blob: cd92e9611d09d2c0d026fa165bb9626ec148e4e5 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'block_parser.dart';
import 'inline_parser.dart';
/// ExtensionSets provide a simple grouping mechanism for common Markdown
/// flavors.
/// For example, the [gitHubFlavored] set of syntax extensions allows users to
/// output HTML from their Markdown in a similar fashion to GitHub's parsing.
class ExtensionSet {
/// The [ExtensionSet.none] extension set renders Markdown similar to
/// [].
/// However, this set does not render _exactly_ the same as;
/// rather it is more-or-less the CommonMark standard of Markdown, without
/// fenced code blocks, or inline HTML.
/// []:
static final ExtensionSet none = new ExtensionSet([], []);
/// The [commonMark] extension set is close to compliance with [CommonMark].
/// [CommonMark]:
static final ExtensionSet commonMark = new ExtensionSet(
[const FencedCodeBlockSyntax()], [new InlineHtmlSyntax()]);
/// The [gitHubWeb] extension set renders Markdown similarly to GitHub.
/// This is different from the [gitHubFlavored] extension set in that GitHub
/// actually renders HTML different from straight [GitHub flavored Markdown].
/// (The only difference currently is that [gitHubWeb] renders headers with
/// linkable IDs.)
/// [GitHub flavored Markdown]:
static final ExtensionSet gitHubWeb = new ExtensionSet([
const FencedCodeBlockSyntax(),
const HeaderWithIdSyntax(),
const SetextHeaderWithIdSyntax(),
const TableSyntax()
], [
new InlineHtmlSyntax(),
new StrikethroughSyntax(),
new EmojiSyntax(),
new AutolinkExtensionSyntax(),
/// The [gitHubFlavored] extension set is close to compliance with the [GitHub
/// flavored Markdown spec].
/// [GitHub flavored Markdown]:
static final ExtensionSet gitHubFlavored = new ExtensionSet([
const FencedCodeBlockSyntax(),
const TableSyntax()
], [
new InlineHtmlSyntax(),
new StrikethroughSyntax(),
new AutolinkExtensionSyntax(),
final List<BlockSyntax> blockSyntaxes;
final List<InlineSyntax> inlineSyntaxes;
ExtensionSet(this.blockSyntaxes, this.inlineSyntaxes);