blob: ea8fbc496bcb0c9017a2732a405a2a398e584be3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library unknown_field_set_test;
import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../out/protos/google/protobuf/unittest.pb.dart';
import 'test_util.dart';
void main() {
var testAllTypes = getAllSet();
List<int> allFieldsData = testAllTypes.writeToBuffer();
var emptyMessage = TestEmptyMessage.fromBuffer(allFieldsData);
var unknownFields = emptyMessage.unknownFields;
UnknownFieldSetField getField(String name) {
var tagNumber = testAllTypes.getTagNumber(name);
return unknownFields.getField(tagNumber);
// Asserts that the given field sets are not equal and have different
// hash codes.
// N.B.: It is valid for non-equal objects to have the same hash code, so
// this test is more strict than necessary. However, in the test cases
// identifies, the hash codes should differ, and as a matter of principle
// hash collisions should be relatively rare.
void _checkNotEqual(UnknownFieldSet s1, UnknownFieldSet s2) {
expect(s1 == s2, isFalse);
expect(s2 == s1, isFalse);
expect(s1.hashCode == s2.hashCode, isFalse,
reason: '${s1.toString()} should have a different hash code '
'from ${s2.toString()}');
// Asserts that the given field sets are equal and have identical hash codes.
void _checkEqualsIsConsistent(UnknownFieldSet set) {
// Object should be equal to itself.
expect(set, set);
// Object should be equal to a copy of itself.
var copy = set.clone();
expect(copy, set);
expect(set, copy);
test('testVarint', () {
var optionalInt32 = getField('optionalInt32');
expect(optionalInt32.varints[0], expect64(testAllTypes.optionalInt32));
test('testFixed32', () {
var optionalFixed32 = getField('optionalFixed32');
expect(optionalFixed32.fixed32s[0], testAllTypes.optionalFixed32);
test('testFixed64', () {
var optionalFixed64 = getField('optionalFixed64');
expect(optionalFixed64.fixed64s[0], testAllTypes.optionalFixed64);
test('testLengthDelimited', () {
var optionalBytes = getField('optionalBytes');
expect(optionalBytes.lengthDelimited[0], testAllTypes.optionalBytes);
test('testGroup', () {
var tagNumberA = TestAllTypes_OptionalGroup().getTagNumber('a');
expect(tagNumberA != null, isTrue);
var optionalGroupField = getField('optionalgroup');
expect(optionalGroupField.groups.length, 1);
var group = optionalGroupField.groups[0];
expect(group.hasField(tagNumberA), isTrue);
test('testSerialize', () {
expect(emptyMessage.writeToBuffer(), allFieldsData);
test('testCopyFrom', () {
var message = emptyMessage.deepCopy();
expect(message.toString(), emptyMessage.toString());
expect(emptyMessage.toString().isEmpty, isFalse);
test('testMergeFrom', () {
// Source.
var sourceFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet()
..addField(2, UnknownFieldSetField()..addVarint(make64(2)))
..addField(3, UnknownFieldSetField()..addVarint(make64(3)));
var source = TestEmptyMessage()..mergeUnknownFields(sourceFieldSet);
// Destination.
var destinationFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet()
..addField(1, UnknownFieldSetField()..addVarint(make64(1)))
..addField(3, UnknownFieldSetField()..addVarint(make64(4)));
var destination = TestEmptyMessage()
'1: 1\n'
'2: 2\n'
'3: 4\n'
'3: 3\n');
test('testClear', () {
var fsb = unknownFields.clone()..clear();
expect(fsb.asMap(), isEmpty);
test('testEmpty', () {
expect(UnknownFieldSet().asMap(), isEmpty);
test('testClearMessage', () {
var message = emptyMessage.deepCopy();
expect(message.writeToBuffer(), isEmpty);
test('testParseKnownAndUnknown', () {
// Test mixing known and unknown fields when parsing.
var fields = unknownFields.clone()
..addField(123456, UnknownFieldSetField()..addVarint(make64(654321)));
var writer = CodedBufferWriter();
var destination = TestAllTypes.fromBuffer(writer.toBuffer());
expect(destination.unknownFields.asMap().length, 1);
var field = destination.unknownFields.getField(123456);
expect(field.varints.length, 1);
expect(field.varints[0], expect64(654321));
// Constructs a protocol buffer which contains fields with all the same
// numbers as allFieldsData except that each field is some other wire
// type.
