blob: c00cda5f533ff5a1e3766a335eb47abb0c7cf588 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Attempts to resolve a set of version constraints for a package dependency
/// graph and select an appropriate set of best specific versions for all
/// dependent packages. It works iteratively and tries to reach a stable
/// solution where the constraints of all dependencies are met. If it fails to
/// reach a solution after a certain number of iterations, it assumes the
/// dependency graph is unstable and reports and error.
/// There are two fundamental operations in the process of iterating over the
/// graph:
/// 1. Changing the selected concrete version of some package. (This includes
/// adding and removing a package too, which is considering changing the
/// version to or from "none".) In other words, a node has changed.
/// 2. Changing the version constraint that one package places on another. In
/// other words, and edge has changed.
/// Both of these events have a corresponding (potentional) async operation and
/// roughly cycle back and forth between each other. When we change the version
/// of package changes, we asynchronously load the pubspec for the new version.
/// When that's done, we compare the dependencies of the new version versus the
/// old one. For everything that differs, we change those constraints between
/// this package and that dependency.
/// When a constraint on a package changes, we re-calculate the overall
/// constraint on that package. I.e. with a shared dependency, we intersect all
/// of the constraints that its depending packages place on it. If that overall
/// constraint changes (say from "<3.0.0" to "<2.5.0"), then the currently
/// picked version for that package may fall outside of the new constraint. If
/// that happens, we find the new best version that meets the updated constraint
/// and then the change the package to use that version. That cycles back up to
/// the beginning again.
library version_solver;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'dart:math';
import 'lock_file.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'package.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'source_registry.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'version.dart';
/// Attempts to select the best concrete versions for all of the transitive
/// dependencies of [root] taking into account all of the [VersionConstraint]s
/// that those dependencies place on each other and the requirements imposed by
/// [lockFile]. If successful, completes to a [Map] that maps package names to
/// the selected version for that package. If it fails, the future will complete
/// with a [NoVersionException], [DisjointConstraintException], or
/// [CouldNotSolveException].
Future<List<PackageId>> resolveVersions(SourceRegistry sources, Package root,
LockFile lockFile) {
log.message('Resolving dependencies...');
return new VersionSolver(sources, root, lockFile).solve();
class VersionSolver {
final SourceRegistry _sources;
final Package _root;
final LockFile lockFile;
final PubspecCache _pubspecs;
final Map<String, Dependency> _packages;
final Queue<WorkItem> _work;
int _numIterations = 0;
VersionSolver(SourceRegistry sources, this._root, this.lockFile)
: _sources = sources,
_pubspecs = new PubspecCache(sources),
_packages = <String, Dependency>{},
_work = new Queue<WorkItem>();
/// Tell the version solver to use the most recent version of [package] that
/// exists in whatever source it's installed from. If that version violates
/// constraints imposed by other dependencies, an error will be raised when
/// solving the versions, even if an earlier compatible version exists.
void useLatestVersion(String package) {
// TODO(nweiz): How do we want to detect and handle unknown dependencies
// here?
getDependency(package).useLatestVersion = true;
Future<List<PackageId>> solve() {
// Kick off the work by adding the root package at its concrete version to
// the dependency graph.
var ref = new PackageRef.root(_root);
enqueue(new AddConstraint('(entrypoint)', ref));
_pubspecs.cache(ref.atVersion(_root.version), _root.pubspec);
Future processNextWorkItem(_) {
while (true) {
// Stop if we are done.
if (_work.isEmpty) return new Future.immediate(buildResults());
// If we appear to be stuck in a loop, then we probably have an unstable
// graph, bail. We guess this based on a rough heuristic that it should
// only take a certain number of steps to solve a graph with a given
// number of connections.
