blob: 4322fbd579e0388406903385e48641f63cdbd5e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'jreference.dart';
import 'third_party/generated_bindings.dart';
import 'accessors.dart';
String _getLibraryFileName(String base) {
if (Platform.isLinux || Platform.isAndroid) {
return "lib$";
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
return "$base.dll";
} else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
return "lib$base.dylib";
} else {
throw UnsupportedError("cannot derive library name: unsupported platform");
/// Load Dart-JNI Helper library.
/// If path is provided, it's used to load the library.
/// Else just the platform-specific filename is passed to
DynamicLibrary _loadDartJniLibrary({String? dir, String baseName = "dartjni"}) {
final fileName = _getLibraryFileName(baseName);
final libPath = (dir != null) ? join(dir, fileName) : fileName;
try {
final dylib =;
return dylib;
} on Error {
throw HelperNotFoundError(libPath);
/// Utilities to spawn and manage JNI.
abstract final class Jni {
static final DynamicLibrary _dylib = _loadDartJniLibrary(dir: _dylibDir);
static final JniBindings _bindings = JniBindings(_dylib);
static final _getJniEnvFn = _dylib.lookup<Void>('GetJniEnv');
static final _getJniContextFn = _dylib.lookup<Void>('GetJniContextPtr');
/// Store dylibDir if any was used.
static String? _dylibDir;
/// Sets the directory where dynamic libraries are looked for.
/// On dart standalone, call this in new isolate before doing
/// any JNI operation.
/// (The reason is that dylibs need to be loaded in every isolate.
/// On flutter it's done by library. On dart standalone we don't
/// know the library path.)
static void setDylibDir({required String dylibDir}) {
if (!Platform.isAndroid) {
_dylibDir = dylibDir;
static bool _initialized = false;
/// Initializes DartApiDL used for Continuations and interface implementation.
static void _ensureInitialized() {
if (!_initialized) {
assert(NativeApi.majorVersion == 2);
assert(NativeApi.minorVersion >= 3);
final result = _bindings.InitDartApiDL(NativeApi.initializeApiDLData);
_initialized = result == 0;
/// Spawn an instance of JVM using JNI. This method should be called at the
/// beginning of the program with appropriate options, before other isolates
/// are spawned.
/// [dylibDir] is path of the directory where the wrapper library is found.
/// This parameter needs to be passed manually on __Dart standalone target__,
/// since we have no reliable way to bundle it with the package.
/// [jvmOptions], [ignoreUnrecognized], & [jniVersion] are passed to the JVM.
/// Strings in [classPath], if any, are used to construct an additional
/// JVM option of the form "-Djava.class.path={paths}".
static void spawn({
String? dylibDir,
List<String> jvmOptions = const [],
List<String> classPath = const [],
bool ignoreUnrecognized = false,
int jniVersion = JniVersions.JNI_VERSION_1_6,
}) {
final status = spawnIfNotExists(
dylibDir: dylibDir,
jvmOptions: jvmOptions,
classPath: classPath,
ignoreUnrecognized: ignoreUnrecognized,
jniVersion: jniVersion,
if (status == false) {
throw JniVmExistsError();
/// Same as [spawn] but if a JVM exists, returns silently instead of
/// throwing [JvmExistsError].
/// If the options are different than that of existing VM, the existing VM's
/// options will remain in effect.
static bool spawnIfNotExists({
String? dylibDir,
List<String> jvmOptions = const [],
List<String> classPath = const [],
bool ignoreUnrecognized = false,
int jniVersion = JniVersions.JNI_VERSION_1_6,
}) =>
using((arena) {
_dylibDir = dylibDir;
final jvmArgs = _createVMArgs(
options: jvmOptions,
classPath: classPath,
version: jniVersion,
dylibPath: dylibDir,
ignoreUnrecognized: ignoreUnrecognized,
allocator: arena,
final status = _bindings.SpawnJvm(jvmArgs);
if (status == JniErrorCode.JNI_OK) {
return true;
} else if (status == DART_JNI_SINGLETON_EXISTS) {
return false;
} else {
throw JniError.of(status);
static Pointer<JavaVMInitArgs> _createVMArgs({
List<String> options = const [],
List<String> classPath = const [],
String? dylibPath,
bool ignoreUnrecognized = false,
int version = JniVersions.JNI_VERSION_1_6,
required Allocator allocator,
}) {
final args = allocator<JavaVMInitArgs>();
if (options.isNotEmpty || classPath.isNotEmpty) {
final count = options.length +
(dylibPath != null ? 1 : 0) +
(classPath.isNotEmpty ? 1 : 0);
final optsPtr = (count != 0) ? allocator<JavaVMOption>(count) : nullptr;
args.ref.options = optsPtr;
for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
(optsPtr + i).ref.optionString = options[i].toNativeChars(allocator);
if (dylibPath != null) {
(optsPtr + count - 1 - (classPath.isNotEmpty ? 1 : 0))
.optionString =
if (classPath.isNotEmpty) {
final classPathString = classPath.join(Platform.isWindows ? ';' : ":");
(optsPtr + count - 1).ref.optionString =
args.ref.nOptions = count;
args.ref.ignoreUnrecognized = ignoreUnrecognized ? 1 : 0;
args.ref.version = version;
return args;
/// Returns pointer to current JNI JavaVM instance
Pointer<JavaVM> getJavaVM() {
return _bindings.GetJavaVM();
/// Returns the instance of [GlobalJniEnvStruct], which is an abstraction over
/// JNIEnv without the same-thread restriction.
