; |
| static const int CAPTION_ELEMENT = 615; |
| static const int CENTER_ELEMENT = 616; |
| static const int CITE_ELEMENT = 617; |
| static const int CODE_ELEMENT = 618; |
| static const int COL_ELEMENT = 619; |
| static const int COLGROUP_ELEMENT = 620; |
| static const int DD_ELEMENT = 621; |
| static const int DEL_ELEMENT = 622; |
| static const int DFN_ELEMENT = 623; |
| static const int DIR_ELEMENT = 624; |
| static const int DIV_ELEMENT = 625; |
| static const int DL_ELEMENT = 626; |
| static const int DT_ELEMENT = 627; |
| static const int EM_ELEMENT = 628; |
| static const int FIELDSET_ELEMENT = 629; |
| static const int FONT_ELEMENT = 630; |
| static const int FORM_ELEMENT = 631; |
| static const int FRAME_ELEMENT = 632; |
| static const int FRAMESET_ELEMENT = 633; |
| static const int H1_ELEMENT = 634; |
| static const int H2_ELEMENT = 635; |
| static const int H3_ELEMENT = 636; |
| static const int H4_ELEMENT = 637; |
| static const int H5_ELEMENT = 638; |
| static const int H6_ELEMENT = 639; |
| static const int HEAD_ELEMENT = 640; |
| static const int HR_ELEMENT = 641; |
| static const int HTML_ELEMENT = 642; |
| static const int I_ELEMENT = 643; |
| static const int IFRAME_ELEMENT = 644; |
| static const int IMG_ELEMENT = 645; |
| static const int INPUT_ELEMENT = 646; |
| static const int INS_ELEMENT = 647; |
| static const int ISINDEX_ELEMENT = 648; |
| static const int KBD_ELEMENT = 649; |
| static const int LABEL_ELEMENT = 650; |
| static const int LEGEND_ELEMENT = 651; |
| static const int LI_ELEMENT = 652; |
| static const int LINK_ELEMENT = 653; |
| static const int MAP_ELEMENT = 654; |
| static const int MENU_ELEMENT = 645; |
| static const int META_ELEMENT = 656; |
| static const int NOFRAMES_ELEMENT = 657; |
| static const int NOSCRIPT_ELEMENT = 658; |
| static const int OBJECT_ELEMENT = 659; |
| static const int OL_ELEMENT = 660; |
| static const int OPTGROUP_ELEMENT = 661; |
| static const int OPTION_ELEMENT = 662; |
| static const int P_ELEMENT = 663; |
| static const int PARAM_ELEMENT = 664; |
| static const int PRE_ELEMENT = 665; |
| static const int Q_ELEMENT = 666; |
| static const int S_ELEMENT = 667; |
| static const int SAMP_ELEMENT = 668; |
| static const int SCRIPT_ELEMENT = 669; |
| static const int SELECT_ELEMENT = 670; |
| static const int SMALL_ELEMENT = 671; |
| static const int SPAN_ELEMENT = 672; |
| static const int STRIKE_ELEMENT = 673; |
| static const int STRONG_ELEMENT = 674; |
| static const int STYLE_ELEMENT = 675; |
| static const int SUB_ELEMENT = 676; |
| static const int SUP_ELEMENT = 677; |
| static const int TABLE_ELEMENT = 678; |
| static const int TBODY_ELEMENT = 679; |
| static const int TD_ELEMENT = 680; |
| static const int TEXTAREA_ELEMENT = 681; |
| static const int TFOOT_ELEMENT = 682; |
| static const int TH_ELEMENT = 683; |
| static const int THEAD_ELEMENT = 684; |
| static const int TITLE_ELEMENT = 685; |
| static const int TR_ELEMENT = 686; |
| static const int TT_ELEMENT = 687; |
| static const int U_ELEMENT = 688; |
| static const int UL_ELEMENT = 689; |
| static const int VAR_ELEMENT = 690; |
| static const int END_HTML_ELEMENT = VAR_ELEMENT; // Last valid tag name. |
| |
| static bool validTagName(int tokId) { |
| return tokId >= TokenKind.START_HTML_ELEMENT && |
| tokId <= TokenKind.END_HTML_ELEMENT; |
| } |
| |
| static const List<Map<int, String>> _KEYWORDS = const [ |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TEMPLATE_KEYWORD, 'value' : 'template'}, |
| ]; |
| |
| static const List<int> _NON_SCOPED_ELEMENTS = const [ |
| ]; |
| |
| // tag values starting with a minus sign implies tag can be unscoped e.g., |
| // <br> is valid without <br></br> or <br/> |
| static const List<Map<int, String>> _ELEMENTS = const [ |
| const {'type': TokenKind.A_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'a'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.ABBR_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'abbr'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.ACRONYM_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'acronym'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.ADDRESS_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'address'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.APPLET_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'applet'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.AREA_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'area'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.B_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'b'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.BASE_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'base'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.BASEFONT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'basefont'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.BDO_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'bdo'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.BIG_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'big'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.BLOCKQUOTE_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'blockquote'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.BODY_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'body'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.BR_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'br'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.BUTTON_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'button'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.CAPTION_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'caption'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.CENTER_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'center'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.CITE_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'cite'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.CODE_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'code'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.COL_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'col'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.COLGROUP_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'colgroup'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DD_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'dd'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DEL_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'del'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DFN_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'dfn'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DIR_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'dir'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DIV_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'div'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DL_