blob: a352659eaac489026a1eeca22c25b14929eb59a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../accessors.dart';
import '../jni.dart';
import '../jvalues.dart';
import '../third_party/generated_bindings.dart';
import '../types.dart';
import 'jnumber.dart';
final class JFloatType extends JObjType<JFloat> {
const JFloatType();
String get signature => r"Ljava/lang/Float;";
JFloat fromRef(JObjectPtr ref) => JFloat.fromRef(ref);
JObjType get superType => const JNumberType();
final superCount = 2;
int get hashCode => (JFloatType).hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other.runtimeType == JFloatType && other is JFloatType;
class JFloat extends JNumber {
// ignore: overridden_fields
late final JObjType<JFloat> $type = type;
JObjectPtr ref,
) : super.fromRef(ref);
/// The type which includes information such as the signature of this class.
static const type = JFloatType();
static final _class = Jni.findJClass(r"java/lang/Float");
static final _ctorId =
Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(_class.reference, r"<init>", r"(F)V");
JFloat(double num)
: super.fromRef(Jni.accessors.newObjectWithArgs(
_class.reference, _ctorId, [JValueFloat(num)]).object);