Update pubspec version and CHANGELOG. (#520)

* Update pubspec and CHANGELOG with latest changes.
diff --git a/protobuf/CHANGELOG.md b/protobuf/CHANGELOG.md
index 7996f2f..2be6085 100644
--- a/protobuf/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/protobuf/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,429 +1,467 @@
+## 1.1.4
+*   Fix comparison of empty lists from frozen messages.
+*   Switch repo internals to use `dart format` instead of `dartfmt`.
 ## 1.1.3
-* Fix that fixed32 int could be negative.
+*   Fix that fixed32 int could be negative.
 ## 1.1.2
-* Fix proto deserialization issue for repeated and map enum value fields 
-  where the enum value is unknown.
+*   Fix proto deserialization issue for repeated and map enum value fields where
+    the enum value is unknown.
 ## 1.1.1
-* Fix decoding of `oneof` fields from proto3 json. The 'whichFoo' state would 
-  not be set.
-* Fix the return type of `copyWith`.
+*   Fix decoding of `oneof` fields from proto3 json. The 'whichFoo' state would
+    not be set.
+*   Fix the return type of `copyWith`.
 ## 1.1.0
-* Require at least Dart SDK 2.7.0 to enable usage of extension methods.
-* Introduce extension methods `GeneratedMessage.rebuild` and
-  `GeneratedMessage.deepCopy` replacing `copyWith` and `clone`. Using these
-  alternatives can result in smaller binaries, because it is defined once
-  instead of once per class. Use `protoc_plugin` from 19.1.0 to generate
-  deprecation warnings for `copyWith` and `clone` methods.
-* `GeneratedMessage.getExtension` throws when reading trying to read an
-  extension that is present in the unknown fields.
-  We consider this change a bug-fix because depending on the old behavior is
-  indicative of a bug in your program.
+*   Require at least Dart SDK 2.7.0 to enable usage of extension methods.
+*   Introduce extension methods `GeneratedMessage.rebuild` and
+    `GeneratedMessage.deepCopy` replacing `copyWith` and `clone`. Using these
+    alternatives can result in smaller binaries, because it is defined once
+    instead of once per class. Use `protoc_plugin` from 19.1.0 to generate
+    deprecation warnings for `copyWith` and `clone` methods.
+*   `GeneratedMessage.getExtension` throws when reading trying to read an
+    extension that is present in the unknown fields. We consider this change a
+    bug-fix because depending on the old behavior is indicative of a bug in your
+    program.
 ## 1.0.4
-* Requires sdk 2.3.0
-* Update pedantic to 1.9.2
+*   Requires sdk 2.3.0
+*   Update pedantic to 1.9.2
 ## 1.0.3
-* Enable hashCode memoization for frozen protos.
-* Add `timeout` to `ClientContext`
+*   Enable hashCode memoization for frozen protos.
+*   Add `timeout` to `ClientContext`
 ## 1.0.2
-* Fix hashcode of bytes fields.
-* Fix issue with the `permissiveEnums` option to `mergeFromProto3Json`.
-  The comparison did not work properly.
-* Fix binary representation of negative int32 values.
+*   Fix hashcode of bytes fields.
+*   Fix issue with the `permissiveEnums` option to `mergeFromProto3Json`. The
+    comparison did not work properly.
+*   Fix binary representation of negative int32 values.
 ## 1.0.1
-* Fix issue with `ExtensionRegistry.reparseMessage` not handling map fields with
-  scalar value types correctly.
-* Fix issue with the non-json name of a field (`protoName`) not being set correctly.
-* Fix: Allow decoding tagnumbers of unknown fields of up to 29 bits.
+*   Fix issue with `ExtensionRegistry.reparseMessage` not handling map fields
+    with scalar value types correctly.
+*   Fix issue with the non-json name of a field (`protoName`) not being set
+    correctly.
+*   Fix: Allow decoding tagnumbers of unknown fields of up to 29 bits.
 ## 1.0.0
-* Graduate package to 1.0. No functional changes.
+*   Graduate package to 1.0. No functional changes.
 ## 0.14.4
-* Add `permissiveEnums` option to `mergeFromProto3Json`.
-  It will do a case-insensitive matching of enum values ignoring `-` and `_`.
-* Add support for 'ensureX' methods generated by `protoc_plugin` 19.0.0.
