blob: 73a6d6237e2470d19807de59766fdf277d00253d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import '../accessors.dart';
import '../jni.dart';
import '../jobject.dart';
import '../third_party/jni_bindings_generated.dart';
import '../types.dart';
import 'jset.dart';
final class JMapType<$K extends JObject, $V extends JObject>
extends JObjType<JMap<$K, $V>> {
final JObjType<$K> K;
final JObjType<$V> V;
const JMapType(
String get signature => r"Ljava/util/Map;";
JMap<$K, $V> fromRef(JObjectPtr ref) => JMap.fromRef(K, V, ref);
JObjType get superType => const JObjectType();
final superCount = 1;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(JMapType, K, V);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other.runtimeType == (JMapType<$K, $V>) &&
other is JMapType<$K, $V> &&
K == other.K &&
V == other.V;
class JMap<$K extends JObject, $V extends JObject> extends JObject
with MapMixin<$K, $V> {
// ignore: overridden_fields
late final JObjType<JMap> $type = type(K, V);
final JObjType<$K> K;
final JObjType<$V> V;
JObjectPtr ref,
) : super.fromRef(ref);
static final _class = Jni.findJClass(r"java/util/Map");
/// The type which includes information such as the signature of this class.
static JMapType<$K, $V> type<$K extends JObject, $V extends JObject>(
JObjType<$K> K,
JObjType<$V> V,
) {
return JMapType(
static final _hashMapClass = Jni.findJClass(r"java/util/HashMap");
static final _ctorId =
Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(_hashMapClass.reference, r"<init>", r"()V");
JMap.hash(this.K, this.V)
: super.fromRef(Jni.accessors
.newObjectWithArgs(_hashMapClass.reference, _ctorId, []).object);
static final _getId = Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(
_class.reference, r"get", r"(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
$V? operator [](Object? key) {
if (key is! JObject) {
return null;
final value = V.fromRef(Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(
reference, _getId, JniCallType.objectType, [key.reference]).object);
return value.isNull ? null : value;
static final _putId = Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(_class.reference, r"put",
void operator []=($K key, $V value) {
Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(reference, _putId, JniCallType.objectType,
[key.reference, value.reference]).object;
static final _addAllId = Jni.accessors
.getMethodIDOf(_class.reference, r"putAll", r"(Ljava/util/Map;)V");
void addAll(Map<$K, $V> other) {
if (other is JMap<$K, $V>) {
Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(reference, _addAllId,
JniCallType.voidType, [other.reference]).check();
static final _clearId =
Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(_class.reference, r"clear", r"()V");
void clear() {
reference, _clearId, JniCallType.voidType, []).check();
static final _containsKeyId = Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(
_class.reference, r"containsKey", r"(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
bool containsKey(Object? key) {
if (key is! JObject) {
return false;
return Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(reference, _containsKeyId,
JniCallType.booleanType, [key.reference]).boolean;
static final _containsValueId = Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(
_class.reference, r"containsValue", r"(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
bool containsValue(Object? value) {
if (value is! JObject) {
return false;
return Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(reference, _containsValueId,
JniCallType.booleanType, [value.reference]).boolean;
static final isEmptyId =
Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(_class.reference, r"isEmpty", r"()Z");
bool get isEmpty => Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(
reference, isEmptyId, JniCallType.booleanType, []).boolean;
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
static final _keysId = Jni.accessors
.getMethodIDOf(_class.reference, r"keySet", r"()Ljava/util/Set;");
JSet<$K> get keys => JSetType(K).fromRef(Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(
reference, _keysId, JniCallType.objectType, []).object);
static final _sizeId =
Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(_class.reference, r"size", r"()I");
int get length => Jni.accessors
.callMethodWithArgs(reference, _sizeId, JniCallType.intType, []).integer;
static final _removeId = Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(
_class.reference, r"remove", r"(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
$V? remove(Object? key) {
if (key is! JObject) {
return null;
final value = V.fromRef(Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(
reference, _removeId, JniCallType.objectType, [key.reference]).object);
return value.isNull ? null : value;
extension ToJavaMap<K extends JObject, V extends JObject> on Map<K, V> {
JMap<K, V> toJMap(JObjType<K> keyType, JObjType<V> valueType) {
final map = JMap.hash(keyType, valueType);
return map;