blob: 12d8feee555dc698dbfb3faa506af2579068e629 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'ast.dart';
import 'document.dart';
import 'emojis.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// Maintains the internal state needed to parse inline span elements in
/// Markdown.
class InlineParser {
static final List<InlineSyntax> _defaultSyntaxes =
new List<InlineSyntax>.unmodifiable(<InlineSyntax>[
new EmailAutolinkSyntax(),
new AutolinkSyntax(),
new LineBreakSyntax(),
new LinkSyntax(),
new ImageSyntax(),
// Allow any punctuation to be escaped.
new EscapeSyntax(),
// "*" surrounded by spaces is left alone.
new TextSyntax(r' \* '),
// "_" surrounded by spaces is left alone.
new TextSyntax(r' _ '),
// Leave already-encoded HTML entities alone. Ensures we don't turn
// "&amp;" into "&amp;amp;"
new TextSyntax(r'&[#a-zA-Z0-9]*;'),
// Encode "&".
new TextSyntax(r'&', sub: '&amp;'),
// Encode "<". (Why not encode ">" too? Gruber is toying with us.)
new TextSyntax(r'<', sub: '&lt;'),
// Parse "**strong**" and "*emphasis*" tags.
new TagSyntax(r'\*+', requiresDelimiterRun: true),
// Parse "__strong__" and "_emphasis_" tags.
new TagSyntax(r'_+', requiresDelimiterRun: true),
new CodeSyntax(),
// We will add the LinkSyntax once we know about the specific link resolver.
/// The string of Markdown being parsed.
final String source;
/// The Markdown document this parser is parsing.
final Document document;
final List<InlineSyntax> syntaxes = <InlineSyntax>[];
/// The current read position.
int pos = 0;
/// Starting position of the last unconsumed text.
int start = 0;
final List<TagState> _stack;
InlineParser(this.source, this.document) : _stack = <TagState>[] {
// User specified syntaxes are the first syntaxes to be evaluated.
var documentHasCustomInlineSyntaxes = document.inlineSyntaxes
.any((s) => !document.extensionSet.inlineSyntaxes.contains(s));
// This first RegExp matches plain text to accelerate parsing. It's written
// so that it does not match any prefix of any following syntaxes. Most
// Markdown is plain text, so it's faster to match one RegExp per 'word'
// rather than fail to match all the following RegExps at each non-syntax
// character position.
if (documentHasCustomInlineSyntaxes) {
// We should be less aggressive in blowing past "words".
syntaxes.add(new TextSyntax(r'[A-Za-z0-9]+(?=\s)'));
} else {
syntaxes.add(new TextSyntax(r'[ \tA-Za-z0-9]*[A-Za-z0-9](?=\s)'));
// Custom link resolvers go after the generic text syntax.
syntaxes.insertAll(1, [
new LinkSyntax(linkResolver: document.linkResolver),
new ImageSyntax(linkResolver: document.imageLinkResolver)
List<Node> parse() {
// Make a fake top tag to hold the results.
_stack.add(new TagState(0, 0, null, null));
while (!isDone) {
var matched = false;
// See if any of the current tags on the stack match. We don't allow tags
// of the same kind to nest, so this takes priority over other possible
// matches.
for (var i = _stack.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (_stack[i].tryMatch(this)) {
matched = true;
if (matched) continue;
// See if the current text matches any defined markdown syntax.
for (var syntax in syntaxes) {
if (syntax.tryMatch(this)) {
matched = true;
if (matched) continue;
// If we got here, it's just text.
// Unwind any unmatched tags and get the results.
return _stack[0].close(this, null);
void writeText() {
writeTextRange(start, pos);
start = pos;
void writeTextRange(int start, int end) {
if (end <= start) return;
var text = source.substring(start, end);
var nodes = _stack.last.children;
// If the previous node is text too, just append.
if (nodes.length > 0 && nodes.last is Text) {
var textNode = nodes.last as Text;
nodes[nodes.length - 1] = new Text('${textNode.text}$text');
} else {
nodes.add(new Text(text));
void addNode(Node node) {
bool get isDone => pos == source.length;
void advanceBy(int length) {
pos += length;
void consume(int length) {
pos += length;
start = pos;
/// Represents one kind of Markdown tag that can be parsed.
abstract class InlineSyntax {
final RegExp pattern;
InlineSyntax(String pattern) : pattern = new RegExp(pattern, multiLine: true);
/// Tries to match at the parser's current position.
