blob: 5d7ca0a0f0f271743f21dd7f95cb32bbe89dfe3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart';
import '../../../protobuf.dart';
import '../json_parsing_context.dart';
import '../type_registry.dart';
abstract class AnyMixin implements GeneratedMessage {
String get typeUrl;
set typeUrl(String value);
List<int> get value;
set value(List<int> value);
/// Returns `true` if the encoded message matches the type of [instance].
/// Can be used with a default instance:
/// `any.canUnpackInto(Message.getDefault())`
bool canUnpackInto(GeneratedMessage instance) {
return canUnpackIntoHelper(instance, typeUrl);
/// Unpacks the message in [value] into [instance].
/// Throws a [InvalidProtocolBufferException] if [typeUrl] does not correspond
/// to the type of [instance].
/// A typical usage would be `any.unpackInto(Message())`.
/// Returns [instance].
T unpackInto<T extends GeneratedMessage>(T instance,
{ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY}) {
unpackIntoHelper(value, instance, typeUrl,
extensionRegistry: extensionRegistry);
return instance;
/// Updates [target] to be the packed representation of [message].
/// The [typeUrl] will be [typeUrlPrefix]/`fullName` where `fullName` is
/// the fully qualified name of the type of [message].
static void packIntoAny(AnyMixin target, GeneratedMessage message,
{String typeUrlPrefix = ''}) {
target.value = message.writeToBuffer();
target.typeUrl = '$typeUrlPrefix/${message.info_.qualifiedMessageName}';
// From google/protobuf/any.proto:
// ====
// The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular
// representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an
// additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example:
// package google.profile;
// message Person {
// string first_name = 1;
// string last_name = 2;
// }
// {
// "@type": "",
// "firstName": <string>,
// "lastName": <string>
// }
// If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON
// representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field
// `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type`
// field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]):
// {
// "@type": "",
// "value": "1.212s"
// }
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
var any = message as AnyMixin;
var info = typeRegistry.lookup(_typeNameFromUrl(any.typeUrl));
if (info == null) {
throw ArgumentError(
'The type of the Any message (${any.typeUrl}) is not in the given typeRegistry.');
var unpacked = info.createEmptyInstance!()..mergeFromBuffer(any.value);
var proto3Json = unpacked.toProto3Json();
if (info.toProto3Json == null) {
var map = proto3Json as Map<String, dynamic>;
map['@type'] = any.typeUrl;
return map;
} else {
return {'@type': any.typeUrl, 'value': proto3Json};
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is! Map<String, dynamic>) {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected Any message encoded as {@type,...},', json);
final object = json;
final typeUrl = object['@type'];
if (typeUrl is String) {
var any = message as AnyMixin;
var info = typeRegistry.lookup(_typeNameFromUrl(typeUrl));
if (info == null) {
throw context.parseException(
'Decoding Any of type $typeUrl not in TypeRegistry $typeRegistry',
Object? subJson = info.fromProto3Json == null
// TODO(sigurdm): avoid cloning [object] here.
? (Map<String, dynamic>.from(object)..remove('@type'))
: object['value'];
// TODO(sigurdm): We lose [context.path].
var packedMessage = info.createEmptyInstance!()
typeRegistry: typeRegistry,
supportNamesWithUnderscores: context.supportNamesWithUnderscores,
ignoreUnknownFields: context.ignoreUnknownFields,
permissiveEnums: context.permissiveEnums);
any.value = packedMessage.writeToBuffer();
any.typeUrl = typeUrl;
} else {
throw context.parseException('Expected a string', json);
String _typeNameFromUrl(String typeUrl) {
var index = typeUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
return index < 0 ? '' : typeUrl.substring(index + 1);
abstract class TimestampMixin {
static final RegExp finalGroupsOfThreeZeroes = RegExp(r'(?:000)*$');
Int64 get seconds;
set seconds(Int64 value);
int get nanos;
set nanos(int value);
/// Converts an instance to [DateTime].
/// The result is in UTC time zone and has microsecond precision, as
/// [DateTime] does not support nanosecond precision.
DateTime toDateTime() => DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(
seconds.toInt() * Duration.microsecondsPerSecond + nanos ~/ 1000,
isUtc: true);
/// Updates [target] to be the time at [dateTime].