// TODO(rnystrom): These numbers here are magic and arbitrary. Tune
// when we have a better picture of real-world package topologies.
if (_numIterations > max(50, _packages.length * 5)) {
throw new CouldNotSolveException();
// Run the first work item.
var future = _work.removeFirst().process(this);
// If we have an async operation to perform, chain the loop to resume
// when it's done. Otherwise, just loop synchronously.
if (future != null) {
return future.then(processNextWorkItem);
return processNextWorkItem(null);
void enqueue(WorkItem work) {
Dependency getDependency(String package) {
// There can be unused dependencies in the graph, so just create an empty
// one if needed.
_packages.putIfAbsent(package, () => new Dependency(package));
return _packages[package];
/// Sets the best selected version of [package] to [version].
void setVersion(String package, Version version) {
_packages[package].version = version;
/// Returns the most recent version of [dependency] that satisfies all of its
/// version constraints.
Future<Version> getBestVersion(Dependency dependency) {
return dependency.getVersions().then((versions) {
var best = null;
for (var version in versions) {
if (dependency.useLatestVersion ||
dependency.constraint.allows(version)) {
if (best == null || version > best) best = version;
// TODO(rnystrom): Better exception.
if (best == null) {
if (tryUnlockDepender(dependency)) return null;
throw new NoVersionException(, dependency.constraint,
} else if (!dependency.constraint.allows(best)) {
if (tryUnlockDepender(dependency)) return null;
throw new CouldNotUpdateException(, dependency.constraint, best);
return best;
/// Looks for a package that depends (transitively) on [dependency] and has
/// its version locked in the lockfile. If one is found, enqueues an
/// [UnlockPackage] work item for it and returns true. Otherwise, returns
/// false.
/// This does a breadth-first search; immediate dependers will be unlocked
/// first, followed by transitive dependers.
bool tryUnlockDepender(Dependency dependency, [Set<String> seen]) {
if (seen == null) seen = new Set();
// Avoid an infinite loop if there are circular dependencies.
if (seen.contains( return false;
for (var dependerName in dependency.dependers) {
var depender = getDependency(dependerName);
var locked = lockFile.packages[dependerName];
if (locked != null && depender.version == locked.version) {
enqueue(new UnlockPackage(depender));
return true;
return =>
tryUnlockDepender(subdependency, seen));
List<PackageId> buildResults() {
return _packages.values.where((dep) => dep.isDependedOn).map((dep) {
var description = dep.description;
// If the lockfile contains a fully-resolved description for the package,
// use that. This allows e.g. Git to ensure that the same commit is used.
var lockedPackage = lockFile.packages[];
if (lockedPackage != null && lockedPackage.version == dep.version && == &&
description, lockedPackage.description)) {
description = lockedPackage.description;
return new PackageId(, dep.source, dep.version, description);
/// The constraint solver works by iteratively processing a queue of work items.
/// Each item is a single atomic change to the dependency graph. Handling them
/// in a queue lets us handle asynchrony (resolving versions requires
/// information from servers) as well as avoid deeply nested recursion.
abstract class WorkItem {
/// Processes this work item. Returns a future that completes when the work is
/// done. If `null` is returned, that means the work has completed
/// synchronously and the next item can be started immediately.
Future process(VersionSolver solver);
/// The best selected version for a package has changed to [version]. If the
/// previous version of the package is `null`, that means the package is being
/// added to the graph. If [version] is `null`, it is being removed.
class ChangeVersion implements WorkItem {
/// The name of the package whose version is being changed.
final String package;
/// The source of the package whose version is changing.
final Source source;
/// The description identifying the package whose version is changing.
final description;
/// The new selected version.
final Version version;
ChangeVersion(this.package, this.source, this.description, this.version);
Future process(VersionSolver solver) {
log.fine("Changing $package to version $version.");
var dependency = solver.getDependency(package);
var oldVersion = dependency.version;
solver.setVersion(package, version);
// The dependencies between the old and new version may be different. Walk
// them both and update any constraints that differ between the two.
return Future.wait([
getDependencyRefs(solver, oldVersion),
getDependencyRefs(solver, version)]).then((list) {
var oldDependencyRefs = list[0];
var newDependencyRefs = list[1];
for (var oldRef in oldDependencyRefs.values) {
if (newDependencyRefs.containsKey( {
// The dependency is in both versions of this package, but its
// constraint may have changed.
var newRef = newDependencyRefs.remove(;
solver.enqueue(new AddConstraint(package, newRef));
} else {
// The dependency is not in the new version of the package, so just
// remove its constraint.
solver.enqueue(new RemoveConstraint(package,;
// Everything that's left is a depdendency that's only in the new
// version of the package.
for (var newRef in newDependencyRefs.values) {
solver.enqueue(new AddConstraint(package, newRef));
/// Get the dependencies at [version] of the package being changed.
