blob: e4239dff39de1ddd0458e5e60899ebdeec097439 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'ast.dart';
import 'document.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// The line contains only whitespace or is empty.
final _emptyPattern = new RegExp(r'^(?:[ \t]*)$');
/// A series of `=` or `-` (on the next line) define setext-style headers.
final _setextPattern = new RegExp(r'^[ ]{0,3}(=+|-+)\s*$');
/// Leading (and trailing) `#` define atx-style headers.
/// Starts with 1-6 unescaped `#` characters which must not be followed by a
/// non-space character. Line may end with any number of `#` characters,.
final _headerPattern = new RegExp(r'^ {0,3}(#{1,6})[ \x09\x0b\x0c](.*?)#*$');
/// The line starts with `>` with one optional space after.
final _blockquotePattern = new RegExp(r'^[ ]{0,3}>[ ]?(.*)$');
/// A line indented four spaces. Used for code blocks and lists.
final _indentPattern = new RegExp(r'^(?: | {0,3}\t)(.*)$');
/// Fenced code block.
final _codePattern = new RegExp(r'^[ ]{0,3}(`{3,}|~{3,})(.*)$');
/// Three or more hyphens, asterisks or underscores by themselves. Note that
/// a line like `----` is valid as both HR and SETEXT. In case of a tie,
/// SETEXT should win.
final _hrPattern = new RegExp(r'^ {0,3}([-*_])[ \t]*\1[ \t]*\1(?:\1|[ \t])*$');
/// One or more whitespace, for compressing.
final _oneOrMoreWhitespacePattern = new RegExp('[ \n\r\t]+');
/// A line starting with one of these markers: `-`, `*`, `+`. May have up to
/// three leading spaces before the marker and any number of spaces or tabs
/// after.
/// Contains a dummy group at [2], so that the groups in [_ulPattern] and
/// [_olPattern] match up; in both, [2] is the length of the number that begins
/// the list marker.
final _ulPattern = new RegExp(r'^([ ]{0,3})()([*+-])(([ \t])([ \t]*)(.*))?$');
/// A line starting with a number like `123.`. May have up to three leading
/// spaces before the marker and any number of spaces or tabs after.
final _olPattern =
new RegExp(r'^([ ]{0,3})(\d{1,9})([\.)])(([ \t])([ \t]*)(.*))?$');
/// A line of hyphens separated by at least one pipe.
final _tablePattern =
new RegExp(r'^[ ]{0,3}\|?( *:?\-+:? *\|)+( *:?\-+:? *)?$');
/// Maintains the internal state needed to parse a series of lines into blocks
/// of Markdown suitable for further inline parsing.
class BlockParser {
final List<String> lines;
/// The Markdown document this parser is parsing.
final Document document;
/// The enabled block syntaxes.
/// To turn a series of lines into blocks, each of these will be tried in
/// turn. Order matters here.
final List<BlockSyntax> blockSyntaxes = [];
/// Index of the current line.
int _pos = 0;
/// Whether the parser has encountered a blank line between two block-level
/// elements.
bool encounteredBlankLine = false;
/// The collection of built-in block parsers.
final List<BlockSyntax> standardBlockSyntaxes = [
const EmptyBlockSyntax(),
const BlockTagBlockHtmlSyntax(),
new LongBlockHtmlSyntax(r'^ {0,3}<pre(?:\s|>|$)', '</pre>'),
new LongBlockHtmlSyntax(r'^ {0,3}<script(?:\s|>|$)', '</script>'),
new LongBlockHtmlSyntax(r'^ {0,3}<style(?:\s|>|$)', '</style>'),
new LongBlockHtmlSyntax('^ {0,3}<!--', '-->'),
new LongBlockHtmlSyntax('^ {0,3}<\\?', '\\?>'),
new LongBlockHtmlSyntax('^ {0,3}<![A-Z]', '>'),
new LongBlockHtmlSyntax('^ {0,3}<!\\[CDATA\\[', '\\]\\]>'),
const OtherTagBlockHtmlSyntax(),
const SetextHeaderSyntax(),
const HeaderSyntax(),
const CodeBlockSyntax(),
const BlockquoteSyntax(),
const HorizontalRuleSyntax(),
const UnorderedListSyntax(),
const OrderedListSyntax(),
const ParagraphSyntax()
BlockParser(this.lines, this.document) {
/// Gets the current line.
