| // Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // TODO(terry): Need to be consistent with tokens either they're ASCII tokens |
| // e.g., ASTERISK or they're CSS e.g., PSEUDO, COMBINATOR_*. |
| class TokenKind { |
| // Common shared tokens used in TokenizerBase. |
| static const int UNUSED = 0; // Unused place holder... |
| static const int END_OF_FILE = 1; // TODO(terry): Must match base |
| static const int LPAREN = 2; // ( |
| static const int RPAREN = 3; // ) |
| static const int LBRACK = 4; // [ |
| static const int RBRACK = 5; // ] |
| static const int LBRACE = 6; // { |
| static const int RBRACE = 7; // } |
| static const int DOT = 8; // . |
| static const int SEMICOLON = 9; // ; |
| |
| // Unique tokens for CSS. |
| static const int AT = 10; // @ |
| static const int HASH = 11; // # |
| static const int PLUS = 12; // + |
| static const int GREATER = 13; // > |
| static const int TILDE = 14; // ~ |
| static const int ASTERISK = 15; // * |
| static const int NAMESPACE = 16; // | |
| static const int COLON = 17; // : |
| static const int PRIVATE_NAME = 18; // _ prefix private class or id |
| static const int COMMA = 19; // , |
| static const int SPACE = 20; |
| static const int TAB = 21; // /t |
| static const int NEWLINE = 22; // /n |
| static const int RETURN = 23; // /r |
| static const int PERCENT = 24; // % |
| static const int SINGLE_QUOTE = 25; // ' |
| static const int DOUBLE_QUOTE = 26; // " |
| static const int SLASH = 27; // / |
| static const int EQUALS = 28; // = |
| static const int OR = 29; // | |
| static const int CARET = 30; // ^ |
| static const int DOLLAR = 31; // $ |
| static const int LESS = 32; // < |
| static const int BANG = 33; // ! |
| static const int MINUS = 34; // - |
| |
| // WARNING: END_TOKENS must be 1 greater than the last token above (last |
| // character in our list). Also add to kindToString function and the |
| // constructor for TokenKind. |
| |
| static const int END_TOKENS = 35; // Marker for last token in list |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing integer tokens. */ |
| static const int INTEGER = 60; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing hex integer tokens. */ |
| // static const int HEX_INTEGER = 61; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing double tokens. */ |
| static const int DOUBLE = 62; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing whitespace tokens. */ |
| static const int WHITESPACE = 63; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing comment tokens. */ |
| static const int COMMENT = 64; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing error tokens. */ |
| static const int ERROR = 65; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing incomplete string tokens. */ |
| static const int INCOMPLETE_STRING = 66; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| /** [TokenKind] representing incomplete comment tokens. */ |
| static const int INCOMPLETE_COMMENT = 67; // TODO(terry): must match base |
| |
| // Synthesized Tokens (no character associated with TOKEN). |
| // TODO(terry): Possible common names used by both Dart and CSS tokenizers. |
| static const int STRING = 500; |
| static const int STRING_PART = 501; |
| static const int NUMBER = 502; |
| static const int HEX_NUMBER = 503; |
| static const int HTML_COMMENT = 504; // <!-- |
| static const int IMPORTANT = 505; // !important |
| static const int IDENTIFIER = 511; |
| |
| // Uniquely synthesized tokens for CSS. |
| static const int SELECTOR_EXPRESSION = 512; |
| static const int COMBINATOR_NONE = 513; |
| static const int COMBINATOR_DESCENDANT = 514; // Space combinator |
| static const int COMBINATOR_PLUS = 515; // + combinator |
| static const int COMBINATOR_GREATER = 516; // > combinator |
| static const int COMBINATOR_TILDE = 517; // ~ combinator |
| |
| static const int UNARY_OP_NONE = 518; // No unary operator present. |
| |
| // Attribute match types: |
| static const int INCLUDES = 530; // '~=' |
| static const int DASH_MATCH = 531; // '|=' |
| static const int PREFIX_MATCH = 532; // '^=' |
| static const int SUFFIX_MATCH = 533; // '$=' |
| static const int SUBSTRING_MATCH = 534; // '*=' |
| static const int NO_MATCH = 535; // No operator. |
| |
| // Unit types: |
| static const int UNIT_EM = 600; |
| static const int UNIT_EX = 601; |
| static const int UNIT_LENGTH_PX = 602; |
| static const int UNIT_LENGTH_CM = 603; |
| static const int UNIT_LENGTH_MM = 604; |
| static const int UNIT_LENGTH_IN = 605; |
| static const int UNIT_LENGTH_PT = 606; |
