blob: 15c69727eee7cefa4aa4d9fe2e7d6ad11ff60113 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:jni/src/accessors.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'jni.dart';
import 'jreference.dart';
import 'lang/jstring.dart';
import 'jvalues.dart';
import 'third_party/generated_bindings.dart';
import 'types.dart';
// This typedef is needed because void is a keyword and cannot be used in
// type switch like a regular type.
typedef _VoidType = void;
final class JObjectType extends JObjType<JObject> {
const JObjectType();
String get signature => "Ljava/lang/Object;";
JObject fromRef(Pointer<Void> ref) => JObject.fromRef(ref);
JObjType get superType => const JObjectType();
// TODO(#70): Once interface implementation lands, other than [superType],
// we should have a list of implemented interfaces.
final int superCount = 0;
int get hashCode => (JObjectType).hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other.runtimeType == JObjectType && other is JObjectType;
Pointer<T> _getID<T extends NativeType>(
JniPointerResult Function(
Pointer<Void> ptr, Pointer<Char> name, Pointer<Char> sig)
Pointer<Void> ptr,
String name,
String sig,
) {
final result = using(
(arena) => f(ptr, name.toNativeChars(arena), sig.toNativeChars(arena)));
if (result.exception != nullptr) {
return result.value.cast<T>();
int _getCallType(int? callType, int defaultType, Set<int> allowed) {
if (callType == null) return defaultType;
if (allowed.contains(callType)) return callType;
throw InvalidCallTypeError(callType, allowed);
T _callOrGet<T>(int? callType, JniResult Function(int) function) {
final int finalCallType;
late T result;
switch (T) {
case bool:
finalCallType = _getCallType(
callType, JniCallType.booleanType, {JniCallType.booleanType});
result = function(finalCallType).boolean as T;
case int:
finalCallType = _getCallType(callType, JniCallType.longType, {
final jniResult = function(finalCallType);
switch (finalCallType) {
case JniCallType.byteType:
result = jniResult.byte as T;
case JniCallType.shortType:
result = jniResult.short as T;
case JniCallType.charType:
result = jniResult.char as T;
case JniCallType.intType:
result = jniResult.integer as T;
case JniCallType.longType:
result = jniResult.long as T;
case double:
finalCallType = _getCallType(callType, JniCallType.doubleType,
{JniCallType.floatType, JniCallType.doubleType});
final jniResult = function(finalCallType);
switch (finalCallType) {
case JniCallType.floatType:
result = jniResult.float as T;
case JniCallType.doubleType:
result = jniResult.doubleFloat as T;
case String:
case JObject:
case JString:
finalCallType = _getCallType(
callType, JniCallType.objectType, {JniCallType.objectType});
final ref = function(finalCallType).object;
final ctor = T == String
? (ref) => Jni.env.toDartString(ref, releaseOriginal: true)
: (T == JObject ? JObject.fromRef : JString.fromRef);
result = ctor(ref) as T;
case const (Pointer<Void>): // JObjectPtr
finalCallType = _getCallType(
callType, JniCallType.objectType, {JniCallType.objectType});
result = function(finalCallType).object as T;
case _VoidType:
finalCallType =
_getCallType(callType, JniCallType.voidType, {JniCallType.voidType});
result = null as T;
case dynamic:
throw UnsupportedError("Return type not specified for JNI call");
throw UnsupportedError('Unknown type $T');
return result;
T _callMethod<T>(int? callType, List<dynamic> args,
JniResult Function(int, Pointer<JValue>) f) =>
using((arena) {
final jArgs = JValueArgs(args, arena);
return _callOrGet<T>(callType, (ct) => f(ct, jArgs.values));
T _getField<T>(int? callType, JniResult Function(int) f) {
final result = _callOrGet<T>(callType, f);
return result;
/// A high-level wrapper for JNI global object reference.
/// This is the base class for classes generated by `jnigen`.
class JObject extends JReference {
late final JObjType<JObject> $type = type;
/// The type which includes information such as the signature of this class.
static const JObjType<JObject> type = JObjectType();
/// Construct a new [JObject] with [reference] as its underlying reference.
