blob: efe2352c301e78a522a7ec8fd759f56e58891559 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'ast.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/block_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/blockquote_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/code_block_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/dummy_block_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/empty_block_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/header_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/horizontal_rule_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/html_block_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/link_reference_definition_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/ordered_list_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/paragraph_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/setext_header_syntax.dart';
import 'block_syntaxes/unordered_list_syntax.dart';
import 'document.dart';
import 'line.dart';
/// Maintains the internal state needed to parse a series of lines into blocks
/// of Markdown suitable for further inline parsing.
class BlockParser {
final List<Line> lines;
/// The Markdown document this parser is parsing.
final Document document;
/// The enabled block syntaxes.
/// To turn a series of lines into blocks, each of these will be tried in
/// turn. Order matters here.
final List<BlockSyntax> blockSyntaxes = [];
/// Index of the current line.
int _pos = 0;
/// Starting line of the last unconsumed content.
int _start = 0;
/// The lines from [_start] to [_pos] (inclusive), it works as a buffer for
/// some blocks, for example:
/// When the [ParagraphSyntax] parsing process is interrupted by the
/// [SetextHeaderSyntax], so this structure is not a paragraph but a setext
/// heading, then the [ParagraphSyntax.parse] does not have to retreat the
/// reading position, it only needs to return `null`, the [SetextHeaderSyntax]
/// will pick up the lines in [linesToConsume].
List<Line> get linesToConsume => lines.getRange(_start, _pos + 1).toList();
/// Whether the parser has encountered a blank line between two block-level
/// elements.
bool encounteredBlankLine = false;
/// The collection of built-in block parsers.
final List<BlockSyntax> standardBlockSyntaxes = [
const EmptyBlockSyntax(),
const HtmlBlockSyntax(),
const SetextHeaderSyntax(),
const HeaderSyntax(),
const CodeBlockSyntax(),
const BlockquoteSyntax(),
const HorizontalRuleSyntax(),
const UnorderedListSyntax(),
const OrderedListSyntax(),
const LinkReferenceDefinitionSyntax(),
const ParagraphSyntax()
BlockParser(this.lines, this.document) {
if (document.withDefaultBlockSyntaxes) {
} else {
blockSyntaxes.add(const DummyBlockSyntax());
/// Gets the current line.
Line get current => lines[_pos];
/// Gets the line after the current one or `null` if there is none.
Line? get next {
// Don't read past the end.
if (_pos >= lines.length - 1) return null;
return lines[_pos + 1];
/// Gets the line that is [linesAhead] lines ahead of the current one, or
/// `null` if there is none.
/// `peek(0)` is equivalent to [current].
/// `peek(1)` is equivalent to [next].
Line? peek(int linesAhead) {
if (linesAhead < 0) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid linesAhead: $linesAhead; must be >= 0.');
// Don't read past the end.
if (_pos >= lines.length - linesAhead) return null;
return lines[_pos + linesAhead];
/// Advances the reading position by one line.
void advance() {
/// Retreats the reading position by one line.
void retreat() {
/// Retreats the reading position by [count] lines.
void retreatBy(int count) {
_pos -= count;
bool get isDone => _pos >= lines.length;
/// Gets whether or not the current line matches the given pattern.
bool matches(RegExp regex) {
if (isDone) return false;
return regex.hasMatch(current.content);
/// Gets whether or not the next line matches the given pattern.
bool matchesNext(RegExp regex) {
if (next == null) return false;
return regex.hasMatch(next!.content);
/// The parent [BlockSyntax] when it is running inside a nested syntax.
BlockSyntax? get parentSyntax => _parentSyntax;
BlockSyntax? _parentSyntax;
/// Whether the [SetextHeadingSyntax] is disabled temporarily.
bool get setextHeadingDisabled => _setextHeadingDisabled;
bool _setextHeadingDisabled = false;
/// The [BlockSyntax] which is running now.
/// The value is `null` until we found the first matched [BlockSyntax].
BlockSyntax? get currentSyntax => _currentSyntax;
BlockSyntax? _currentSyntax;
/// The [BlockSyntax] which is running before the [currentSyntax].
BlockSyntax? get previousSyntax => _previousSyntax;
BlockSyntax? _previousSyntax;
List<Node> parseLines({
BlockSyntax? parentSyntax,
bool disabledSetextHeading = false,
}) {
_parentSyntax = parentSyntax;
_setextHeadingDisabled = disabledSetextHeading;
final blocks = <Node>[];
// If the `_pos` does not change before and after `parse()`, never try to
// parse the line at `_pos` with the same syntax again.
// For example the `TableSyntax` might not advance the `_pos` in `parse`
// method, beause of the header row does not match the delimiter row in the
// number of cells, which makes a table like structure not be recognized.
BlockSyntax? neverMatch;
var iterationsWithoutProgress = 0;
while (!isDone) {
final positionBefore = _pos;
for (final syntax in blockSyntaxes) {
if (neverMatch == syntax) {
if (syntax.canParse(this)) {
_previousSyntax = _currentSyntax;
_currentSyntax = syntax;
final block = syntax.parse(this);
if (block != null) {
neverMatch = _pos != positionBefore ? null : syntax;
if (block != null ||
syntax is EmptyBlockSyntax ||
syntax is LinkReferenceDefinitionSyntax) {
_start = _pos;
// Count the number of iterations without progress.
// This ensures that we don't have an infinite loop. And if we have an
// infinite loop, it's easier to gracefully recover from an error, than
// it is to discover an kill an isolate that's stuck in an infinite loop.
// Technically, it should be perfectly safe to remove this check
// But as it's possible to inject custom BlockSyntax implementations and
// combine existing ones, it is hard to promise that no combination can't
// trigger an infinite loop
if (positionBefore == _pos) {
if (iterationsWithoutProgress > 2) {
// If this happens we throw an error to avoid having the parser
// running in an infinite loop. An error is easier to handle.
// If you see this error in production please file a bug!
throw AssertionError('BlockParser.parseLines is not advancing');
} else {
iterationsWithoutProgress = 0;
return blocks;