blob: f1e15b21eef96f559283343fbc9e102a30fcfb93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator.dart';
import 'ffigen_util.dart';
import 'logging.dart';
class Paths {
static final currentDir = Directory.current.uri;
static final src = currentDir.resolve("src/");
static final thirdParty = src.resolve("third_party/");
static final globalJniEnvH = thirdParty.resolve("global_jni_env.h");
static final globalJniEnvC = thirdParty.resolve("global_jni_env.c");
static final bindingsDir = currentDir.resolve("lib/src/third_party/");
static final envExtensions = bindingsDir.resolve("env_extensions.dart");
/// Name of variable used in wrappers to hold the result.
const resultVar = '_result';
/// Name of variable used in wrappers to hold the exception.
const errorVar = '_exception';
/// Name of JNIEnv struct definition in JNI headers.
const envType = 'JNINativeInterface';
/// Name of wrapper to JNIEnv
const wrapperName = 'GlobalJniEnvStruct';
const wrapperIncludes = '''
#include "global_jni_env.h"
const wrapperDeclIncludes = '''
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../dartjni.h"
const wrapperGetter = '''
$wrapperName* GetGlobalEnv() {
if (jni->jvm == NULL) {
return NULL;
return &globalJniEnv;
const wrapperGetterDecl = '''
FFI_PLUGIN_EXPORT $wrapperName* GetGlobalEnv();
/// Get C name of a type from its ffigen representation.
String getCType(Type type) {
if (type is PointerType) {
return '${getCType(type.child)}*';
final cType = type.getCType(dummyWriter);
const specialCaseMappings = {
'JNIEnv1': 'JNIEnv',
'ffi.Char': 'char',
'ffi.Void': 'void',
'ffi.Int': 'int',
'ffi.Int32': 'int32_t',
return specialCaseMappings[cType] ?? cType;
/// Get type of wrapping function for a JNIEnv function.
FunctionType getGlobalJniEnvFunctionType(FunctionType ft) {
return FunctionType(
returnType: ft.returnType,
parameters: ft.parameters.sublist(1),
// Returns declaration of function field in GlobalJniEnv struct
String getFunctionFieldDecl(
Member field,
) {
final fieldType = field.type;
if (fieldType is PointerType && fieldType.child is NativeFunc) {
final nativeFunc = fieldType.child as NativeFunc;
final functionType = getGlobalJniEnvFunctionType(nativeFunc.type);
final resultWrapper = getResultWrapper(getCType(functionType.returnType));
final name =;
final params = functionType.parameters
.map((param) => '${getCType(param.type)} ${}')
.join(', ');
return ('${resultWrapper.returnType} (*$name)($params);');
} else {
return 'void* ${};';
String getWrapperFuncName(Member field) {
return 'globalEnv_${}';
class ResultWrapper {
String returnType, onResult, onError;
this.returnType, this.onResult, this.onError);
String returnType,
String defaultValue,
) : this.withResultAndError(
'($returnType){.value = $resultVar, .exception = NULL}',
'($returnType){.value = $defaultValue, .exception = $errorVar}',
ResultWrapper.forJValueField(String fieldChar)
: this.withResultAndError(
'(JniResult){.value = {.$fieldChar = $resultVar}, .exception = NULL}',
'(JniResult){.value = {.j = 0}, .exception = $errorVar}',
ResultWrapper getResultWrapper(String returnType) {
if (returnType.endsWith("*")) {
return ResultWrapper.unionType('JniPointerResult', 'NULL');
final jobjectWrapper = ResultWrapper.forJValueField('l');
if (returnType.endsWith('Array')) {
return jobjectWrapper;
const jfields = {
'jboolean': 'z',
'jbyte': 'b',
'jshort': 's',
'jchar': 'c',
'jint': 'i',
'jsize': 'i', // jsize is an alias to jint
'jfloat': 'f',
'jlong': 'j',
'jdouble': 'd',
'jobject': 'l',
'jweak': 'l',
'jarray': 'l',
'jstring': 'l',
'jthrowable': 'l',
switch (returnType) {
case 'void':
return ResultWrapper.withResultAndError(
case 'jmethodID':
case 'jfieldID':
return ResultWrapper.unionType('JniPointerResult', 'NULL');
case 'jclass':
return ResultWrapper.unionType('JniClassLookupResult', 'NULL');
case 'int32_t':
return ResultWrapper.forJValueField('i');
if (jfields.containsKey(returnType)) {
return ResultWrapper.forJValueField(jfields[returnType]!);
throw 'Unknown type $returnType for return type';
bool isJRefType(String type) {
// No need to include jweak here, its only returned by ref-related functions.
const refTypes = {
return (type.startsWith('j') && type.endsWith('Array')) ||
const refFunctions = {
/// These return const ptrs so the assignment statement needs to be
/// adjusted in the wrapper.
const constBufferReturningFunctions = {
/// Methods which do not throw exceptions, and thus not need to be checked
const _noCheckException = {
String? getWrapperFunc(Member field) {
final fieldType = field.type;
if (fieldType is PointerType && fieldType.child is NativeFunc) {
final functionType = (fieldType.child as NativeFunc).type;
if ( {
return null;
final outerFunctionType = getGlobalJniEnvFunctionType(functionType);
final wrapperName = getWrapperFuncName(field);
final returnType = getCType(outerFunctionType.returnType);
final params = outerFunctionType.parameters
.map((param) => '${getCType(param.type)} ${}')
.join(', ');
var returnCapture = returnType == 'void' ? '' : '$returnType $resultVar =';
if (constBufferReturningFunctions.contains( {
returnCapture = 'const $returnCapture';
final callParams = [
...( =>
].join(', ');
final resultWrapper = getResultWrapper(returnType);
var convertRef = '';
if (isJRefType(returnType) && !refFunctions.contains( {
convertRef = ' $resultVar = to_global_ref($resultVar);\n';
final exceptionCheck = _noCheckException.contains(
? ''
: ' jthrowable $errorVar = check_exception();\n'
' if ($errorVar != NULL) {\n'
' return ${resultWrapper.onError};\n'
' }\n';
return '${resultWrapper.returnType} $wrapperName($params) {\n'
' attach_thread();\n'
' $returnCapture (*jniEnv)->${}($callParams);\n'
' return ${resultWrapper.onResult};\n'
return null;
void writeGlobalJniEnvWrapper(Library library) {
final jniEnvType = findCompound(library, envType);
final fieldDecls ='\n');
final structDecl =
'typedef struct $wrapperName {\n$fieldDecls\n} $wrapperName;\n';
final functionWrappers = StringBuffer();
final structInst = StringBuffer('$wrapperName globalJniEnv = {\n');
for (final member in jniEnvType.members) {
final wrapper = getWrapperFunc(member);
if (wrapper == null) {
structInst.write('.${} = NULL,\n');
} else {
structInst.write('.${} = ${getWrapperFuncName(member)},\n');
void executeClangFormat(List<Uri> files) {
final paths = => u.toFilePath()).toList();'execute clang-format -i ${paths.join(" ")}');
final format = Process.runSync('clang-format', ['-i', ...paths]);
if (format.exitCode != 0) {
stderr.writeln('clang-format exited with ${format.exitCode}');
void generateCWrappers(Library minimalLibrary) {
executeClangFormat([Paths.globalJniEnvC, Paths.globalJniEnvH]);