blob: d7d559575dc6ed6d0ea91622d3e24f9c7c6140b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Generated from Apache PDFBox library which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
// The following copyright from the original authors applies.
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Autogenerated by jnigen. DO NOT EDIT!
// ignore_for_file: annotate_overrides
// ignore_for_file: camel_case_extensions
// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: doc_directive_unknown
// ignore_for_file: file_names
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: overridden_fields
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_cast
// ignore_for_file: unused_element
// ignore_for_file: unused_field
// ignore_for_file: unused_import
// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
// ignore_for_file: unused_shown_name
// ignore_for_file: use_super_parameters
import "dart:isolate" show ReceivePort;
import "dart:ffi" as ffi;
import "package:jni/internal_helpers_for_jnigen.dart";
import "package:jni/jni.dart" as jni;
import "../pdmodel/PDDocument.dart" as pddocument_;
import "../../../../_init.dart";
/// from: org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper
/// This class will take a pdf document and strip out all of the text and ignore the formatting and such. Please note; it
/// is up to clients of this class to verify that a specific user has the correct permissions to extract text from the
/// PDF document.
/// The basic flow of this process is that we get a document and use a series of processXXX() functions that work on
/// smaller and smaller chunks of the page. Eventually, we fully process each page and then print it.
///@author Ben Litchfield
class PDFTextStripper extends jni.JObject {
late final jni.JObjType<PDFTextStripper> $type = type;
jni.JReference reference,
) : super.fromReference(reference);
/// The type which includes information such as the signature of this class.
static const type = $PDFTextStripperType();
static final _get_LINE_SEPARATOR = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(
jni.JniResult Function(
/// from: protected final java.lang.String LINE_SEPARATOR
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// The platform's line separator.
jni.JString get LINE_SEPARATOR =>
_get_LINE_SEPARATOR(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _get_charactersByArticle = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(
jni.JniResult Function(
static final _set_charactersByArticle = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(
jni.JObjectPtr, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
jni.JniResult Function(jni.JObjectPtr, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected java.util.ArrayList<java.util.List<org.apache.pdfbox.text.TextPosition>> charactersByArticle
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// The charactersByArticle is used to extract text by article divisions. For example a PDF that has two columns like
/// a newspaper, we want to extract the first column and then the second column. In this example the PDF would have 2
/// beads(or articles), one for each column. The size of the charactersByArticle would be 5, because not all text on
/// the screen will fall into one of the articles. The five divisions are shown below
/// Text before first article
/// first article text
/// text between first article and second article
/// second article text
/// text after second article
/// Most PDFs won't have any beads, so charactersByArticle will contain a single entry.
jni.JObject get charactersByArticle =>
.object(const jni.JObjectType());
/// from: protected java.util.ArrayList<java.util.List<org.apache.pdfbox.text.TextPosition>> charactersByArticle
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// The charactersByArticle is used to extract text by article divisions. For example a PDF that has two columns like
/// a newspaper, we want to extract the first column and then the second column. In this example the PDF would have 2
/// beads(or articles), one for each column. The size of the charactersByArticle would be 5, because not all text on
/// the screen will fall into one of the articles. The five divisions are shown below
/// Text before first article
/// first article text
/// text between first article and second article
/// second article text
/// text after second article
/// Most PDFs won't have any beads, so charactersByArticle will contain a single entry.
set charactersByArticle(jni.JObject value) =>
_set_charactersByArticle(reference.pointer, value.reference.pointer)
static final _get_document = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(
jni.JniResult Function(
static final _set_document = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(jni.JObjectPtr,
jni.JniResult Function(jni.JObjectPtr, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument document
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
pddocument_.PDDocument get document => _get_document(reference.pointer)
.object(const pddocument_.$PDDocumentType());
/// from: protected org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument document
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
set document(pddocument_.PDDocument value) =>
_set_document(reference.pointer, value.reference.pointer).check();
static final _get_output = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(
jni.JniResult Function(
static final _set_output = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(jni.JObjectPtr,
jni.JniResult Function(jni.JObjectPtr, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected output
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
jni.JObject get output =>
_get_output(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JObjectType());
/// from: protected output
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
set output(jni.JObject value) =>
_set_output(reference.pointer, value.reference.pointer).check();
static final _new0 = jniLookup<ffi.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function()>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function()>();
/// from: public void <init>()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Instantiate a new PDFTextStripper object.
