blob: 62669e4b6376a4953863efb9e447e9efe85e074c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Handles version numbers, following the [Semantic Versioning][semver] spec.
/// [semver]:
library version;
import 'dart:math';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Regex that matches a version number at the beginning of a string.
final _START_VERSION = new RegExp(
r'^' // Start at beginning.
r'(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)' // Version number.
r'(-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?' // Pre-release.
r'(\+([0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?'); // Build.
/// Like [_START_VERSION] but matches the entire string.
final _COMPLETE_VERSION = new RegExp("${_START_VERSION.pattern}\$");
/// Parses a comparison operator ("<", ">", "<=", or ">=") at the beginning of
/// a string.
final _START_COMPARISON = new RegExp(r"^[<>]=?");
/// A parsed semantic version number.
class Version implements Comparable<Version>, VersionConstraint {
/// No released version: i.e. "0.0.0".
static Version get none => new Version(0, 0, 0);
/// The major version number: "1" in "1.2.3".
final int major;
/// The minor version number: "2" in "1.2.3".
final int minor;
/// The patch version number: "3" in "1.2.3".
final int patch;
/// The pre-release identifier: "foo" in "1.2.3-foo". May be `null`.
final String preRelease;
/// The build identifier: "foo" in "1.2.3+foo". May be `null`.
final String build;
/// Creates a new [Version] object.
Version(this.major, this.minor, this.patch, {String pre,})
: preRelease = pre {
if (major < 0) throw new ArgumentError(
'Major version must be non-negative.');
if (minor < 0) throw new ArgumentError(
'Minor version must be non-negative.');
if (patch < 0) throw new ArgumentError(
'Patch version must be non-negative.');
/// Creates a new [Version] by parsing [text].
factory Version.parse(String text) {
final match = _COMPLETE_VERSION.firstMatch(text);
if (match == null) {
throw new FormatException('Could not parse "$text".');
try {
int major = int.parse(match[1]);
int minor = int.parse(match[2]);
int patch = int.parse(match[3]);
String preRelease = match[5];
String build = match[8];
return new Version(major, minor, patch, pre: preRelease, build: build);
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
throw new FormatException('Could not parse "$text".');
/// Returns the primary version out of a list of candidates. This is the
/// highest-numbered stable (non-prerelease) version. If there are no stable
/// versions, it's just the highest-numbered version.
static Version primary(List<Version> versions) {
var primary;
for (var version in versions) {
if (primary == null || (!version.isPreRelease && primary.isPreRelease) ||
(version.isPreRelease == primary.isPreRelease && version > primary)) {
primary = version;
return primary;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! Version) return false;
return compareTo(other) == 0;
bool operator <(Version other) => compareTo(other) < 0;
bool operator >(Version other) => compareTo(other) > 0;
bool operator <=(Version other) => compareTo(other) <= 0;
bool operator >=(Version other) => compareTo(other) >= 0;
bool get isAny => false;
bool get isEmpty => false;
/// Whether or not this is a pre-release version.
bool get isPreRelease => preRelease != null;
/// Tests if [other] matches this version exactly.
bool allows(Version other) => this == other;
VersionConstraint intersect(VersionConstraint other) {
if (other.isEmpty) return other;
// Intersect a version and a range.
if (other is VersionRange) return other.intersect(this);
// Intersecting two versions only works if they are the same.
if (other is Version) {
return this == other ? this : VersionConstraint.empty;
throw new ArgumentError(
'Unknown VersionConstraint type $other.');
int compareTo(Version other) {
if (major != other.major) return major.compareTo(other.major);
if (minor != other.minor) return minor.compareTo(other.minor);
if (patch != other.patch) return patch.compareTo(other.patch);
if (preRelease != other.preRelease) {
// Pre-releases always come before no pre-release string.
if (preRelease == null) return 1;
if (other.preRelease == null) return -1;
return _compareStrings(preRelease, other.preRelease);
if (build != {
// Builds always come after no build string.
