blob: 2cec6923000925a4f35473e1cffe947b74c8043a [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:expected_output/expected_output.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'stats_lib.dart';
final _configs =
List<Config>.unmodifiable([Config.commonMarkConfig, Config.gfmConfig]);
Future main(List<String> args) async {
final parser = ArgParser()
help: 'Restrict tests to one section, provided after the option.')
defaultsTo: false, help: 'raw JSON format', negatable: false)
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Update stats files in $toolDir',
negatable: false)
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Print details for failures and errors.',
negatable: false)
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Print details for "loose" matches.',
negatable: false)
..addOption('flavor', allowed: => c.prefix))
..addFlag('help', defaultsTo: false, negatable: false);
ArgResults options;
try {
options = parser.parse(args);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
exitCode = 64; // unix standard improper usage
if (options['help'] as bool) {
var specifiedSection = options['section'] as String;
var raw = options['raw'] as bool;
var verbose = options['verbose'] as bool;
var verboseLooseMatch = options['verbose-loose'] as bool;
var updateFiles = options['update-files'] as bool;
if (updateFiles && (raw || verbose || (specifiedSection != null))) {
stderr.writeln('The `update-files` flag must be used by itself');
exitCode = 64; // unix standard improper usage
var testPrefix = options['flavor'] as String;
if (!updateFiles) {
testPrefix = _configs.first.prefix;
final testPrefixes =
testPrefix == null ? => c.prefix) : <String>[testPrefix];
for (var testPrefix in testPrefixes) {
await _processConfig(testPrefix, raw, updateFiles, verbose,
specifiedSection, verboseLooseMatch);
final _sectionNameReplace = RegExp('[ \\)\\(]+');
String _unitOutput(Iterable<DataCase> cases) => => '''
>>> ${dataCase.front_matter}
/// Set this to `true` and rerun `--update-files` to ease finding easy strict
/// fixes.
const _improveStrict = false;
Future<void> _processConfig(
String testPrefix,
bool raw,
bool updateFiles,
bool verbose,
String specifiedSection,
bool verboseLooseMatch,
) async {
final config = _configs.singleWhere((c) => c.prefix == testPrefix);
var sections = loadCommonMarkSections(testPrefix);
var scores = SplayTreeMap<String, SplayTreeMap<int, CompareLevel>>(
for (var entry in sections.entries) {
if (specifiedSection != null && entry.key != specifiedSection) {
final units = <DataCase>[];
for (var e in entry.value) {
final result = compareResult(config, e,
verboseFail: verbose, verboseLooseMatch: verboseLooseMatch);
front_matter: result.testCase.toString(),
input: result.testCase.markdown,
(_improveStrict && result.compareLevel == CompareLevel.loose)
? result.testCase.html
: result.result,
var nestedMap = scores.putIfAbsent(
entry.key, () => SplayTreeMap<int, CompareLevel>());
nestedMap[e.example] = result.compareLevel;
if (updateFiles && units.isNotEmpty) {
var fileName =
entry.key.toLowerCase().replaceAll(_sectionNameReplace, '_');
while (fileName.endsWith('_')) {
fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 1);
fileName = '$fileName.unit';
File(p.join('test', testPrefix, fileName))
..createSync(recursive: true)
if (raw || updateFiles) {
await _printRaw(testPrefix, scores, updateFiles);
if (!raw || updateFiles) {
await _printFriendly(testPrefix, scores, updateFiles);
Object _convert(obj) {
if (obj is CompareLevel) {
switch (obj) {
case CompareLevel.strict:
return 'strict';
case CompareLevel.error:
return 'error';
return 'fail';
case CompareLevel.loose:
return 'loose';
throw ArgumentError("`$obj` is unknown.");
if (obj is Map) {
var map = {};
obj.forEach((k, v) {
var newKey = k.toString();
map[newKey] = v;
return map;
return obj;
Future _printRaw(String testPrefix, Map scores, bool updateFiles) async {
IOSink sink;
if (updateFiles) {
var file = getStatsFile(testPrefix);
print('Updating ${file.path}');
sink = file.openWrite();
} else {
sink = stdout;
var encoder = const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ', _convert);
try {
} on JsonUnsupportedObjectError catch (e) {
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
String _pct(int value, int total, String section) =>
'${value.toString().padLeft(4)} '
'of ${total.toString().padLeft(4)} '
'– ${(100 * value / total).toStringAsFixed(1).padLeft(5)}% $section';
Future _printFriendly(
String testPrefix,
SplayTreeMap<String, SplayTreeMap<int, CompareLevel>> scores,
bool updateFiles) async {
var totalValid = 0;
var totalStrict = 0;
var totalExamples = 0;
IOSink sink;
if (updateFiles) {
var path = p.join(toolDir, '${testPrefix}_stats.txt');
print('Updating $path');
var file = File(path);
sink = file.openWrite();
} else {
sink = stdout;
scores.forEach((section, Map<int, CompareLevel> map) {
var total = map.values.length;
totalExamples += total;
var sectionStrictCount =
map.values.where((val) => val == CompareLevel.strict).length;
var sectionLooseCount =
map.values.where((val) => val == CompareLevel.loose).length;
var sectionValidCount = sectionStrictCount + sectionLooseCount;
totalStrict += sectionStrictCount;
totalValid += sectionValidCount;
sink.writeln(_pct(sectionValidCount, total, section));
sink.writeln(_pct(totalValid, totalExamples, 'TOTAL'));
sink.writeln(_pct(totalStrict, totalValid, 'TOTAL Strict'));
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();