///@throws IOException If there is an error loading the properties.
factory PDFTextStripper() {
return PDFTextStripper.fromReference(_new0().reference);
static final _getText = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public java.lang.String getText(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument doc)
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// This will return the text of a document. See writeText. <br>
/// NOTE: The document must not be encrypted when coming into this method.
/// IMPORTANT: By default, text extraction is done in the same sequence as the text in the PDF page content stream.
/// PDF is a graphic format, not a text format, and unlike HTML, it has no requirements that text one on page
/// be rendered in a certain order. The order is the one that was determined by the software that created the
/// PDF. To get text sorted from left to right and top to botton, use \#setSortByPosition(boolean).
///@param doc The document to get the text from.
///@return The text of the PDF document.
///@throws IOException if the doc state is invalid or it is encrypted.
jni.JString getText(
pddocument_.PDDocument doc,
) {
return _getText(reference.pointer, doc.reference.pointer)
.object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _writeText = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
/// from: public void writeText(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument doc, outputStream)
/// This will take a PDDocument and write the text of that document to the print writer.
///@param doc The document to get the data from.
///@param outputStream The location to put the text.
///@throws IOException If the doc is in an invalid state.
void writeText(
pddocument_.PDDocument doc,
jni.JObject outputStream,
) {
_writeText(reference.pointer, doc.reference.pointer,
static final _processPages = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void processPages(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageTree pages)
/// This will process all of the pages and the text that is in them.
///@param pages The pages object in the document.
///@throws IOException If there is an error parsing the text.
void processPages(
jni.JObject pages,
) {
_processPages(reference.pointer, pages.reference.pointer).check();
static final _startDocument = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void startDocument(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument document)
/// This method is available for subclasses of this class. It will be called before processing of the document start.
///@param document The PDF document that is being processed.
///@throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
void startDocument(
pddocument_.PDDocument document,
) {
_startDocument(reference.pointer, document.reference.pointer).check();
static final _endDocument = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void endDocument(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument document)
/// This method is available for subclasses of this class. It will be called after processing of the document
/// finishes.
///@param document The PDF document that is being processed.
///@throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
void endDocument(
pddocument_.PDDocument document,
) {
_endDocument(reference.pointer, document.reference.pointer).check();
static final _processPage = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void processPage(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage page)
/// This will process the contents of a page.
///@param page The page to process.
///@throws IOException If there is an error processing the page.
void processPage(
jni.JObject page,
) {
_processPage(reference.pointer, page.reference.pointer).check();
static final _startArticle = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void startArticle()
/// Start a new article, which is typically defined as a column on a single page (also referred to as a bead). This
/// assumes that the primary direction of text is left to right. Default implementation is to do nothing. Subclasses
/// may provide additional information.
///@throws IOException If there is any error writing to the stream.
void startArticle() {
static final _startArticle1 = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, int)>();
/// from: protected void startArticle(boolean isLTR)
/// Start a new article, which is typically defined as a column on a single page (also referred to as a bead).
/// Default implementation is to do nothing. Subclasses may provide additional information.
///@param isLTR true if primary direction of text is left to right.
///@throws IOException If there is any error writing to the stream.
void startArticle1(
bool isLTR,
) {
_startArticle1(reference.pointer, isLTR ? 1 : 0).check();
static final _endArticle = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void endArticle()
/// End an article. Default implementation is to do nothing. Subclasses may provide additional information.
///@throws IOException If there is any error writing to the stream.
void endArticle() {
static final _startPage = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void startPage(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage page)
/// Start a new page. Default implementation is to do nothing. Subclasses may provide additional information.
///@param page The page we are about to process.
///@throws IOException If there is any error writing to the stream.
void startPage(
jni.JObject page,
) {
_startPage(reference.pointer, page.reference.pointer).check();
static final _endPage = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void endPage(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage page)
/// End a page. Default implementation is to do nothing. Subclasses may provide additional information.