if (build == null) return -1;
if ( == null) return 1;
return _compareStrings(build,;
return 0;
int get hashCode => toString().hashCode;
String toString() {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (preRelease != null) buffer.write('-$preRelease');
if (build != null) buffer.write('+$build');
return buffer.toString();
/// Compares the string part of two versions. This is used for the pre-release
/// and build version parts. This follows Rule 12. of the Semantic Versioning
/// spec.
int _compareStrings(String a, String b) {
var aParts = _splitParts(a);
var bParts = _splitParts(b);
for (int i = 0; i < max(aParts.length, bParts.length); i++) {
var aPart = (i < aParts.length) ? aParts[i] : null;
var bPart = (i < bParts.length) ? bParts[i] : null;
if (aPart != bPart) {
// Missing parts come before present ones.
if (aPart == null) return -1;
if (bPart == null) return 1;
if (aPart is int) {
if (bPart is int) {
// Compare two numbers.
return aPart.compareTo(bPart);
} else {
// Numbers come before strings.
return -1;
} else {
if (bPart is int) {
// Strings come after numbers.
return 1;
} else {
// Compare two strings.
return aPart.compareTo(bPart);
/// Splits a string of dot-delimited identifiers into their component parts.
/// Identifiers that are numeric are converted to numbers.
List _splitParts(String text) {
return text.split('.').map((part) {
try {
return int.parse(part);
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
// Not a number.
return part;
/// A [VersionConstraint] is a predicate that can determine whether a given
/// version is valid or not. For example, a ">= 2.0.0" constraint allows any
/// version that is "2.0.0" or greater. Version objects themselves implement
/// this to match a specific version.
abstract class VersionConstraint {
/// A [VersionConstraint] that allows all versions.
static VersionConstraint any = new VersionRange();
/// A [VersionConstraint] that allows no versions: i.e. the empty set.
static VersionConstraint empty = const _EmptyVersion();
/// Parses a version constraint. This string is either "any" or a series of
/// version parts. Each part can be one of:
/// * A version string like `1.2.3`. In other words, anything that can be
/// parsed by [Version.parse()].
/// * A comparison operator (`<`, `>`, `<=`, or `>=`) followed by a version
/// string.
/// Whitespace is ignored.
/// Examples:
/// any
/// 1.2.3-alpha
/// <=5.1.4
/// >2.0.4 <= 2.4.6
factory VersionConstraint.parse(String text) {
// Handle the "any" constraint.
if (text.trim() == "any") return new VersionRange();
var originalText = text;
var constraints = <VersionConstraint>[];
void skipWhitespace() {
text = text.trim();
// Try to parse and consume a version number.
Version matchVersion() {
var version = _START_VERSION.firstMatch(text);
if (version == null) return null;
text = text.substring(version.end);
return new Version.parse(version[0]);
// Try to parse and consume a comparison operator followed by a version.
VersionConstraint matchComparison() {
var comparison = _START_COMPARISON.firstMatch(text);
if (comparison == null) return null;
var op = comparison[0];
text = text.substring(comparison.end);
var version = matchVersion();
if (version == null) {
throw new FormatException('Expected version number after "$op" in '
'"$originalText", got "$text".');
switch (op) {
case '<=':
return new VersionRange(max: version, includeMax: true);
case '<':
return new VersionRange(max: version, includeMax: false);
case '>=':
return new VersionRange(min: version, includeMin: true);
case '>':
return new VersionRange(min: version, includeMin: false);
while (true) {
if (text.isEmpty) break;
var version = matchVersion();
if (version != null) {
var comparison = matchComparison();
if (comparison != null) {
// If we got here, we couldn't parse the remaining string.
throw new FormatException('Could not parse version "$originalText". '
'Unknown text at "$text".');
if (constraints.isEmpty) {
throw new FormatException('Cannot parse an empty string.');
return new VersionConstraint.intersection(constraints);
/// Creates a new version constraint that is the intersection of
/// [constraints]. It will only allow versions that all of those constraints
/// allow. If constraints is empty, then it returns a VersionConstraint that
/// allows all versions.