/// The parser's position can be overriden with [startMatchPos].
/// Returns whether or not the pattern successfully matched.
bool tryMatch(InlineParser parser, [int startMatchPos]) {
if (startMatchPos == null) startMatchPos = parser.pos;
final startMatch = pattern.matchAsPrefix(parser.source, startMatchPos);
if (startMatch == null) return false;
// Write any existing plain text up to this point.
if (onMatch(parser, startMatch)) parser.consume(startMatch[0].length);
return true;
/// Processes [match], adding nodes to [parser] and possibly advancing
/// [parser].
/// Returns whether the caller should advance [parser] by `match[0].length`.
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match);
/// Represents a hard line break.
class LineBreakSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
LineBreakSyntax() : super(r'(?:\\| +)\n');
/// Create a void <br> element.
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match) {
parser.addNode(new Element.empty('br'));
return true;
/// Matches stuff that should just be passed through as straight text.
class TextSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
final String substitute;
TextSyntax(String pattern, {String sub})
: substitute = sub,
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match) {
if (substitute == null) {
// Just use the original matched text.
return false;
// Insert the substitution.
parser.addNode(new Text(substitute));
return true;
/// Escape punctuation preceded by a backslash.
class EscapeSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
EscapeSyntax() : super(r'''\\[!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|}~]''');
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match) {
// Insert the substitution.
parser.addNode(new Text(match[0][1]));
return true;
/// Leave inline HTML tags alone, from
/// [CommonMark 0.22](
/// This is not actually a good definition (nor CommonMark's) of an HTML tag,
/// but it is fast. It will leave text like `<a href='hi">` alone, which is
/// incorrect.
/// TODO(srawlins): improve accuracy while ensuring performance, once
/// Markdown benchmarking is more mature.
class InlineHtmlSyntax extends TextSyntax {
InlineHtmlSyntax() : super(r'<[/!?]?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*(?: [^>]*)?>');
/// Matches autolinks like `<>`.
/// See <>.
class EmailAutolinkSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
static final _email =
EmailAutolinkSyntax() : super('<($_email)>');
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match) {
var url = match[1];
var anchor = new Element.text('a', escapeHtml(url));
anchor.attributes['href'] = Uri.encodeFull('mailto:$url');
return true;
/// Matches autolinks like `<>`.
class AutolinkSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
AutolinkSyntax() : super(r'<(([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\-\+\.]+):(?://)?[^\s>]*)>');
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match) {
var url = match[1];
var anchor = new Element.text('a', escapeHtml(url));
anchor.attributes['href'] = Uri.encodeFull(url);
return true;
/// Matches autolinks like ``.
class AutolinkExtensionSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
/// Broken up parts of the autolink regex for reusability and readability
// Autolinks can only come at the beginning of a line, after whitespace, or
// any of the delimiting characters *, _, ~, and (.
static const start = r'(?:^|[\s*_~(>])';
// An extended url autolink will be recognized when one of the schemes
// http://, https://, or ftp://, followed by a valid domain
static const scheme = r'(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)';
// A valid domain consists of alphanumeric characters, underscores (_),
// hyphens (-) and periods (.). There must be at least one period, and no
// underscores may be present in the last two segments of the domain.
static const domainPart = r'\w\-';
static const domain = '[$domainPart][$domainPart.]+';
// A valid domain consists of alphanumeric characters, underscores (_),
// hyphens (-) and periods (.).
