blob: a9e409f35a152b7e1479092cb0e3de6ee232c0a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
class XFoo extends PolymerElement {
@published bool boolean = false;
@published num number = 42;
@published String str = "don't panic";
class XBar extends PolymerElement {
@observable bool boolean = false;
@observable num number = 42;
@observable String str = "don't panic";
class XZot extends XBar {
@observable num number = 84;
class XDate extends PolymerElement {
@observable var value = new DateTime(2013, 9, 25);
class XArray extends PolymerElement {
@observable List values;
class XObj extends PolymerElement {
@observable var values = {};
main() {
test('take attributes', () {
queryXTag(x) => document.query(x).xtag;
expect(queryXTag("#foo0").boolean, true);
expect(queryXTag("#foo1").boolean, false);
expect(queryXTag("#foo2").boolean, true);
expect(queryXTag("#foo3").boolean, false);
// this one is only 'truthy'
expect(queryXTag("#foo4").boolean, true);
// this one is also 'truthy', but should it be?
expect(queryXTag("#foo5").boolean, true);
expect(queryXTag("#foo0").number, 42);
expect(queryXTag("#foo0").str, "don't panic");
expect(queryXTag("#bar0").boolean, true);
expect(queryXTag("#bar1").boolean, false);
expect(queryXTag("#bar2").boolean, true);
expect(queryXTag("#bar3").boolean, false);
// this one is only 'truthy'
expect(queryXTag("#bar4").boolean, true);
// this one is also 'truthy', but should it be?
expect(queryXTag("#bar5").boolean, true);
expect(queryXTag("#bar0").number, 42);
expect(queryXTag("#bar0").str, "don't panic");
expect(queryXTag("#zot0").boolean, true);
expect(queryXTag("#zot1").boolean, false);
expect(queryXTag("#zot2").boolean, true);
expect(queryXTag("#zot3").boolean, false);
// this one is only 'truthy'
expect(queryXTag("#zot4").boolean, true);
// this one is also 'truthy', but should it be?
expect(queryXTag("#zot5").boolean, true);
expect(queryXTag("#zot0").number, 84);
expect(queryXTag("#zot6").number, 185);
expect(queryXTag("#zot0").str, "don't panic");
// Date deserialization tests
expect(queryXTag("#date1").value, new DateTime(2014, 12, 25));
expect(queryXTag("#date2").value, isNot(equals(new DateTime(2014, 12, 25))),
reason: 'Dart does not support this format');
expect(queryXTag("#date3").value, new DateTime(2014, 12, 25, 11, 45));
expect(queryXTag("#date4").value, new DateTime(2014, 12, 25, 11, 45, 30));
// Failures on Firefox. Need to fix this with custom parsing
//expect(String(queryXTag("#date5").value), String(new Date(2014, 11, 25, 11, 45, 30)));
// milliseconds in the Date string not supported on Firefox
//expect(queryXTag("#date5").value.getMilliseconds(), new Date(2014, 11, 25, 11, 45, 30, 33).getMilliseconds());
// Array deserialization tests
expect(queryXTag("#arr1").values, [0, 1, 2]);
expect(queryXTag("#arr2").values, [33]);
// Object deserialization tests
expect(queryXTag("#obj1").values, { 'name': 'Brandon',
'nums': [1, 22, 33] });
expect(queryXTag("#obj2").values, { "color": "Red" });
expect(queryXTag("#obj3").values, { 'movie': 'Buckaroo Banzai',
'DOB': '07/31/1978' });