blob: 5405e3a7233c26f995614c55be3e409a7bb3a8cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This generates the reference documentation for the core libraries that come
* with dart. It is built on top of dartdoc, which is a general-purpose library
* for generating docs from any Dart code. This library extends that to include
* additional information and styling specific to our standard library.
* Usage:
* $ dart apidoc.dart [--out=<output directory>]
library apidoc;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'html_diff.dart';
// TODO(rnystrom): Use "package:" URL (#4968).
import '../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors.dart';
import '../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors_util.dart';
import '../../sdk/lib/_internal/dartdoc/lib/dartdoc.dart';
import '../../sdk/lib/_internal/libraries.dart';
HtmlDiff _diff;
void main() {
final args = new Options().arguments;
int mode = MODE_STATIC;
Path outputDir = new Path('docs');
bool generateAppCache = false;
List<String> excludedLibraries = <String>[];
List<String> includedLibraries = <String>[];
Path pkgPath;
String version;
// Parse the command-line arguments.
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
final arg = args[i];
switch (arg) {
case '--mode=static':
case '--mode=live-nav':
case '--generate-app-cache=true':
generateAppCache = true;
if (arg.startsWith('--exclude-lib=')) {
} else if (arg.startsWith('--include-lib=')) {
} else if (arg.startsWith('--out=')) {
outputDir = new Path(arg.substring('--out='.length));
} else if (arg.startsWith('--pkg=')) {
pkgPath = new Path(arg.substring('--pkg='.length));
} else if (arg.startsWith('--version=')) {
version = arg.substring('--version='.length);
} else {
print('Unknown option: $arg');
final libPath = scriptDir.append('../../sdk/');
print('Copying static files...');
// The basic dartdoc-provided static content.
final copiedStatic = copyDirectory(
// The apidoc-specific static content.
final copiedApiDocStatic = copyDirectory(
print('Parsing MDN data...');
final mdnFile = new File.fromPath(scriptDir.append('mdn/database.json'));
final mdn = json.parse(mdnFile.readAsStringSync());
print('Cross-referencing dart:html...');
// TODO(amouravski): move HtmlDiff inside of the future chain below to re-use
// the MirrorSystem already analyzed.
_diff = new HtmlDiff(printWarnings:false);
Future htmlDiff =;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Libraries for the compilation seem to be more like
// URIs. Perhaps Path should have a toURI() method.
// Add all of the core libraries.
final apidocLibraries = <Path>[];
LIBRARIES.forEach((String name, LibraryInfo info) {
if (info.documented) {
apidocLibraries.add(new Path('dart:$name'));
// TODO(amouravski): This code is really wonky.
var lister = new Directory.fromPath(scriptDir.append('../../pkg')).list();
lister.listen((entity) {
if (entity is Directory) {
var path = new Path(entity.path);
var libName = path.filename;
var libPath = path.append('lib/$libName.dart');
// Ignore some libraries.
if (excludedLibraries.contains(libName)) {
// Ignore hidden directories (like .svn) as well as pkg.xcodeproj.
if (libName.startsWith('.') || libName.endsWith('.xcodeproj')) {
if (new File.fromPath(libPath).existsSync()) {
} else {
print('Warning: could not find package at $path');
}, onDone: () {
final apidoc = new Apidoc(mdn, outputDir, mode, generateAppCache,
excludedLibraries, version);
apidoc.dartdocPath =
// Select the libraries to include in the produced documentation:
apidoc.includeApi = true;
apidoc.includedLibraries = includedLibraries;
// TODO(amouravski): make apidoc use roughly the same flow as bin/dartdoc.
