blob: 3c4564b13f5e7cc948b17d8a5fa72c4b734ab485 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Unit tests for markdown.
library markdownTests;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart';
/// Most of these tests are based on observing how showdown behaves:
void main() {
group('Paragraphs', () {
validate('consecutive lines form a single paragraph', '''
This is the first line.
This is the second line.
''', '''
<p>This is the first line.
This is the second line.</p>
// TODO(rnystrom): The rules here for what happens to lines following a
// paragraph appear to be completely arbitrary in markdown. If it makes the
// code significantly cleaner, we should consider ourselves free to change
// these tests.
validate('are terminated by a header', '''
# header
''', '''
validate('are terminated by a setext header', '''
''', '''
validate('are terminated by a hr', '''
''', '''
<hr />
validate('consume an unordered list', '''
* list
''', '''
* list</p>
validate('consume an ordered list', '''
1. list
''', '''
1. list</p>
// Windows line endings have a \r\n format
// instead of the unix \n format.
validate('take account of windows line endings', '''
line1\r\n\r\n line2\r\n
''', '''
group('Setext headers', () {
validate('h1', '''
''', '''
validate('h2', '''
''', '''
validate('h1 on first line becomes text', '''
''', '''
validate('h2 on first line becomes text', '''
''', '''
validate('h1 turns preceding list into text', '''
- list
''', '''
<h1>- list</h1>
validate('h2 turns preceding list into text', '''
- list
''', '''
<h1>- list</h1>
validate('h1 turns preceding blockquote into text', '''
> quote
''', '''
<h1>> quote</h1>
validate('h2 turns preceding blockquote into text', '''
> quote
''', '''
<h1>> quote</h1>
group('Headers', () {
validate('h1', '''
# header
''', '''
validate('h2', '''
## header
''', '''
validate('h3', '''
### header
''', '''
validate('h4', '''
#### header
''', '''
validate('h5', '''
##### header
''', '''
validate('h6', '''
###### header
''', '''
validate('trailing "#" are removed', '''
# header ######
''', '''
group('Unordered lists', () {
validate('asterisk, plus and hyphen', '''
* star
- dash
+ plus
''', '''
validate('allow numbered lines after first', '''
* a
1. b
''', '''
validate('allow a tab after the marker', '''
''', '''
validate('wrap items in paragraphs if blank lines separate', '''
* one
* two
''', '''
validate('force paragraph on item before and after blank lines', '''
* one
* two
* three
''', '''
validate('do not force paragraph if item is already block', '''
* > quote
* # header
''', '''
validate('can contain multiple paragraphs', '''
* one
* three
''', '''
validate('can span newlines', '''
* one
* three
''', '''
// TODO(rnystrom): This is how most other markdown parsers handle
// this but that seems like a nasty special case. For now, let's not
// worry about it.
validate('can nest using indentation', '''
* parent
* child
''', '''
group('Ordered lists', () {
validate('start with numbers', '''
1. one
45. two
12345. three
''', '''
validate('allow unordered lines after first', '''
1. a
* b
''', '''
group('Blockquotes', () {
validate('single line', '''
> blah
''', '''
validate('with two paragraphs', '''
> first
> second
''', '''
validate('nested', '''
> one
>> two
> > > three
''', '''
group('Code blocks', () {
validate('single line', '''
''', '''
validate('include leading whitespace after indentation', '''
''', '''
validate('code blocks separated by newlines form one block', '''
''', '''
validate('code blocks separated by two newlines form multiple blocks', '''
''', '''
validate('escape HTML characters', '''
''', '''
group('Fenced code blocks', () {
validate('without an optional language identifier', '''
''', '''
validate('with an optional language identifier', '''
''', '''
<pre class="dart"><code>code
validate('escape HTML characters', '''
''', '''
validate('Pandoc style without language identifier', '''
''', '''
validate('Pandoc style with language identifier', '''
''', '''
<pre class="dart"><code>code
validate('Pandoc style with inner tildes row', '''
''', '''
group('Horizontal rules', () {
validate('from dashes', '''
''', '''
<hr />
validate('from asterisks', '''
''', '''
<hr />
validate('from underscores', '''
''', '''
<hr />
validate('can include up to two spaces', '''
_ _ _
''', '''
<hr />
group('Block-level HTML', () {
validate('single line', '''
''', '''
validate('multi-line', '''
''', '''
validate('blank line ends block', '''
''', '''
validate('HTML can be bogus', '''
''', '''
group('Strong', () {
validate('using asterisks', '''