-* Add specialized getters for `String`, `int`, and `bool` with usual default values.
-* Shrink dart2js generated code for `getDefault()`.
-* Added an annotation class `TagNumber`. This is used by code generated by
-  `protoc_plugin` from version 19.0.0.
+*   Add `permissiveEnums` option to `mergeFromProto3Json`. It will do a
+    case-insensitive matching of enum values ignoring `-` and `_`.
+*   Add support for 'ensureX' methods generated by `protoc_plugin` 19.0.0.
+*   Add specialized getters for `String`, `int`, and `bool` with usual default
+    values.
+*   Shrink dart2js generated code for `getDefault()`.
+*   Added an annotation class `TagNumber`. This is used by code generated by
+    `protoc_plugin` from version 19.0.0.
 ## 0.14.3
-* Fix: Allow decoding tagnumbers of up to 29 bits. Would fail before with more than 28 bits.
+*   Fix: Allow decoding tagnumbers of up to 29 bits. Would fail before with more
+    than 28 bits.
 ## 0.14.2
-*  Expose `mapEntryBuilderInfo` in `MapFieldInfo`.
+*   Expose `mapEntryBuilderInfo` in `MapFieldInfo`.
 ## 0.14.1
-* Support for `import public`.
+*   Support for `import public`.
-  The generated code for a protofile `a.proto` that `import public "b.proto"` will export the
-  generated code for `b.proto`.
+    The generated code for a protofile `a.proto` that `import public "b.proto"`
+    will export the generated code for `b.proto`.
-  See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#importing-definitions.
+    See
+    https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#importing-definitions.
 ## 0.14.0
-* Support for proto3 json (json with field names as keys)
-  - encoding and decoding.
-  - Support for well-known types.
-  - Use `GeneratedMessage.toProto3Json()` to encode and `GeneratedMessage.mergeFromProto3Json(json)`
-    to decode.
+*   Support for proto3 json (json with field names as keys)
-* `FieldInfo` objects have a new getter `.protoName` that gives the non-camel-case name of the field
-  as in the `.proto`-file.
+    -   encoding and decoding.
+    -   Support for well-known types.
+    -   Use `GeneratedMessage.toProto3Json()` to encode and
+        `GeneratedMessage.mergeFromProto3Json(json)` to decode.
-* **Breaking**: The field-adder methods on `BuilderInfo` now takes only named optional arguments.
-  To migrate, update `protoc_plugin` to version 18.0.0 or higher.
-* The field-adder methods on `BuilderInfo` all take a new argument `protoName`.
-* **Breaking**: Changed `ExtensionRegistry.reparseMessage` to reparse extensions deeply, that is it looks at every
-nested message and tries to reparse extensions from its unknown fields.
+*   `FieldInfo` objects have a new getter `.protoName` that gives the
+    non-camel-case name of the field as in the `.proto`-file.
+*   **Breaking**: The field-adder methods on `BuilderInfo` now takes only named
+    optional arguments. To migrate, update `protoc_plugin` to version 18.0.0 or
+    higher.
+*   The field-adder methods on `BuilderInfo` all take a new argument
+    `protoName`.
+*   **Breaking**: Changed `ExtensionRegistry.reparseMessage` to reparse
+    extensions deeply, that is it looks at every nested message and tries to
+    reparse extensions from its unknown fields.
 ## 0.13.16+1
-* Reverts `0.13.16` which accidentally introduced a breaking change,
-  [#284](https://github.com/dart-lang/protobuf/issues/284). This release is
-  identical to `0.13.15`.
+*   Reverts `0.13.16` which accidentally introduced a breaking change,
+    [#284](https://github.com/dart-lang/protobuf/issues/284). This release is
+    identical to `0.13.15`.
 ## 0.13.16
-* Better handling of dummy calls to `BuilderInfo.add` with a tag number of 0.
-  These would trigger assertions before.
+*   Better handling of dummy calls to `BuilderInfo.add` with a tag number of 0.
+    These would trigger assertions before.
 ## 0.13.15
-* Add new getter `GeneratedMessage.isFrozen` to query if the message has been frozen.
+*   Add new getter `GeneratedMessage.isFrozen` to query if the message has been
+    frozen.
 ## 0.13.14
-* Avoid needless copy when reading from a Uint8List buffer.
+*   Avoid needless copy when reading from a Uint8List buffer.
