blob: 6bbcec234bccbc719dc61e40cde4fe3acdd94ec4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library source_registry;
import 'source.dart';
/// A class that keeps track of [Source]s used for installing packages.
class SourceRegistry {
final Map<String, Source> _map;
Source _default;
/// Creates a new registry with no packages registered.
SourceRegistry() : _map = <String, Source>{};
/// Returns the default source, which is used when no source is specified.
Source get defaultSource => _default;
/// Sets the default source. This takes a string, which must be the name of a
/// registered source.
void setDefault(String name) {
if (!_map.containsKey(name)) {
// TODO(nweiz): Real error-handling system
throw 'Default source $name is not in the registry';
_default = _map[name];
/// Registers a new source. This source may not have the same name as a source
/// that's already been registered.
void register(Source source) {
if (_map.containsKey( {
// TODO(nweiz): Real error-handling system
throw 'Source registry already has a source named ${}';
_map[] = source;
/// Returns `true` if there is a source named [name].
bool contains(String name) => _map.containsKey(name);
/// Returns the source named [name]. Throws an error if no such source has
/// been registered. If [name] is null, returns the default source.
Source operator[](String name) {
if (name == null) {
if (defaultSource != null) return defaultSource;
// TODO(nweiz): Real error-handling system
throw 'No default source has been registered';
if (_map.containsKey(name)) return _map[name];
throw 'No source named $name is registered';