Future<Map<String, PackageRef>> getDependencyRefs(VersionSolver solver,
Version version) {
// If there is no version, it means no package, so no dependencies.
if (version == null) {
return new Future<Map<String, PackageRef>>.immediate(
<String, PackageRef>{});
var id = new PackageId(package, source, version, description);
return solver._pubspecs.load(id).then((pubspec) {
var dependencies = <String, PackageRef>{};
for (var dependency in pubspec.dependencies) {
dependencies[] = dependency;
// Include dev dependencies only from the root package.
if (id.isRoot) {
for (var dependency in pubspec.devDependencies) {
dependencies[] = dependency;
return dependencies;
/// A constraint that a depending package places on a dependent package has
/// changed.
/// This is an abstract class that contains logic for updating the dependency
/// graph once a dependency has changed. Changing the dependency is the
/// responsibility of subclasses.
abstract class ChangeConstraint implements WorkItem {
Future process(VersionSolver solver);
void undo(VersionSolver solver);
Future _processChange(VersionSolver solver, Dependency oldDependency,
Dependency newDependency) {
var name =;
var source = oldDependency.source != null ?
oldDependency.source : newDependency.source;
var description = oldDependency.description != null ?
oldDependency.description : newDependency.description;
var oldConstraint = oldDependency.constraint;
var newConstraint = newDependency.constraint;
// If the package is over-constrained, i.e. the packages depending have
// disjoint constraints, then try unlocking a depender that's locked by the
// lockfile. If there are no remaining locked dependencies, throw an error.
if (newConstraint != null && newConstraint.isEmpty) {
if (solver.tryUnlockDepender(newDependency)) {
return null;
throw new DisjointConstraintException(name, newDependency._refs);
// If this constraint change didn't cause the overall constraint on the
// package to change, then we don't need to do any further work.
if (oldConstraint == newConstraint) return null;
// If the dependency has been cut free from the graph, just remove it.
if (!newDependency.isDependedOn) {
solver.enqueue(new ChangeVersion(name, source, description, null));
return null;
// If the dependency is on the root package, then we don't need to do
// anything since it's already at the best version.
if (name == {
solver.enqueue(new ChangeVersion(
name, source, description, solver._root.version));
return null;
// If the dependency is on a package in the lockfile, use the lockfile's
// version for that package if it's valid given the other constraints.
var lockedPackage = solver.lockFile.packages[name];
if (lockedPackage != null) {
var lockedVersion = lockedPackage.version;
if (newConstraint.allows(lockedVersion)) {
new ChangeVersion(name, source, description, lockedVersion));
return null;
// The constraint has changed, so see what the best version of the package
// that meets the new constraint is.
return solver.getBestVersion(newDependency).then((best) {
if (best == null) {
} else if (newDependency.version != best) {
solver.enqueue(new ChangeVersion(name, source, description, best));
/// The constraint given by [ref] is being placed by [depender].
class AddConstraint extends ChangeConstraint {
/// The package that has the dependency.
final String depender;
/// The package being depended on and the constraints being placed on it. The
/// source, version, and description in this ref are all considered
/// constraints on the dependent package.
final PackageRef ref;
AddConstraint(this.depender, this.ref);
Future process(VersionSolver solver) {
log.fine("Adding $depender's constraint $ref.");
var dependency = solver.getDependency(;
var oldDependency = dependency.clone();
dependency.placeConstraint(depender, ref);
return _processChange(solver, oldDependency, dependency);
void undo(VersionSolver solver) {
/// [depender] is no longer placing a constraint on [dependent].
class RemoveConstraint extends ChangeConstraint {
/// The package that was placing a constraint on [dependent].
