blob: f733ca314f49903bfe9e22a31499bb5daca2e97e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests for GeneratedMessage methods.
import 'package:matcher/src/interfaces.dart';
import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart' show expect, isA, test, throwsA;
import 'mock_util.dart' show MockMessage, mockInfo;
class Rec extends MockMessage {
BuilderInfo get info_ => _info;
static final _info = mockInfo('Rec',;
Rec createEmptyInstance() => Rec();
Matcher throwsError(String expectedMessage) => throwsA(isA<ArgumentError>()
.having((p0) => p0.message, 'message', expectedMessage));
void main() {
test('getField with invalid tag throws exception', () {
final r = Rec();
expect(() {
}, throwsError('tag 123 not defined in Rec'));
test('getDefaultForField with invalid tag throws exception', () {
final r = Rec();
expect(() {
}, throwsError('tag 123 not defined in Rec'));
test('operator== and hashCode works for frozen message', () {
final a = Rec()
..val = 123
..int32s.addAll([1, 2, 3])
final b = Rec()
..val = 123
..int32s.addAll([1, 2, 3]);
expect(a.hashCode, b.hashCode);
expect(a == b, true);
expect(b == a, true);
test('isFrozen works', () {
final a = Rec()
..val = 123
..int32s.addAll([1, 2, 3])
..child = (Rec()..val = 100);
expect(a.isFrozen, false);
expect(a.child.isFrozen, true);
expect(a.isFrozen, false);
expect(a.isFrozen, true);
test('operator== and hashCode work for a simple record', () {
final a = Rec();
expect(a == a, true);
final b = Rec();
expect(a.info_ == b.info_, true, reason: 'BuilderInfo should be the same');
expect(a == b, true);
expect(a.hashCode, b.hashCode);
a.val = 123;
expect(a == b, false);
b.val = 123;
expect(a == b, true);
expect(a.hashCode, b.hashCode);
a.child = Rec();
expect(a == b, false);
b.child = Rec();
expect(a == b, true);
expect(a.hashCode, b.hashCode);