Future.wait([copiedStatic, copiedApiDocStatic, htmlDiff])
.then((_) => apidoc.documentLibraries(apidocLibraries, libPath, pkgPath))
.then((_) => compileScript(mode, outputDir, libPath))
.then((_) => print(apidoc.status))
.catchError((e) => print('Error: generation failed: ${e.error}'))
.whenComplete(() => apidoc.cleanup());
class Apidoc extends Dartdoc {
/** Big ball of JSON containing the scraped MDN documentation. */
final Map mdn;
// A set of type names (TypeMirror.simpleName values) to ignore while
// looking up information from MDN data. TODO(eub, jacobr): fix up the MDN
// import scripts so they run correctly and generate data that doesn't have
// any entries that need to be ignored.
static Set<String> _mdnTypeNamesToSkip = null;
* The URL to the page on MDN that content was pulled from for the current
* type being documented. Will be `null` if the type doesn't use any MDN
* content.
String mdnUrl = null;
Apidoc(this.mdn, Path outputDir, int mode,
bool generateAppCache, [excludedLibraries, String version]) {
if (?excludedLibraries) {
this.excludedLibraries = excludedLibraries;
this.version = version;
this.outputDir = outputDir;
this.mode = mode;
this.generateAppCache = generateAppCache;
// Skip bad entries in the checked-in mdn/database.json:
// * UnknownElement has a top-level Gecko DOM page in German.
if (_mdnTypeNamesToSkip == null)
_mdnTypeNamesToSkip = new Set.from(['UnknownElement']);
mainTitle = 'Dart API Reference';
mainUrl = '';
final note = '';
final cca = '';
final bsd = '';
final tos = '';
final privacy = '';
footerText =
<p>Except as otherwise <a href="$note">noted</a>, the content of this
page is licensed under the <a href="$cca">Creative Commons Attribution
3.0 License</a>, and code samples are licensed under the
<a href="$bsd">BSD License</a>.</p>
<p><a href="$tos">Terms of Service</a> |
<a href="$privacy">Privacy Policy</a></p>
searchEngineId = '011220921317074318178:i4mscbaxtru';
searchResultsUrl = '';
void writeHeadContents(String title) {
// Include the apidoc-specific CSS.
// TODO(rnystrom): Use our CSS pre-processor to combine these.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="${relativePath('apidoc-styles.css')}" />
// Add the analytics code.
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(["_setAccount", "UA-26406144-9"]);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement("script");
ga.type = "text/javascript"; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ?
"https://ssl" : "http://www") + "";
var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
void docIndexLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Hackish. The IO libraries reference this but we don't
// want it in the docs.
if (displayName(library) == 'dart:nativewrappers') return;
void docLibraryNavigationJson(LibraryMirror library, List libraryList) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Hackish. The IO libraries reference this but we don't
// want it in the docs.
if (displayName(library) == 'dart:nativewrappers') return;
super.docLibraryNavigationJson(library, libraryList);
void docLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Hackish. The IO libraries reference this but we don't
// want it in the docs.
if (displayName(library) == 'dart:nativewrappers') return;
DocComment getLibraryComment(LibraryMirror library) {
return super.getLibraryComment(library);
DocComment getTypeComment(TypeMirror type) {
return _mergeDocs(
includeMdnTypeComment(type), super.getTypeComment(type));
DocComment getMemberComment(MemberMirror member) {
return _mergeDocs(
includeMdnMemberComment(member), super.getMemberComment(member));
DocComment _mergeDocs(MdnComment mdnComment,
DocComment fileComment) {
// Otherwise, prefer comment from the (possibly generated) Dart file.
if (fileComment != null) return fileComment;
// Finally, fallback on MDN if available.
if (mdnComment != null) {
mdnUrl = mdnComment.mdnUrl;
return mdnComment;
// We got nothing!
return null;
void docType(TypeMirror type) {
// Track whether we've inserted MDN content into this page.
mdnUrl = null;
void writeTypeFooter() {
if (mdnUrl != null) {
final MOZ = '';
final MDN = '';
final CCA = '';
final CONTRIB = '';
<p class="mdn-attribution">
<a href="$MDN">
<img src="${relativePath('mdn-logo-tiny.png')}" class="mdn-logo" />
This page includes <a href="$mdnUrl">content</a> from the
<a href="$MOZ">Mozilla Foundation</a> that is graciously
<a href="$MDN/Project:Copyrights">licensed</a> under a
<a href="$CCA">Creative Commons: Attribution-Sharealike license</a>.