String get current => lines[_pos];
/// Gets the line after the current one or `null` if there is none.
String get next {
// Don't read past the end.
if (_pos >= lines.length - 1) return null;
return lines[_pos + 1];
/// Gets the line that is [linesAhead] lines ahead of the current one, or
/// `null` if there is none.
/// `peek(0)` is equivalent to [current].
/// `peek(1)` is equivalent to [next].
String peek(int linesAhead) {
if (linesAhead < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid linesAhead: $linesAhead; must be >= 0.');
// Don't read past the end.
if (_pos >= lines.length - linesAhead) return null;
return lines[_pos + linesAhead];
void advance() {
bool get isDone => _pos >= lines.length;
/// Gets whether or not the current line matches the given pattern.
bool matches(RegExp regex) {
if (isDone) return false;
return regex.firstMatch(current) != null;
/// Gets whether or not the next line matches the given pattern.
bool matchesNext(RegExp regex) {
if (next == null) return false;
return regex.firstMatch(next) != null;
List<Node> parseLines() {
var blocks = <Node>[];
while (!isDone) {
for (var syntax in blockSyntaxes) {
if (syntax.canParse(this)) {
var block = syntax.parse(this);
if (block != null) blocks.add(block);
return blocks;
abstract class BlockSyntax {
const BlockSyntax();
/// Gets the regex used to identify the beginning of this block, if any.
RegExp get pattern => null;
bool get canEndBlock => true;
bool canParse(BlockParser parser) {
return pattern.firstMatch(parser.current) != null;
Node parse(BlockParser parser);
List<String> parseChildLines(BlockParser parser) {
// Grab all of the lines that form the block element.
var childLines = <String>[];
while (!parser.isDone) {
var match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
if (match == null) break;
return childLines;
/// Gets whether or not [parser]'s current line should end the previous block.
static bool isAtBlockEnd(BlockParser parser) {
if (parser.isDone) return true;
return parser.blockSyntaxes.any((s) => s.canParse(parser) && s.canEndBlock);
/// Generates a valid HTML anchor from the inner text of [element].
static String generateAnchorHash(Element element) =>
.replaceFirst(new RegExp(r'^[^a-z]+'), '')
.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'[^a-z0-9 _-]'), '')
.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'\s'), '-');
class EmptyBlockSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _emptyPattern;
const EmptyBlockSyntax();
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
parser.encounteredBlankLine = true;
// Don't actually emit anything.
return null;
/// Parses setext-style headers.
class SetextHeaderSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
const SetextHeaderSyntax();
bool canParse(BlockParser parser) {
if (!_interperableAsParagraph(parser.current)) return false;
var i = 1;
while (true) {
var nextLine = parser.peek(i);
if (nextLine == null) {
// We never reached an underline.
return false;
if (_setextPattern.hasMatch(nextLine)) {
return true;
// Ensure that we're still in something like paragraph text.
if (!_interperableAsParagraph(nextLine)) {
return false;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var lines = <String>[];
String tag;
while (!parser.isDone) {
var match = _setextPattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
if (match == null) {
// More text.
} else {
// The underline.
tag = (match[1][0] == '=') ? 'h1' : 'h2';
var contents = new UnparsedContent(lines.join('\n'));
return new Element(tag, [contents]);
bool _interperableAsParagraph(String line) =>
!(_indentPattern.hasMatch(line) ||
_codePattern.hasMatch(line) ||
_headerPattern.hasMatch(line) ||
_blockquotePattern.hasMatch(line) ||
_hrPattern.hasMatch(line) ||
_ulPattern.hasMatch(line) ||
_olPattern.hasMatch(line) ||
/// Parses setext-style headers, and adds generated IDs to the generated
/// elements.
class SetextHeaderWithIdSyntax extends SetextHeaderSyntax {
const SetextHeaderWithIdSyntax();
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var element = super.parse(parser) as Element;
element.generatedId = BlockSyntax.generateAnchorHash(element);
return element;
/// Parses atx-style headers: `## Header ##`.
class HeaderSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _headerPattern;
const HeaderSyntax();
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
var level = match[1].length;
var contents = new UnparsedContent(match[2].trim());
return new Element('h$level', [contents]);
/// Parses atx-style headers, and adds generated IDs to the generated elements.
class HeaderWithIdSyntax extends HeaderSyntax {
const HeaderWithIdSyntax();
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var element = super.parse(parser) as Element;
element.generatedId = BlockSyntax.generateAnchorHash(element);
return element;
/// Parses email-style blockquotes: `> quote`.
class BlockquoteSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _blockquotePattern;
const BlockquoteSyntax();
List<String> parseChildLines(BlockParser parser) {
// Grab all of the lines that form the blockquote, stripping off the ">".
var childLines = <String>[];
while (!parser.isDone) {
var match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
if (match != null) {
// A paragraph continuation is OK. This is content that cannot be parsed
// as any other syntax except Paragraph, and it doesn't match the bar in
// a Setext header.
if (parser.blockSyntaxes.firstWhere((s) => s.canParse(parser))
is ParagraphSyntax) {
} else {
return childLines;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var childLines = parseChildLines(parser);
// Recursively parse the contents of the blockquote.
var children = new BlockParser(childLines, parser.document).parseLines();
return new Element('blockquote', children);
/// Parses preformatted code blocks that are indented four spaces.
class CodeBlockSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _indentPattern;
bool get canEndBlock => false;
const CodeBlockSyntax();
List<String> parseChildLines(BlockParser parser) {
var childLines = <String>[];
while (!parser.isDone) {
var match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
if (match != null) {
} else {
// If there's a codeblock, then a newline, then a codeblock, keep the
// code blocks together.
var nextMatch = != null ? pattern.firstMatch( : null;
if (parser.current.trim() == '' && nextMatch != null) {
} else {
return childLines;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var childLines = parseChildLines(parser);
// The Markdown tests expect a trailing newline.
// Escape the code.
var escaped = escapeHtml(childLines.join('\n'));
return new Element('pre', [new Element.text('code', escaped)]);
/// Parses preformatted code blocks between two ~~~ or ``` sequences.
/// See [Pandoc's documentation](
class FencedCodeBlockSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _codePattern;
const FencedCodeBlockSyntax();
List<String> parseChildLines(BlockParser parser, [String endBlock]) {
if (endBlock == null) endBlock = '';
var childLines = <String>[];
while (!parser.isDone) {
var match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
if (match == null || !match[1].startsWith(endBlock)) {
} else {
return childLines;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
// Get the syntax identifier, if there is one.
var match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
var endBlock =;
var infoString =;
var childLines = parseChildLines(parser, endBlock);
// The Markdown tests expect a trailing newline.
// Escape the code.
var escaped = escapeHtml(childLines.join('\n'));
var code = new Element.text('code', escaped);
// the info-string should be trimmed
infoString = infoString.trim();
if (infoString.isNotEmpty) {
// only use the first word in the syntax
infoString = infoString.split(' ').first;
code.attributes['class'] = "language-$infoString";
var element = new Element('pre', [code]);
return element;
/// Parses horizontal rules like `---`, `_ _ _`, `* * *`, etc.
class HorizontalRuleSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _hrPattern;
const HorizontalRuleSyntax();
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
return new Element.empty('hr');
/// Parses inline HTML at the block level. This differs from other Markdown
/// implementations in several ways:
/// 1. This one is way way WAY simpler.
/// 2. Essentially no HTML parsing or validation is done. We're a Markdown
/// parser, not an HTML parser!
abstract class BlockHtmlSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
bool get canEndBlock => true;
const BlockHtmlSyntax();
class BlockTagBlockHtmlSyntax extends BlockHtmlSyntax {
static final _pattern = new RegExp(
r'^ {0,3}</?(?:address|article|aside|base|basefont|blockquote|body|'
RegExp get pattern => _pattern;
const BlockTagBlockHtmlSyntax();
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var childLines = <String>[];
// Eat until we hit a blank line.
while (!parser.isDone && !parser.matches(_emptyPattern)) {
return new Text(childLines.join('\n'));
class OtherTagBlockHtmlSyntax extends BlockTagBlockHtmlSyntax {
bool get canEndBlock => false;
// Really hacky way to detect "other" HTML. This matches:
// * any opening spaces
// * open bracket and maybe a slash ("<" or "</")
// * some word characters
// * either:
// * a close bracket, or
// * whitespace followed by not-brackets followed by a close bracket
// * possible whitespace and the end of the line.