/// Time zone information will not be preserved.
static void setFromDateTime(TimestampMixin target, DateTime dateTime) {
var micros = dateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch;
target.seconds = Int64(micros ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerSecond);
target.nanos = (micros % Duration.microsecondsPerSecond).toInt() * 1000;
static String _twoDigits(int n) {
if (n >= 10) return '$n';
return '0$n';
static final DateTime _minTimestamp = DateTime.utc(1);
static final DateTime _maxTimestamp = DateTime.utc(9999, 13, 31, 23, 59, 59);
// From google/protobuf/timestamp.proto:
// # JSON Mapping
// In JSON format, the Timestamp type is encoded as a string in the
// [RFC 3339]( format. That is, the
// format is "{year}-{month}-{day}T{hour}:{min}:{sec}[.{frac_sec}]Z"
// where {year} is always expressed using four digits while {month}, {day},
// {hour}, {min}, and {sec} are zero-padded to two digits each. The fractional
// seconds, which can go up to 9 digits (i.e. up to 1 nanosecond resolution),
// are optional. The "Z" suffix indicates the timezone ("UTC"); the timezone
// is required. A proto3 JSON serializer should always use UTC (as indicated by
// "Z") when printing the Timestamp type and a proto3 JSON parser should be
// able to accept both UTC and other timezones (as indicated by an offset).
// For example, "2017-01-15T01:30:15.01Z" encodes 15.01 seconds past
// 01:30 UTC on January 15, 2017.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
var timestamp = message as TimestampMixin;
var dateTime = timestamp.toDateTime();
if (timestamp.nanos < 0) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Timestamp with negative `nanos`: ${timestamp.nanos}');
if (timestamp.nanos > 999999999) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Timestamp with `nanos` out of range: ${timestamp.nanos}');
if (dateTime.isBefore(_minTimestamp) || dateTime.isAfter(_maxTimestamp)) {
throw ArgumentError('Timestamp Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to '
'9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive. Was: ${dateTime.toIso8601String()}');
// Because [DateTime] doesn't have nano-second precision, we cannot use
// dateTime.toIso8601String().
var y = '${dateTime.year}'.padLeft(4, '0');
var m = _twoDigits(dateTime.month);
var d = _twoDigits(;
var h = _twoDigits(dateTime.hour);
var min = _twoDigits(dateTime.minute);
var sec = _twoDigits(dateTime.second);
var secFrac = '';
if (timestamp.nanos > 0) {
secFrac = '.' +
.padLeft(9, '0')
.replaceFirst(finalGroupsOfThreeZeroes, '');
return '$y-$m-${d}T$h:$min:$sec${secFrac}Z';
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is String) {
var jsonWithoutFracSec = json;
var nanos = 0;
Match? fracSecsMatch = RegExp(r'\.(\d+)').firstMatch(json);
if (fracSecsMatch != null) {
var fracSecs = fracSecsMatch[1]!;
if (fracSecs.length > 9) {
throw context.parseException(
'Timestamp can have at most than 9 decimal digits', json);
nanos = int.parse(fracSecs.padRight(9, '0'));
jsonWithoutFracSec =
json.replaceRange(fracSecsMatch.start, fracSecsMatch.end, '');
var dateTimeWithoutFractionalSeconds =
DateTime.tryParse(jsonWithoutFracSec) ??
(throw context.parseException(
'Timestamp not well formatted. ', json));
var timestamp = message as TimestampMixin;
setFromDateTime(timestamp, dateTimeWithoutFractionalSeconds);
timestamp.nanos = nanos;
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected timestamp represented as String', json);
abstract class DurationMixin {
Int64 get seconds;
set seconds(Int64 value);
int get nanos;
set nanos(int value);
static final RegExp finalZeroes = RegExp(r'0+$');
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
var duration = message as DurationMixin;
var secFrac = duration.nanos
// nanos and seconds should always have the same sign.
.padLeft(9, '0')
.replaceFirst(finalZeroes, '');
var secPart = secFrac == '' ? '' : '.$secFrac';
return '${duration.seconds}${secPart}s';
static final RegExp durationPattern = RegExp(r'(-?\d*)(?:\.(\d*))?s$');
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
var duration = message as DurationMixin;
if (json is String) {
var match = durationPattern.matchAsPrefix(json);
if (match == null) {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected a String of the form `<seconds>.<nanos>s`', json);
} else {
var secondsString = match[1]!;
var seconds =
secondsString == '' ? Int64.ZERO : Int64.parseInt(secondsString);
duration.seconds = seconds;
var nanos = int.parse((match[2] ?? '').padRight(9, '0'));
duration.nanos = seconds < 0 ? -nanos : nanos;
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected a String of the form `<seconds>.<nanos>s`', json);
abstract class StructMixin implements GeneratedMessage {
Map<String, ValueMixin> get fields;
static const _fieldsFieldTagNumber = 1;
// From google/protobuf/struct.proto:
// The JSON representation for `Struct` is JSON object.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
var struct = message as StructMixin;
return, value) =>
MapEntry(key, ValueMixin.toProto3JsonHelper(value, typeRegistry)));
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is Map) {
// Check for emptiness to avoid setting `.fields` if there are no
// values.
