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  1. 2d3fc60 [jnigen] Respect top-type nullability of type arguments (#1909) by Hossein Yousefi · 25 hours ago main
  2. ba34674 [native_toolchain_c] Support Clang on Windows 2 (#1910) by Daco Harkes · 29 hours ago
  3. 434db67 [native_toolchain_c] Support Clang on Windows (#1893) by Daco Harkes · 31 hours ago
  4. 8882a55 [ffigen] Fix decl_decl_collision_test.dart (#1899) by Liam Appelbe · 2 days ago
  5. 817c76e [jnigen] Generate enum values non-nullable (#1902) by Hossein Yousefi · 2 days ago

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This repository is home to Dart packages related to FFI and native assets building and bundling.


ffiUtilities for working with Foreign Function Interface (FFI) code.issuespub package
ffigenGenerator for FFI bindings, using LibClang to parse C, Objective-C, and Swift files.issuespub package
jniA library to access JNI from Dart and Flutter that acts as a support library for package:jnigen.issuespub package
jnigenA Dart bindings generator for Java and Kotlin that uses JNI under the hood to interop with Java virtual machine.issuespub package
native_assets_builderThis package is the backend that invokes build hooks.issues
native_assets_cliA library that contains the argument and file formats for implementing a native assets CLI.issues
native_toolchain_cA library to invoke the native C compiler installed on the host machine.issues
objective_cA library to access Objective C from Flutter that acts as a support library for package:ffigen.issuespub package
swift2objcA tool for generating bindings that allow interop between Dart and Swift code.issuespub package
swiftgenA tool for generating bindings that allow interop between Dart and Swift code.issuespub package

External packages

Packages not on this repo but also related to FFI and native assets. ❤️

native_toolchain_goA library to invoke the native Go compiler installed on the host package
native_toolchain_rustA library to invoke the native Rust compiler installed on the host package

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