String depender;
/// The package that was being depended on.
String dependent;
/// The constraint that was removed.
PackageRef _removed;
RemoveConstraint(this.depender, this.dependent);
Future process(VersionSolver solver) {
log.fine("Removing $depender's constraint ($_removed) on $dependent.");
var dependency = solver.getDependency(dependent);
var oldDependency = dependency.clone();
_removed = dependency.removeConstraint(depender);
return _processChange(solver, oldDependency, dependency);
void undo(VersionSolver solver) {
solver.getDependency(dependent).placeConstraint(depender, _removed);
/// [package]'s version is no longer constrained by the lockfile.
class UnlockPackage implements WorkItem {
/// The package being unlocked.
Dependency package;
Future process(VersionSolver solver) {
log.fine("Unlocking ${}.");
return solver.getBestVersion(package).then((best) {
if (best == null) return null;
solver.enqueue(new ChangeVersion(, package.source, package.description, best));
// TODO(rnystrom): Instead of always pulling from the source (which will mean
// hitting a server), we should consider caching pubspecs of uninstalled
// packages in the system cache.
/// Maintains a cache of previously-loaded pubspecs. Used to avoid requesting
/// the same pubspec from the server repeatedly.
class PubspecCache {
final SourceRegistry _sources;
final Map<PackageId, Pubspec> _pubspecs;
: _pubspecs = new Map<PackageId, Pubspec>();
/// Caches [pubspec] as the [Pubspec] for the package identified by [id].
void cache(PackageId id, Pubspec pubspec) {
_pubspecs[id] = pubspec;
/// Loads the pubspec for the package identified by [id].
Future<Pubspec> load(PackageId id) {
// Complete immediately if it's already cached.
if (_pubspecs.containsKey(id)) {
return new Future<Pubspec>.immediate(_pubspecs[id]);
return id.describe().then((pubspec) {
// Cache it.
_pubspecs[id] = pubspec;
return pubspec;
/// Describes one [Package] in the [DependencyGraph] and keeps track of which
/// packages depend on it and what constraints they place on it.
class Dependency {
/// The name of the this dependency's package.
final String name;
/// The [PackageRefs] that represent constraints that depending packages have
/// placed on this one.
final Map<String, PackageRef> _refs;
/// The currently-selected best version for this dependency.
Version version;
/// Whether this dependency should always select the latest version.
bool useLatestVersion = false;
/// Gets whether or not any other packages are currently depending on this
/// one. If `false`, then it means this package is not part of the dependency
/// graph and should be omitted.
bool get isDependedOn => !_refs.isEmpty;
/// The names of all the packages that depend on this dependency.
Iterable<String> get dependers => _refs.keys;
/// Gets the overall constraint that all packages are placing on this one.
/// If no packages have a constraint on this one (which can happen when this
/// package is in the process of being added to the graph), returns `null`.
VersionConstraint get constraint {
if (_refs.isEmpty) return null;
return new VersionConstraint.intersection( => ref.constraint));
/// The source of this dependency's package.
Source get source {
var canonical = _canonicalRef();
if (canonical == null) return null;
return canonical.source;
/// The description of this dependency's package.
get description {
var canonical = _canonicalRef();
if (canonical == null) return null;
return canonical.description;
/// Return the PackageRef that has the canonical source and description for
/// this package. If any dependency is on the root package, that will be used;
/// otherwise, it will be the source and description that all dependencies
/// agree upon.
PackageRef _canonicalRef() {
if (_refs.isEmpty) return null;
var refs = _refs.values;
for (var ref in refs) {
if (ref.isRoot) return ref;
return refs.first;
: _refs = <String, PackageRef>{};
Dependency._clone(Dependency other)
: name =,
version = other.version,
_refs = new Map<String, PackageRef>.from(other._refs);
/// Creates a copy of this dependency.