List<int> getBizarroData() {
var bizarroFields = UnknownFieldSet();
var varintField = UnknownFieldSetField()..addVarint(make64(1));
var fixed32Field = UnknownFieldSetField()..addFixed32(1);
unknownFields.asMap().forEach((int tag, UnknownFieldSetField value) {
if (value.varints.isEmpty) {
// Original field is not a varint, so use a varint.
bizarroFields.addField(tag, varintField);
} else {
// Original field *is* a varint, so use something else.
bizarroFields.addField(tag, fixed32Field);
var writer = CodedBufferWriter();
return writer.toBuffer();
test('testWrongTypeTreatedAsUnknown', () {
// Test that fields of the wrong wire type are treated like unknown fields
// when parsing.
var bizarroData = getBizarroData();
var allTypesMessage = TestAllTypes.fromBuffer(bizarroData);
var emptyMessage_ = TestEmptyMessage.fromBuffer(bizarroData);
// All fields should have been interpreted as unknown, so the debug strings
// should be the same.
expect(allTypesMessage.toString(), emptyMessage_.toString());
test('testUnknownExtensions', () {
// Make sure fields are properly parsed to the UnknownFieldSet even when
// they are declared as extension numbers.
var message = TestEmptyMessageWithExtensions.fromBuffer(allFieldsData);
expect(message.unknownFields.asMap().length, unknownFields.asMap().length);
expect(message.writeToBuffer(), allFieldsData);
test('testWrongExtensionTypeTreatedAsUnknown', () {
// Test that fields of the wrong wire type are treated like unknown fields
// when parsing extensions.
var bizarroData = getBizarroData();
var allExtensionsMessage = TestAllExtensions.fromBuffer(bizarroData);
var emptyMessage_ = TestEmptyMessage.fromBuffer(bizarroData);
// All fields should have been interpreted as unknown, so the debug strings
// should be the same.
expect(allExtensionsMessage.toString(), emptyMessage_.toString());
test('testParseUnknownEnumValue', () {
var singularFieldNum = testAllTypes.getTagNumber('optionalNestedEnum');
var repeatedFieldNum = testAllTypes.getTagNumber('repeatedNestedEnum');
expect(singularFieldNum, isNotNull);
expect(repeatedFieldNum, isNotNull);
var fieldSet = UnknownFieldSet()
var writer = CodedBufferWriter();
var message = TestAllTypes.fromBuffer(writer.toBuffer());
expect(message.optionalNestedEnum, TestAllTypes_NestedEnum.BAR);
[TestAllTypes_NestedEnum.FOO, TestAllTypes_NestedEnum.BAZ]);
final singularVarints =
expect(singularVarints.length, 1);
expect(singularVarints[0], expect64(5));
final repeatedVarints =
expect(repeatedVarints.length, 2);
expect(repeatedVarints[0], expect64(4));
expect(repeatedVarints[1], expect64(6));
var message = TestAllExtensions.fromBuffer(
writer.toBuffer(), getExtensionRegistry());
[TestAllTypes_NestedEnum.FOO, TestAllTypes_NestedEnum.BAZ]);
final singularVarints =
expect(singularVarints.length, 1);
expect(singularVarints[0], expect64(5));
final repeatedVarints =
expect(repeatedVarints.length, 2);
expect(repeatedVarints[0], expect64(4));
expect(repeatedVarints[1], expect64(6));
test('testLargeVarint', () {
var unknownFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet()
1, UnknownFieldSetField()..addVarint(make64(0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF)));
var writer = CodedBufferWriter();
var parsed = UnknownFieldSet()
var field = parsed.getField(1);
expect(field.varints.length, 1);
expect(field.varints[0], expect64(0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFF));
test('testEquals', () {
var a = UnknownFieldSet()
..addField(1, UnknownFieldSetField()..addFixed32(1));
var b = UnknownFieldSet()
..addField(1, UnknownFieldSetField()..addFixed64(make64(1)));
var c = UnknownFieldSet()
..addField(1, UnknownFieldSetField()..addVarint(make64(1)));
var d = UnknownFieldSet()
..addField(1, UnknownFieldSetField()..addLengthDelimited([]));
var e = UnknownFieldSet()
..addField(1, UnknownFieldSetField()..addGroup(unknownFields));
_checkNotEqual(a, b);
_checkNotEqual(a, c);
_checkNotEqual(a, d);
_checkNotEqual(a, e);
_checkNotEqual(b, c);
_checkNotEqual(b, d);
_checkNotEqual(b, e);
_checkNotEqual(c, d);
_checkNotEqual(c, e);
_checkNotEqual(d, e);
var f1 = UnknownFieldSet()
..addField(1, UnknownFieldSetField()..addLengthDelimited([1, 2]));
var f2 = UnknownFieldSet()
..addField(1, UnknownFieldSetField()..addLengthDelimited([2, 1]));
_checkNotEqual(f1, f2);