before **strong** after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>strong</strong> after</p>
validate('using underscores', '''
before __strong__ after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>strong</strong> after</p>
validate('unmatched asterisks', '''
before ** after
''', '''
<p>before ** after</p>
validate('unmatched underscores', '''
before __ after
''', '''
<p>before __ after</p>
validate('multiple spans in one text', '''
a **one** b __two__ c
''', '''
<p>a <strong>one</strong> b <strong>two</strong> c</p>
validate('multi-line', '''
before **first
second** after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>first
second</strong> after</p>
group('Emphasis and strong', () {
validate('single asterisks', '''
before *em* after
''', '''
<p>before <em>em</em> after</p>
validate('single underscores', '''
before _em_ after
''', '''
<p>before <em>em</em> after</p>
validate('double asterisks', '''
before **strong** after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>strong</strong> after</p>
validate('double underscores', '''
before __strong__ after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>strong</strong> after</p>
validate('unmatched asterisk', '''
before *after
''', '''
<p>before *after</p>
validate('unmatched underscore', '''
before _after
''', '''
<p>before _after</p>
validate('multiple spans in one text', '''
a *one* b _two_ c
''', '''
<p>a <em>one</em> b <em>two</em> c</p>
validate('multi-line', '''
before *first
second* after
''', '''
<p>before <em>first
second</em> after</p>
validate('not processed when surrounded by spaces', '''
a * b * c _ d _ e
''', '''
<p>a * b * c _ d _ e</p>
validate('strong then emphasis', '''
''', '''
validate('emphasis then strong', '''
''', '''
validate('emphasis inside strong', '''
**strong *em***
''', '''
<p><strong>strong <em>em</em></strong></p>
validate('mismatched in nested', '''
*a _b* c_
''', '''
<p><em>a _b</em> c_</p>
validate('cannot nest tags of same type', '''
*a _b *c* d_ e*
''', '''
<p><em>a _b </em>c<em> d_ e</em></p>
group('Inline code', () {
validate('simple case', '''
before `source` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>source</code> after</p>
validate('unmatched backtick', '''
before ` after
''', '''
<p>before ` after</p>
validate('multiple spans in one text', '''
a `one` b `two` c
''', '''
<p>a <code>one</code> b <code>two</code> c</p>
validate('multi-line', '''
before `first
second` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>first
second</code> after</p>
validate('simple double backticks', '''
before ``source`` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>source</code> after</p>
validate('double backticks', '''
before ``can `contain` backticks`` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>can `contain` backticks</code> after</p>
validate('double backticks with spaces', '''
before `` `tick` `` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>`tick`</code> after</p>
validate('multiline double backticks with spaces', '''
before ``in `tick`
another`` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>in `tick`
another</code> after</p>
validate('ignore markup inside code', '''
before `*b* _c_` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>*b* _c_</code> after</p>
validate('escape HTML characters', '''
''', '''
validate('escape HTML tags', '''
'*' `<em>`
''', '''
<p>'*' <code>&lt;em&gt;</code></p>
group('HTML encoding', () {
validate('less than and ampersand are escaped', '''
< &
''', '''
<p>&lt; &amp;</p>
validate('greater than is not escaped', '''
not you >
''', '''
<p>not you ></p>
validate('existing entities are untouched', '''
''', '''
group('Autolinks', () {
validate('basic link', '''
before <> after
''', '''
<p>before <a href=""></a> after</p>
validate('handles ampersand in url', '''
''', '''
<p><a href="">;b=2</a></p>
group('Reference links', () {
validate('double quotes for title', '''
links [are] [a] awesome
[a]: "woo"
''', '''
<p>links <a href="" title="woo">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('single quoted title', """
links [are] [a] awesome
[a]: 'woo'
""", '''
<p>links <a href="" title="woo">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('parentheses for title', '''
links [are] [a] awesome
[a]: (woo)
''', '''
<p>links <a href="" title="woo">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('no title', '''
links [are] [a] awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('unknown link becomes plaintext', '''
[not] [known]
''', '''
<p>[not] [known]</p>
validate('can style link contents', '''
links [*are*] [a] awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href=""><em>are</em></a> awesome</p>
