blob: 06958bd0853ad7705265f642708bf4f46510c378 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of protoc;
class EnumAlias {
final EnumValueDescriptorProto value;
final EnumValueDescriptorProto canonicalValue;
EnumAlias(this.value, this.canonicalValue);
class EnumGenerator extends ProtobufContainer {
final ProtobufContainer _parent;
final String classname;
final String fullName;
final EnumDescriptorProto _descriptor;
final List<EnumValueDescriptorProto> _canonicalValues =
final List<int> _originalCanonicalIndices = <int>[];
final List<EnumAlias> _aliases = <EnumAlias>[];
/// Maps the name of an enum value to the Dart name we will use for it.
final Map<String, String> dartNames = <String, String>{};
final List<int> _originalAliasIndices = <int>[];
List<int> _fieldPath;
final List<int> _fieldPathSegment;
/// See [[ProtobufContainer]
List<int> get fieldPath =>
_fieldPath ??= List.from(_parent.fieldPath)..addAll(_fieldPathSegment);
EnumGenerator._(EnumDescriptorProto descriptor, ProtobufContainer parent,
Set<String> usedClassNames, int repeatedFieldIndex, int fieldIdTag)
: assert(parent != null),
_parent = parent,
_fieldPathSegment = [fieldIdTag, repeatedFieldIndex],
classname = messageOrEnumClassName(, usedClassNames,
parent: parent?.classname ?? ''),
fullName = parent.fullName == ''
: '${parent.fullName}.${}',
_descriptor = descriptor {
final usedNames = reservedEnumNames;
for (var i = 0; i < descriptor.value.length; i++) {
EnumValueDescriptorProto value = descriptor.value[i];
EnumValueDescriptorProto canonicalValue =
descriptor.value.firstWhere((v) => v.number == value.number);
if (value == canonicalValue) {
} else {
_aliases.add(new EnumAlias(value, canonicalValue));
dartNames[] = disambiguateName(
avoidInitialUnderscore(, usedNames, enumSuffixes());
static const _topLevelFieldTag = 5;
static const _nestedFieldTag = 4;
EnumDescriptorProto descriptor,
ProtobufContainer parent,
Set<String> usedClassNames,
int repeatedFieldIndex)
: this._(descriptor, parent, usedClassNames, repeatedFieldIndex,
EnumGenerator.nested(EnumDescriptorProto descriptor, ProtobufContainer parent,
Set<String> usedClassNames, int repeatedFieldIndex)
: this._(descriptor, parent, usedClassNames, repeatedFieldIndex,
String get package => _parent.package;
FileGenerator get fileGen => _parent.fileGen;
/// Make this enum available as a field type.
void register(GenerationContext ctx) {
/// Returns a const expression that evaluates to the JSON for this message.
/// [usage] represents the .pb.dart file where the expression will be used.
String getJsonConstant(FileGenerator usage) {
var name = "$classname\$json";
if (usage.protoFileUri == fileGen.protoFileUri) {
return name;
return "$fileImportPrefix.$name";
static const int _enumNameTag = 1;
static const int _enumValueTag = 2;
static const int _enumValueNameTag = 1;
void generate(IndentingWriter out) {
'class ${classname} extends $_protobufImportPrefix.ProtobufEnum {',
'}\n', [
new NamedLocation(
name: classname,
fieldPathSegment: new List.from(fieldPath)..add(_enumNameTag),
start: 'class '.length)
], () {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Define enum types.
for (var i = 0; i < _canonicalValues.length; i++) {
EnumValueDescriptorProto val = _canonicalValues[i];
final name = dartNames[];
'static const ${classname} $name = '
"const ${classname}._(${val.number}, ${singleQuote(name)});",
new NamedLocation(
name: name,
fieldPathSegment: new List.from(fieldPath)
start: 'static const ${classname} '.length)
if (_aliases.isNotEmpty) {
for (var i = 0; i < _aliases.length; i++) {
EnumAlias alias = _aliases[i];
final name = dartNames[];
'static const ${classname} $name ='
' ${dartNames[]};',
new NamedLocation(
name: name,
fieldPathSegment: new List.from(fieldPath)
start: 'static const ${classname} '.length)
out.println('static const List<${classname}> values ='
' const <${classname}> [');
for (EnumValueDescriptorProto val in _canonicalValues) {
final name = dartNames[];
out.println(' $name,');
out.println('static final Map<int, $classname> _byValue ='
' $_protobufImportPrefix.ProtobufEnum.initByValue(values);');
out.println('static ${classname} valueOf(int value) =>'
' _byValue[value];');
out.println('const ${classname}._(int v, String n) '
': super(v, n);');
/// Writes a Dart constant containing the JSON for the EnumProtoDescriptor.
void generateConstants(IndentingWriter out) {
var name = getJsonConstant(fileGen);
var json = _descriptor.writeToJsonMap();
out.print("const $name = ");
writeJsonConst(out, json);