blob: 1d55ade1019c5fe8d60d09f662e200cd7655cc4c [file] [log] [blame]
# Fast fail the script on failures.
set -e
# Analyze sources. Add --fatal-hints, --fatal-warnings, --fatal-lints
# as you see fit.
dartanalyzer lib/ test/
# Run tests.
pub run test
# Assert that code is formatted.
pub global activate dart_style
dirty_code=$(pub global run dart_style:format --dry-run lib/ test/ example/ benchmark/)
if [[ -n "$dirty_code" ]]; then
echo Unformatted files:
echo "$dirty_code" | sed 's/^/ /'
exit 1
echo All Dart source files are formatted.
# Assert that versions match.
pubspec_version=$(awk '/^version:/' pubspec.yaml |cut -f2 -d' ')
bin_version=$(dart bin/markdown.dart --version )
if [[ $pubspec_version != $bin_version ]]; then
echo Version mismatch:
echo " From pubspec.yaml: $pubspec_version"
echo " From lib/src/version.dart: $bin_version"
exit 1
echo Package versions match.