blob: 33e02560deb53c0747fed4822036adabaf3fb71c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/** General options used by the compiler. */
TemplateOptions options;
/** Extracts options from command-line arguments. */
void parseOptions(List<String> args, var files) {
assert(options == null);
options = new TemplateOptions(args, files);
class TemplateOptions {
/** Location of corelib and other special dart libraries. */
String libDir;
/* The top-level dart script to compile. */
String dartScript;
/** Where to place the generated code. */
String outfile;
// Options that modify behavior significantly
bool warningsAsErrors = false;
bool checkOnly = false;
// Message support
bool throwOnErrors = false;
bool throwOnWarnings = false;
bool throwOnFatal = false;
bool showInfo = false;
bool showWarnings = true;
bool useColors = true;
* Options to be used later for passing to the generated code. These are all
* the arguments after the first dart script, if any.
List<String> childArgs;
TemplateOptions(List<String> args, var files) {
bool ignoreUnrecognizedFlags = false;
bool passedLibDir = false;
childArgs = [];
// Start from 2 to skip arguments representing the compiler command
// (python followed by
loop: for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
var arg = args[i];
switch (arg) {
case '--check-only':
checkOnly = true;
case '--verbose':
showInfo = true;
case '--suppress_warnings':
showWarnings = false;
case '--warnings_as_errors':
warningsAsErrors = true;
case '--throw_on_errors':
throwOnErrors = true;
case '--throw_on_warnings':
throwOnWarnings = true;
case '--no_colors':
useColors = false;
case '--checked':
checkOnly = true;
if (!ignoreUnrecognizedFlags) {
print('unrecognized flag: "$arg"');