///@param page The page we are about to process.
///@throws IOException If there is any error writing to the stream.
void endPage(
jni.JObject page,
) {
_endPage(reference.pointer, page.reference.pointer).check();
static final _writePage = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writePage()
/// This will print the text of the processed page to "output". It will estimate, based on the coordinates of the
/// text, where newlines and word spacings should be placed. The text will be sorted only if that feature was
/// enabled.
///@throws IOException If there is an error writing the text.
void writePage() {
static final _writeLineSeparator = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writeLineSeparator()
/// Write the line separator value to the output stream.
///@throws IOException If there is a problem writing out the line separator to the document.
void writeLineSeparator() {
static final _writeWordSeparator = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writeWordSeparator()
/// Write the word separator value to the output stream.
///@throws IOException If there is a problem writing out the word separator to the document.
void writeWordSeparator() {
static final _writeCharacters = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writeCharacters(org.apache.pdfbox.text.TextPosition text)
/// Write the string in TextPosition to the output stream.
///@param text The text to write to the stream.
///@throws IOException If there is an error when writing the text.
void writeCharacters(
jni.JObject text,
) {
_writeCharacters(reference.pointer, text.reference.pointer).check();
static final _writeString = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
/// from: protected void writeString(java.lang.String text, java.util.List<org.apache.pdfbox.text.TextPosition> textPositions)
/// Write a Java string to the output stream. The default implementation will ignore the <code>textPositions</code>
/// and just calls \#writeString(String).
///@param text The text to write to the stream.
///@param textPositions The TextPositions belonging to the text.
///@throws IOException If there is an error when writing the text.
void writeString(
jni.JString text,
jni.JList<jni.JObject> textPositions,
) {
_writeString(reference.pointer, text.reference.pointer,
static final _writeString1 = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writeString(java.lang.String text)
/// Write a Java string to the output stream.
///@param text The text to write to the stream.
///@throws IOException If there is an error when writing the text.
void writeString1(
jni.JString text,
) {
_writeString1(reference.pointer, text.reference.pointer).check();
static final _processTextPosition = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void processTextPosition(org.apache.pdfbox.text.TextPosition text)
/// This will process a TextPosition object and add the text to the list of characters on a page. It takes care of
/// overlapping text.
///@param text The text to process.
void processTextPosition(
jni.JObject text,
) {
_processTextPosition(reference.pointer, text.reference.pointer).check();
static final _getStartPage = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public int getStartPage()
/// This is the page that the text extraction will start on. The pages start at page 1. For example in a 5 page PDF
/// document, if the start page is 1 then all pages will be extracted. If the start page is 4 then pages 4 and 5 will
/// be extracted. The default value is 1.
///@return Value of property startPage.
int getStartPage() {
return _getStartPage(reference.pointer).integer;
static final _setStartPage = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, int)>();
/// from: public void setStartPage(int startPageValue)
/// This will set the first page to be extracted by this class.
///@param startPageValue New value of 1-based startPage property.
void setStartPage(
int startPageValue,
) {
_setStartPage(reference.pointer, startPageValue).check();
static final _getEndPage = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public int getEndPage()
/// This will get the last page that will be extracted. This is inclusive, for example if a 5 page PDF an endPage
/// value of 5 would extract the entire document, an end page of 2 would extract pages 1 and 2. This defaults to
/// Integer.MAX_VALUE such that all pages of the pdf will be extracted.
///@return Value of property endPage.
int getEndPage() {
return _getEndPage(reference.pointer).integer;
static final _setEndPage = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, int)>();
/// from: public void setEndPage(int endPageValue)
/// This will set the last page to be extracted by this class.
///@param endPageValue New value of 1-based endPage property.
void setEndPage(
int endPageValue,
) {
_setEndPage(reference.pointer, endPageValue).check();
static final _setLineSeparator = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setLineSeparator(java.lang.String separator)
/// Set the desired line separator for output text. The line.separator system property is used if the line separator
/// preference is not set explicitly using this method.