 ## 0.13.13
-* `Added `ExtensionRegistry.reparseMessage()` for decoding extensions from unknown fields after the initial
-   decoding.
+*   `Added`ExtensionRegistry.reparseMessage()` for decoding extensions from
+    unknown fields after the initial decoding.
 ## 0.13.12
-* `BuilderInfo.add` now ignores fields with tag number 0.
-   These would never be generated by the protoc_plugin so this is not considered a breaking change.
+*   `BuilderInfo.add` now ignores fields with tag number 0. These would never be
+    generated by the protoc_plugin so this is not considered a breaking change.
 ## 0.13.11
-* Save memory by only initializing `_FieldSet.oneofCases` if the message contains oneofs.
+*   Save memory by only initializing `_FieldSet.oneofCases` if the message
+    contains oneofs.
 ## 0.13.10
-* Fix recursive merging of repeated elements.
+*   Fix recursive merging of repeated elements.
 ## 0.13.9
-* Move 'eventPlugin' callback when setting a field in order to notify observers about field updates in the correct order.
+*   Move 'eventPlugin' callback when setting a field in order to notify
+    observers about field updates in the correct order.
 ## 0.13.8
-* Fix JSON serialization of unsigned 64-bit fields.
+*   Fix JSON serialization of unsigned 64-bit fields.
 ## 0.13.7
-* Override `operator ==` and `hashCode` in `PbMap` so that two `PbMap`s are equal if they have equal key/value pairs.
+*   Override `operator ==` and `hashCode` in `PbMap` so that two `PbMap`s are
+    equal if they have equal key/value pairs.
 ## 0.13.6
-* Fixed equality check between messages with and without extensions.
+*   Fixed equality check between messages with and without extensions.
 ## 0.13.5
-* Add new method `addAll` on ExtensionRegistry for more conveniently adding multiple extensions at once.
+*   Add new method `addAll` on ExtensionRegistry for more conveniently adding
+    multiple extensions at once.
 ## 0.13.4
-* Add new method `pc` on BuilderInfo for adding repeated composite fields and remove redundant type check on items added
-  to a PbList.
+*   Add new method `pc` on BuilderInfo for adding repeated composite fields and
+    remove redundant type check on items added to a PbList.
-  Deprecated `BuilderInfo.pp` and `PbList.forFieldType`.
+    Deprecated `BuilderInfo.pp` and `PbList.forFieldType`.
 ## 0.13.3
-* Fix issue with parsing map field entries. The values for two different keys would sometimes be
-  merged.
+*   Fix issue with parsing map field entries. The values for two different keys
+    would sometimes be merged.
-* Deprecated `PBMap.add`.
+*   Deprecated `PBMap.add`.
 ## 0.13.2
-* Include extension fields in GeneratedMessage.toString().
+*   Include extension fields in GeneratedMessage.toString().
 ## 0.13.1
-* Fix issue with not being able to read unknown fields after freezing.
+*   Fix issue with not being able to read unknown fields after freezing.
-Reading an unknown field set after freeze() now returns the existing field set before freezing instead of an empty UnknownFieldSet.
+Reading an unknown field set after freeze() now returns the existing field set
+before freezing instead of an empty UnknownFieldSet.
 ## 0.13.0
-* Breaking change: Fix issue with not being able to read extensions after freezing.
+*   Breaking change: Fix issue with not being able to read extensions after
+    freezing.
-Reading an extension field after freeze() now returns the value set before freezing instead of the default value.
+Reading an extension field after freeze() now returns the value set before
+freezing instead of the default value.
 ## 0.12.0
-* Breaking change: Changed `BuilderInfo.m()` to take class and package name of the protobuf message representing the map
-  entry. Also changed `BuilderInfo.addMapField` as well as the constructors `PbMap` and `MapFieldInfo.map` to take a map
-  entry BuilderInfo object.
+*   Breaking change: Changed `BuilderInfo.m()` to take class and package name of
+    the protobuf message representing the map entry. Also changed
+    `BuilderInfo.addMapField` as well as the constructors `PbMap` and
+    `MapFieldInfo.map` to take a map entry BuilderInfo object.
-  This mostly affects generated code, which should now be built with protoc_plugin 15.0.0 or newer.
+    This mostly affects generated code, which should now be built with
+    protoc_plugin 15.0.0 or newer.