RegExp get pattern => new RegExp(r'^ {0,3}</?\w+(?:>|\s+[^>]*>)\s*$');
const OtherTagBlockHtmlSyntax();
/// A BlockHtmlSyntax that has a specific `endPattern`.
/// In practice this means that the syntax dominates; it is allowed to eat
/// many lines, including blank lines, before matching its `endPattern`.
class LongBlockHtmlSyntax extends BlockHtmlSyntax {
final RegExp pattern;
final RegExp _endPattern;
LongBlockHtmlSyntax(String pattern, String endPattern)
: pattern = new RegExp(pattern),
_endPattern = new RegExp(endPattern);
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var childLines = <String>[];
// Eat until we hit [endPattern].
while (!parser.isDone) {
if (parser.matches(_endPattern)) break;
return new Text(childLines.join('\n'));
class ListItem {
bool forceBlock = false;
final List<String> lines;
/// Base class for both ordered and unordered lists.
abstract class ListSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
bool get canEndBlock => true;
String get listTag;
const ListSyntax();
/// A list of patterns that can start a valid block within a list item.
static final blocksInList = [
static final _whitespaceRe = new RegExp('[ \t]*');
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var items = <ListItem>[];
var childLines = <String>[];
void endItem() {
if (childLines.length > 0) {
items.add(new ListItem(childLines));
childLines = <String>[];
Match match;
bool tryMatch(RegExp pattern) {
match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
return match != null;
String listMarker;
String indent;
// In case the first number in an ordered list is not 1, use it as the
// "start".
int startNumber;
while (!parser.isDone) {
var leadingSpace = _whitespaceRe.matchAsPrefix(parser.current).group(0);
var leadingExpandedTabLength = _expandedTabLength(leadingSpace);
if (tryMatch(_emptyPattern)) {
if (_emptyPattern.firstMatch( ?? '') != null) {
// Two blank lines ends a list.
// Add a blank line to the current list item.
} else if (indent != null && indent.length <= leadingExpandedTabLength) {
// Strip off indent and add to current item.
var line = parser.current
.replaceFirst(leadingSpace, ' ' * leadingExpandedTabLength)
.replaceFirst(indent, '');
} else if (tryMatch(_hrPattern)) {
// Horizontal rule takes precedence to a new list item.
} else if (tryMatch(_ulPattern) || tryMatch(_olPattern)) {
var precedingWhitespace = match[1];
var digits = match[2] ?? '';
if (startNumber == null && digits.isNotEmpty) {
startNumber = int.parse(digits);
var marker = match[3];
var firstWhitespace = match[5] ?? '';
var restWhitespace = match[6] ?? '';
var content = match[7] ?? '';
var isBlank = content.isEmpty;
if (listMarker != null && listMarker != marker) {
// Changing the bullet or ordered list delimiter starts a new list.
listMarker = marker;
var markerAsSpaces = ' ' * (digits.length + marker.length);
if (isBlank) {
// See under "3. Item
// starting with a blank line."
// If the list item starts with a blank line, the final piece of the
// indentation is just a single space.
indent = precedingWhitespace + markerAsSpaces + ' ';
} else if (restWhitespace.length >= 4) {
// See under "2. Item
// starting with indented code."
// If the list item starts with indented code, we need to _not_ count
// any indentation past the required whitespace character.
indent = precedingWhitespace + markerAsSpaces + firstWhitespace;
} else {
indent = precedingWhitespace +
markerAsSpaces +
firstWhitespace +
// End the current list item and start a new one.
childLines.add(restWhitespace + content);
} else if (BlockSyntax.isAtBlockEnd(parser)) {
// Done with the list.