///@param separator The desired line separator string.
void setLineSeparator(
jni.JString separator,
) {
_setLineSeparator(reference.pointer, separator.reference.pointer).check();
static final _getLineSeparator = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public java.lang.String getLineSeparator()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// This will get the line separator.
///@return The desired line separator string.
jni.JString getLineSeparator() {
return _getLineSeparator(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _getWordSeparator = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public java.lang.String getWordSeparator()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// This will get the word separator.
///@return The desired word separator string.
jni.JString getWordSeparator() {
return _getWordSeparator(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _setWordSeparator = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setWordSeparator(java.lang.String separator)
/// Set the desired word separator for output text. The PDFBox text extraction algorithm will output a space
/// character if there is enough space between two words. By default a space character is used. If you need and
/// accurate count of characters that are found in a PDF document then you might want to set the word separator to
/// the empty string.
///@param separator The desired page separator string.
void setWordSeparator(
jni.JString separator,
) {
_setWordSeparator(reference.pointer, separator.reference.pointer).check();
static final _getSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public boolean getSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText()
/// @return Returns the suppressDuplicateOverlappingText.
bool getSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText() {
return _getSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText(reference.pointer).boolean;
static final _getCurrentPageNo = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected int getCurrentPageNo()
/// Get the current page number that is being processed.
///@return A 1 based number representing the current page.
int getCurrentPageNo() {
return _getCurrentPageNo(reference.pointer).integer;
static final _getOutput = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected getOutput()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// The output stream that is being written to.
///@return The stream that output is being written to.
jni.JObject getOutput() {
return _getOutput(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JObjectType());
static final _getCharactersByArticle = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected java.util.List<java.util.List<org.apache.pdfbox.text.TextPosition>> getCharactersByArticle()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Character strings are grouped by articles. It is quite common that there will only be a single article. This
/// returns a List that contains List objects, the inner lists will contain TextPosition objects.
///@return A double List of TextPositions for all text strings on the page.
jni.JList<jni.JList<jni.JObject>> getCharactersByArticle() {
return _getCharactersByArticle(reference.pointer)
.object(const jni.JListType(jni.JListType(jni.JObjectType())));
static final _setSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Uint8)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, int)>();
/// from: public void setSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText(boolean suppressDuplicateOverlappingTextValue)
/// By default the text stripper will attempt to remove text that overlapps each other. Word paints the same
/// character several times in order to make it look bold. By setting this to false all text will be extracted, which
/// means that certain sections will be duplicated, but better performance will be noticed.
///@param suppressDuplicateOverlappingTextValue The suppressDuplicateOverlappingText to set.
void setSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText(
bool suppressDuplicateOverlappingTextValue,
) {
reference.pointer, suppressDuplicateOverlappingTextValue ? 1 : 0)
static final _getSeparateByBeads = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public boolean getSeparateByBeads()
/// This will tell if the text stripper should separate by beads.
///@return If the text will be grouped by beads.
bool getSeparateByBeads() {
return _getSeparateByBeads(reference.pointer).boolean;
static final _setShouldSeparateByBeads = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, int)>();
/// from: public void setShouldSeparateByBeads(boolean aShouldSeparateByBeads)
/// Set if the text stripper should group the text output by a list of beads. The default value is true!
///@param aShouldSeparateByBeads The new grouping of beads.
void setShouldSeparateByBeads(
bool aShouldSeparateByBeads,
) {
_setShouldSeparateByBeads(reference.pointer, aShouldSeparateByBeads ? 1 : 0)
static final _getEndBookmark = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineItem getEndBookmark()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Get the bookmark where text extraction should end, inclusive. Default is null.
///@return The ending bookmark.
jni.JObject getEndBookmark() {
return _getEndBookmark(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JObjectType());
static final _setEndBookmark = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setEndBookmark(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineItem aEndBookmark)
/// Set the bookmark where the text extraction should stop.
///@param aEndBookmark The ending bookmark.
void setEndBookmark(
jni.JObject aEndBookmark,
) {
_setEndBookmark(reference.pointer, aEndBookmark.reference.pointer).check();
static final _getStartBookmark = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineItem getStartBookmark()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Get the bookmark where text extraction should start, inclusive. Default is null.