-  With this change we avoid creating a map entry BuilderInfo object for each PbMap instance, instead it is passed
-  through the static BuilderInfo object in the generated subclasses of GeneratedMessage.
+    With this change we avoid creating a map entry BuilderInfo object for each
+    PbMap instance, instead it is passed through the static BuilderInfo object
+    in the generated subclasses of GeneratedMessage.
 ## 0.11.0
-* Breaking change: changed semantics of `GeneratedMessage.toBuilder()` to only make a shallow copy.
+*   Breaking change: changed semantics of `GeneratedMessage.toBuilder()` to only
+    make a shallow copy.
-  `GeneratedMessage` has a new abstract method: `createEmptyInstance()` that subclasses must
-  implement.
+    `GeneratedMessage` has a new abstract method: `createEmptyInstance()` that
+    subclasses must implement.
-  Proto files must be rebuilt using protoc_plugin 14.0.0 or newer.
+    Proto files must be rebuilt using protoc_plugin 14.0.0 or newer.
 ## 0.10.8
-* Fix freezing of map fields.
+*   Fix freezing of map fields.
 ## 0.10.7
-* Fixed problem with recursive merging of sub messages.
+*   Fixed problem with recursive merging of sub messages.
 ## 0.10.6
-* Added support for [oneof](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#oneof). To use oneof support
-  use Dart protoc_plugin version 13.0.0.
+*   Added support for
+    [oneof](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#oneof).
+    To use oneof support use Dart protoc_plugin version 13.0.0.
 ## 0.10.5
-* Added support for [map fields](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#maps).
-  Map fields are now represented as Dart maps and are accessed through a getter with the same name as the map field.
-  To use the map support, use Dart protoc_plugin version 11.0.0 or newer.
+*   Added support for
+    [map fields](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#maps).
+    Map fields are now represented as Dart maps and are accessed through a
+    getter with the same name as the map field. To use the map support, use Dart
+    protoc_plugin version 11.0.0 or newer.
 ## 0.10.4
-* Added separate getter for `BuilderInfo.qualifiedMessageName`.
+*   Added separate getter for `BuilderInfo.qualifiedMessageName`.
 ## 0.10.3
-* Added type argument to `ProtobufEnum.initByValue` which allows the return
-  value to be fully typed.
+*   Added type argument to `ProtobufEnum.initByValue` which allows the return
+    value to be fully typed.
 ## 0.10.2
-* Added ProtobufEnum reserved names.
+*   Added ProtobufEnum reserved names.
 ## 0.10.1
-* Added Support for [any](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#any) messages.
+*   Added Support for
+    [any](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#any)
+    messages.
 ## 0.10.0
-* Breaking change: Add `GeneratedMessage.freeze()`. A frozen message and its
-  sub-messages cannot be changed.
+*   Breaking change: Add `GeneratedMessage.freeze()`. A frozen message and its
+    sub-messages cannot be changed.
 ## 0.9.1
-* Fix problem with encoding negative enum values.
-* Fix problem with encoding byte arrays.
+*   Fix problem with encoding negative enum values.
+*   Fix problem with encoding byte arrays.
 ## 0.9.0+1
-* Dart SDK upper constraint raised to declare compatability with Dart 2.0 stable.
+*   Dart SDK upper constraint raised to declare compatability with Dart 2.0
+    stable.
 ## 0.9.0
-* Breaking change: Changed signature of `CodedBufferWriter.writeTo` to require
-  `Uint8List` for performance.
-* More Dart 2 fixes.
+*   Breaking change: Changed signature of `CodedBufferWriter.writeTo` to require
+    `Uint8List` for performance.
+*   More Dart 2 fixes.
 ## 0.8.0
-* Breaking change: Added generics to RpcClient.invoke(). Proto files must be
-  rebuilt using Dart protoc_plugin version 0.8.0 or newer to match.
-* Dart 2 fixes.
+*   Breaking change: Added generics to RpcClient.invoke(). Proto files must be
+    rebuilt using Dart protoc_plugin version 0.8.0 or newer to match.
+*   Dart 2 fixes.
 ## 0.7.2+1
-- Updated SDK version to 2.0.0-dev.17.0
+-   Updated SDK version to 2.0.0-dev.17.0
 ## 0.7.2
-* Fix hashing for PbList.
+*   Fix hashing for PbList.