factory VersionConstraint.intersection(
Iterable<VersionConstraint> constraints) {
var constraint = new VersionRange();
for (var other in constraints) {
constraint = constraint.intersect(other);
return constraint;
/// Returns `true` if this constraint allows no versions.
bool get isEmpty;
/// Returns `true` if this constraint allows all versions.
bool get isAny;
/// Returns `true` if this constraint allows [version].
bool allows(Version version);
/// Creates a new [VersionConstraint] that only allows [Version]s allowed by
/// both this and [other].
VersionConstraint intersect(VersionConstraint other);
/// Constrains versions to a fall within a given range. If there is a minimum,
/// then this only allows versions that are at that minimum or greater. If there
/// is a maximum, then only versions less than that are allowed. In other words,
/// this allows `>= min, < max`.
class VersionRange implements VersionConstraint {
final Version min;
final Version max;
final bool includeMin;
final bool includeMax;
VersionRange({this.min, this.max,
this.includeMin: false, this.includeMax: false}) {
if (min != null && max != null && min > max) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Minimum version ("$min") must be less than maximum ("$max").');
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! VersionRange) return false;
return min == other.min &&
max == other.max &&
includeMin == other.includeMin &&
includeMax == other.includeMax;
bool get isEmpty => false;
bool get isAny => !includeMin && !includeMax;
/// Tests if [other] matches falls within this version range.
bool allows(Version other) {
if (min != null && other < min) return false;
if (min != null && !includeMin && other == min) return false;
if (max != null && other > max) return false;
if (max != null && !includeMax && other == max) return false;
return true;
VersionConstraint intersect(VersionConstraint other) {
if (other.isEmpty) return other;
// A range and a Version just yields the version if it's in the range.
if (other is Version) {
return allows(other) ? other : VersionConstraint.empty;
if (other is VersionRange) {
// Intersect the two ranges.
var intersectMin = min;
var intersectIncludeMin = includeMin;
var intersectMax = max;
var intersectIncludeMax = includeMax;
if (other.min == null) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (intersectMin == null || intersectMin < other.min) {
intersectMin = other.min;
intersectIncludeMin = other.includeMin;
} else if (intersectMin == other.min && !other.includeMin) {
// The edges are the same, but one is exclusive, make it exclusive.
intersectIncludeMin = false;
if (other.max == null) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (intersectMax == null || intersectMax > other.max) {
intersectMax = other.max;
intersectIncludeMax = other.includeMax;
} else if (intersectMax == other.max && !other.includeMax) {
// The edges are the same, but one is exclusive, make it exclusive.
intersectIncludeMax = false;
if (intersectMin == null && intersectMax == null) {
// Open range.
return new VersionRange();
// If the range is just a single version.
if (intersectMin == intersectMax) {
// If both ends are inclusive, allow that version.
if (intersectIncludeMin && intersectIncludeMax) return intersectMin;
// Otherwise, no versions.
return VersionConstraint.empty;
if (intersectMin != null && intersectMax != null &&
intersectMin > intersectMax) {
// Non-overlapping ranges, so empty.
return VersionConstraint.empty;
// If we got here, there is an actual range.
return new VersionRange(min: intersectMin, max: intersectMax,
includeMin: intersectIncludeMin, includeMax: intersectIncludeMax);
throw new ArgumentError(
'Unknown VersionConstraint type $other.');
String toString() {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (min != null) {
buffer.write(includeMin ? '>=' : '>');
if (max != null) {
if (min != null) buffer.write(' ');
buffer.write(includeMax ? '<=' : '<');
if (min == null && max == null) buffer.write('any');
return buffer.toString();
class _EmptyVersion implements VersionConstraint {
const _EmptyVersion();
bool get isEmpty => true;
bool get isAny => false;
bool allows(Version other) => false;
VersionConstraint intersect(VersionConstraint other) => this;
String toString() => '<empty>';