blob: 5e6baf859f51da72e6fbd29cb3a6cc02441fc689 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library error_group;
import 'dart:async';
import 'utils.dart';
/// An [ErrorGroup] entangles the errors of multiple [Future]s and [Stream]s
/// with one another. This allows APIs to expose multiple [Future]s and
/// [Stream]s that have identical error conditions without forcing API consumers
/// to attach error handling to objects they don't care about.
/// To use an [ErrorGroup], register [Future]s and [Stream]s with it using
/// [registerFuture] and [registerStream]. These methods return wrapped versions
/// of the [Future]s and [Stream]s, which should then be used in place of the
/// originals. For example:
/// var errorGroup = new ErrorGroup();
/// future = errorGroup.registerFuture(future);
/// stream = errorGroup.registerStream(stream);
/// An [ErrorGroup] has two major effects on its wrapped members:
/// * An error in any member of the group will be propagated to every member
/// that hasn't already completed. If those members later complete, their
/// values will be ignored.
/// * If any member of this group has a listener, errors on members without
/// listeners won't get passed to the top-level error handler.
class ErrorGroup {
/// The [Future]s that are members of [this].
final _futures = <_ErrorGroupFuture>[];
/// The [Stream]s that are members of [this].
final _streams = <_ErrorGroupStream>[];
/// Whether [this] has completed, either successfully or with an error.
var _isDone = false;
/// The [Completer] for [done].
final _doneCompleter = new Completer();
/// The underlying [Future] for [done]. We need to be able to access it
/// internally as an [_ErrorGroupFuture] so we can check if it has listeners
/// and signal errors on it.
_ErrorGroupFuture _done;
/// Returns a [Future] that completes successully when all members of [this]
/// are complete, or with an error if any member receives an error.
/// This [Future] is effectively in the group in that an error on it won't be
/// passed to the top-level error handler unless no members of the group have
/// listeners attached.
Future get done => _done;
/// Creates a new group with no members.
ErrorGroup() {
this._done = new _ErrorGroupFuture(this, _doneCompleter.future);
/// Registers a [Future] as a member of [this]. Returns a wrapped version of
/// [future] that should be used in its place.
/// If all members of [this] have already completed successfully or with an
/// error, it's a [StateError] to try to register a new [Future].
Future registerFuture(Future future) {
if (_isDone) {
throw new StateError("Can't register new members on a complete "
var wrapped = new _ErrorGroupFuture(this, future);
return wrapped;
/// Registers a [Stream] as a member of [this]. Returns a wrapped version of
/// [stream] that should be used in its place. The returned [Stream] will be
/// multi-subscription if and only if [stream] is.
/// Since all errors in a group are passed to all members, the returned
/// [Stream] will automatically unsubscribe all its listeners when it
/// encounters an error.
/// If all members of [this] have already completed successfully or with an
/// error, it's a [StateError] to try to register a new [Stream].
Stream registerStream(Stream stream) {
if (_isDone) {
throw new StateError("Can't register new members on a complete "
var wrapped = new _ErrorGroupStream(this, stream);
return wrapped;
/// Sends [error] to all members of [this]. Like errors that come from
/// members, this will only be passed to the top-level error handler if no
/// members have listeners.
/// If all members of [this] have already completed successfully or with an
/// error, it's a [StateError] to try to signal an error.
void signalError(AsyncError error) {
if (_isDone) {
throw new StateError("Can't signal errors on a complete ErrorGroup.");
/// Signal an error internally. This is just like [signalError], but instead
/// of throwing an error if [this] is complete, it just does nothing.
void _signalError(AsyncError error) {
if (_isDone) return;
var caught = false;
for (var future in _futures) {
if (future._isDone || future._hasListeners) caught = true;
for (var stream in _streams) {
if (stream._isDone || stream._hasListeners) caught = true;
_isDone = true;
if (!caught && !_done._hasListeners) error.throwDelayed();
/// Notifies [this] that one of its member [Future]s is complete.
void _signalFutureComplete(_ErrorGroupFuture future) {
if (_isDone) return;
_isDone = _futures.every((future) => future._isDone) &&
_streams.every((stream) => stream._isDone);
if (_isDone) _doneCompleter.complete();
/// Notifies [this] that one of its member [Stream]s is complete.
void _signalStreamComplete(_ErrorGroupStream stream) {
if (_isDone) return;
_isDone = _futures.every((future) => future._isDone) &&
_streams.every((stream) => stream._isDone);
if (_isDone) _doneCompleter.complete();
/// A [Future] wrapper that keeps track of whether it's been completed and
/// whether it has any listeners. It also notifies its parent [ErrorGroup] when
/// it completes successfully or receives an error.
class _ErrorGroupFuture implements Future {
/// The parent [ErrorGroup].
final ErrorGroup _group;
/// Whether [this] has completed, either successfully or with an error.
var _isDone = false;
/// The underlying [Completer] for [this].
final _completer = new Completer();
/// Whether [this] has any listeners.
bool _hasListeners = false;
/// Creates a new [_ErrorGroupFuture] that's a child of [_group] and wraps
/// [inner].
_ErrorGroupFuture(this._group, Future inner) {
inner.then((value) {
if (!_isDone) _completer.complete(value);
_isDone = true;
}).catchError((error) => _group._signalError(error));
// Make sure _completer.future doesn't automatically send errors to the
// top-level.
_completer.future.catchError((_) {});
Future then(onValue(value), {onError(AsyncError asyncError)}) {
_hasListeners = true;
return _completer.future.then(onValue, onError: onError);
Future catchError(onError(AsyncError asyncError), {bool test(Object error)}) {
_hasListeners = true;
return _completer.future.catchError(onError, test: test);
Future whenComplete(void action()) {
_hasListeners = true;
return _completer.future.whenComplete(action);
Stream asStream() {
_hasListeners = true;
return _completer.future.asStream();
/// Signal that an error from [_group] should be propagated through [this],
/// unless it's already complete.
void _signalError(AsyncError error) {
if (!_isDone) _completer.completeError(error.error, error.stackTrace);
_isDone = true;
// TODO(nweiz): currently streams never top-level unhandled errors (issue 7843).
// When this is fixed, this class will need to prevent such errors from being
// top-leveled.
/// A [Stream] wrapper that keeps track of whether it's been completed and
/// whether it has any listeners. It also notifies its parent [ErrorGroup] when
/// it completes successfully or receives an error.
class _ErrorGroupStream extends Stream {
/// The parent [ErrorGroup].
final ErrorGroup _group;
/// Whether [this] has completed, either successfully or with an error.
var _isDone = false;
/// The underlying [StreamController] for [this].
final StreamController _controller;
/// The [StreamSubscription] that connects the wrapped [Stream] to
/// [_controller].
StreamSubscription _subscription;
/// Whether [this] has any listeners.
bool get _hasListeners => _controller.hasSubscribers;
/// Creates a new [_ErrorGroupFuture] that's a child of [_group] and wraps
/// [inner].
_ErrorGroupStream(this._group, Stream inner)
: _controller = inner.isBroadcast ?
new StreamController.broadcast() :
new StreamController() {
_subscription = inner.listen((v) {
}, onError: (e) {
}, onDone: () {
_isDone = true;
StreamSubscription listen(void onData(value),
{void onError(AsyncError error), void onDone(),
bool unsubscribeOnError}) {
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
unsubscribeOnError: true);
/// Signal that an error from [_group] should be propagated through [this],
/// unless it's already complete.
void _signalError(AsyncError e) {
if (_isDone) return;
// Call these asynchronously to work around issue 7913.
defer(() {
_controller.addError(e.error, e.stackTrace);