if (json.isNotEmpty) {
var fields = (message as StructMixin).fields;
var valueCreator =
(message.info_.fieldInfo[_fieldsFieldTagNumber] as MapFieldInfo)
json.forEach((key, value) {
if (key is! String) {
throw context.parseException('Expected String key', json);
var v = valueCreator() as ValueMixin;
ValueMixin.fromProto3JsonHelper(v, value, typeRegistry, context);
fields[key] = v;
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected a JSON object literal (map)', json);
abstract class ValueMixin implements GeneratedMessage {
bool hasNullValue();
ProtobufEnum get nullValue;
set nullValue(covariant ProtobufEnum value);
bool hasNumberValue();
double get numberValue;
set numberValue(double v);
bool hasStringValue();
String get stringValue;
set stringValue(String v);
bool hasBoolValue();
bool get boolValue;
set boolValue(bool v);
bool hasStructValue();
StructMixin get structValue;
set structValue(covariant StructMixin v);
bool hasListValue();
ListValueMixin get listValue;
set listValue(covariant ListValueMixin v);
// From google/protobuf/struct.proto:
// The JSON representation for `Value` is JSON value
static Object? toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
var value = message as ValueMixin;
// This would ideally be a switch, but we cannot import the enum we are
// switching over.
if (value.hasNullValue()) {
return null;
} else if (value.hasNumberValue()) {
return value.numberValue;
} else if (value.hasStringValue()) {
return value.stringValue;
} else if (value.hasBoolValue()) {
return value.boolValue;
} else if (value.hasStructValue()) {
return StructMixin.toProto3JsonHelper(value.structValue, typeRegistry);
} else if (value.hasListValue()) {
return ListValueMixin.toProto3JsonHelper(value.listValue, typeRegistry);
} else {
throw ArgumentError('Serializing google.protobuf.Value with no value');
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object? json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
var value = message as ValueMixin;
if (json == null) {
// Rely on the getter retrieving the default to provide an instance.
value.nullValue = value.nullValue;
} else if (json is num) {
value.numberValue = json.toDouble();
} else if (json is String) {
value.stringValue = json;
} else if (json is bool) {
value.boolValue = json;
} else if (json is Map) {
// Clone because the default instance is frozen.
var structValue = value.structValue.deepCopy();
structValue, json, typeRegistry, context);
value.structValue = structValue;
} else if (json is List) {
// Clone because the default instance is frozen.
var listValue = value.listValue.deepCopy();
listValue, json, typeRegistry, context);
value.listValue = listValue;
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected a json-value (Map, List, String, number, bool or null)',
abstract class ListValueMixin implements GeneratedMessage {
List<ValueMixin> get values;
// From google/protobuf/struct.proto:
// The JSON representation for `ListValue` is JSON array.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
var list = message as ListValueMixin;
return list.values
.map((value) => ValueMixin.toProto3JsonHelper(value, typeRegistry))
static const _valueFieldTagNumber = 1;
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
var list = message as ListValueMixin;
if (json is List) {
var subBuilder = message.info_.subBuilder(_valueFieldTagNumber)!;
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
Object element = json[i];
var v = subBuilder() as ValueMixin;
ValueMixin.fromProto3JsonHelper(v, element, typeRegistry, context);
} else {
throw context.parseException('Expected a json-List', json);
abstract class FieldMaskMixin {
List<String> get paths;
// From google/protobuf/field_mask.proto:
// # JSON Encoding of Field Masks
// In JSON, a field mask is encoded as a single string where paths are
// separated by a comma. Fields name in each path are converted
// to/from lower-camel naming conventions.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
var fieldMask = message as FieldMaskMixin;
for (var path in fieldMask.paths) {
if (path.contains(RegExp('[A-Z]|_[^a-z]'))) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Bad fieldmask $path. Does not round-trip to json.');
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is String) {
if (json.contains('_')) {
throw context.parseException(
'Invalid Character `_` in FieldMask', json);
if (json == '') {
// The empty string splits to a single value. So this is a special case.