static const path = r'[^\s<]*';
// Trailing punctuation (specifically, ?, !, ., ,, :, *, _, and ~) will not
// be considered part of the autolink
static const truncatingPunctuationPositive = r'[?!.,:*_~]';
static final regExpTrailingPunc =
new RegExp('$truncatingPunctuationPositive*' + r'$');
static final regExpEndsWithColon = new RegExp(r'\&[a-zA-Z0-9]+;$');
static final regExpWhiteSpace = new RegExp(r'\s');
AutolinkExtensionSyntax() : super('$start(($scheme)($domain)($path))');
bool tryMatch(InlineParser parser, [int startMatchPos]) {
return super.tryMatch(parser, parser.pos > 0 ? parser.pos - 1 : 0);
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match) {
var url = match[1];
var href = url;
var matchLength = url.length;
if (url[0] == '>' || url.startsWith(regExpWhiteSpace)) {
url = url.substring(1, url.length - 1);
href = href.substring(1, href.length - 1);
// Prevent accidental standard autolink matches
if (url.endsWith('>') && parser.source[parser.pos - 1] == '<') {
return false;
// When an autolink ends in ), we scan the entire autolink for the total
// number of parentheses. If there is a greater number of closing
// parentheses than opening ones, we don’t consider the last character
// part of the autolink, in order to facilitate including an autolink
// inside a parenthesis:
if (url.endsWith(')')) {
final opening = _countChars(url, '(');
final closing = _countChars(url, ')');
if (closing > opening) {
url = url.substring(0, url.length - 1);
href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1);
// Trailing punctuation (specifically, ?, !, ., ,, :, *, _, and ~) will
// not be considered part of the autolink, though they may be included
// in the interior of the link:
final trailingPunc = regExpTrailingPunc.firstMatch(url);
if (trailingPunc != null) {
url = url.substring(0, url.length - trailingPunc[0].length);
href = href.substring(0, href.length - trailingPunc[0].length);
matchLength -= trailingPunc[0].length;
// If an autolink ends in a semicolon (;), we check to see if it appears
// to resemble an
// [entity reference](;
// if the preceding text is & followed by one or more alphanumeric
// characters. If so, it is excluded from the autolink:
if (url.endsWith(';')) {
final entityRef = regExpEndsWithColon.firstMatch(url);
if (entityRef != null) {
// Strip out HTML entity reference
url = url.substring(0, url.length - entityRef[0].length);
href = href.substring(0, href.length - entityRef[0].length);
matchLength -= entityRef[0].length;
// The scheme http will be inserted automatically
if (!href.startsWith('http://') &&
!href.startsWith('https://') &&
!href.startsWith('ftp://')) {
href = 'http://$href';
final anchor = new Element.text('a', escapeHtml(url));
anchor.attributes['href'] = Uri.encodeFull(href);
return false;
int _countChars(String input, String char) {
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if (input[i] == char) count++;
return count;
class _DelimiterRun {
static final String punctuation = r'''!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~''';
// TODO(srawlins): Unicode whitespace
static final String whitespace = ' \t\r\n';
final String char;
final int length;
final bool isLeftFlanking;
final bool isRightFlanking;
final bool isPrecededByPunctuation;
final bool isFollowedByPunctuation;
static _DelimiterRun tryParse(InlineParser parser, int runStart, int runEnd) {
bool leftFlanking,
String preceding, following;
if (runStart == 0) {
rightFlanking = false;
preceding = '\n';
} else {
preceding = parser.source.substring(runStart - 1, runStart);
precededByPunctuation = punctuation.contains(preceding);
if (runEnd == parser.source.length - 1) {
leftFlanking = false;
following = '\n';
} else {
following = parser.source.substring(runEnd + 1, runEnd + 2);
followedByPunctuation = punctuation.contains(following);
if (whitespace.contains(following)) {
leftFlanking = false;
} else {
leftFlanking = !followedByPunctuation ||
whitespace.contains(preceding) ||
if (whitespace.contains(preceding)) {
rightFlanking = false;
} else {
rightFlanking = !precededByPunctuation ||
whitespace.contains(following) ||
if (!leftFlanking && !rightFlanking) {
// Could not parse a delimiter run.
return null;
return new _DelimiterRun._(
char: parser.source.substring(runStart, runStart + 1),
length: runEnd - runStart + 1,
isLeftFlanking: leftFlanking,
isRightFlanking: rightFlanking,
isPrecededByPunctuation: precededByPunctuation,
isFollowedByPunctuation: followedByPunctuation);
String toString() =>
'<char: $char, length: $length, isLeftFlanking: $isLeftFlanking, '
'isRightFlanking: $isRightFlanking>';
// Whether a delimiter in this run can open emphasis or strong emphasis.