static Pointer<GlobalJniEnvStruct> _fetchGlobalEnv() {
final env = _bindings.GetGlobalEnv();
if (env == nullptr) {
throw NoJvmInstanceError();
return env;
/// Points to a process-wide shared instance of [GlobalJniEnv].
/// It provides an indirection over [JniEnv] so that it can be used from
/// any thread, and always returns global object references.
static final env = GlobalJniEnv(_fetchGlobalEnv());
static final accessors = JniAccessors(_bindings.GetAccessors());
/// Returns current application context on Android.
static JReference getCachedApplicationContext() {
return JGlobalReference(_bindings.GetApplicationContext());
/// Returns current activity.
static JReference getCurrentActivity() =>
/// Get the initial classLoader of the application.
/// This is especially useful on Android, where
/// JNI threads cannot access application classes using
/// the usual `JniEnv.FindClass` method.
static JReference getApplicationClassLoader() =>
typedef _SetJniGettersNativeType = Void Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>);
typedef _SetJniGettersDartType = void Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>);
/// Extensions for use by `jnigen` generated code.
extension ProtectedJniExtensions on Jni {
static Pointer<T> Function<T extends NativeType>(String) initGeneratedLibrary(
String name) {
var path = _getLibraryFileName(name);
if (Jni._dylibDir != null) {
path = join(Jni._dylibDir!, path);
final dl =;
final setJniGetters =
dl.lookupFunction<_SetJniGettersNativeType, _SetJniGettersDartType>(
setJniGetters(Jni._getJniContextFn, Jni._getJniEnvFn);
final lookup = dl.lookup;
return lookup;
/// Returns a new DartException.
static Pointer<Void> newDartException(String message) {
return Jni._bindings
/// Returns a new PortContinuation.
static JReference newPortContinuation(ReceivePort port) {
return JGlobalReference(
/// Returns a new PortProxy for a class with the given [binaryName].
static JReference newPortProxy(
String binaryName,
ReceivePort port,
Pointer<Void> Function(Uint64, Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)>>
functionPtr) {
return JGlobalReference(Jni._bindings
/// Returns the result of a callback.
static void returnResult(
Pointer<CallbackResult> result, JObjectPtr object) async {
Jni._bindings.resultFor(result, object);
static Dart_FinalizableHandle newJObjectFinalizableHandle(
Object object,
Pointer<Void> reference,
int refType,
) {
return Jni._bindings
.newJObjectFinalizableHandle(object, reference, refType);
static Dart_FinalizableHandle newBooleanFinalizableHandle(
Object object,
Pointer<Bool> reference,
) {
return Jni._bindings.newBooleanFinalizableHandle(object, reference);
static void deleteFinalizableHandle(
Dart_FinalizableHandle finalizableHandle, Object object) {
Jni._bindings.deleteFinalizableHandle(finalizableHandle, object);
extension AdditionalEnvMethods on GlobalJniEnv {
/// Convenience method for converting a [JStringPtr] to dart string.
/// if [releaseOriginal] is specified, jstring passed will be deleted using
/// DeleteGlobalRef.
String toDartString(JStringPtr jstringPtr, {bool releaseOriginal = false}) {
if (jstringPtr == nullptr) {
throw JNullError();
final chars = GetStringChars(jstringPtr, nullptr);
if (chars == nullptr) {
throw ArgumentError('Not a valid jstring pointer.');
final length = GetStringLength(jstringPtr);
final result = chars.cast<Utf16>().toDartString(length: length);
ReleaseStringChars(jstringPtr, chars);
if (releaseOriginal) {
return result;
/// Returns a new [JStringPtr] from contents of [s].
JStringPtr toJStringPtr(String s) => using((arena) {
final utf = s.toNativeUtf16(allocator: arena).cast<Uint16>();
final result = NewString(utf, s.length);
if (utf == nullptr) {
throw 'Fatal: cannot convert string to Java string: $s';
return result;
extension StringMethodsForJni on String {
/// Returns a Utf-8 encoded Pointer<Char> with contents same as this string.
Pointer<Char> toNativeChars([Allocator allocator = malloc]) {
return toNativeUtf8(allocator: allocator).cast<Char>();
extension CharPtrMethodsForJni on Pointer<Char> {
/// Same as calling `cast<Utf8>` followed by `toDartString`.
String toDartString({int? length}) {
return cast<Utf8>().toDartString(length: length);