Dependency clone() => new Dependency._clone(this);
/// Return a list of available versions for this dependency.
Future<List<Version>> getVersions() => source.getVersions(name, description);
/// Places [ref] as a constraint from [package] onto this.
void placeConstraint(String package, PackageRef ref) {
var requiredDepender = _requiredDepender();
if (requiredDepender != null) {
var required = _refs[requiredDepender];
if ( != {
throw new SourceMismatchException(name,
requiredDepender, required.source, package, ref.source);
} else if (!required.source.descriptionsEqual(
required.description, ref.description)) {
throw new DescriptionMismatchException(name,
requiredDepender, required.description, package, ref.description);
_refs[package] = ref;
/// Returns the name of a package whose constraint source and description
/// all other constraints must match. Returns null if there are no
/// requirements on new constraints.
String _requiredDepender() {
if (_refs.isEmpty) return null;
var dependers = _refs.keys.toList();
if (dependers.length == 1) {
var depender = dependers[0];
if (_refs[depender].isRoot) return null;
return depender;
return dependers[1];
/// Removes the constraint from [package] onto this.
PackageRef removeConstraint(String package) => _refs.remove(package);
/// Exception thrown when the [VersionConstraint] used to match a package is
/// valid (i.e. non-empty), but there are no released versions of the package
/// that fit that constraint.
class NoVersionException implements Exception {
final String package;
final VersionConstraint constraint;
final Map<String, PackageRef> _dependencies;
NoVersionException(this.package, this.constraint, this._dependencies);
String toString() {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("Package '$package' has no versions that match $constraint "
"derived from:\n");
var keys = new List.from(_dependencies.keys);
for (var key in keys) {
buffer.write("- '$key' depends on version "
return buffer.toString();
// TODO(rnystrom): Report the list of depending packages and their constraints.
/// Exception thrown when the most recent version of [package] must be selected,
/// but doesn't match the [VersionConstraint] imposed on the package.
class CouldNotUpdateException implements Exception {
final String package;
final VersionConstraint constraint;
final Version best;
CouldNotUpdateException(this.package, this.constraint,;
String toString() =>
"The latest version of '$package', $best, does not match $constraint.";
/// Exception thrown when the [VersionConstraint] used to match a package is
/// the empty set: in other words, multiple packages depend on it and have
/// conflicting constraints that have no overlap.
class DisjointConstraintException implements Exception {
final String package;
final Map<String, PackageRef> _dependencies;
DisjointConstraintException(this.package, this._dependencies);
String toString() {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("Incompatible version constraints on '$package':\n");
var keys = new List.from(_dependencies.keys);
for (var key in keys) {
buffer.write("- '$key' depends on version "
return buffer.toString();
/// Exception thrown when the [VersionSolver] fails to find a solution after a
/// certain number of iterations.
class CouldNotSolveException implements Exception {
String toString() =>
"Could not find a solution that met all version constraints.";
/// Exception thrown when two packages with the same name but different sources
/// are depended upon.
class SourceMismatchException implements Exception {
final String package;
final String depender1;
final Source source1;
final String depender2;
final Source source2;
SourceMismatchException(this.package, this.depender1, this.source1,
this.depender2, this.source2);
String toString() {
return "Incompatible dependencies on '$package':\n"
"- '$depender1' depends on it from source '$source1'\n"
"- '$depender2' depends on it from source '$source2'";
/// Exception thrown when two packages with the same name and source but
/// different descriptions are depended upon.
class DescriptionMismatchException implements Exception {
final String package;
final String depender1;
final description1;
final String depender2;
final description2;
DescriptionMismatchException(this.package, this.depender1, this.description1,
this.depender2, this.description2);
String toString() {
// TODO(nweiz): Dump descriptions to YAML when that's supported.
return "Incompatible dependencies on '$package':\n"
"- '$depender1' depends on it with description "
"- '$depender2' depends on it with description "