validate('inline styles after a bad link are processed', '''
[bad] `code`
''', '''
<p>[bad] <code>code</code></p>
validate('empty reference uses text from link', '''
links [are][] awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('references are case-insensitive', '''
links [ARE][] awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="">ARE</a> awesome</p>
group('Inline links', () {
validate('double quotes for title', '''
links [are]( "woo") awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="" title="woo">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('no title', '''
links [are] ( awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('can style link contents', '''
links [*are*]( awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href=""><em>are</em></a> awesome</p>
group('Resolver', () {
var nyanResolver = (text) => new Text('~=[,,_${text}_,,]:3');
validate('simple resolver', '''
resolve [this] thing
''', '''
<p>resolve ~=[,,_this_,,]:3 thing</p>
''', linkResolver: nyanResolver);
group('Custom inline syntax', () {
List<InlineSyntax> nyanSyntax =
[new TextSyntax('nyan', sub: '~=[,,_,,]:3')];
validate('simple inline syntax', '''
''', '''
''', inlineSyntaxes: nyanSyntax);
validate('dart custom links', 'links [are<foo>] awesome',
'<p>links <a>are&lt;foo></a> awesome</p>',
linkResolver: (text) => new Element.text('a', text.replaceAll('<',
// TODO(amouravski): need more tests here for custom syntaxes, as some
// things are not quite working properly. The regexps are sometime a little
// too greedy, I think.
group('Inline only', () {
validate('simple line', '''
This would normally create a paragraph.
''', '''
This would normally create a paragraph.
''', inlineOnly: true);
validate('strong and em', '''
This would _normally_ create a **paragraph**.
''', '''
This would <em>normally</em> create a <strong>paragraph</strong>.
''', inlineOnly: true);
validate('link', '''
This [link]( will work normally.
''', '''
This <a href="">link</a> will work normally.
''', inlineOnly: true);
validate('references do not work', '''
[This][] shouldn't work, though.
''', '''
[This][] shouldn't work, though.
''', inlineOnly: true);
validate('less than and ampersand are escaped', '''
< &
''', '''
&lt; &amp;
''', inlineOnly: true);
validate('keeps newlines', '''
This paragraph
continues after a newline.
''', '''
This paragraph
continues after a newline.
''', inlineOnly: true);
validate('ignores block-level markdown syntax', '''
1. This will not be an <ol>.
''', '''
1. This will not be an &lt;ol>.
''', inlineOnly: true);
* Removes eight spaces of leading indentation from a multiline string.
* Note that this is very sensitive to how the literals are styled. They should
* be:
* '''
* Text starts on own line. Lines up with subsequent lines.
* Lines are indented exactly 8 characters from the left margin.'''
* This does nothing if text is only a single line.
// TODO(nweiz): Make this auto-detect the indentation level from the first
// non-whitespace line.
String cleanUpLiteral(String text) {
var lines = text.split('\n');
if (lines.length <= 1) return text;
for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
if (lines[j].length > 8) {
lines[j] = lines[j].substring(8, lines[j].length);
} else {
lines[j] = '';
return lines.join('\n');
void validate(String description, String markdown, String html,
{bool verbose: false, inlineSyntaxes, linkResolver,
bool inlineOnly: false}) {
test(description, () {
markdown = cleanUpLiteral(markdown);
html = cleanUpLiteral(html);
var result = markdownToHtml(markdown, inlineSyntaxes: inlineSyntaxes,
linkResolver: linkResolver, inlineOnly: inlineOnly);
var passed = compareOutput(html, result);
if (!passed) {
// Remove trailing newline.
html = html.substring(0, html.length - 1);
var sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.writeln('Expected: ${html.replaceAll("\n", "\n ")}');
sb.writeln(' Actual: ${result.replaceAll("\n", "\n ")}');
/// Does a loose comparison of the two strings of HTML. Ignores differences in
/// newlines and indentation.
bool compareOutput(String a, String b) {
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
skipIgnored(String s, int i) {
// Ignore newlines.
while ((i < s.length) && (s[i] == '\n')) {
// Ignore indentation.
while ((i < s.length) && (s[i] == ' ')) i++;
return i;
while (true) {
i = skipIgnored(a, i);
j = skipIgnored(b, j);
// If one string runs out of non-ignored strings, the other must too.
if (i == a.length) return j == b.length;
if (j == b.length) return i == a.length;
if (a[i] != b[j]) return false;