blob: 9f23d8a9931de613cc27821de51af3e6b7a1a66e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
class TagStack {
List<ASTNode> _stack;
TagStack(var elem) : _stack = [] {
void push(var elem) {
ASTNode pop() {
return _stack.removeLast();
top() {
return _stack.last;
// TODO(terry): Cleanup returning errors from CSS to common World error
// handler.
class ErrorMsgRedirector {
void displayError(String msg) {
if (world.printHandler != null) {
} else {
print("Unhandler Error: ${msg}");
* A simple recursive descent parser for HTML.
class Parser {
Tokenizer tokenizer;
var _fs; // If non-null filesystem to read files.
final SourceFile source;
Token _previousToken;
Token _peekToken;
PrintHandler printHandler;
Parser(this.source, [int start = 0, this._fs = null]) {
tokenizer = new Tokenizer(source, true, start);
_peekToken =;
_previousToken = null;
// Main entry point for parsing an entire HTML file.
List<Template> parse([PrintHandler handler = null]) {
printHandler = handler;
List<Template> productions = [];
int start = _peekToken.start;
while (!_maybeEat(TokenKind.END_OF_FILE)) {
Template template = processTemplate();
if (template != null) {
return productions;
/** Generate an error if [source] has not been completely consumed. */
void checkEndOfFile() {
/** Guard to break out of parser when an unexpected end of file is found. */
// TODO(jimhug): Failure to call this method can lead to inifinite parser
// loops. Consider embracing exceptions for more errors to reduce
// the danger here.
bool isPrematureEndOfFile() {
if (_maybeEat(TokenKind.END_OF_FILE)) {
_error('unexpected end of file', _peekToken.span);
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Basic support methods
int _peek() {
return _peekToken.kind;
Token _next([bool inTag = true]) {
_previousToken = _peekToken;
_peekToken =;
return _previousToken;
bool _peekKind(int kind) {
return _peekToken.kind == kind;
/* Is the next token a legal identifier? This includes pseudo-keywords. */
bool _peekIdentifier([String name = null]) {
if (TokenKind.isIdentifier(_peekToken.kind)) {
return (name != null) ? _peekToken.text == name : true;
return false;
bool _maybeEat(int kind) {
if (_peekToken.kind == kind) {
_previousToken = _peekToken;
if (kind == TokenKind.GREATER_THAN) {
_peekToken =;
} else {
_peekToken =;
return true;
} else {
return false;
void _eat(int kind) {
if (!_maybeEat(kind)) {
void _eatSemicolon() {
void _errorExpected(String expected) {
var tok = _next();
var message;
try {
message = 'expected $expected, but found $tok';
} catch (e) {
message = 'parsing error expected $expected';
_error(message, tok.span);
void _error(String message, [SourceSpan location=null]) {
if (location == null) {
location = _peekToken.span;
if (printHandler == null) {
world.fatal(message, location); // syntax errors are fatal for now
} else {
// TODO(terry): Need common World view for css and template parser.
// For now this is how we return errors from CSS - ugh.
void _warning(String message, [SourceSpan location=null]) {
if (location == null) {
location = _peekToken.span;
if (printHandler == null) {
world.warning(message, location);
} else {
// TODO(terry): Need common World view for css and template parser.
// For now this is how we return errors from CSS - ugh.
SourceSpan _makeSpan(int start) {
return new SourceSpan(source, start, _previousToken.end);
// Top level productions
Template processTemplate() {
var template;
int start = _peekToken.start;
// Handle the template keyword followed by template signature.
if (_peekIdentifier()) {
final templateName = identifier();
List<Map<Identifier, Identifier>> params =
new List<Map<Identifier, Identifier>>();
start = _peekToken.start;
while (true) {
// TODO(terry): Need robust Dart argument parser (e.g.,
// List<String> arg1, etc).
var type = processAsIdentifier();
var paramName = processAsIdentifier();
if (type != null && paramName != null) {
params.add({'type': type, 'name' : paramName});
if (!_maybeEat(TokenKind.COMMA)) {
} else {
// No parameters we're done.
TemplateSignature sig =
new TemplateSignature(, params, _makeSpan(start));
TemplateContent content = processTemplateContent();
template = new Template(sig, content, _makeSpan(start));
return template;
// All tokens are identifiers tokenizer is geared to HTML if identifiers are
// HTML element or attribute names we need them as an identifier. Used by
// template signatures and expressions in ${...}
Identifier processAsIdentifier() {
int start = _peekToken.start;
if (_peekIdentifier()) {
return identifier();
} else if (TokenKind.validTagName(_peek())) {
var tok = _next();
return new Identifier(TokenKind.tagNameFromTokenId(tok.kind),
css.Stylesheet processCSS() {
// Is there a CSS block?
if (_peekIdentifier('css')) {
int start = _peekToken.start;
css.Stylesheet cssCtx = processCSSContent(source, tokenizer.startIndex);
// TODO(terry): Hack, restart template parser where CSS parser stopped.
tokenizer.index = lastCSSIndexParsed;
_eat(TokenKind.RBRACE); // close } of css block
return cssCtx;
// TODO(terry): get should be able to use all template control flow but return
// a string instead of a node. Maybe expose both html and get
// e.g.,
// A.)
