blob: 4aa28394187b553841134c3ee594e1c50730cebd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../benchmarks/int32_json.dart';
import '../benchmarks/int64_json.dart';
import '../benchmarks/repeated_int32_json.dart';
import '../benchmarks/repeated_int64_json.dart';
import '../benchmarks/repeated_string_json.dart';
import '../benchmarks/string_json.dart';
import '../generated/benchmark.pb.dart' show Suite;
final Suite jsonSuite = () {
var suite = Suite();
_int32(1, 100),
_int32(2, 100),
_int32(10, 100),
_int32(10, 200),
_repeatedInt32(1, 100),
_repeatedInt32(2, 100),
_repeatedInt32(10, 100),
_repeatedInt32(10, 200),
_int64(1, 100),
_int64(2, 100),
_int64(10, 100),
_int64(10, 200),
_repeatedInt64(1, 100),
_repeatedInt64(2, 100),
_repeatedInt64(10, 100),
_repeatedInt64(10, 200),
_string(1, 100, 10),
_string(2, 100, 10),
_string(10, 100, 10),
_string(10, 200, 10),
_string(10, 100, 100),
_repeatedString(1, 100, 10),
_repeatedString(2, 100, 10),
_repeatedString(10, 100, 10),
_repeatedString(10, 200, 10),
_repeatedString(10, 100, 100),
return suite;
_int32(int width, int height) => Int32Benchmark(width, height).makeRequest();
_repeatedInt32(int width, int height) =>
RepeatedInt32Benchmark(width, height).makeRequest();
_int64(int width, int height) => Int64Benchmark(width, height).makeRequest();
_repeatedInt64(int width, int height) =>
RepeatedInt64Benchmark(width, height).makeRequest();
_string(int width, int height, int size) =>
StringBenchmark(width, height, size).makeRequest();
_repeatedString(int width, int height, int size) =>
RepeatedStringBenchmark(width, height, size).makeRequest();