blob: 2e40c5bcbb3e0dac7284ac708795fdcb110a3070 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Unit tests for PbMapMixin.
// There are more tests in the dart-protoc-plugin package.
library map_mixin_test;
import 'dart:collection' show MapMixin;
import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart';
import 'package:protobuf/src/protobuf/mixins/map_mixin.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart' show expect, same, test, throwsArgumentError;
import 'mock_util.dart' show MockMessage, mockInfo;
// A minimal protobuf implementation compatible with PbMapMixin.
class Rec extends MockMessage with MapMixin, PbMapMixin {
BuilderInfo get info_ => _info;
static final _info = mockInfo('Rec', () => Rec());
Rec createEmptyInstance() => Rec();
String toString() => 'Rec($val, "$str")';
void main() {
test('PbMapMixin methods return default field values', () {
var r = Rec();
expect(r.isEmpty, false);
expect(r.isNotEmpty, true);
expect(r.keys, ['val', 'str', 'child', 'int32s', 'int64', 'enm']);
expect(r['val'], 42);
expect(r['str'], '');
expect(r['child'].runtimeType, Rec);
expect(r['child'].toString(), 'Rec(42, "")');
expect(r['int32s'], []);
var v = r.values;
expect(v.length, 6);
expect(v.first, 42);
expect(v.toList()[1], '');
expect(v.toList()[3].toString(), '[]');
expect(v.toList()[4], 0);
expect(v.toList()[5].name, 'a');
test('operator []= sets record fields', () {
var r = Rec();
r['val'] = 123;
expect(r.val, 123);
expect(r['val'], 123);
r['str'] = 'hello';
expect(r.str, 'hello');
expect(r['str'], 'hello');
var child = Rec();
r['child'] = child;
expect(r.child, same(child));
expect(r['child'], same(child));
expect(() => r['int32s'] = 123, throwsArgumentError);
expect(r['int32s'], [123]);
expect(r['int32s'], same(r['int32s']));
test('operator== and hashCode work for Map mixin', () {
var a = Rec();
expect(a == a, true);
expect(a == {}, false);
expect({} == a, false);
var b = Rec();
expect(a.info_ == b.info_, true, reason: 'BuilderInfo should be the same');
expect(a == b, true);
expect(a.hashCode, b.hashCode);
a.val = 123;
expect(a == b, false);
b.val = 123;
expect(a == b, true);
expect(a.hashCode, b.hashCode);
a.child = Rec();
expect(a == b, false);
b.child = Rec();
expect(a == b, true);
expect(a.hashCode, b.hashCode);
test("protobuf doesn't compare equal to a map with the same values", () {
var a = Rec();
expect(a == Map.from(a), false);
expect(Map.from(a) == a, false);
test("reading protobuf values shouldn't change equality", () {
var a = Rec();
var b = Rec();
expect(a == b, true);
expect(a == b, true);