} else {
// If the previous item is a blank line, this means we're done with the
// list and are starting a new top-level paragraph.
if ((childLines.isNotEmpty) && (childLines.last == '')) {
parser.encounteredBlankLine = true;
// Anything else is paragraph continuation text.
var itemNodes = <Element>[];
var anyEmptyLines = removeTrailingEmptyLines(items);
var anyEmptyLinesBetweenBlocks = false;
for (var item in items) {
var itemParser = new BlockParser(item.lines, parser.document);
var children = itemParser.parseLines();
itemNodes.add(new Element('li', children));
anyEmptyLinesBetweenBlocks =
anyEmptyLinesBetweenBlocks || itemParser.encounteredBlankLine;
// Must strip paragraph tags if the list is "tight".
var listIsTight = !anyEmptyLines && !anyEmptyLinesBetweenBlocks;
if (listIsTight) {
// We must post-process the list items, converting any top-level paragraph
// elements to just text elements.
for (var item in itemNodes) {
for (var i = 0; i < item.children.length; i++) {
var child = item.children[i];
if (child is Element && child.tag == 'p') {
item.children.insertAll(i, child.children);
if (listTag == 'ol' && startNumber != 1) {
return new Element(listTag, itemNodes)
..attributes['start'] = '$startNumber';
} else {
return new Element(listTag, itemNodes);
void removeLeadingEmptyLine(ListItem item) {
if (item.lines.isNotEmpty && _emptyPattern.hasMatch(item.lines.first)) {
/// Removes any trailing empty lines and notes whether any items are separated
/// by such lines.
bool removeTrailingEmptyLines(List<ListItem> items) {
var anyEmpty = false;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].lines.length == 1) continue;
while (items[i].lines.isNotEmpty &&
_emptyPattern.hasMatch(items[i].lines.last)) {
if (i < items.length - 1) {
anyEmpty = true;
return anyEmpty;
static int _expandedTabLength(String input) {
var length = 0;
for (var char in input.codeUnits) {
length += char == 0x9 ? 4 - (length % 4) : 1;
return length;
/// Parses unordered lists.
class UnorderedListSyntax extends ListSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _ulPattern;
String get listTag => 'ul';
const UnorderedListSyntax();
/// Parses ordered lists.
class OrderedListSyntax extends ListSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _olPattern;
String get listTag => 'ol';
const OrderedListSyntax();
/// Parses tables.
class TableSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
static final _pipePattern = new RegExp(r'\s*\|\s*');
static final _openingPipe = new RegExp(r'^\|\s*');
static final _closingPipe = new RegExp(r'\s*\|$');
bool get canEndBlock => false;
const TableSyntax();
bool canParse(BlockParser parser) {
// Note: matches *next* line, not the current one. We're looking for the
// bar separating the head row from the body rows.
return parser.matchesNext(_tablePattern);
/// Parses a table into its three parts:
/// * a head row of head cells (`<th>` cells)
/// * a divider of hyphens and pipes (not rendered)
/// * many body rows of body cells (`<td>` cells)
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var alignments = parseAlignments(;
var columnCount = alignments.length;
var headRow = parseRow(parser, alignments, 'th');
if (headRow.children.length != columnCount) {
return null;
var head = new Element('thead', [headRow]);
// Advance past the divider of hyphens.
var rows = <Element>[];
while (!parser.isDone && !BlockSyntax.isAtBlockEnd(parser)) {
var row = parseRow(parser, alignments, 'td');
while (row.children.length < columnCount) {
// Insert synthetic empty cells.
row.children.add(new Element.empty('td'));
while (row.children.length > columnCount) {
if (rows.isEmpty) {
return new Element('table', [head]);
} else {
var body = new Element('tbody', rows);
return new Element('table', [head, body]);
List<String> parseAlignments(String line) {
line = line.replaceFirst(_openingPipe, '').replaceFirst(_closingPipe, '');
return line.split('|').map((column) {
column = column.trim();
if (column.startsWith(':') && column.endsWith(':')) return 'center';
if (column.startsWith(':')) return 'left';
if (column.endsWith(':')) return 'right';
return null;
Element parseRow(
BlockParser parser, List<String> alignments, String cellType) {
var line = parser.current
.replaceFirst(_openingPipe, '')
.replaceFirst(_closingPipe, '');
var cells = line.split(_pipePattern);
var row = <Element>[];
String preCell;
for (var cell in cells) {
if (preCell != null) {
cell = preCell + cell;
preCell = null;
if (cell.endsWith('\\')) {
preCell = cell.substring(0, cell.length - 1) + '|';
var contents = new UnparsedContent(cell);
row.add(new Element(cellType, [contents]));
for (var i = 0; i < row.length && i < alignments.length; i++) {
if (alignments[i] == null) continue;
row[i].attributes['style'] = 'text-align: ${alignments[i]};';
return new Element('tr', row);
/// Parses paragraphs of regular text.
class ParagraphSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
static final _reflinkDefinitionStart = new RegExp(r'[ ]{0,3}\[');
static final _whitespacePattern = new RegExp(r'^\s*$');
bool get canEndBlock => false;
const ParagraphSyntax();
bool canParse(BlockParser parser) => true;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
var childLines = <String>[];
// Eat until we hit something that ends a paragraph.
while (!BlockSyntax.isAtBlockEnd(parser)) {
var paragraphLines = _extractReflinkDefinitions(parser, childLines);
if (paragraphLines == null) {
// Paragraph consisted solely of reference link definitions.
return new Text('');
} else {
var contents = new UnparsedContent(paragraphLines.join('\n'));
return new Element('p', [contents]);
/// Extract reference link definitions from the front of the paragraph, and
/// return the remaining paragraph lines.
List<String> _extractReflinkDefinitions(
BlockParser parser, List<String> lines) {
bool lineStartsReflinkDefinition(int i) =>
var i = 0;
while (true) {
// Check for reflink definitions.
if (!lineStartsReflinkDefinition(i)) {
// It's paragraph content from here on out.
var contents = lines[i];
var j = i + 1;
while (j < lines.length) {
// Check to see if the _next_ line might start a new reflink definition.
// Even if it turns out not to be, but it started with a '[', then it
// is not a part of _this_ possible reflink definition.
if (lineStartsReflinkDefinition(j)) {
// Try to parse [contents] as a reflink definition.
if (_parseReflinkDefinition(parser, contents)) {
// Loop again, starting at the next possible reflink definition.
i = j;
continue loopOverDefinitions;
} else {
// Could not parse [contents] as a reflink definition.
} else {
contents = contents + '\n' + lines[j];
// End of the block.
if (_parseReflinkDefinition(parser, contents)) {
i = j;
// It may be that there is a reflink definition starting at [i], but it
// does not extend all the way to [j], such as:
// [link]: url // line i
// "title"
// garbage
// [link2]: url // line j
// In this case, [i, i+1] is a reflink definition, and the rest is
// paragraph content.
while (j >= i) {
// This isn't the most efficient loop, what with this big ole'
// Iterable allocation (`getRange`) followed by a big 'ole String
// allocation, but we
// must walk backwards, checking each range.
contents = lines.getRange(i, j).join('\n');
if (_parseReflinkDefinition(parser, contents)) {
// That is the last reflink definition. The rest is paragraph
// content.
i = j;
// The ending was not a reflink definition at all. Just paragraph
// content.
if (i == lines.length) {
// No paragraph content.
return null;
} else {
// Ends with paragraph content.
return lines.sublist(i);
// Parse [contents] as a reference link definition.
// Also adds the reference link definition to the document.
// Returns whether [contents] could be parsed as a reference link definition.
bool _parseReflinkDefinition(BlockParser parser, String contents) {
var pattern = new RegExp(
// Leading indentation.
r'''^[ ]{0,3}'''
// Reference id in brackets, and URL.
// Title in double or single quotes, or parens.
multiLine: true);
var match = pattern.firstMatch(contents);
if (match == null) {
// Not a reference link definition.
return false;
if (match[0].length < contents.length) {
// Trailing text. No good.
return false;
var label = match[1];
var destination = match[2] ?? match[3];
var title = match[4];
// The label must contain at least one non-whitespace character.
if (_whitespacePattern.hasMatch(label)) {
return false;
if (title == '') {
// No title.
title = null;
} else {
// Remove "", '', or ().
title = title.substring(1, title.length - 1);
// References are case-insensitive, and internal whitespace is compressed.
label =
label.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll(_oneOrMoreWhitespacePattern, ' ');
.putIfAbsent(label, () => new LinkReference(label, destination, title));
return true;