blob: 55245f3431c8d99c0b4f809168a4a4ad9e777ece [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library oauth2;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:uri';
// TODO(nweiz): Make this a "package:" URL, or something nicer than this.
import '../../pkg/oauth2/lib/oauth2.dart';
import '../../pkg/pathos/lib/path.dart' as path;
import 'http.dart';
import 'io.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'safe_http_server.dart';
import 'system_cache.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
export '../../pkg/oauth2/lib/oauth2.dart';
/// The pub client's OAuth2 identifier.
final _identifier = '818368855108-8grd2eg9tj9f38os6f1urbcvsq399u8n.apps.'
/// The pub client's OAuth2 secret. This isn't actually meant to be kept a
/// secret.
final _secret = 'SWeqj8seoJW0w7_CpEPFLX0K';
/// The URL to which the user will be directed to authorize the pub client to
/// get an OAuth2 access token.
/// `access_type=offline` and `approval_prompt=force` ensures that we always get
/// a refresh token from the server. See the [Google OAuth2 documentation][].
/// [Google OAuth2 documentation]:
final authorizationEndpoint = Uri.parse(
/// The URL from which the pub client will request an access token once it's
/// been authorized by the user. This can be controlled externally by setting
/// the _PUB_TEST_TOKEN_ENDPOINT environment variable.
Uri get tokenEndpoint {
var tokenEndpoint = Platform.environment['_PUB_TEST_TOKEN_ENDPOINT'];
if (tokenEndpoint != null) {
return Uri.parse(tokenEndpoint);
} else {
return _tokenEndpoint;
final _tokenEndpoint = Uri.parse('');
/// The OAuth2 scopes that the pub client needs. Currently the client only needs
/// the user's email so that the server can verify their identity.
final _scopes = [''];
/// An in-memory cache of the user's OAuth2 credentials. This should always be
/// the same as the credentials file stored in the system cache.
Credentials _credentials;
/// Delete the cached credentials, if they exist.
void clearCredentials(SystemCache cache) {
_credentials = null;
var credentialsFile = _credentialsFile(cache);
if (!fileExists(credentialsFile)) return;
/// Asynchronously passes an OAuth2 [Client] to [fn], and closes the client when
/// the [Future] returned by [fn] completes.
/// This takes care of loading and saving the client's credentials, as well as
/// prompting the user for their authorization. It will also re-authorize and
/// re-run [fn] if a recoverable authorization error is detected.
Future withClient(SystemCache cache, Future fn(Client client)) {
return _getClient(cache).then((client) {
var completer = new Completer();
return fn(client).whenComplete(() {
// Be sure to save the credentials even when an error happens.
_saveCredentials(cache, client.credentials);
}).catchError((asyncError) {
if (asyncError.error is ExpirationException) {
log.error("Pub's authorization to upload packages has expired and "
"can't be automatically refreshed.");
return withClient(cache, fn);
} else if (asyncError.error is AuthorizationException) {
var message = "OAuth2 authorization failed";
if (asyncError.error.description != null) {
message = "$message (${asyncError.error.description})";
return withClient(cache, fn);
} else {
throw asyncError;
/// Gets a new OAuth2 client. If saved credentials are available, those are
/// used; otherwise, the user is prompted to authorize the pub client.
Future<Client> _getClient(SystemCache cache) {
return defer(() {
var credentials = _loadCredentials(cache);
if (credentials == null) return _authorize();
var client = new Client(_identifier, _secret, credentials,
httpClient: httpClient);
_saveCredentials(cache, client.credentials);
return client;
/// Loads the user's OAuth2 credentials from the in-memory cache or the
/// filesystem if possible. If the credentials can't be loaded for any reason,
/// the returned [Future] will complete to null.
Credentials _loadCredentials(SystemCache cache) {
log.fine('Loading OAuth2 credentials.');
try {
if (_credentials != null) return _credentials;
var path = _credentialsFile(cache);
if (!fileExists(path)) return null;
var credentials = new Credentials.fromJson(readTextFile(path));
if (credentials.isExpired && !credentials.canRefresh) {
log.error("Pub's authorization to upload packages has expired and "
"can't be automatically refreshed.");
return null; // null means re-authorize.
return credentials;
} catch (e) {
log.error('Warning: could not load the saved OAuth2 credentials: $e\n'
'Obtaining new credentials...');
return null; // null means re-authorize.
/// Save the user's OAuth2 credentials to the in-memory cache and the
/// filesystem.
void _saveCredentials(SystemCache cache, Credentials credentials) {
log.fine('Saving OAuth2 credentials.');
_credentials = credentials;
var credentialsPath = _credentialsFile(cache);
writeTextFile(credentialsPath, credentials.toJson(), dontLogContents: true);
/// The path to the file in which the user's OAuth2 credentials are stored.
String _credentialsFile(SystemCache cache) =>
path.join(cache.rootDir, 'credentials.json');
/// Gets the user to authorize pub as a client of via oauth2.
/// Returns a Future that will complete to a fully-authorized [Client].
Future<Client> _authorize() {
var grant = new AuthorizationCodeGrant(
httpClient: httpClient);
// Spin up a one-shot HTTP server to receive the authorization code from the
// Google OAuth2 server via redirect. This server will close itself as soon as
// the code is received.
return SafeHttpServer.bind('', 0).then((server) {
var authUrl = grant.getAuthorizationUrl(
Uri.parse('http://localhost:${server.port}'), scopes: _scopes);
'Pub needs your authorization to upload packages on your behalf.\n'
'In a web browser, go to $authUrl\n'
'Then click "Allow access".\n\n'
'Waiting for your authorization...');
return server.first.then((request) {
var response = request.response;
if (request.uri.path == "/") {
log.message('Authorization received, processing...');
var queryString = request.uri.query;
if (queryString == null) queryString = '';
response.statusCode = 302;
return grant.handleAuthorizationResponse(queryToMap(queryString))
.then((client) {
return client;
} else {
response.statusCode = 404;
.then((client) {
log.message('Successfully authorized.\n');
return client;