 ## 0.7.1
-* Fix type in PbList.fold() for Dart 2.
-* Small performance tweaks for DDC.
+*   Fix type in PbList.fold() for Dart 2.
+*   Small performance tweaks for DDC.
 ## 0.7.0
-* Added fast getters for common types.
-* Only pass index instead of both tag and index to accessors.
-* Delegate more methods to underlying list in PbList.
-* Small fixes for Dart 2.0.
+*   Added fast getters for common types.
+*   Only pass index instead of both tag and index to accessors.
+*   Delegate more methods to underlying list in PbList.
+*   Small fixes for Dart 2.0.
 ## 0.6.0
-* Added enumValues to FieldInfo. Fixes #63.
-* Small performance optimization when deserializing repeated messages
-  from JSON.
-* Type annotations for strong mode.
+*   Added enumValues to FieldInfo. Fixes #63.
+*   Small performance optimization when deserializing repeated messages from
+    JSON.
+*   Type annotations for strong mode.
 ## 0.5.5
-* Use real generic syntax instead of comment-based.
-* Support v2 dev SDKs.
+*   Use real generic syntax instead of comment-based.
+*   Support v2 dev SDKs.
 ## 0.5.4
-* Unknown enum values are ignored when parsing JSON, instead of throwing an
-  exception.
+*   Unknown enum values are ignored when parsing JSON, instead of throwing an
+    exception.
 ## 0.5.3+2
-* Resolved a strong-mode error.
+*   Resolved a strong-mode error.
 ## 0.5.3+1
-* Performance: Avoid excessive cloning in merge.
-* Performance: Use code patterns that dart2js handles better.
+*   Performance: Avoid excessive cloning in merge.
+*   Performance: Use code patterns that dart2js handles better.
 ## 0.5.3
-* fix zigzag function so all coded buffer reader tests work on dart2js.
+*   fix zigzag function so all coded buffer reader tests work on dart2js.
 ## 0.5.2
-* make PbMixin constructor public for use within protoc plugin.
+*   make PbMixin constructor public for use within protoc plugin.
 ## 0.5.1+5
-* Revert previous change because it causes strong mode type error
-in the generated code. We will revisit this in a new version of
-mixin support.
+*   Revert previous change because it causes strong mode type error in the
+    generated code. We will revisit this in a new version of mixin support.
 ## 0.5.1+4
-* Use a more refined implementation of `Map` in `PbMapMixin`
+*   Use a more refined implementation of `Map` in `PbMapMixin`
 ## 0.5.1+3
-* Performance: eliminate some dynamic calls.
+*   Performance: eliminate some dynamic calls.
 ## 0.5.1+2
-* Bugfix: remove dependency on `pkg/crypto` for real.
+*   Bugfix: remove dependency on `pkg/crypto` for real.
 ## 0.5.1+1
-* Require at least Dart SDK 1.13.
+*   Require at least Dart SDK 1.13.
-* Removed dependency on `pkg/crypto`.
+*   Removed dependency on `pkg/crypto`.
 ## 0.5.1
-* Experimental support for strong mode.
-* Fixed an issue with GeneratedMessage operator== and Map mixins
-* Added declaration of GeneratedMessage clone method
+*   Experimental support for strong mode.
+*   Fixed an issue with GeneratedMessage operator== and Map mixins
+*   Added declaration of GeneratedMessage clone method
 ## 0.5.0+1
-* Support the latest version of package `fixnum`.
+*   Support the latest version of package `fixnum`.
 ## 0.5.0
- * Reorganized internals to improve performance. We now store
-   field values in a list instead of a map. Private properties
-   and methods are all moved to the \_FieldSet class. There
-   are new entry points for generated getters, hazzers, and
-   setters. Improved JSON decoding performance.
- * Dropped compatibility with .pb.dart files before 0.4.2
-   by removing internal constants from GeneratedMessage. Also,
-   protoc plugins before 0.5.0 won't work.
+*   Reorganized internals to improve performance. We now store field values in a
+    list instead of a map. Private properties and methods are all moved to the
+    \_FieldSet class. There are new entry points for generated getters, hazzers,
+    and setters. Improved JSON decoding performance.
+*   Dropped compatibility with .pb.dart files before 0.4.2 by removing internal
+    constants from GeneratedMessage. Also, protoc plugins before 0.5.0 won't
+    work.