(message as FieldMaskMixin)
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected String formatted as FieldMask', json);
static String _toCamelCase(String name) {
return name.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp('_([a-z])'), (Match m) =>!.toUpperCase());
static String _fromCamelCase(String name) {
return name.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp('[A-Z]'), (Match m) => '_${!.toLowerCase()}');
abstract class DoubleValueMixin {
double get value;
set value(double value);
// From google/protobuf/wrappers.proto:
// The JSON representation for `DoubleValue` is JSON number.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
return (message as DoubleValueMixin).value;
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is num) {
(message as DoubleValueMixin).value = json.toDouble();
} else if (json is String) {
(message as DoubleValueMixin).value = double.tryParse(json) ??
(throw context.parseException(
'Expected string to encode a double', json));
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected a double as a String or number', json);
abstract class FloatValueMixin {
double get value;
set value(double value);
// From google/protobuf/wrappers.proto:
// The JSON representation for `FloatValue` is JSON number.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
return (message as FloatValueMixin).value;
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is num) {
(message as FloatValueMixin).value = json.toDouble();
} else if (json is String) {
(message as FloatValueMixin).value = double.tryParse(json) ??
(throw context.parseException(
'Expected a float as a String or number', json));
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected a float as a String or number', json);
abstract class Int64ValueMixin {
Int64 get value;
set value(Int64 value);
// From google/protobuf/wrappers.proto:
// The JSON representation for `Int64Value` is JSON string.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
return (message as Int64ValueMixin).value.toString();
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is int) {
(message as Int64ValueMixin).value = Int64(json);
} else if (json is String) {
try {
(message as Int64ValueMixin).value = Int64.parseInt(json);
} on FormatException {
throw context.parseException('Expected string to encode integer', json);
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected an integer encoded as a String or number', json);
abstract class UInt64ValueMixin {
Int64 get value;
set value(Int64 value);
// From google/protobuf/wrappers.proto:
// The JSON representation for `UInt64Value` is JSON string.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
return (message as UInt64ValueMixin).value.toStringUnsigned();
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is int) {
(message as UInt64ValueMixin).value = Int64(json);
} else if (json is String) {
try {
(message as UInt64ValueMixin).value = Int64.parseInt(json);
} on FormatException {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected string to encode unsigned integer', json);
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected an unsigned integer as a String or integer', json);
abstract class Int32ValueMixin {
int get value;
set value(int value);
// From google/protobuf/wrappers.proto:
// The JSON representation for `Int32Value` is JSON number.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
return (message as Int32ValueMixin).value;
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is int) {
(message as Int32ValueMixin).value = json;
} else if (json is String) {
(message as Int32ValueMixin).value = int.tryParse(json) ??
(throw context.parseException(
'Expected string to encode integer', json));
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected an integer encoded as a String or number', json);
abstract class UInt32ValueMixin {
int get value;
set value(int value);
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
return (message as UInt32ValueMixin).value;
// From google/protobuf/wrappers.proto:
// The JSON representation for `UInt32Value` is JSON number.
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is int) {
(message as UInt32ValueMixin).value = json;
} else if (json is String) {
(message as UInt32ValueMixin).value = int.tryParse(json) ??
(throw context.parseException(
'Expected String to encode an integer', json));
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected an unsigned integer as a String or integer', json);
abstract class BoolValueMixin {
bool get value;
set value(bool value);
// From google/protobuf/wrappers.proto:
// The JSON representation for `BoolValue` is JSON `true` and `false`
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
return (message as BoolValueMixin).value;
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is bool) {
(message as BoolValueMixin).value = json;
} else {
throw context.parseException('Expected a bool', json);
abstract class StringValueMixin {
String get value;
set value(String value);
// From google/protobuf/wrappers.proto:
// The JSON representation for `StringValue` is JSON string.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
return (message as StringValueMixin).value;
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is String) {
(message as StringValueMixin).value = json;
} else {
throw context.parseException('Expected a String', json);
abstract class BytesValueMixin {
List<int> get value;
set value(List<int> value);
// From google/protobuf/wrappers.proto:
// The JSON representation for `BytesValue` is JSON string.
static Object toProto3JsonHelper(
GeneratedMessage message, TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
return base64.encode((message as BytesValueMixin).value);
static void fromProto3JsonHelper(GeneratedMessage message, Object json,
TypeRegistry typeRegistry, JsonParsingContext context) {
if (json is String) {
try {
(message as BytesValueMixin).value = base64.decode(json);
} on FormatException {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected bytes encoded as base64 String', json);
} else {
throw context.parseException(
'Expected bytes encoded as base64 String', json);