| static const int UNIT_LENGTH_PC = 607; |
| static const int UNIT_ANGLE_DEG = 608; |
| static const int UNIT_ANGLE_RAD = 609; |
| static const int UNIT_ANGLE_GRAD = 610; |
| static const int UNIT_TIME_MS = 611; |
| static const int UNIT_TIME_S = 612; |
| static const int UNIT_FREQ_HZ = 613; |
| static const int UNIT_FREQ_KHZ = 614; |
| static const int UNIT_PERCENT = 615; |
| static const int UNIT_FRACTION = 616; |
| |
| // Directives (@nnnn) |
| static const int DIRECTIVE_NONE = 650; |
| static const int DIRECTIVE_IMPORT = 651; |
| static const int DIRECTIVE_MEDIA = 652; |
| static const int DIRECTIVE_PAGE = 653; |
| static const int DIRECTIVE_INCLUDE = 654; |
| static const int DIRECTIVE_STYLET = 655; |
| static const int DIRECTIVE_KEYFRAMES = 656; |
| static const int DIRECTIVE_FONTFACE = 657; |
| |
| // Simple selector type. |
| static const int CLASS_NAME = 700; // .class |
| static const int ELEMENT_NAME = 701; // tagName |
| static const int HASH_NAME = 702; // #elementId |
| static const int ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 703; // [attrib] |
| static const int PSEUDO_ELEMENT_NAME = 704; // ::pseudoElement |
| static const int PSEUDO_CLASS_NAME = 705; // :pseudoClass |
| static const int NEGATION = 706; // NOT |
| |
| static const List<Map<int, String>> _DIRECTIVES = const [ |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DIRECTIVE_IMPORT, 'value' : 'import'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DIRECTIVE_MEDIA, 'value' : 'media'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DIRECTIVE_PAGE, 'value' : 'page'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DIRECTIVE_INCLUDE, 'value' : 'include'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DIRECTIVE_STYLET, 'value' : 'stylet'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DIRECTIVE_KEYFRAMES, 'value' : '-webkit-keyframes'}, |
| const {'type': TokenKind.DIRECTIVE_FONTFACE, 'value' : 'font-face'}, |
| ]; |
| |
| static const List<Map<int, String>> _UNITS = const [ |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_EM, 'value' : 'em'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_EX, 'value' : 'ex'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PX, 'value' : 'px'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_CM, 'value' : 'cm'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_MM, 'value' : 'mm'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_IN, 'value' : 'in'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PT, 'value' : 'pt'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_LENGTH_PC, 'value' : 'pc'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_ANGLE_DEG, 'value' : 'deg'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_ANGLE_RAD, 'value' : 'rad'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_ANGLE_GRAD, 'value' : 'grad'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_TIME_MS, 'value' : 'ms'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_TIME_S, 'value' : 's'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_FREQ_HZ, 'value' : 'hz'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_FREQ_KHZ, 'value' : 'khz'}, |
| const {'unit': TokenKind.UNIT_FRACTION, 'value' : 'fr'}, |
| ]; |
| |
| // Some more constants: |
| static const int ASCII_UPPER_A = 65; // ASCII value for uppercase A |
| static const int ASCII_UPPER_Z = 90; // ASCII value for uppercase Z |
| |
| // Extended color keywords: |
| static const List<Map<String, int>> _EXTENDED_COLOR_NAMES = const [ |
| const {'name' : 'aliceblue', 'value' : 0xF08FF}, |
| const {'name' : 'antiquewhite', 'value' : 0xFAEBD7}, |
| const {'name' : 'aqua', 'value' : 0x00FFFF}, |
| const {'name' : 'aquamarine', 'value' : 0x7FFFD4}, |
| const {'name' : 'azure', 'value' : 0xF0FFFF}, |
| const {'name' : 'beige', 'value' : 0xF5F5DC}, |
| const {'name' : 'bisque', 'value' : 0xFFE4C4}, |
| const {'name' : 'black', 'value' : 0x000000}, |
| const {'name' : 'blanchedalmond', 'value' : 0xFFEBCD}, |
| const {'name' : 'blue', 'value' : 0x0000FF}, |
| const {'name' : 'blueviolet', 'value' : 0x8A2BE2}, |
| const {'name' : 'brown', 'value' : 0xA52A2A}, |
| const {'name' : 'burlywood', 'value' : 0xDEB887}, |
| const {'name' : 'cadetblue', 'value' : 0x5F9EA0}, |
| const {'name' : 'chartreuse', 'value' : 0x7FFF00}, |
| const {'name' : 'chocolate', 'value' : 0xD2691E}, |
| const {'name' : 'coral', 'value' : 0xFF7F50}, |
| const {'name' : 'cornflowerblue', 'value' : 0x6495ED}, |
| const {'name' : 'cornsilk', 'value' : 0xFFF8DC}, |
| const {'name' : 'crimson', 'value' : 0xDC143C}, |