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'dl'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'dt'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.EM_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'em'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.FIELDSET_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'fieldset'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.FONT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'font'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.FORM_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'form'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.FRAME_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'frame'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.FRAMESET_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'frameset'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.H1_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'h1'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.H2_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'h2'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.H3_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'h3'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.H4_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'h4'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.H5_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'h5'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.H6_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'h6'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.HEAD_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'head'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.HR_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'hr'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.HTML_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'html'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.I_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'i'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.IFRAME_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'iframe'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.IMG_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'img'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.INPUT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'input'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.INS_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'ins'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.ISINDEX_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'isindex'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.KBD_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'kbd'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.LABEL_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'label'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.LEGEND_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'legend'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.LI_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'li'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.LINK_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'link'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.MAP_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'map'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.MENU_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'menu'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.META_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'meta'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.NOFRAMES_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'noframes'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.NOSCRIPT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'noscript'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.OBJECT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'object'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.OL_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'ol'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.OPTGROUP_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'optgroup'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.OPTION_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'option'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.P_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'p'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.PARAM_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'param'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.PRE_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'pre'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.Q_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'q'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.S_ELEMENT, 'value' : 's'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.SAMP_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'samp'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.SCRIPT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'script'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.SELECT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'select'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.SMALL_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'small'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.SPAN_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'span'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.STRIKE_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'strike'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.STRONG_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'strong'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.STYLE_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'style'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.SUB_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'sub'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.SUP_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'sup'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TABLE_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'table'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TBODY_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'tbody'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TD_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'td'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TEXTAREA_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'textarea'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TFOOT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'tfoot'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TH_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'th'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.THEAD_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'thead'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TITLE_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'title'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TR_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'tr'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.TT_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'tt'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.U_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'u'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.UL_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'ul'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.VAR_ELEMENT, 'value' : 'var'}, |