bool get canOpen =>
isLeftFlanking &&
(char == '*' || !isRightFlanking || isPrecededByPunctuation);
// Whether a delimiter in this run can close emphasis or strong emphasis.
bool get canClose =>
isRightFlanking &&
(char == '*' || !isLeftFlanking || isFollowedByPunctuation);
/// Matches syntax that has a pair of tags and becomes an element, like `*` for
/// `<em>`. Allows nested tags.
class TagSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
final RegExp endPattern;
final bool requiresDelimiterRun;
TagSyntax(String pattern, {String end, this.requiresDelimiterRun: false})
: endPattern = new RegExp((end != null) ? end : pattern, multiLine: true),
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match) {
var runLength =;
var matchStart = parser.pos;
var matchEnd = parser.pos + runLength - 1;
var delimiterRun = _DelimiterRun.tryParse(parser, matchStart, matchEnd);
if (delimiterRun != null && delimiterRun.canOpen) {
.add(new TagState(parser.pos, matchEnd + 1, this, delimiterRun));
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool onMatchEnd(InlineParser parser, Match match, TagState state) {
var runLength =;
var matchStart = parser.pos;
var matchEnd = parser.pos + runLength - 1;
var openingRunLength = state.endPos - state.startPos;
var delimiterRun = _DelimiterRun.tryParse(parser, matchStart, matchEnd);
if (!delimiterRun.isRightFlanking) {
return false;
if (openingRunLength == 1 && runLength == 1) {
parser.addNode(new Element('em', state.children));
} else if (openingRunLength == 1 && runLength > 1) {
parser.addNode(new Element('em', state.children));
parser.pos = parser.pos - (runLength - 1);
parser.start = parser.pos;
} else if (openingRunLength > 1 && runLength == 1) {
new TagState(state.startPos, state.endPos - 1, this, delimiterRun));
parser.addNode(new Element('em', state.children));
} else if (openingRunLength == 2 && runLength == 2) {
parser.addNode(new Element('strong', state.children));
} else if (openingRunLength == 2 && runLength > 2) {
parser.addNode(new Element('strong', state.children));
parser.pos = parser.pos - (runLength - 2);
parser.start = parser.pos;
} else if (openingRunLength > 2 && runLength == 2) {
new TagState(state.startPos, state.endPos - 2, this, delimiterRun));
parser.addNode(new Element('strong', state.children));
} else if (openingRunLength > 2 && runLength > 2) {
new TagState(state.startPos, state.endPos - 2, this, delimiterRun));
parser.addNode(new Element('strong', state.children));
parser.pos = parser.pos - (runLength - 2);
parser.start = parser.pos;
return true;
/// Matches strikethrough syntax according to the GFM spec.
class StrikethroughSyntax extends TagSyntax {
StrikethroughSyntax() : super('~+', requiresDelimiterRun: true);
bool onMatchEnd(InlineParser parser, Match match, TagState state) {
var runLength =;
var matchStart = parser.pos;
var matchEnd = parser.pos + runLength - 1;
var delimiterRun = _DelimiterRun.tryParse(parser, matchStart, matchEnd);
if (!delimiterRun.isRightFlanking) {
return false;
parser.addNode(new Element('del', state.children));
return true;
/// Matches inline links like `[blah][id]` and `[blah](url)`.
class LinkSyntax extends TagSyntax {
final Resolver linkResolver;
/// The regex for the end of a link.
/// This handles both reference-style and inline-style links as well as
/// optional titles for inline links. To make that a bit more palatable, this
/// breaks it into pieces.
static String get _linkPattern {
var refLink = r'\[([^\]]*)\]'; // `[id]` reflink id.
var title = r'(?:\s*"([^"]+?)"\s*|)'; // Optional title in quotes.
var inlineLink = '\\((\\S*?)$title\\)'; // `(url "title")` link.
return '\](?:($refLink|$inlineLink)|)';
// The groups matched by this are:
// 1: Will be non-empty if it's either a ref or inline link. Will be empty
// if it's just a bare pair of square brackets with nothing after them.