| const {'name' : 'cyan', 'value' : 0x00FFFF}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkblue', 'value' : 0x00008B}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkcyan', 'value' : 0x008B8B}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkgoldenrod', 'value' : 0xB8860B}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkgray', 'value' : 0xA9A9A9}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkgreen', 'value' : 0x006400}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkgrey', 'value' : 0xA9A9A9}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkkhaki', 'value' : 0xBDB76B}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkmagenta', 'value' : 0x8B008B}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkolivegreen', 'value' : 0x556B2F}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkorange', 'value' : 0xFF8C00}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkorchid', 'value' : 0x9932CC}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkred', 'value' : 0x8B0000}, |
| const {'name' : 'darksalmon', 'value' : 0xE9967A}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkseagreen', 'value' : 0x8FBC8F}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkslateblue', 'value' : 0x483D8B}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkslategray', 'value' : 0x2F4F4F}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkslategrey', 'value' : 0x2F4F4F}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkturquoise', 'value' : 0x00CED1}, |
| const {'name' : 'darkviolet', 'value' : 0x9400D3}, |
| const {'name' : 'deeppink', 'value' : 0xFF1493}, |
| const {'name' : 'deepskyblue', 'value' : 0x00BFFF}, |
| const {'name' : 'dimgray', 'value' : 0x696969}, |
| const {'name' : 'dimgrey', 'value' : 0x696969}, |
| const {'name' : 'dodgerblue', 'value' : 0x1E90FF}, |
| const {'name' : 'firebrick', 'value' : 0xB22222}, |
| const {'name' : 'floralwhite', 'value' : 0xFFFAF0}, |
| const {'name' : 'forestgreen', 'value' : 0x228B22}, |
| const {'name' : 'fuchsia', 'value' : 0xFF00FF}, |
| const {'name' : 'gainsboro', 'value' : 0xDCDCDC}, |
| const {'name' : 'ghostwhite', 'value' : 0xF8F8FF}, |
| const {'name' : 'gold', 'value' : 0xFFD700}, |
| const {'name' : 'goldenrod', 'value' : 0xDAA520}, |
| const {'name' : 'gray', 'value' : 0x808080}, |
| const {'name' : 'green', 'value' : 0x008000}, |
| const {'name' : 'greenyellow', 'value' : 0xADFF2F}, |
| const {'name' : 'grey', 'value' : 0x808080}, |
| const {'name' : 'honeydew', 'value' : 0xF0FFF0}, |
| const {'name' : 'hotpink', 'value' : 0xFF69B4}, |
| const {'name' : 'indianred', 'value' : 0xCD5C5C}, |
| const {'name' : 'indigo', 'value' : 0x4B0082}, |
| const {'name' : 'ivory', 'value' : 0xFFFFF0}, |
| const {'name' : 'khaki', 'value' : 0xF0E68C}, |
| const {'name' : 'lavender', 'value' : 0xE6E6FA}, |
| const {'name' : 'lavenderblush', 'value' : 0xFFF0F5}, |
| const {'name' : 'lawngreen', 'value' : 0x7CFC00}, |
| const {'name' : 'lemonchiffon', 'value' : 0xFFFACD}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightblue', 'value' : 0xADD8E6}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightcoral', 'value' : 0xF08080}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightcyan', 'value' : 0xE0FFFF}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightgoldenrodyellow', 'value' : 0xFAFAD2}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightgray', 'value' : 0xD3D3D3}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightgreen', 'value' : 0x90EE90}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightgrey', 'value' : 0xD3D3D3}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightpink', 'value' : 0xFFB6C1}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightsalmon', 'value' : 0xFFA07A}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightseagreen', 'value' : 0x20B2AA}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightskyblue', 'value' : 0x87CEFA}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightslategray', 'value' : 0x778899}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightslategrey', 'value' : 0x778899}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightsteelblue', 'value' : 0xB0C4DE}, |
| const {'name' : 'lightyellow', 'value' : 0xFFFFE0}, |
| const {'name' : 'lime', 'value' : 0x00FF00}, |
| const {'name' : 'limegreen', 'value' : 0x32CD32}, |
| const {'name' : 'linen', 'value' : 0xFAF0E6}, |
| const {'name' : 'magenta', 'value' : 0xFF00FF}, |
| const {'name' : 'maroon', 'value' : 0x800000}, |