| ]; |
| |
| // Some more constants: |
| static const int ASCII_UPPER_A = 65; // ASCII value for uppercase A |
| static const int ASCII_UPPER_Z = 90; // ASCII value for uppercase Z |
| |
| List<int> tokens; |
| |
| /* |
| * Return the token that matches the unit ident found. |
| */ |
| static int matchList(var identList, String tokenField, String text, |
| int offset, int length) { |
| for (final entry in identList) { |
| String ident = entry['value']; |
| if (length == ident.length) { |
| int idx = offset; |
| bool match = true; |
| for (int identIdx = 0; identIdx < ident.length; identIdx++) { |
| int identChar = ident.codeUnitAt(identIdx); |
| int char = text.codeUnitAt(idx++); |
| // Compare lowercase to lowercase then check if char is uppercase. |
| match = match && (char == identChar || |
| ((char >= ASCII_UPPER_A && char <= ASCII_UPPER_Z) && |
| (char + 32) == identChar)); |
| if (!match) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (match) { |
| // Completely matched; return the token for this unit. |
| return entry[tokenField]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return -1; // Not a unit token. |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Return the token that matches the element ident found. |
| */ |
| static int matchElements(String text, int offset, int length) { |
| return matchList(_ELEMENTS, 'type', text, offset, length); |
| } |
| |
| static String tagNameFromTokenId(int tagTokenId) { |
| if (TokenKind.validTagName(tagTokenId)) { |
| for (final tag in TokenKind._ELEMENTS) { |
| if (tag['type'] == tagTokenId) { |
| return tag['value']; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static bool unscopedTag(int tagTokenId) { |
| for (final tagId in TokenKind._NON_SCOPED_ELEMENTS) { |
| if (tagId == tagTokenId) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| static int matchKeywords(String text, int offset, int length) { |
| return matchList(_KEYWORDS, 'type', text, offset, length); |
| } |
| |
| static String kindToString(int kind) { |
| switch(kind) { |
| case TokenKind.UNUSED: return "ERROR"; |
| case TokenKind.END_OF_FILE: return "end of file"; |
| case TokenKind.LPAREN: return "("; |
| case TokenKind.RPAREN: return ")"; |
| case TokenKind.LBRACK: return "["; |
| case TokenKind.RBRACK: return "]"; |
| case TokenKind.LBRACE: return "{"; |
| case TokenKind.RBRACE: return "}"; |
| case TokenKind.DOT: return "."; |
| case TokenKind.SEMICOLON: return ";"; |
| case TokenKind.SPACE: return " "; |
| case TokenKind.TAB: return "\t"; |
| case TokenKind.NEWLINE: return "\n"; |
| case TokenKind.RETURN: return "\r"; |
| case TokenKind.COMMA: return ","; |
| case TokenKind.LESS_THAN: return "<"; |
| case TokenKind.GREATER_THAN: return ">"; |
| case TokenKind.SLASH: return "/"; |
| case TokenKind.DOLLAR: return "\$"; |
| case TokenKind.HASH: return "#"; |
| case TokenKind.MINUS: return '-'; |
| case TokenKind.EQUAL: return '='; |
| case TokenKind.DOUBLE_QUOTE: return '"'; |
| case TokenKind.SINGLE_QUOTE: return "'"; |
| case TokenKind.ASTERISK: return "*"; |
| case TokenKind.END_NO_SCOPE_TAG: return '/>'; |
| case TokenKind.START_EXPRESSION: return '\${'; |
| case TokenKind.START_COMMAND: return '\${#'; |
| case TokenKind.END_COMMAND: return '\${/'; |
| case TokenKind.EACH_COMMAND: return '\${#each list}'; |
| case TokenKind.WITH_COMMAND: return '\${with object}'; |
| case TokenKind.IF_COMMAND: return '\${#if (expression)}'; |
| case TokenKind.ELSE_COMMAND: return '\${#end}'; |
| case TokenKind.INTEGER: return 'integer'; |
| case TokenKind.DOUBLE: return 'double'; |
| case TokenKind.WHITESPACE: return 'whitespace'; |
| case TokenKind.COMMENT: return 'comment'; |
| case TokenKind.ERROR: return 'error'; |
| case TokenKind.INCOMPLETE_STRING : return 'incomplete string'; |
| case TokenKind.INCOMPLETE_COMMENT: return 'incomplete comment'; |
| case TokenKind.ATTR_VALUE: return 'attribute value'; |
| case TokenKind.NUMBER: return 'number'; |
| case TokenKind.HEX_NUMBER: return 'hex number'; |
| case TokenKind.HTML_COMMENT: return 'HTML comment <!-- -->'; |
| case TokenKind.IDENTIFIER: return 'identifier'; |
| case TokenKind.STRING: return 'string'; |
| case TokenKind.STRING_PART: return 'string part'; |
| case TokenKind.TEMPLATE_KEYWORD: return 'template'; |
| default: |
| throw "Unknown TOKEN"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TokenKind() { |
| tokens = []; |
| |
| // All tokens must be in TokenKind order. |
| tokens.add(-1); // TokenKind.UNUSED |
| tokens.add(0); // TokenKind.END_OF_FILE match base |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.LPAREN).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.RPAREN).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.LBRACK).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.RBRACK).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.LBRACE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.RBRACE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.DOT).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.SEMICOLON).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.SPACE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.TAB).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.NEWLINE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.RETURN).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.COMMA).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.LESS_THAN).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.GREATER_THAN).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.SLASH).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.DOLLAR).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.HASH).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.MINUS).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.EQUAL).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.DOUBLE_QUOTE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.SINGLE_QUOTE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.ASTERISK).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| |
| assert(tokens.length == TokenKind.END_TOKENS); |
| } |
| |
| static bool isIdentifier(int kind) { |
| return kind == IDENTIFIER; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class NoElementMatchException implements Exception { |
| String _tagName; |
| NoElementMatchException(this._tagName); |
| |
| String get name => _tagName; |
| } |