///@return The starting bookmark.
jni.JObject getStartBookmark() {
return _getStartBookmark(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JObjectType());
static final _setStartBookmark = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setStartBookmark(org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineItem aStartBookmark)
/// Set the bookmark where text extraction should start, inclusive.
///@param aStartBookmark The starting bookmark.
void setStartBookmark(
jni.JObject aStartBookmark,
) {
_setStartBookmark(reference.pointer, aStartBookmark.reference.pointer)
static final _getAddMoreFormatting = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public boolean getAddMoreFormatting()
/// This will tell if the text stripper should add some more text formatting.
///@return true if some more text formatting will be added
bool getAddMoreFormatting() {
return _getAddMoreFormatting(reference.pointer).boolean;
static final _setAddMoreFormatting = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, int)>();
/// from: public void setAddMoreFormatting(boolean newAddMoreFormatting)
/// There will some additional text formatting be added if addMoreFormatting is set to true. Default is false.
///@param newAddMoreFormatting Tell PDFBox to add some more text formatting
void setAddMoreFormatting(
bool newAddMoreFormatting,
) {
_setAddMoreFormatting(reference.pointer, newAddMoreFormatting ? 1 : 0)
static final _getSortByPosition = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public boolean getSortByPosition()
/// This will tell if the text stripper should sort the text tokens before writing to the stream.
///@return true If the text tokens will be sorted before being written.
bool getSortByPosition() {
return _getSortByPosition(reference.pointer).boolean;
static final _setSortByPosition = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, int)>();
/// from: public void setSortByPosition(boolean newSortByPosition)
/// The order of the text tokens in a PDF file may not be in the same as they appear visually on the screen. For
/// example, a PDF writer may write out all text by font, so all bold or larger text, then make a second pass and
/// write out the normal text.<br>
/// The default is to __not__ sort by position.<br>
/// <br>
/// A PDF writer could choose to write each character in a different order. By default PDFBox does __not__ sort
/// the text tokens before processing them due to performance reasons.
///@param newSortByPosition Tell PDFBox to sort the text positions.
void setSortByPosition(
bool newSortByPosition,
) {
_setSortByPosition(reference.pointer, newSortByPosition ? 1 : 0).check();
static final _getSpacingTolerance = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public float getSpacingTolerance()
/// Get the current space width-based tolerance value that is being used to estimate where spaces in text should be
/// added. Note that the default value for this has been determined from trial and error.
///@return The current tolerance / scaling factor
double getSpacingTolerance() {
return _getSpacingTolerance(reference.pointer).float;
static final _setSpacingTolerance = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, double)>();
/// from: public void setSpacingTolerance(float spacingToleranceValue)
/// Set the space width-based tolerance value that is used to estimate where spaces in text should be added. Note
/// that the default value for this has been determined from trial and error. Setting this value larger will reduce
/// the number of spaces added.
///@param spacingToleranceValue tolerance / scaling factor to use
void setSpacingTolerance(
double spacingToleranceValue,
) {
_setSpacingTolerance(reference.pointer, spacingToleranceValue).check();
static final _getAverageCharTolerance = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public float getAverageCharTolerance()
/// Get the current character width-based tolerance value that is being used to estimate where spaces in text should
/// be added. Note that the default value for this has been determined from trial and error.
///@return The current tolerance / scaling factor
double getAverageCharTolerance() {
return _getAverageCharTolerance(reference.pointer).float;
static final _setAverageCharTolerance = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, double)>();
/// from: public void setAverageCharTolerance(float averageCharToleranceValue)
/// Set the character width-based tolerance value that is used to estimate where spaces in text should be added. Note
/// that the default value for this has been determined from trial and error. Setting this value larger will reduce
/// the number of spaces added.
///@param averageCharToleranceValue average tolerance / scaling factor to use
void setAverageCharTolerance(
double averageCharToleranceValue,
) {
_setAverageCharTolerance(reference.pointer, averageCharToleranceValue)
static final _getIndentThreshold = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public float getIndentThreshold()
/// returns the multiple of whitespace character widths for the current text which the current line start can be
/// indented from the previous line start beyond which the current line start is considered to be a paragraph start.
