blob: 7c8eb08940a7bc78e4aa0e70c17a5d4c7365097e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:native_assets_cli/native_assets_cli.dart';
import '../native_toolchain/apple_clang.dart';
import '../native_toolchain/clang.dart';
import '../native_toolchain/gcc.dart';
import '../native_toolchain/msvc.dart';
import '../native_toolchain/xcode.dart';
import '../tool/tool_instance.dart';
import '../utils/env_from_bat.dart';
import '../utils/run_process.dart';
import 'compiler_resolver.dart';
class RunCBuilder {
final BuildConfig buildConfig;
final Logger? logger;
final List<Uri> sources;
final Uri? executable;
final Uri? dynamicLibrary;
final Uri? staticLibrary;
final Uri outDir;
final Target target;
/// The install of the [dynamicLibrary].
/// Can be inspected with `otool -D <path-to-dylib>`.
/// Can be modified with `install_name_tool`.
final Uri? installName;
required this.buildConfig,
this.sources = const [],
}) : outDir = buildConfig.outDir,
target =,
assert([executable, dynamicLibrary, staticLibrary]
.length ==
late final _resolver =
CompilerResolver(buildConfig: buildConfig, logger: logger);
Future<ToolInstance> compiler() async => await _resolver.resolveCompiler();
Future<Uri> archiver() async => (await _resolver.resolveArchiver()).uri;
Future<Uri> iosSdk(IOSSdk iosSdk, {required Logger? logger}) async {
if (iosSdk == IOSSdk.iPhoneOs) {
return (await iPhoneOSSdk.defaultResolver!.resolve(logger: logger))
.where((i) => i.tool == iPhoneOSSdk)
assert(iosSdk == IOSSdk.iPhoneSimulator);
return (await iPhoneSimulatorSdk.defaultResolver!.resolve(logger: logger))
.where((i) => i.tool == iPhoneSimulatorSdk)
Future<Uri> macosSdk({required Logger? logger}) async =>
(await macosxSdk.defaultResolver!.resolve(logger: logger))
.where((i) => i.tool == macosxSdk)
Future<void> run() async {
final compiler_ = await compiler();
final compilerTool = compiler_.tool;
if (compilerTool == appleClang ||
compilerTool == clang ||
compilerTool == gcc) {
await runClangLike(compiler: compiler_.uri);
assert(compilerTool == cl);
await runCl(compiler: compiler_);
Future<void> runClangLike({required Uri compiler}) async {
final isStaticLib = staticLibrary != null;
Uri? archiver_;
if (isStaticLib) {
archiver_ = await archiver();
await runProcess(
executable: compiler,
arguments: [
if (target.os == ...[
// TODO(dacoharkes): How to solve linking issues?
// Non-working fix: --sysroot=$NDKPATH/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot.
// The sysroot should be discovered automatically after NDK 22.
// Workaround:
if (dynamicLibrary != null) '-nostartfiles',
if (target.os == OS.macOS || target.os == OS.iOS)
if (target.os == OS.iOS) ...[
(await iosSdk(buildConfig.targetIOSSdk!, logger: logger))
if (target.os == OS.macOS) ...[
(await macosSdk(logger: logger)).toFilePath(),
if (installName != null) ...[
], => e.toFilePath()),
if (executable != null) ...[
if (dynamicLibrary != null) ...[
] else if (staticLibrary != null) ...[
logger: logger,
captureOutput: false,
throwOnUnexpectedExitCode: true,
if (staticLibrary != null) {
await runProcess(
executable: archiver_!,
arguments: [
logger: logger,
captureOutput: false,
throwOnUnexpectedExitCode: true,
Future<void> runCl({required ToolInstance compiler}) async {
final vcvars = (await _resolver.toolchainEnvironmentScript(compiler))!;
final vcvarsArgs = _resolver.toolchainEnvironmentScriptArguments();
final environment = await envFromBat(vcvars, arguments: vcvarsArgs ?? []);
final isStaticLib = staticLibrary != null;
Uri? archiver_;
if (isStaticLib) {
archiver_ = await archiver();
final result = await runProcess(
executable: compiler.uri,
arguments: [
if (executable != null) ...[ => e.toFilePath()),
if (dynamicLibrary != null) ...[ => e.toFilePath()),
if (staticLibrary != null) ...[
'/c', => e.toFilePath()),
workingDirectory: outDir,
environment: environment,
logger: logger,
captureOutput: false,
throwOnUnexpectedExitCode: true,
if (staticLibrary != null) {
await runProcess(
executable: archiver_!,
arguments: [
workingDirectory: outDir,
environment: environment,
logger: logger,
captureOutput: false,
throwOnUnexpectedExitCode: true,
assert(result.exitCode == 0);
static const androidNdkClangTargetFlags = {
Target.androidArm: 'armv7a-linux-androideabi',
Target.androidArm64: 'aarch64-linux-android',
Target.androidIA32: 'i686-linux-android',
Target.androidX64: 'x86_64-linux-android',
static const appleClangTargetFlags = {
Target.iOSArm64: 'arm64-apple-ios',
Target.iOSX64: 'x86_64-apple-ios',
Target.macOSArm64: 'arm64-apple-darwin',
Target.macOSX64: 'x86_64-apple-darwin',