| const {'name' : 'mediumaquamarine', 'value' : 0x66CDAA}, |
| const {'name' : 'mediumblue', 'value' : 0x0000CD}, |
| const {'name' : 'mediumorchid', 'value' : 0xBA55D3}, |
| const {'name' : 'mediumpurple', 'value' : 0x9370DB}, |
| const {'name' : 'mediumseagreen', 'value' : 0x3CB371}, |
| const {'name' : 'mediumslateblue', 'value' : 0x7B68EE}, |
| const {'name' : 'mediumspringgreen', 'value' : 0x00FA9A}, |
| const {'name' : 'mediumturquoise', 'value' : 0x48D1CC}, |
| const {'name' : 'mediumvioletred', 'value' : 0xC71585}, |
| const {'name' : 'midnightblue', 'value' : 0x191970}, |
| const {'name' : 'mintcream', 'value' : 0xF5FFFA}, |
| const {'name' : 'mistyrose', 'value' : 0xFFE4E1}, |
| const {'name' : 'moccasin', 'value' : 0xFFE4B5}, |
| const {'name' : 'navajowhite', 'value' : 0xFFDEAD}, |
| const {'name' : 'navy', 'value' : 0x000080}, |
| const {'name' : 'oldlace', 'value' : 0xFDF5E6}, |
| const {'name' : 'olive', 'value' : 0x808000}, |
| const {'name' : 'olivedrab', 'value' : 0x6B8E23}, |
| const {'name' : 'orange', 'value' : 0xFFA500}, |
| const {'name' : 'orangered', 'value' : 0xFF4500}, |
| const {'name' : 'orchid', 'value' : 0xDA70D6}, |
| const {'name' : 'palegoldenrod', 'value' : 0xEEE8AA}, |
| const {'name' : 'palegreen', 'value' : 0x98FB98}, |
| const {'name' : 'paleturquoise', 'value' : 0xAFEEEE}, |
| const {'name' : 'palevioletred', 'value' : 0xDB7093}, |
| const {'name' : 'papayawhip', 'value' : 0xFFEFD5}, |
| const {'name' : 'peachpuff', 'value' : 0xFFDAB9}, |
| const {'name' : 'peru', 'value' : 0xCD853F}, |
| const {'name' : 'pink', 'value' : 0xFFC0CB}, |
| const {'name' : 'plum', 'value' : 0xDDA0DD}, |
| const {'name' : 'powderblue', 'value' : 0xB0E0E6}, |
| const {'name' : 'purple', 'value' : 0x800080}, |
| const {'name' : 'red', 'value' : 0xFF0000}, |
| const {'name' : 'rosybrown', 'value' : 0xBC8F8F}, |
| const {'name' : 'royalblue', 'value' : 0x4169E1}, |
| const {'name' : 'saddlebrown', 'value' : 0x8B4513}, |
| const {'name' : 'salmon', 'value' : 0xFA8072}, |
| const {'name' : 'sandybrown', 'value' : 0xF4A460}, |
| const {'name' : 'seagreen', 'value' : 0x2E8B57}, |
| const {'name' : 'seashell', 'value' : 0xFFF5EE}, |
| const {'name' : 'sienna', 'value' : 0xA0522D}, |
| const {'name' : 'silver', 'value' : 0xC0C0C0}, |
| const {'name' : 'skyblue', 'value' : 0x87CEEB}, |
| const {'name' : 'slateblue', 'value' : 0x6A5ACD}, |
| const {'name' : 'slategray', 'value' : 0x708090}, |
| const {'name' : 'slategrey', 'value' : 0x708090}, |
| const {'name' : 'snow', 'value' : 0xFFFAFA}, |
| const {'name' : 'springgreen', 'value' : 0x00FF7F}, |
| const {'name' : 'steelblue', 'value' : 0x4682B4}, |
| const {'name' : 'tan', 'value' : 0xD2B48C}, |
| const {'name' : 'teal', 'value' : 0x008080}, |
| const {'name' : 'thistle', 'value' : 0xD8BFD8}, |
| const {'name' : 'tomato', 'value' : 0xFF6347}, |
| const {'name' : 'turquoise', 'value' : 0x40E0D0}, |
| const {'name' : 'violet', 'value' : 0xEE82EE}, |
| const {'name' : 'wheat', 'value' : 0xF5DEB3}, |
| const {'name' : 'white', 'value' : 0xFFFFFF}, |
| const {'name' : 'whitesmoke', 'value' : 0xF5F5F5}, |
| const {'name' : 'yellow', 'value' : 0xFFFF00}, |
| const {'name' : 'yellowgreen', 'value' : 0x9ACD32}, |
| ]; |
| |
| // TODO(terry): Should used Dart mirroring for parameter values and types |
| // especially for enumeration (e.g., counter's second parameter |
| // is list-style-type which is an enumerated list for ordering |
| // of a list 'circle', 'decimal', 'lower-roman', 'square', etc. |
| // see http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_list-style-type.asp |
| // for list of possible values. |
| |
| // List of valid CSS functions: |
| static const List<Map<String, Object>> _FUNCTIONS = const [ |
| const {'name' : 'counter', 'info' : const {'params' : 2, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'attr', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'calc', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : true}}, |
| const {'name' : 'min', 'info' : const {'params' : 2, 'expr' : true}}, |
| const {'name' : 'max', 'info' : const {'params' : 2, 'expr' : true}}, |
| |
| // 2D functions: |
| const {'name' : 'translateX', |
| 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'translateY', |
