blob: 60b7548134ab640f8beff5a8910355041d1c1877 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library polymer_expressions.expression;
import 'visitor.dart';
// Helper functions for building expression trees programmatically
EmptyExpression empty() => const EmptyExpression();
Literal literal(v) => new Literal(v);
MapLiteral mapLiteral(List<MapLiteralEntry> entries) => new MapLiteral(entries);
MapLiteralEntry mapLiteralEntry(Literal key, Expression value) =>
new MapLiteralEntry(key, value);
Identifier ident(String v) => new Identifier(v);
ParenthesizedExpression paren(Expression e) => new ParenthesizedExpression(e);
UnaryOperator unary(String op, Expression e) => new UnaryOperator(op, e);
BinaryOperator binary(Expression l, String op, Expression r) =>
new BinaryOperator(l, op, r);
Invoke invoke(Expression e, String m, [List<Expression> a]) =>
new Invoke(e, m, a);
InExpression inExpr(Expression l, Expression r) => new InExpression(l, r);
class AstFactory {
EmptyExpression empty() => const EmptyExpression();
Literal literal(v) => new Literal(v);
MapLiteral mapLiteral(List<MapLiteralEntry> entries) =>
new MapLiteral(entries);
MapLiteralEntry mapLiteralEntry(Literal key, Expression value) =>
new MapLiteralEntry(key, value);
Identifier identifier(String v) => new Identifier(v);
ParenthesizedExpression parenthesized(Expression e) =>
new ParenthesizedExpression(e);
UnaryOperator unary(String op, Expression e) => new UnaryOperator(op, e);
BinaryOperator binary(Expression l, String op, Expression r) =>
new BinaryOperator(l, op, r);
Invoke invoke(Expression e, String m, [List<Expression> a]) =>
new Invoke(e, m, a);
InExpression inExpr(Expression l, Expression r) => new InExpression(l, r);
/// Base class for all expressions
abstract class Expression {
const Expression();
accept(Visitor v);
class EmptyExpression extends Expression {
const EmptyExpression();
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitEmptyExpression(this);
class Literal<T> extends Expression {
final T value;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitLiteral(this);
String toString() => (value is String) ? '"$value"' : '$value';
bool operator ==(o) => o is Literal<T> && o.value == value;
int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
class MapLiteral extends Expression {
final List<MapLiteralEntry> entries;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitMapLiteral(this);
String toString() => "{$entries}";
bool operator ==(o) => o is MapLiteral && _listEquals(o.entries, entries);
int get hashCode => _hashList(entries);
class MapLiteralEntry extends Expression {
final Literal key;
final Expression entryValue;
MapLiteralEntry(this.key, this.entryValue);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitMapLiteralEntry(this);
String toString() => "$key: $entryValue";
bool operator ==(o) => o is MapLiteralEntry && o.key == key
&& o.entryValue == entryValue;
int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash2(key.hashCode, entryValue.hashCode);
class ParenthesizedExpression extends Expression {
final Expression child;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitParenthesizedExpression(this);
String toString() => '($child)';
bool operator ==(o) => o is ParenthesizedExpression && o.child == child;
int get hashCode => child.hashCode;
class Identifier extends Expression {
final String value;
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitIdentifier(this);
String toString() => value;
bool operator ==(o) => o is Identifier && o.value == value;
int get hashCode => value.hashCode;
class UnaryOperator extends Expression {
final String operator;
final Expression child;
UnaryOperator(this.operator, this.child);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitUnaryOperator(this);
String toString() => '$operator $child';
bool operator ==(o) => o is UnaryOperator && o.operator == operator
&& o.child == child;
int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash2(operator.hashCode, child.hashCode);
class BinaryOperator extends Expression {
final String operator;
final Expression left;
final Expression right;
BinaryOperator(this.left, this.operator, this.right);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitBinaryOperator(this);
String toString() => '($left $operator $right)';
bool operator ==(o) => o is BinaryOperator && o.operator == operator
&& o.left == left && o.right == right;
int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash3(operator.hashCode, left.hashCode,
class InExpression extends Expression {
final Expression left;
final Expression right;
InExpression(this.left, this.right);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitInExpression(this);
String toString() => '($left in $right)';
bool operator ==(o) => o is InExpression && o.left == left
&& o.right == right;
int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash2(left.hashCode, right.hashCode);
* Represents a function or method invocation. If [method] is null, then
* [receiver] is an expression that should evaluate to a function. If [method]
* is not null, then [receiver] is an expression that should evaluate to an
* object that has an appropriate method.
class Invoke extends Expression {
final Expression receiver;
final String method;
final List<Expression> arguments;
Invoke(this.receiver, this.method, [this.arguments]);
accept(Visitor v) => v.visitInvoke(this);
bool get isGetter => arguments == null;
String toString() => '$receiver.$method($arguments)';
bool operator ==(o) =>
o is Invoke
&& o.receiver == receiver
&& o.method == method
&& _listEquals(o.arguments, arguments);
int get hashCode => _JenkinsSmiHash.hash3(receiver.hashCode, method.hashCode,
bool _listEquals(List a, List b) {
if (a == b) return true;
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
return true;
int _hashList(List l) {
var hash = l.fold(0,
(h, item) => _JenkinsSmiHash.combine(h, item.hashCode));
return _JenkinsSmiHash.finish(hash);
class _JenkinsSmiHash {
// TODO: Bug 11617- This class should be optimized and standardized elsewhere.
static int combine(int hash, int value) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + value);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10));
return hash ^ (hash >> 6);
static int finish(int hash) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3));
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15));
static int hash2(a, b) => finish(combine(combine(0, a), b));
static int hash3(a, b, c) => finish(combine(combine(combine(0, a), b), c));
static int hash4(a, b, c, d) =>
finish(combine(combine(combine(combine(0, a), b), c), d));