blob: 9c3d2eef6039699425408ae44e420e5d963dfc0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A script to assist in documenting the difference between the dart:html API
* and the old DOM API.
library html_diff;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'lib/metadata.dart';
// TODO(rnystrom): Use "package:" URL (#4968).
import '../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/dart2js_mirror.dart';
import '../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors.dart';
import '../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors_util.dart';
import '../../sdk/lib/_internal/dartdoc/lib/dartdoc.dart';
import '../../sdk/lib/html/html_common/metadata.dart';
// TODO(amouravski): There is currently magic that looks at dart:* libraries
// rather than the declared library names. This changed due to recent syntax
// changes. We should only need to look at the library 'html'.
const List<String> HTML_LIBRARY_NAMES = const [
const List<String> HTML_DECLARED_NAMES = const [
* A class for computing a many-to-many mapping between the types and
* members in `dart:html` and the MDN DOM types. This mapping is
* based on two indicators:
* 1. Auto-detected wrappers. Most `dart:html` types correspond
* straightforwardly to a single `@DomName` type, and
* have the same name. In addition, most `dart:html` methods
* just call a single `@DomName` method. This class
* detects these simple correspondences automatically.
* 2. Manual annotations. When it's not clear which
* `@DomName` items a given `dart:html` item
* corresponds to, the `dart:html` item can be annotated in the
* documentation comments using the `@DomName` annotation.
* The `@DomName` annotations for types and members are of the form
* `@DomName NAME(, NAME)*`, where the `NAME`s refer to the
* `@DomName` types/members that correspond to the
* annotated `dart:html` type/member. `NAME`s on member annotations
* can refer to either fully-qualified member names (e.g.
* `Document.createElement`) or unqualified member names
* (e.g. `createElement`). Unqualified member names are assumed to
* refer to members of one of the corresponding `@DomName`
* types.
class HtmlDiff {
* A map from `dart:html` members to the corresponding fully qualified
* `@DomName` member(s).
final Map<String, Set<String>> htmlToDom;
/** A map from `dart:html` types to corresponding `@DomName` types. */
final Map<String, Set<String>> htmlTypesToDom;
/** If true, then print warning messages. */
final bool _printWarnings;
static LibraryMirror dom;
HtmlDiff({bool printWarnings: false}) :
_printWarnings = printWarnings,
htmlToDom = new Map<String, Set<String>>(),
htmlTypesToDom = new Map<String, Set<String>>();
void warn(String s) {
if (_printWarnings) {
print('Warning: $s');
* Computes the `@DomName` to `dart:html` mapping, and
* places it in [htmlToDom] and [htmlTypesToDom]. Before this is run, dart2js
* should be initialized (via [parseOptions] and [initializeWorld]) and
* [HtmlDiff.initialize] should be called.
Future run(Path libDir) {
var result = new Completer();
var paths = <Path>[];
for (var libraryName in HTML_LIBRARY_NAMES) {
paths.add(new Path(libraryName));
analyze(paths, libDir).then((MirrorSystem mirrors) {
for (var libraryName in HTML_DECLARED_NAMES) {
var library = mirrors.libraries[libraryName];
if (library == null) {
warn('Could not find $libraryName');
for (ClassMirror type in library.classes.values) {
final domTypes = htmlToDomTypes(type);
if (domTypes.isEmpty) continue;
() => new Set()).addAll(domTypes);
(_, m) => _addMemberDiff(m, domTypes, library.simpleName));
return result.future;
* Records the `@DomName` to `dart:html` mapping for
* [htmlMember] (from `dart:html`). [domTypes] are the
* `@DomName` type values that correspond to [htmlMember]'s
* defining type.
void _addMemberDiff(MemberMirror htmlMember, List<String> domTypes,
String libraryName) {
var domMembers = htmlToDomMembers(htmlMember, domTypes);
if (htmlMember == null && !domMembers.isEmpty) {
warn('$libraryName member '
'${htmlMember.simpleName} has no corresponding '
'$libraryName member.');
if (htmlMember == null) return;
if (!domMembers.isEmpty) {
htmlToDom[htmlMember.qualifiedName] = domMembers;
* Returns the `@DomName` type values that correspond to
* [htmlType] from `dart:html`. This can be the empty list if no
* correspondence is found.
List<String> htmlToDomTypes(ClassMirror htmlType) {
if (htmlType.simpleName == null) return <String>[];
final domNameMetadata = findMetadata(htmlType.metadata, 'DomName');
if (domNameMetadata != null) {
var domNames = <String>[];
var names = deprecatedFutureValue(domNameMetadata.getField('name'));
for (var s in names.reflectee.split(',')) {
if (domNames.length == 1 && domNames[0] == 'none') return <String>[];
return domNames;
return <String>[];
* Returns the `@DomName` member values that correspond to
* [htmlMember] from `dart:html`. This can be the empty set if no
* correspondence is found. [domTypes] are the
* `@DomName` type values that correspond to [htmlMember]'s
* defining type.
Set<String> htmlToDomMembers(MemberMirror htmlMember, List<String> domTypes) {
if (htmlMember.isPrivate) return new Set();
final domNameMetadata = findMetadata(htmlMember.metadata, 'DomName');
if (domNameMetadata != null) {
var domNames = <String>[];
var names = deprecatedFutureValue(domNameMetadata.getField('name'));
for (var s in names.reflectee.split(',')) {
if (domNames.length == 1 && domNames[0] == 'none') return new Set();
final members = new Set();
domNames.forEach((name) {
var nameMembers = _membersFromName(name, domTypes);
if (nameMembers.isEmpty) {
if (name.contains('.')) {
warn('no member $name');
} else {
final options = <String>[];
for (var t in domTypes) {
options.join(' or ');
warn('no member $options');
return members;
return new Set();
* Returns the `@DomName` strings that are indicated by
* [name]. [name] can be either an unqualified member name
* (e.g. `createElement`), in which case it's treated as the name of
* a member of one of [defaultTypes], or a fully-qualified member
* name (e.g. `Document.createElement`), in which case it's treated as a
* member of the @DomName element (`Document` in this case).
Set<String> _membersFromName(String name, List<String> defaultTypes) {
if (!name.contains('.', 0)) {
if (defaultTypes.isEmpty) {
warn('no default type for $name');
return new Set();
final members = new Set<String>();
defaultTypes.forEach((t) { members.add('$t.$name'); });
return members;
if (name.split('.').length != 2) {
warn('invalid member name ${name}');
return new Set();
return new Set.from([name]);