blob: 882965590b90e1f1ccfc03f10113b22809b1280a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A simple library for rendering a list of files as a directory tree.
library directory_tree;
import '../../pkg/pathos/lib/path.dart' as path;
import 'log.dart' as log;
/// Draws a directory tree for the given list of files. Given a list of files
/// like:
/// TODO
/// example/console_example.dart
/// example/main.dart
/// example/web copy/web_example.dart
/// test/absolute_test.dart
/// test/basename_test.dart
/// test/dirname_test.dart
/// test/extension_test.dart
/// test/is_absolute_test.dart
/// test/is_relative_test.dart
/// test/join_test.dart
/// test/normalize_test.dart
/// test/relative_test.dart
/// test/split_test.dart
/// .gitignore
/// lib/path.dart
/// pubspec.yaml
/// test/all_test.dart
/// test/path_posix_test.dart
/// test/path_windows_test.dart
/// this will render:
/// |-- .gitignore
/// |--
/// |-- TODO
/// |-- example
/// | |-- console_example.dart
/// | |-- main.dart
/// | '-- web copy
/// | '-- web_example.dart
/// |-- lib
/// | '-- path.dart
/// |-- pubspec.yaml
/// '-- test
/// |-- absolute_test.dart
/// |-- all_test.dart
/// |-- basename_test.dart
/// | (7 more...)
/// |-- path_windows_test.dart
/// |-- relative_test.dart
/// '-- split_test.dart
String generateTree(List<String> files) {
// Parse out the files into a tree of nested maps.
var root = {};
for (var file in files) {
var parts = path.split(file);
var directory = root;
for (var part in path.split(file)) {
directory = directory.putIfAbsent(part, () => {});
// Walk the map recursively and render to a string.
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
_draw(buffer, '', false, null, root);
return buffer.toString();
void _drawLine(StringBuffer buffer, String prefix, bool isLastChild,
String name) {
// Print lines.
if (name != null) {
if (isLastChild) {
buffer.write("'-- ");
} else {
buffer.write("|-- ");
// Print name.
String _getPrefix(bool isRoot, bool isLast) {
if (isRoot) return "";
if (isLast) return " ";
return "| ";
void _draw(StringBuffer buffer, String prefix, bool isLast,
String name, Map children) {
// Don't draw a line for the root node.
if (name != null) _drawLine(buffer, prefix, isLast, name);
// Recurse to the children.
var childNames = new List.from(children.keys);
_drawChild(bool isLastChild, String child) {
var childPrefix = _getPrefix(name == null, isLast);
_draw(buffer, '$prefix$childPrefix', isLastChild, child, children[child]);
if (name == null || childNames.length <= 10) {
// Not too many, so show all the children.
for (var i = 0; i < childNames.length; i++) {
_drawChild(i == childNames.length - 1, childNames[i]);
} else {
// Show the first few.
_drawChild(false, childNames[0]);
_drawChild(false, childNames[1]);
_drawChild(false, childNames[2]);
// Elide the middle ones.
buffer.write(_getPrefix(name == null, isLast));
buffer.writeln('| (${childNames.length - 6} more...)');
// Show the last few.
_drawChild(false, childNames[childNames.length - 3]);
_drawChild(false, childNames[childNames.length - 2]);
_drawChild(true, childNames[childNames.length - 1]);