///@return the number of whitespace character widths to use when detecting paragraph indents.
double getIndentThreshold() {
return _getIndentThreshold(reference.pointer).float;
static final _setIndentThreshold = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, double)>();
/// from: public void setIndentThreshold(float indentThresholdValue)
/// sets the multiple of whitespace character widths for the current text which the current line start can be
/// indented from the previous line start beyond which the current line start is considered to be a paragraph start.
/// The default value is 2.0.
///@param indentThresholdValue the number of whitespace character widths to use when detecting paragraph indents.
void setIndentThreshold(
double indentThresholdValue,
) {
_setIndentThreshold(reference.pointer, indentThresholdValue).check();
static final _getDropThreshold = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public float getDropThreshold()
/// the minimum whitespace, as a multiple of the max height of the current characters beyond which the current line
/// start is considered to be a paragraph start.
///@return the character height multiple for max allowed whitespace between lines in the same paragraph.
double getDropThreshold() {
return _getDropThreshold(reference.pointer).float;
static final _setDropThreshold = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, double)>();
/// from: public void setDropThreshold(float dropThresholdValue)
/// sets the minimum whitespace, as a multiple of the max height of the current characters beyond which the current
/// line start is considered to be a paragraph start. The default value is 2.5.
///@param dropThresholdValue the character height multiple for max allowed whitespace between lines in the same
/// paragraph.
void setDropThreshold(
double dropThresholdValue,
) {
_setDropThreshold(reference.pointer, dropThresholdValue).check();
static final _getParagraphStart = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public java.lang.String getParagraphStart()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Returns the string which will be used at the beginning of a paragraph.
///@return the paragraph start string
jni.JString getParagraphStart() {
return _getParagraphStart(reference.pointer)
.object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _setParagraphStart = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setParagraphStart(java.lang.String s)
/// Sets the string which will be used at the beginning of a paragraph.
///@param s the paragraph start string
void setParagraphStart(
jni.JString s,
) {
_setParagraphStart(reference.pointer, s.reference.pointer).check();
static final _getParagraphEnd = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public java.lang.String getParagraphEnd()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Returns the string which will be used at the end of a paragraph.
///@return the paragraph end string
jni.JString getParagraphEnd() {
return _getParagraphEnd(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _setParagraphEnd = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setParagraphEnd(java.lang.String s)
/// Sets the string which will be used at the end of a paragraph.
///@param s the paragraph end string
void setParagraphEnd(
jni.JString s,
) {
_setParagraphEnd(reference.pointer, s.reference.pointer).check();
static final _getPageStart = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public java.lang.String getPageStart()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Returns the string which will be used at the beginning of a page.
///@return the page start string
jni.JString getPageStart() {
return _getPageStart(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _setPageStart = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setPageStart(java.lang.String pageStartValue)
/// Sets the string which will be used at the beginning of a page.
///@param pageStartValue the page start string
void setPageStart(
jni.JString pageStartValue,
) {
_setPageStart(reference.pointer, pageStartValue.reference.pointer).check();
static final _getPageEnd = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public java.lang.String getPageEnd()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Returns the string which will be used at the end of a page.
///@return the page end string
jni.JString getPageEnd() {
return _getPageEnd(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _setPageEnd = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setPageEnd(java.lang.String pageEndValue)
/// Sets the string which will be used at the end of a page.
///@param pageEndValue the page end string
void setPageEnd(
jni.JString pageEndValue,
) {
_setPageEnd(reference.pointer, pageEndValue.reference.pointer).check();
static final _getArticleStart = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public java.lang.String getArticleStart()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Returns the string which will be used at the beginning of an article.
///@return the article start string
jni.JString getArticleStart() {
return _getArticleStart(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _setArticleStart = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setArticleStart(java.lang.String articleStartValue)
/// Sets the string which will be used at the beginning of an article.