JObject.fromRef(JObjectPtr reference) : super.fromRef(reference);
JClass? _jClass;
JClass get _class {
return _jClass ??= getClass();
void release() {
/// Returns [JClass] corresponding to concrete class of this object.
/// This may be a subclass of compile-time class.
JClass getClass() {
final classRef = Jni.env.GetObjectClass(reference);
if (classRef == nullptr) {
return JClass.fromRef(classRef);
/// Get [JFieldIDPtr] of instance field identified by [fieldName] & [signature].
JFieldIDPtr getFieldID(String fieldName, String signature) {
return _getID(
Jni.accessors.getFieldID, _class.reference, fieldName, signature);
/// Get [JFieldIDPtr] of static field identified by [fieldName] & [signature].
JFieldIDPtr getStaticFieldID(String fieldName, String signature) {
return _getID<jfieldID_>(
Jni.accessors.getStaticFieldID, _class.reference, fieldName, signature);
/// Get [JMethodIDPtr] of instance method [methodName] with [signature].
JMethodIDPtr getMethodID(String methodName, String signature) {
return _getID<jmethodID_>(
Jni.accessors.getMethodID, _class.reference, methodName, signature);
/// Get [JMethodIDPtr] of static method [methodName] with [signature].
JMethodIDPtr getStaticMethodID(String methodName, String signature) {
return _getID<jmethodID_>(Jni.accessors.getStaticMethodID, _class.reference,
methodName, signature);
/// Retrieve the value of the field using [fieldID].
/// [callType] determines the return type of the underlying JNI call made.
/// If the Java field is of `long` type, this must be [JniCallType.longType] and
/// so on. Default is chosen based on return type [T], which maps int -> int,
/// double -> double, void -> void, and JObject types to `Object`.
/// If [T] is String or [JObject], required conversions are performed and
/// final value is returned.
T getField<T>(JFieldIDPtr fieldID, [int? callType]) {
if (callType == JniCallType.voidType) {
throw ArgumentError("void is not a valid field type.");
return _getField<T>(
callType, (ct) => Jni.accessors.getField(reference, fieldID, ct));
/// Get value of the field identified by [name] and [signature].
/// See [getField] for an explanation about [callType] parameter.
T getFieldByName<T>(String name, String signature, [int? callType]) {
final id = getFieldID(name, signature);
return getField<T>(id, callType);
/// Get value of the static field using [fieldID].
/// See [getField] for an explanation about [callType] parameter.
T getStaticField<T>(JFieldIDPtr fieldID, [int? callType]) {
if (callType == JniCallType.voidType) {
throw ArgumentError("void is not a valid field type.");
return _getField<T>(callType,
(ct) => Jni.accessors.getStaticField(_class.reference, fieldID, ct));
/// Get value of the static field identified by [name] and [signature].
/// See [getField] for an explanation about [callType] parameter.
T getStaticFieldByName<T>(String name, String signature, [int? callType]) {
final id = getStaticFieldID(name, signature);
return getStaticField<T>(id, callType);
/// Call the method using [methodID],
/// [args] can consist of primitive types, JNI primitive wrappers such as
/// [JValueLong], strings, and subclasses of [JObject].
/// See [getField] for an explanation about [callType] and return type [T].
T callMethod<T>(JMethodIDPtr methodID, List<dynamic> args, [int? callType]) {
return _callMethod<T>(callType, args,
(ct, jvs) => Jni.accessors.callMethod(reference, methodID, ct, jvs));
/// Call instance method identified by [name] and [signature].
/// This implementation looks up the method and calls it using [callMethod].
T callMethodByName<T>(String name, String signature, List<dynamic> args,
[int? callType]) {
final id = getMethodID(name, signature);
return callMethod<T>(id, args, callType);
/// Call static method using [methodID]. See [callMethod] and [getField] for
/// more details about [args] and [callType].
T callStaticMethod<T>(JMethodIDPtr methodID, List<dynamic> args,
[int? callType]) {
return _callMethod<T>(
(ct, jvs) =>
Jni.accessors.callStaticMethod(reference, methodID, ct, jvs));
/// Call static method identified by [name] and [signature].
/// This implementation looks up the method and calls [callStaticMethod].
T callStaticMethodByName<T>(String name, String signature, List<dynamic> args,
[int? callType]) {
final id = getStaticMethodID(name, signature);
return callStaticMethod<T>(id, args, callType);
/// Casts this object to another [type].