 ## 0.4.2
- * Renamed FieldType to PbFieldType.
+*   Renamed FieldType to PbFieldType.
 ## 0.4.1 - DO NOT USE
- * added FieldType class. It turned out that FieldType is a
-   commonly used name, even in .proto files. This is renamed to
-   PbFieldType in 0.4.2.
- * Added support for observing field changes.
-   For now, this can only be enabled by using a mixin to override
-   the eventPlugin getter.
- * Removed optional third parameter from setField().
-   It was only intended for internal use, and could be used to
-   defeat type checks on fields.
- * clearExtension() removes the value and extension in all cases.
-   (Before, the extension would be kept and the list cleared
-   for repeated fields.)
- * Upcoming: clearField() will require its argument to be a known
-   tag number (which could be an extension). For now, this is only
-   enforced when a mixin provides an eventPlugin.
+*   added FieldType class. It turned out that FieldType is a commonly used name,
+    even in .proto files. This is renamed to PbFieldType in 0.4.2.
+*   Added support for observing field changes. For now, this can only be enabled
+    by using a mixin to override the eventPlugin getter.
+*   Removed optional third parameter from setField(). It was only intended for
+    internal use, and could be used to defeat type checks on fields.
+*   clearExtension() removes the value and extension in all cases. (Before, the
+    extension would be kept and the list cleared for repeated fields.)
+*   Upcoming: clearField() will require its argument to be a known tag number
+    (which could be an extension). For now, this is only enforced when a mixin
+    provides an eventPlugin.
 ## 0.4.0
- * Add ReadonlyMessageMixin. The generated message classes use this to
-   for the default values of message fields.
+*   Add ReadonlyMessageMixin. The generated message classes use this to for the
+    default values of message fields.
 ## 0.3.11
- * Add meta.dart which declares reserved names for the plugin.
+*   Add meta.dart which declares reserved names for the plugin.
 ## 0.3.10
- * Add GeneratedService and ProtobufClient interfaces.
+*   Add GeneratedService and ProtobufClient interfaces.
 ## 0.3.9
- * Add experimental mixins_meta library
- * Add experimental PbMapMixin class (in a separate library).
- * Fix bug where ExtensionRegistry would not be used for nested messages.
+*   Add experimental mixins_meta library
+*   Add experimental PbMapMixin class (in a separate library).
+*   Fix bug where ExtensionRegistry would not be used for nested messages.
 ## 0.3.7
- * More docs.
+*   More docs.
 ## 0.3.6
- * Added mergeFromMap() and writeToJsonMap()
- * Fixed an analyzer warning.
+*   Added mergeFromMap() and writeToJsonMap()
+*   Fixed an analyzer warning.
 ## 0.3.5+3
- * Bugfix for `setRange()`: Do not assume Iterable has a `sublist()` method.
+*   Bugfix for `setRange()`: Do not assume Iterable has a `sublist()` method.
 ## 0.3.5+2
- * Simplify some types used in is checks and correct PbList to match the
- * signature of the List setRange method.
+*   Simplify some types used in is checks and correct PbList to match the
+*   signature of the List setRange method.
 ## 0.3.5+1
- * Bugfix for incorrect decoding of protobuf messages: Uint8List views with
-   non-zero offsets were handled incorrectly.
+*   Bugfix for incorrect decoding of protobuf messages: Uint8List views with
+    non-zero offsets were handled incorrectly.
 ## 0.3.5
- * Allow constants as field initial values as well as creation thunks to reduce
-   generated code size.
+*   Allow constants as field initial values as well as creation thunks to reduce
+    generated code size.
- * Improve the performance of reading a protobuf buffer.
+*   Improve the performance of reading a protobuf buffer.
- * Fixed truncation error in least significant bits with large Int64 constants.
+*   Fixed truncation error in least significant bits with large Int64 constants.
diff --git a/protobuf/pubspec.yaml b/protobuf/pubspec.yaml
index 8830627..50a253e 100644
--- a/protobuf/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/protobuf/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name: protobuf
-version: 1.1.3
+version: 1.1.4
 description: >-
   Runtime library for protocol buffers support.
   Use https://pub.dev/packages/protoc_plugin to generate dart code for your '.proto' files.
@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@
   test: '>=1.2.0'
   benchmark_harness: any
   js: any
+  matcher: any
   pedantic: ^1.9.2