///@param articleStartValue the article start string
void setArticleStart(
jni.JString articleStartValue,
) {
_setArticleStart(reference.pointer, articleStartValue.reference.pointer)
static final _getArticleEnd = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public java.lang.String getArticleEnd()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// Returns the string which will be used at the end of an article.
///@return the article end string
jni.JString getArticleEnd() {
return _getArticleEnd(reference.pointer).object(const jni.JStringType());
static final _setArticleEnd = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: public void setArticleEnd(java.lang.String articleEndValue)
/// Sets the string which will be used at the end of an article.
///@param articleEndValue the article end string
void setArticleEnd(
jni.JString articleEndValue,
) {
_setArticleEnd(reference.pointer, articleEndValue.reference.pointer)
static final _writeParagraphSeparator = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writeParagraphSeparator()
/// writes the paragraph separator string to the output.
///@throws IOException if something went wrong
void writeParagraphSeparator() {
static final _writeParagraphStart = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writeParagraphStart()
/// Write something (if defined) at the start of a paragraph.
///@throws IOException if something went wrong
void writeParagraphStart() {
static final _writeParagraphEnd = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writeParagraphEnd()
/// Write something (if defined) at the end of a paragraph.
///@throws IOException if something went wrong
void writeParagraphEnd() {
static final _writePageStart = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writePageStart()
/// Write something (if defined) at the start of a page.
///@throws IOException if something went wrong
void writePageStart() {
static final _writePageEnd = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void writePageEnd()
/// Write something (if defined) at the end of a page.
///@throws IOException if something went wrong
void writePageEnd() {
static final _setListItemPatterns = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected void setListItemPatterns(java.util.List<java.util.regex.Pattern> patterns)
/// use to supply a different set of regular expression patterns for matching list item starts.
///@param patterns list of patterns
void setListItemPatterns(
jni.JList<jni.JObject> patterns,
) {
_setListItemPatterns(reference.pointer, patterns.reference.pointer).check();
static final _getListItemPatterns = jniLookup<
.NativeFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>>(
.asFunction<jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: protected java.util.List<java.util.regex.Pattern> getListItemPatterns()
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// returns a list of regular expression Patterns representing different common list item formats. For example
/// numbered items of form:
/// <ol>
/// <li>some text</li>
/// <li>more text</li>
/// </ol>
/// or
/// <ul>
/// <li>some text</li>
/// <li>more text</li>
/// </ul>
/// etc., all begin with some character pattern. The pattern "\\d+\." (matches "1.", "2.", ...) or "\[\\d+\]"
/// (matches "[1]", "[2]", ...).
/// This method returns a list of such regular expression Patterns.
///@return a list of Pattern objects.
jni.JList<jni.JObject> getListItemPatterns() {
return _getListItemPatterns(reference.pointer)
.object(const jni.JListType(jni.JObjectType()));
static final _matchPattern = jniLookup<
jni.JniResult Function(ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>,
jni.JniResult Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void>)>();
/// from: static protected java.util.regex.Pattern matchPattern(java.lang.String string, java.util.List<java.util.regex.Pattern> patterns)
/// The returned object must be released after use, by calling the [release] method.
/// iterates over the specified list of Patterns until it finds one that matches the specified string. Then returns
/// the Pattern.
/// Order of the supplied list of patterns is important as most common patterns should come first. Patterns should be
/// strict in general, and all will be used with case sensitivity on.
///@param string the string to be searched
///@param patterns list of patterns
///@return matching pattern
static jni.JObject matchPattern(
jni.JString string,
jni.JList<jni.JObject> patterns,
) {
return _matchPattern(string.reference.pointer, patterns.reference.pointer)
.object(const jni.JObjectType());
final class $PDFTextStripperType extends jni.JObjType<PDFTextStripper> {
const $PDFTextStripperType();
String get signature => r"Lorg/apache/pdfbox/text/PDFTextStripper;";
PDFTextStripper fromReference(jni.JReference reference) =>
jni.JObjType get superType => const jni.JObjectType();
final superCount = 1;
int get hashCode => ($PDFTextStripperType).hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other.runtimeType == ($PDFTextStripperType) &&
other is $PDFTextStripperType;