blob: 96be5f8c15ffd78884f60d5fc0a9a150850690eb [file] [log] [blame]
This bundle provides rules to TextMate that describe minimal rules for display of the dart source code. At this point the dart bundle provides:
- syntax highlighting of keywords
- syntax highlighting of strings
- Preferences for comments so that you can use CMD-/ to (de)comment source lines.
The bundle identifies dart source by the file extension (.dart).
From the command line. From the root of the dart repo, type:
open tools/utils/Dart.tmbundle
From TextMate:
Open (File->Open...) the Dart.tmbundle file from tools/utils/textmate
For use with Sublime Text:
Copy Dart.tmbundle to the sublime packages directory (on OSX:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages).