blob: 991c78bb4fcade02ed3502ea68ec5b481e059f54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show jsonEncode;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'generated/benchmark.pb.dart' as pb;
pb.Response findUpdatedResponse(pb.Report beforeRep, pb.Report afterRep) {
if (beforeRep == null) return afterRep.responses[0];
assert(afterRep != null);
assert(beforeRep.responses.length == afterRep.responses.length);
for (var i = 0; i < afterRep.responses.length; i++) {
var before = beforeRep.responses[i];
var after = afterRep.responses[i];
assert( ==;
assert(before.request.params == after.request.params);
if (before.samples.length != after.samples.length) {
return after;
return null; // not found
/// Returns a partially filled in pb.Platform.
/// It only includes the values we can determine without dart:html or dart:io.
pb.Platform createPlatform() {
return new pb.Platform()
..dartVM = _isDartVM
..checkedMode = _implicitChecksEnabled;
get _isDartVM => !identical(1, 1.0);
/// Returns `false` if running via dart2js and `--omit-implicit-checks` is set
final bool _implicitChecksEnabled = () {
// ignore: unused_local_variable
bool x = true;
try {
// Trigger an exception if we're in checked mode.
x = "" as dynamic;
return false;
} catch (e) {
return true;
/// Given the contents of the pubspec.yaml and pubspec.lock files,
/// create a pb.Packages object.
pb.Packages createPackages(String pubspecYaml, String pubspecLock) {
var out = new pb.Packages();
for (var line in pubspecYaml.split("\n")) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.startsWith("version:")) {
out.version = line.substring("version:".length).trim();
return out;
/// Quick and dirty lock file parser.
/// - ignores indentation
/// - assumes one top-level key "packages:"
/// - assumes all other lines without a value except 'description'
/// start a new package
/// - only allows known keys within a package
Iterable<pb.PackageVersion> _parseLockFile(String contents) sync* {
var yaml = loadYaml(contents) as YamlMap;
var packages = yaml['packages'] as YamlMap;
for (var entry in packages.entries) {
var map = entry.value as YamlMap;
var pkgVersion = new pb.PackageVersion() = entry.key as String
..source = map['source']
..version = map['version'];
var path = (map['description'] as YamlMap)['path'];
if (path != null) {
pkgVersion.path = path;
yield pkgVersion;
/// Encodes a report as nicely-formatted JSON.
String encodeReport(pb.Report report) {
var json = report.writeToJsonMap();
var out = new StringBuffer();
_stringifyMap(out, json, "");
return out.toString();
String _stringifyMap(StringBuffer out, Map json, String indent) {
var childIndent = indent + " ";
var first = true;
for (var key in json.keys) {
if (!first) out.writeln(",");
first = false;
var value = json[key];
out.write(": ");
if (value is List) {
_stringifyList(out, value, childIndent);
} else if (value is Map && indent.length < 4) {
_stringifyMap(out, value, childIndent);
} else {
return out.toString();
void _stringifyList(StringBuffer out, List json, String indent) {
var childIndent = indent + " ";
bool first = true;
for (var item in json) {
if (!first) out.write(",\n");
first = false;