// 2: Contains the id inside [] for a reference-style link.
// 3: Contains the URL for an inline link.
// 4: Contains the title, if present, for an inline link.
LinkSyntax({this.linkResolver, String pattern: r'\['})
: super(pattern, end: _linkPattern);
Node createNode(InlineParser parser, Match match, TagState state) {
if (match[1] == null) {
// Try for a shortcut reference link, like `[foo]`.
var element = _createElement(parser, match, state);
if (element != null) return element;
// If we didn't match refLink or inlineLink, and it's not a _shortcut_
// reflink, then it means it isn't a normal Markdown link at all. Instead,
// we allow users of the library to specify a special resolver function
// ([linkResolver]) that may choose to handle this. Otherwise, it's just
// treated as plain text.
if (linkResolver == null) return null;
// Treat the contents as unparsed text even if they happen to match. This
// way, we can handle things like [LINK_WITH_UNDERSCORES] as a link and
// not get confused by the emphasis.
var textToResolve = parser.source.substring(state.endPos, parser.pos);
// See if we have a resolver that will generate a link for us.
return linkResolver(textToResolve);
} else {
return _createElement(parser, match, state);
/// Given that [match] has matched both a title and URL, creates an `<a>`
/// [Element] for it.
Element _createElement(InlineParser parser, Match match, TagState state) {
var link = getLink(parser, match, state);
if (link == null) return null;
var element = new Element('a', state.children);
element.attributes["href"] = escapeHtml(link.destination);
if (link.title != null) {
element.attributes['title'] = escapeHtml(link.title);
return element;
/// Get the Link represented by [match].
/// This method can return null, if the link is a reference link, and has no
/// accompanying link reference definition.
/// Temporarily, this is returning [LinkReference]s, for convenience, which
/// is an improper use of [LinkReference]s. This should change before this
/// package is released.
LinkReference getLink(InlineParser parser, Match match, TagState state) {
if (match[3] != null) {
// Inline link like [foo](url).
var url = match[3];
var title = match[4];
// For whatever reason, Markdown allows angle-bracketed URLs here.
if (url.startsWith('<') && url.endsWith('>')) {
url = url.substring(1, url.length - 1);
return new LinkReference(null, url, title);
} else {
String label;
String _contents() {
var offset = pattern.pattern.length - 1;
return parser.source.substring(state.startPos + offset, parser.pos);
// Reference link like [foo][bar].
if (match[1] == null) {
// There are no reference brackets ("shortcut reference link"), so infer
// the label from the contents.
label = _contents();
} else if (match[2] == '') {
// The label is empty ("[]") so infer it from the contents.
label = _contents();
} else {
label = match[2];
// References are case-insensitive.
label = label.toLowerCase();
return parser.document.linkReferences[label];
bool onMatchEnd(InlineParser parser, Match match, TagState state) {
var node = createNode(parser, match, state);
if (node == null) return false;
return true;
/// Matches images like `![alternate text](url "optional title")` and
/// `![alternate text][url reference]`.
class ImageSyntax extends LinkSyntax {
ImageSyntax({Resolver linkResolver})
: super(linkResolver: linkResolver, pattern: r'!\[');
/// Creates an <img> element from the given complete [match].
Element _createElement(InlineParser parser, Match match, TagState state) {
var link = getLink(parser, match, state);
if (link == null) return null;
var image = new Element.empty("img");
image.attributes["src"] = escapeHtml(link.destination);
image.attributes["alt"] = state?.textContent ?? '';
if (link.title != null) {
image.attributes["title"] = escapeHtml(link.title);
return image;
/// Matches backtick-enclosed inline code blocks.
class CodeSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
// This pattern matches:
// * a string of backticks (not followed by any more), followed by
// * a non-greedy string of anything, including newlines, ending with anything
// except a backtick, followed by
// * a string of backticks the same length as the first, not followed by any
// more.
// This conforms to the delimiters of inline code, both in, and
// CommonMark.
static final String _pattern = r'(`+(?!`))((?:.|\n)*?[^`])\1(?!`)';
CodeSyntax() : super(_pattern);
bool tryMatch(InlineParser parser, [int startMatchPos]) {
if (parser.pos > 0 && parser.source[parser.pos - 1] == '`') {
// Not really a match! We can't just sneak past one backtick to try the
// next character. An example of this situation would be:
// before ``` and `` after.
