blob: 5c045848b7456004952cc9106769b63144f54768 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.11
import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../out/protos/google/protobuf/unittest.pb.dart';
// [ArgumentError] in production mode, [TypeError] in checked.
final invalidArgumentException =
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
predicate((e) => e is ArgumentError || e is TypeError || e is CastError);
final badArgument = throwsA(invalidArgumentException);
// Suppress an analyzer warning for a deliberate type mismatch.
dynamic cast(x) => x;
void main() {
// TODO(sigurdm): in a Dart 2 world most of these tests don't really make sense.
test('testValidationFailureMessages', () {
var builder = TestAllTypes();
expect(() {
builder.optionalInt32 = null;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalInt32 = cast('101') as int;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalInt32 = -2147483649;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalInt32 = 2147483648;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalInt64 = cast('102') as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalInt64 = cast(-9223372036854775808) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalInt64 = cast(9223372036854775807) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalUint32 = cast('103') as int;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalUint32 = -1;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalUint32 = 4294967296;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalUint64 = cast('104') as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalUint64 = cast(-1) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalUint64 = cast(8446744073709551616) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSint32 = cast('105') as int;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSint32 = -2147483649;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSint32 = 2147483648;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSint64 = cast('106') as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSint64 = cast(-9223372036854775808) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSint64 = cast(9223372036854775807) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalFixed32 = cast('107') as int;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalFixed32 = -1;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalFixed32 = 4294967296;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalFixed64 = cast('108') as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalFixed64 = cast(-1) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalFixed64 = cast(8446744073709551616) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSfixed32 = cast('109') as int;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSfixed32 = -2147483649;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSfixed32 = 2147483648;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSfixed64 = cast('110') as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSfixed64 = cast(-9223372036854775808) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalSfixed64 = cast(9223372036854775807) as Int64;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalFloat = cast('111') as double;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalFloat = -3.4028234663852886E39;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalFloat = 3.4028234663852886E39;
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
builder.optionalDouble = cast('112') as double;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalBool = cast('113') as bool;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalString = cast(false) as String;
}, badArgument);
// Can't test this easily in strong mode.
// expect(() {
// builder.optionalBytes = cast('115');
// }, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalNestedMessage = cast('118') as TestAllTypes_NestedMessage;
}, badArgument);
expect(() {
builder.optionalNestedEnum = cast('121') as TestAllTypes_NestedEnum;
}, badArgument);
// Set repeating value (no setter should exist).
expect(() {
cast(builder).repeatedInt32 = 201;
}, throwsNoSuchMethodError);
// Unknown tag.
expect(() {
builder.setField(999, 'field');
}, throwsArgumentError);
expect(() {
TestAllExtensions().setExtension(Unittest.optionalInt32Extension, '101');
}, throwsArgumentError);