| 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'translate', 'info' : const {'params' : 2, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'rotate', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'scaleX', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'scaleY', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'scale', 'info' : const {'params' : 2, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'skewX', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'skewY', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'skew', 'info' : const {'params' : 2, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'matrix', 'info' : const {'params' : 6, 'expr' : false}}, |
| |
| // 3D functions: |
| const {'name' : 'matrix3d', 'info' : const {'params' : 16, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'translate3d', |
| 'info' : const {'params' : 3, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'translateZ', |
| 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'scale3d', 'info' : const {'params' : 3, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'scaleZ', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'rotate3d', 'info' : const {'params' : 3, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'rotateX', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'rotateY', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'rotateZ', 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| const {'name' : 'perspective', |
| 'info' : const {'params' : 1, 'expr' : false}}, |
| ]; |
| |
| List<int> tokens; |
| |
| /* |
| * Return the token that matches the unit ident found. |
| */ |
| static int matchList(var identList, String tokenField, String text, |
| int offset, int length) { |
| for (final entry in identList) { |
| String ident = entry['value']; |
| if (length == ident.length) { |
| int idx = offset; |
| bool match = true; |
| for (int identIdx = 0; identIdx < ident.length; identIdx++) { |
| int identChar = ident.codeUnitAt(identIdx); |
| int char = text.codeUnitAt(idx++); |
| // Compare lowercase to lowercase then check if char is uppercase. |
| match = match && (char == identChar || |
| ((char >= ASCII_UPPER_A && char <= ASCII_UPPER_Z) && |
| (char + 32) == identChar)); |
| if (!match) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (match) { |
| // Completely matched; return the token for this unit. |
| return entry[tokenField]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return -1; // Not a unit token. |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Return the token that matches the unit ident found. |
| */ |
| static int matchUnits(String text, int offset, int length) { |
| return matchList(_UNITS, 'unit', text, offset, length); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Return the token that matches the directive ident found. |
| */ |
| static int matchDirectives(String text, int offset, int length) { |
| return matchList(_DIRECTIVES, 'type', text, offset, length); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Return the unit token as its pretty name. |
| */ |
| static String unitToString(int unitTokenToFind) { |
| if (unitTokenToFind == TokenKind.PERCENT) { |
| return '%'; |
| } else { |
| for (final entry in _UNITS) { |
| int unit = entry['unit']; |
| if (unit == unitTokenToFind) { |
| return entry['value']; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return '<BAD UNIT>'; // Not a unit token. |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Match color name, case insensitive match and return the associated RGB |
| * value as decimal number. |
| */ |
| static int matchColorName(String text) { |
| int length = text.length; |
| for (final entry in _EXTENDED_COLOR_NAMES) { |
| String ident = entry['name']; |
| if (length == ident.length) { |
| int idx = 0; |
| bool match = true; |
| for (int identIdx = 0; identIdx < ident.length; identIdx++) { |
| int identChar = ident.codeUnitAt(identIdx); |
| int char = text.codeUnitAt(idx++); |
| // Compare lowercase to lowercase then check if char is uppercase. |
| match = match && (char == identChar || |
| ((char >= ASCII_UPPER_A && char <= ASCII_UPPER_Z) && |
| (char + 32) == identChar)); |
| if (!match) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (match) { |
| // Completely matched; return the token for this unit. |
| return entry['value']; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // No match. |
| throw new NoColorMatchException(text); |
| } |
| |
| static String decimalToHex(int num, [int minDigits = 1]) { |
| final String _HEX_DIGITS = '0123456789abcdef'; |
| |
| List<String> result = new List<String>(); |
| |
| int dividend = num >> 4; |
| int remain = num % 16; |
| result.add(_HEX_DIGITS[remain]); |
| while (dividend != 0) { |
| remain = dividend % 16; |
| dividend >>= 4; |
| result.add(_HEX_DIGITS[remain]); |
| } |