// html {
// <div>...</div>
// }
// B.)
// html foo() {
// <div>..</div>
// }
// C.)
// get {
// <div>...</div>
// }
// D.)
// get foo {
// <div>..</div>
// }
// Only one default allower either A or C the constructor will
// generate a string or a node.
// Examples B and D would generate getters that either return
// a node for B or a String for D.
List<TemplateGetter> processGetters() {
List<TemplateGetter> getters = [];
while (true) {
if (_peekIdentifier('get')) {
int start = _peekToken.start;
if (_peekIdentifier()) {
String getterName = identifier().name;
List<Map<Identifier, Identifier>> params =
new List<Map<Identifier, Identifier>>();
start = _peekToken.start;
while (true) {
// TODO(terry): Need robust Dart argument parser (e.g.,
// List<String> arg1, etc).
var type = processAsIdentifier();
var paramName = processAsIdentifier();
if (paramName == null && type != null) {
paramName = type;
type = "";
if (type != null && paramName != null) {
params.add({'type': type, 'name' : paramName});
if (!_maybeEat(TokenKind.COMMA)) {
} else {
// No parameters we're done.
var elems = new TemplateElement.fragment(_makeSpan(_peekToken.start));
var templateDoc = processHTML(elems);
_eat(TokenKind.RBRACE); // close } of get block
getters.add(new TemplateGetter(getterName, params, templateDoc,
} else {
return getters;
get newTotal(value) {
<div class="alignleft">${value}</div>
String get HTML_newTotal(value) {
return '<div class="alignleft">${value}</div>
TemplateContent processTemplateContent() {
css.Stylesheet ss;
int start = _peekToken.start;
ss = processCSS();
// TODO(terry): getters should be allowed anywhere not just after CSS.
List<TemplateGetter> getters = processGetters();
var elems = new TemplateElement.fragment(_makeSpan(_peekToken.start));
var templateDoc = processHTML(elems);
// TODO(terry): Should allow css { } to be at beginning or end of the
// template's content. Today css only allow at beginning
// because the css {...} is sucked in as a text node. We'll
// need a special escape for css maybe:
// ${#css}
// ${/css}
// uggggly!
return new TemplateContent(ss, templateDoc, getters, _makeSpan(start));
int lastCSSIndexParsed; // TODO(terry): Hack, last good CSS parsed.
css.Stylesheet processCSSContent(var cssSource, int start) {
try {
css.Parser parser = new css.Parser(new SourceFile(
SourceFile.IN_MEMORY_FILE, cssSource.text), start);
css.Stylesheet stylesheet = parser.parse(false, new ErrorMsgRedirector());
var lastParsedChar = parser.tokenizer.startIndex;
lastCSSIndexParsed = lastParsedChar;
return stylesheet;
} catch (cssParseException) {
// TODO(terry): Need SourceSpan from CSS parser to pass onto _error.
_error("Unexcepted CSS error: ${cssParseException.toString()}");
/* TODO(terry): Assume template { }, single close curley as a text node
* inside of the template would need to be escaped maybe \}
processHTML(TemplateElement root) {
TagStack stack = new TagStack(root);
int start = _peekToken.start;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
if (_maybeEat(TokenKind.LESS_THAN)) {
// Open tag
start = _peekToken.start;
if (TokenKind.validTagName(_peek())) {
Token tagToken = _next();
Map<String, TemplateAttribute> attrs = processAttributes();
String varName;
if (attrs.containsKey('var')) {
varName = attrs['var'].value;
int scopeType; // 1 implies scoped, 2 implies non-scoped element.
if (_maybeEat(TokenKind.GREATER_THAN)) {
// Scoped unless the tag is explicitly known as an unscoped tag
// e.g., <br>.
scopeType = TokenKind.unscopedTag(tagToken.kind) ? 2 : 1;
} else if (_maybeEat(TokenKind.END_NO_SCOPE_TAG)) {
scopeType = 2;
if (scopeType > 0) {
var elem = new TemplateElement.attributes(tagToken.kind,
attrs.values.toList(), varName, _makeSpan(start));;
if (scopeType == 1) {
// Maybe more nested tags/text?
} else {
// Close tag
if (TokenKind.validTagName(_peek())) {
Token tagToken = _next();
var elem = stack.pop();
if (elem is TemplateElement && !elem.isFragment) {
if (elem.tagTokenId != tagToken.kind) {
_error('Tag doesn\'t match expected </${elem.tagName}> got ' +
} else {
// Too many end tags.
_error('Too many end tags at ' +
} else if (_maybeEat(TokenKind.START_COMMAND)) {
Identifier commandName = processAsIdentifier();
if (commandName != null) {
switch ( {
case "each":
case "with":
var listName = processAsIdentifier();
if (listName != null) {
var loopItem = processAsIdentifier();
// Is the optional item name specified?
