blob: 6f8c6477f77fa5c4873cec3ffa2b2a5797310536 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart';
import '../../../protobuf.dart';
abstract class AnyMixin {
String get typeUrl;
set typeUrl(String value);
List<int> get value;
set value(List<int> value);
/// Returns `true` if the encoded message matches the type of [instance].
/// Can be used with a default instance:
/// `any.canUnpackInto(Message.getDefault())`
bool canUnpackInto(GeneratedMessage instance) {
return canUnpackIntoHelper(instance, typeUrl);
/// Unpacks the message in [value] into [instance].
/// Throws a [InvalidProtocolBufferException] if [typeUrl] does not correspond
/// to the type of [instance].
/// A typical usage would be `any.unpackInto(Message())`.
/// Returns [instance].
T unpackInto<T extends GeneratedMessage>(T instance,
{ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY}) {
unpackIntoHelper(value, instance, typeUrl,
extensionRegistry: extensionRegistry);
return instance;
/// Updates [target] to be the packed representation of [message].
/// The [typeUrl] will be [typeUrlPrefix]/`fullName` where `fullName` is
/// the fully qualified name of the type of [message].
static void packIntoAny(AnyMixin target, GeneratedMessage message,
{String typeUrlPrefix = ''}) {
target.value = message.writeToBuffer();
target.typeUrl = '${typeUrlPrefix}/${message.info_.qualifiedMessageName}';
abstract class TimestampMixin {
Int64 get seconds;
set seconds(Int64 value);
int get nanos;
set nanos(int value);
/// Converts an instance to [DateTime].
/// The result is in UTC time zone and has microsecond precision, as
/// [DateTime] does not support nanosecond precision.
DateTime toDateTime() => new DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(
seconds.toInt() * Duration.microsecondsPerSecond + nanos ~/ 1000,
isUtc: true);
/// Updates [target] to be the time at [datetime].
/// Time zone information will not be preserved.
static void setFromDateTime(TimestampMixin target, DateTime dateTime) {
int micros = dateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch;
target.seconds = Int64(micros ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerSecond);
target.nanos = (micros % Duration.microsecondsPerSecond).toInt() * 1000;