| |
| StringBuffer invertResult = new StringBuffer(); |
| int paddings = minDigits - result.length; |
| while (paddings-- > 0) { |
| invertResult.write('0'); |
| } |
| for (int idx = result.length - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { |
| invertResult.write(result[idx]); |
| } |
| |
| return invertResult.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static String kindToString(int kind) { |
| switch(kind) { |
| case TokenKind.UNUSED: return "ERROR"; |
| case TokenKind.END_OF_FILE: return "end of file"; |
| case TokenKind.LPAREN: return "("; |
| case TokenKind.RPAREN: return ")"; |
| case TokenKind.LBRACK: return "["; |
| case TokenKind.RBRACK: return "]"; |
| case TokenKind.LBRACE: return "{"; |
| case TokenKind.RBRACE: return "}"; |
| case TokenKind.DOT: return "."; |
| case TokenKind.SEMICOLON: return ";"; |
| case TokenKind.AT: return "@"; |
| case TokenKind.HASH: return "#"; |
| case TokenKind.PLUS: return "+"; |
| case TokenKind.GREATER: return ">"; |
| case TokenKind.TILDE: return "~"; |
| case TokenKind.ASTERISK: return "*"; |
| case TokenKind.NAMESPACE: return "|"; |
| case TokenKind.COLON: return ":"; |
| case TokenKind.PRIVATE_NAME: return "_"; |
| case TokenKind.COMMA: return ","; |
| case TokenKind.SPACE: return " "; |
| case TokenKind.TAB: return "\t"; |
| case TokenKind.NEWLINE: return "\n"; |
| case TokenKind.RETURN: return "\r"; |
| case TokenKind.PERCENT: return "%"; |
| case TokenKind.SINGLE_QUOTE: return "'"; |
| case TokenKind.DOUBLE_QUOTE: return "\""; |
| case TokenKind.SLASH: return "/"; |
| case TokenKind.EQUALS: return '='; |
| case TokenKind.OR: return '|'; |
| case TokenKind.CARET: return '^'; |
| case TokenKind.DOLLAR: return '\$'; |
| case TokenKind.LESS: return '<'; |
| case TokenKind.BANG: return '!'; |
| case TokenKind.MINUS: return '-'; |
| |
| default: |
| throw "Unknown TOKEN"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TokenKind() { |
| tokens = []; |
| |
| // All tokens must be in TokenKind order. |
| tokens.add(-1); // TokenKind.UNUSED |
| tokens.add(0); // TokenKind.END_OF_FILE match base |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.LPAREN).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.RPAREN).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.LBRACK).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.RBRACK).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.LBRACE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.RBRACE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.DOT).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.SEMICOLON).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.AT).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.HASH).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.PLUS).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.GREATER).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.TILDE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.ASTERISK).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.NAMESPACE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.COLON).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.PRIVATE_NAME).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.COMMA).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.SPACE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.TAB).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.NEWLINE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.RETURN).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.PERCENT).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.SINGLE_QUOTE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.DOUBLE_QUOTE).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.SLASH).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.EQUALS).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.OR).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.CARET).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.DOLLAR).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.LESS).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.BANG).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| tokens.add(TokenKind.kindToString(TokenKind.MINUS).codeUnitAt(0)); |
| |
| assert(tokens.length == TokenKind.END_TOKENS); |
| } |
| |
| static bool isIdentifier(int kind) { |
| return kind == IDENTIFIER ; |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| class NoColorMatchException implements Exception { |
| String _colorName; |
| NoColorMatchException(this._colorName); |
| |
| String get name => _colorName; |
| } |