// #each lists [item]
// #with expression [item]
var frag = new TemplateElement.fragment(
TemplateDocument docFrag = processHTML(frag);
if (docFrag != null) {
var span = _makeSpan(start);
var cmd;
if ( == "each") {
cmd = new TemplateEachCommand(listName, loopItem, docFrag,
} else if ( == "with") {
cmd = new TemplateWithCommand(listName, loopItem, docFrag,
// Process ${/commandName}
// Close command ${/commandName}
if (_peekIdentifier()) {
commandName = identifier();
switch ( {
case "each":
case "with":
case "if":
case "else":
_error('Unknown command \${#${commandName}}');
var elem = stack.pop();
if (elem is TemplateEachCommand && == "each") {
} else if (elem is TemplateWithCommand && == "with") {
} /*else if (elem is TemplateIfCommand && commandName == "if") {
*/else {
String expectedCmd;
if (elem is TemplateEachCommand) {
expectedCmd = "\${/each}";
} /* TODO(terry): else other commands as well */
_error('mismatched command expected ${expectedCmd} got...');
} else {
_error('Missing command name \${/commandName}');
} else {
_error("Missing listname for #each command");
case "if":
case "else":
// Calling another template.
int startPos = this._previousToken.end;
// Gobble up everything until we hit }
while (_peek() != TokenKind.RBRACE &&
_peek() != TokenKind.END_OF_FILE) {
if (_peek() == TokenKind.RBRACE) {
int endPos = this._previousToken.end;
TemplateCall callNode = new TemplateCall(,
source.text.substring(startPos, endPos), _makeSpan(start));;
} else {
_error("Unknown template command");
} // End of switch/case
} else if (_peekKind(TokenKind.END_COMMAND)) {
} else {
// Any text or expression nodes?
var nodes = processTextNodes();
if (nodes.length > 0) {
assert( != null);
for (var node in nodes) {;
} else {
if (elems.children.length != 1) {
print("ERROR: No closing end-tag for elems ${elems[elems.length - 1]}");
var docChildren = new List<ASTNode>();
return new TemplateDocument(docChildren, _makeSpan(start));
/* Map is used so only last unique attribute name is remembered and to quickly
* find the var attribute.
Map<String, TemplateAttribute> processAttributes() {
Map<String, TemplateAttribute> attrs = new Map();
int start = _peekToken.start;
String elemName;
while (_peekIdentifier() ||
(elemName = TokenKind.tagNameFromTokenId(_peek())) != null) {
var attrName;
if (elemName == null) {
attrName = identifier();
} else {
attrName = new Identifier(elemName, _makeSpan(start));
var attrValue;
// Attribute value?
if (_peek() == TokenKind.ATTR_VALUE) {
var tok = _next();
attrValue = new StringValue(tok.value, _makeSpan(tok.start));
attrs[] =
new TemplateAttribute(attrName, attrValue, _makeSpan(start));
start = _peekToken.start;
elemName = null;
return attrs;
identifier() {
var tok = _next();
if (!TokenKind.isIdentifier(tok.kind)) {
_error('expected identifier, but found $tok', tok.span);
return new Identifier(tok.text, _makeSpan(tok.start));
List<ASTNode> processTextNodes() {
// May contain TemplateText and TemplateExpression.
List<ASTNode> nodes = [];
int start = _peekToken.start;
bool inExpression = false;
StringBuffer stringValue = new StringBuffer();
// Any text chars between close of tag and text node?
if (_previousToken.kind == TokenKind.GREATER_THAN) {
// If the next token is } could be the close template token. If user
// needs } as token in text node use the entity &125;
// TODO(terry): Probably need a &RCURLY entity instead of 125.
if (_peek() == TokenKind.ERROR) {
// Backup, just past previous token, & rescan we're outside of the tag.
tokenizer.index = _previousToken.end;
} else if (_peek() != TokenKind.RBRACE) {
// Yes, grab the chars after the >
this._previousToken.end, this._peekToken.start));
// Gobble up everything until we hit <
while (_peek() != TokenKind.LESS_THAN &&
_peek() != TokenKind.START_COMMAND &&
_peek() != TokenKind.END_COMMAND &&
(_peek() != TokenKind.RBRACE ||
(_peek() == TokenKind.RBRACE && inExpression)) &&
_peek() != TokenKind.END_OF_FILE) {
// Beginning of expression?
if (_peek() == TokenKind.START_EXPRESSION) {
if (stringValue.length > 0) {
// We have a real text node create the text node.
nodes.add(new TemplateText(stringValue.toString(), _makeSpan(start)));
stringValue = new StringBuffer();
start = _peekToken.start;
inExpression = true;
var tok = _next(false);
if (tok.kind == TokenKind.RBRACE && inExpression) {
// We have an expression create the expression node, don't save the }
inExpression = false;
nodes.add(new TemplateExpression(stringValue.toString(),
stringValue = new StringBuffer();
start = _peekToken.start;
} else if (tok.kind != TokenKind.START_EXPRESSION) {
// Only save the the contents between ${ and }
if (stringValue.length > 0) {
nodes.add(new TemplateText(stringValue.toString(), _makeSpan(start)));
return nodes;