// ^--parser.pos
return false;
var match = pattern.matchAsPrefix(parser.source, parser.pos);
if (match == null) {
return false;
if (onMatch(parser, match)) parser.consume(match[0].length);
return true;
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match) {
parser.addNode(new Element.text('code', escapeHtml(match[2].trim())));
return true;
/// Matches GitHub Markdown emoji syntax like `:smile:`.
/// There is no formal specification of GitHub's support for this colon-based
/// emoji support, so this syntax is based on the results of Markdown-enabled
/// text fields at
class EmojiSyntax extends InlineSyntax {
// Emoji "aliases" are mostly limited to lower-case letters, numbers, and
// underscores, but GitHub also supports `:+1:` and `:-1:`.
EmojiSyntax() : super(':([a-z0-9_+-]+):');
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match) {
var alias = match[1];
var emoji = emojis[alias];
if (emoji == null) {
return false;
parser.addNode(new Text(emoji));
return true;
/// Keeps track of a currently open tag while it is being parsed.
/// The parser maintains a stack of these so it can handle nested tags.
class TagState {
/// The point in the original source where this tag started.
final int startPos;
/// The point in the original source where open tag ended.
final int endPos;
/// The syntax that created this node.
final TagSyntax syntax;
/// The children of this node. Will be `null` for text nodes.
final List<Node> children;
final _DelimiterRun openingDelimiterRun;
TagState(this.startPos, this.endPos, this.syntax, this.openingDelimiterRun)
: children = <Node>[];
/// Attempts to close this tag by matching the current text against its end
/// pattern.
bool tryMatch(InlineParser parser) {
var endMatch = syntax.endPattern.matchAsPrefix(parser.source, parser.pos);
if (endMatch == null) {
return false;
if (!syntax.requiresDelimiterRun) {
// Close the tag.
close(parser, endMatch);
return true;
var runLength =;
var openingRunLength = endPos - startPos;
var closingMatchStart = parser.pos;
var closingMatchEnd = parser.pos + runLength - 1;
var closingDelimiterRun =
_DelimiterRun.tryParse(parser, closingMatchStart, closingMatchEnd);
if (closingDelimiterRun != null && closingDelimiterRun.canClose) {
// Emphasis rules #9 and #10:
var oneRunOpensAndCloses =
(openingDelimiterRun.canOpen && openingDelimiterRun.canClose) ||
(closingDelimiterRun.canOpen && closingDelimiterRun.canClose);
if (oneRunOpensAndCloses &&
(openingRunLength + closingDelimiterRun.length) % 3 == 0) {
return false;
// Close the tag.
close(parser, endMatch);
return true;
} else {
return false;
/// Pops this tag off the stack, completes it, and adds it to the output.
/// Will discard any unmatched tags that happen to be above it on the stack.
/// If this is the last node in the stack, returns its children.
List<Node> close(InlineParser parser, Match endMatch) {
// If there are unclosed tags on top of this one when it's closed, that
// means they are mismatched. Mismatched tags are treated as plain text in
// markdown. So for each tag above this one, we write its start tag as text
// and then adds its children to this one's children.
var index = parser._stack.indexOf(this);
// Remove the unmatched children.
var unmatchedTags = parser._stack.sublist(index + 1);
parser._stack.removeRange(index + 1, parser._stack.length);
// Flatten them out onto this tag.
for (var unmatched in unmatchedTags) {
// Write the start tag as text.
parser.writeTextRange(unmatched.startPos, unmatched.endPos);
// Bequeath its children unto this tag.
// Pop this off the stack.
// If the stack is empty now, this is the special "results" node.
if (parser._stack.length == 0) return children;
// We are still parsing, so add this to its parent's children.
if (syntax.onMatchEnd(parser, endMatch, this)) {
} else {
// Didn't close correctly so revert to text.
parser.start = startPos;
parser.pos = parser.start;
return null;
String get textContent => child) => child.textContent).join('');