/// If [releaseOriginal] is `true`, the casted object will be released.
T castTo<T extends JObject>(
JObjType<T> type, {
bool releaseOriginal = false,
}) {
if (releaseOriginal) {
final ret = type.fromRef(reference);
return ret;
final newRef = Jni.env.NewGlobalRef(reference);
return type.fromRef(newRef);
static final _objectClass = Jni.findJClass('java/lang/Object');
static final _hashCodeId =
Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(_objectClass.reference, r"hashCode", r"()I");
int get hashCode => Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(
reference, _hashCodeId, JniCallType.intType, []).integer;
static final _equalsId = Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(
_objectClass.reference, r"equals", r"(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is! JObject) {
return false;
return Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(reference, _equalsId,
JniCallType.booleanType, [other.reference]).boolean;
static final _toStringId = Jni.accessors.getMethodIDOf(
_objectClass.reference, r"toString", r"()Ljava/lang/String;");
String toString() {
return JString.fromRef(Jni.accessors.callMethodWithArgs(
reference, _toStringId, JniCallType.objectType, []).object)
.toDartString(releaseOriginal: true);
/// A high level wrapper over a JNI class reference.
class JClass extends JReference {
/// Construct a new [JClass] with [reference] as its underlying reference.
JClass.fromRef(JObjectPtr reference) : super.fromRef(reference);
/// Get [JFieldIDPtr] of static field [fieldName] with [signature].
JFieldIDPtr getStaticFieldID(String fieldName, String signature) {
return _getID<jfieldID_>(
Jni.accessors.getStaticFieldID, reference, fieldName, signature);
/// Get [JMethodIDPtr] of static method [methodName] with [signature].
JMethodIDPtr getStaticMethodID(String methodName, String signature) {
return _getID<jmethodID_>(
Jni.accessors.getStaticMethodID, reference, methodName, signature);
/// Get [JFieldIDPtr] of field [fieldName] with [signature].
JFieldIDPtr getFieldID(String fieldName, String signature) {
return _getID<jfieldID_>(
Jni.accessors.getFieldID, reference, fieldName, signature);
/// Get [JMethodIDPtr] of method [methodName] with [signature].
JMethodIDPtr getMethodID(String methodName, String signature) {
return _getID<jmethodID_>(
Jni.accessors.getMethodID, reference, methodName, signature);
/// Get [JMethodIDPtr] of constructor with [signature].
JMethodIDPtr getCtorID(String signature) => getMethodID("<init>", signature);
/// Get the value of static field using [fieldID].
/// See [JObject.getField] for more explanation about [callType].
T getStaticField<T>(JFieldIDPtr fieldID, [int? callType]) {
if (callType == JniCallType.voidType) {
throw ArgumentError("void is not a valid field type.");
return _getField<T>(
callType, (ct) => Jni.accessors.getStaticField(reference, fieldID, ct));
/// Get the value of static field identified by [name] and [signature].
/// This implementation looks up the field ID and calls [getStaticField].
T getStaticFieldByName<T>(String name, String signature, [int? callType]) {
final id = getStaticFieldID(name, signature);
return getStaticField<T>(id, callType);
/// Call the static method using [methodID].
/// See [JObject.callMethod] and [JObject.getField] for more explanation
/// about [args] and [callType].
T callStaticMethod<T>(JMethodIDPtr methodID, List<dynamic> args,
[int? callType]) {
return _callMethod<T>(
(ct, jvs) =>
Jni.accessors.callStaticMethod(reference, methodID, ct, jvs));
/// Call the static method identified by [name] and [signature].
/// This implementation looks up the method ID and calls [callStaticMethod].
T callStaticMethodByName<T>(String name, String signature, List<dynamic> args,
[int? callType]) {
final id = getStaticMethodID(name, signature);
return callStaticMethod<T>(id, args, callType);
/// Create a new instance of this class with [ctor] and [args].
JObject newInstance(JMethodIDPtr ctor, List<dynamic> args) => using((arena) {
final jArgs = JValueArgs(args, arena);
final res =
Jni.accessors.newObject(reference, ctor, jArgs.values).object;
return JObject.fromRef(res);