Mozilla has no other association with Dart or We
encourage you to improve the web by
<a href="$CONTRIB">contributing</a> to
<a href="$MDN">The Mozilla Developer Network</a>.
MdnComment lookupMdnComment(Mirror mirror) {
if (mirror is TypeMirror) {
return includeMdnTypeComment(mirror);
} else if (mirror is MemberMirror) {
return includeMdnMemberComment(mirror);
} else {
return null;
* Gets the MDN-scraped docs for [type], or `null` if this type isn't
* scraped from MDN.
MdnComment includeMdnTypeComment(TypeMirror type) {
if (_mdnTypeNamesToSkip.contains(type.simpleName)) {
return null;
var typeString = '';
if (HTML_LIBRARY_NAMES.contains(displayName(type.library))) {
// If it's an HTML type, try to map it to a base DOM type so we can find
// the MDN docs.
final domTypes = _diff.htmlTypesToDom[type.qualifiedName];
// Couldn't find a DOM type.
if ((domTypes == null) || (domTypes.length != 1)) return null;
// Use the corresponding DOM type when searching MDN.
// TODO(rnystrom): Shame there isn't a simpler way to get the one item
// out of a singleton Set.
// TODO(floitsch): switch to domTypes.first, once that's implemented.
var iter = domTypes.iterator;
typeString = iter.current;
} else {
// Not a DOM type.
return null;
final mdnType = mdn[typeString];
if (mdnType == null) return null;
if (mdnType['skipped'] != null) return null;
if (mdnType['summary'] == null) return null;
if (mdnType['summary'].trim().isEmpty) return null;
// Remember which MDN page we're using so we can attribute it.
return new MdnComment(mdnType['summary'], mdnType['srcUrl']);
* Gets the MDN-scraped docs for [member], or `null` if this type isn't
* scraped from MDN.
MdnComment includeMdnMemberComment(MemberMirror member) {
var library = findLibrary(member);
var memberString = '';
if (HTML_LIBRARY_NAMES.contains(displayName(library))) {
// If it's an HTML type, try to map it to a DOM type name so we can find
// the MDN docs.
final domMembers = _diff.htmlToDom[member.qualifiedName];
// Couldn't find a DOM type.
if ((domMembers == null) || (domMembers.length != 1)) return null;
// Use the corresponding DOM member when searching MDN.
// TODO(rnystrom): Shame there isn't a simpler way to get the one item
// out of a singleton Set.
// TODO(floitsch): switch to domTypes.first, once that's implemented.
var iter = domMembers.iterator;
memberString = iter.current;
} else {
// Not a DOM type.
return null;
// Ignore top-level functions.
if (member.isTopLevel) return null;
var mdnMember = null;
var mdnType = null;
var pieces = memberString.split('.');
if (pieces.length == 2) {
mdnType = mdn[pieces[0]];
if (mdnType == null) return null;
var nameToFind = pieces[1];
for (final candidateMember in mdnType['members']) {
if (candidateMember['name'] == nameToFind) {
mdnMember = candidateMember;
if (mdnMember == null) return null;
if (mdnMember['help'] == null) return null;
if (mdnMember['help'].trim().isEmpty) return null;
// Remember which MDN page we're using so we can attribute it.
return new MdnComment(mdnMember['help'], mdnType['srcUrl']);
* Returns a link to [member], relative to a type page that may be in a
* different library than [member].
String _linkMember(MemberMirror member) {
final typeName = member.owner.simpleName;
var memberName = '$typeName.${member.simpleName}';
if (member is MethodMirror && (member.isConstructor || member.isFactory)) {
final separator = member.constructorName == '' ? '' : '.';
memberName = 'new $typeName$separator${member.constructorName}';
return a(memberUrl(member), memberName);